Articles that are not prepared according to our spelling rules are returned at the pre-control stage.
The articles to be sent to the journal must be written using the following sample template created according to the journal writing rules.
Files that need to be uploaded to the system:
Full Text file
Cover page
Copyright Transfer Form
Ethics Committee permission document
Researcher Contribution Rate and Conflict Declaration Form
Similarity (plagiarism) report (20%)
In the Full-Text file, author information should not be included in the first submission. The title, abstract, author information and responsible author contact information should be included on the Cover Page.
If an ethics committee document is required for your article, the said document should be uploaded, and if an ethics committee document is not required, a document stating that the Ethics Committee Permission is Not Required should be prepared. Situations, where an Ethics Committee Document is required, are explained on the Ethical Principles and Publication Policy page.
Page Setup and Font Style
All works should have the following parts: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Chapter Titles, Conclusion and Bibliography.
Manuscripts should be typed in MS Word program, 12 point Times New Roman font, 1.5 line spacing, on an A4 size page (29.7x21 cm), with all margins of 2.5 cm.
Pages should not be numbered. Manuscripts should be a minimum of three thousand five hundred (3500) and a maximum of ten thousand (10.000) words, including abstract and bibliography. The parts to be emphasized in the text should be shown in quotation marks. Except for the bibliography, no italic notation is used anywhere in the full text.
The title should be compatible with the article, directly related to the content and express it in the best way, and should be a maximum of 12 words.
The title should be written at the top of the text, centred, all capital letters, 12 points, bolded and single line spacing.
Author Information
The name(s) of the author(s) without a title should be given 6 pt below the title, justified on the right side of the page, normal, surname(s) in capitals. The professional information of the author(s), in the order of title, institution, e-mail and ORCID number, separated by commas and dotted at the end, shown with an asterisk (*) to the right of the author(s) names, at the bottom of the page, in 10 font size, should be displayed as a regular monospaced page footer (not a footnote).
Mehmet Emin KURT*
* Instructor Member, Dicle University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Department of Health Management,, ORCID: 0000-0002-7181-8681.
Abstract, under the title, justified, bold, should express the content in the most appropriate way, consisting of a minimum of 100, a maximum of 200 words, with 10 font sizes, and single line spacing. The abstract should not contain citations, figures, and table numbers. The abstract should be placed on the first page.
Main Text
The main text should be written in 12 font size and 1.5 line spacing, justified. At the beginning of the paragraphs, there should be no spaces from the right. The spacing between paragraphs should be set as 6 pt.
Chapter Titles
Chapter titles are written in bold and numbered as 1., 2., 3.
1. Chapter Title or Main Title (First Letter Capitalized)
1.1. Sub-title (Sentence order, first letter uppercase, the rest lowercase)
1.1.1. Second-level subheading (Sentence order, first letter uppercase, rest lowercase) Third-level subheading (Sentence order, first letter uppercase, rest lowercase)
INTRODUCTION, CONCLUSION, and REFERENCES headings should not be numbered.
Tables, Figures and Visuals
Tables should be left-justified in the text and the content should be written in 10 pt.
Tables should numbered as (Table 1.) before their titles, in bold, 12 pt. The numbers and titles of the tables should be written in 12 points, normal and plain, the first letter of the first word is capitalized, and the rest should be written in sentence order. If the tables are citations, references should be shown just below the table, in 10 font size, and to the right of the (Source: ) title.
The left edge of the tables should be integrated with the text edge.
Table header example:
Table 1. Distribution of exports by country (September-December, million $)
If the table shifts to the following page, a title should be added at the beginning of that page, stating that it is the continuation of the following table. The same is true for graphics and shapes.
Figures are numbered like tables (Figure 1.) and graphics (Graphic 1. ) in bold, written in 12 points, and titles are 12 points, bold, plain, and the first letter of each word is capitalized.
Pictures, photographs and other kinds of images are given in colour, high resolution or scanned, just below the section or paragraph in the article.
Images are numbered and titled in the form of Tables and Figures (Picture / Visual / Photograph 1.).
Sources from which the pictures were taken, such as tables and figures, are shown below the pictures.
Quotations and Citations
Dicle University Journal of Social Sciences Institute prefers APA7 for in-text citations and end-of-text bibliography.
In-text citation display
1 author citation in the text (Solow, 1956, p. 15)
2-authors citation in the text (Snowdon & Vane, 2005, p. 170) The & sign should be used instead of the words and or and.
Citation to studies with 3 or more authors in the text (Lewis et al., 2010, p. 4).
If a group/legal person (such as associations, companies, government institutions and other working groups) is expressed as the author, the name information of this group should be given in a clear and understandable way in the reference in the text. The group name may be shortened in some cases. If the group name is long, the abbreviation is clear to everyone, or if there is an abbreviation for that name already known, both the explicit form and the abbreviation can be used in the first use, and only the abbreviation can be used in subsequent uses. If the group name is short or its abbreviation is not clear to everyone, a clear version of the name is written in all references.
In case of multiple references in the same parenthesis, the order should be alphabetical according to the surname of the first author and separated by semicolons.
If different works by the same author are to be given in the same parenthesis, the order of years from past to current is followed and the surname of the author is written once at the beginning of the citation.
If the author is known in electronic sources (Fisk, 2005), if the author is not known (“Turkey-european union relations”, 2022).
In periodicals, if the author is known (Nadi, 1942), if the author is not known, a few words from the title (“Economical Program”, 2022).
In archival documents, regardless of the document type (letter, microfilm, archival documents, interview, etc.), if there is a regular record, normal citation is given, if the author and year are known (Author, year). If the document does not have a regular record; If information such as author, and date is not certain, the citation in the text is shown as follows: ([Circular on appointments and appointments], t.t. 1912-1925). The information given in square brackets in the example belongs to the author of the article. Since there is no author or title information about the document, the author informs the reader and indicates with square brackets that this information belongs to him. If the document does not have a date, but you have a strong guess or knowledge, it is estimated dates t.t. you can abbreviate. This is also true for archive documents that are regularly recorded.
In-text direct citation (See our article template for sample illustrations)
Direct quotations of up to forty words:
The source is indicated with quotation marks, in the normal text and at the end, including the page number, the period mark is placed at the end of the sentence, after the parenthesis, not after the quotation marks. It is obligatory to give page numbers in direct quotations. For example, “Direct quotations of less than forty words according to Apa 7 are indicated in quotation marks and in normal text” (Apa 7th, p.285).
Direct quotations of forty or more words:
Direct block quotations of forty or more words are displayed with a separate paragraph beginning, with the entire quote starting 1 cm from the left, 0.5 cm from the right, and 1 point smaller than the standard text size, with a single line spacing. (Apa 7th, p.286). A dot is placed both at the end of the quotation and after the source is cited. Block quotes are not enclosed in quotation marks and are not italicized.
Reference Display
The sources used in the article are given on a new page and under the REFERENCES title. The bibliography should be written in 12 font size and 1.15 line spacing, justified. The second and subsequent rows should be within 1.25 cm as shown in the examples below. The spacing between paragraphs/bibliography should be determined as Before (0 pt) and After (6 pt). Every source cited in the text must be included in the bibliography, and every source in the bibliography must be cited in the text. The author's name and date information in the citations should be exactly the same as the author's name and date information in the bibliography. Numbering or bullet points are not used in the bibliography. In cases where the number of authors is twenty or fewer, all author names are included in the bibliography.
The title of the book should be given in italics and lowercase letters. The title of the book should have a dot at the beginning and end, and then the publisher should be given a plain and capital letter. The city or country of the publisher should not be given.
Mankiw, N. G. (2014). Principles of economics. Cengage Learning.
Snowdon, B., & Vane, H. R. (2005). Modern macroeconomics: its origins, development and current state. Edward Elgar Publishing.
In articles, the name of the article starts with lowercase letters in the sentence order, and the name of the journal starts with a capital letter every word is written in italics. Journal volume number should be italicized but number number should be plain in parentheses. Doi link should be added at the end, if any.
Baltagi, B. H., Egger, P., & Pfaffermayr, M. (2003). A generalized design for bilateral trade flow models. Economics Letters, 80(3), 391-397.
Bahmani-Oskooee, M. M., & Goswami, G. G. (2003). A disaggregated approach to test the j-curve phenomenon: japan versus her major trading partners. Journal of Economics and Finance, 27(1), 102-113.
Translation Book
While the bibliography of the works translated from a foreign language to Turkish is given, the author of the work in the original language is included in the author section, the translator information is in parentheses. abbreviation followed by the first letter of the translator's name and surname.
Gujarati, D. N., & Porter, D. C. (2018). Basic econometrics (Trans. Ü. Şenesen and G. G. Şenesen). Literature Publishing.
Book Section
When referring to the chapter of the book, the names of the author(s) of the relevant chapter are included, not the names of the editors. After the chapter title, the first letter of the editor's name(s) and the full surname are given after the word "In".
Meng, M., K. Im, J. Lee, & M. Tieslau. (2014). More powerful lm unit root tests with non-normal errors. In R. Sickles and W. Horrace (Eds.). The festschrift in honour of peter schmidt, (pp. 343–357). Springer Publishing Co.
Electronic Resources
If the author:
Fisk, R. (2005, May 26). Protesters beaten as Egypt votes on electoral reform. (Access Date)
If there is no author:
Türkiye-European Union Relations (2022, Nov 15). (Access Date)
Archive Documents
While the archive document is shown in the bibliography, all introductory information on the document is included. First of all, the abbreviation of the archive and the official full name of the archive in the first display, then the author or title and full date information, if any, the document number, volume, and shirt number should be given as they are on the document. Dates should be given separately in parentheses at the end, translated into the Gregorian calendar.
If the author:
Nadi, Y. (1942, 12 March). At the gates of India. Republic, p.1.
If there is no author:
The economic program contains important principles. (1930, 22 May). Time, p.1.
Toguc, N. (1988). Economic stability and reform policies in Turkey. (YÖK Thesis Center, MA). Brooklyn College.
Bolet, D. (2020). All politics is local: how local context explains radical right voting. (DART Europe e-theses portal, PhD). London School of Economics and Political Science.
For more detailed information about the referencing rules and/or not included here, refer to the following resources:
American Psychological Association (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).
Dicle University
Journal of Social Sciences Institute (DUSBED)