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Fine structure and immunohistochemical evaluation of endometrium in fertile and infertile women with implantation failure

Year 2012, , 269 - 275, 01.06.2012


Amaç: Endometrial reseptivite; endometrium epitelinin fonksiyonel başarısı olan geçici bir süreçtir. Bu çalışmada, fertil ve Tekrarlayan implantasyon başarısızlığı (TİB) olan bireylerin endometrium dokuları, Transmisyon Elektron Mikroskobuyla (TEM) ve E-cadherinle immünohistokimyasal açıdan değerlendirilmiştir. Amacımız, sadece fertil ve TİB olan kadınların endometrium dokularının karşılaştırılmasını yapmak değil aynı zamanda endometriumda implantasyon sürecinin hücresel çatısı ve mekaniğinin daha iyi anlaşılmasını sağlamaktır. Gereç ve yöntem: Araştırmamız için İn vitro fertilizasyon (İVF)/ Embriyo Transferi (ET) sonrası gebelik oluşmayan onyedi infertil ve on fertil kadın çalışmamıza dahil edilmiştir. Rutin ışık mikroskobu ve TEM teknikleriyle doku takibi sağlanmıştır. Bulgular: Fertil grubun endometrium yüzey epitelinde implantasyon belirteci pinopod oluşumuna yoğun olarak rastlanırken, infertil grupta yetersiz pinopod oluşumu ve belirgin silya ve mikrovillus varlığı dikkat çekmektedir. E-cadherin\'le yapılan immünohistokimya çalışmasında skorlanma yapılmıştır. Fertil grup epitelinde immünreaktivite çok belirsizken, infertil grupta daha belirgin bir boyanma olduğu gözlenmiştir. Sonuç: Son bulgular E-cadherin\'in reseptif dönemdeki endometrial epitele yapıştırıcı özellikler aktarıyor olması yanısıra, ikili fonksiyona sahip olması üzerinedir. İlk aşamalarda, hücre yüzeyinde yapışkanlık sağladığı, daha sonra epitel hücrelerde ayrılma yaptığı ve blastosistin invazyonunu etkinleştirmek için suprese olduğu düşünülmektedir. Bu çalışmada TİB grubunun aksine, fertil grup epitelinin, çok zayıf boyanması, blastosist implantasyonunu kolaylaştırması açısından önemlidir.


  • Susan JK. Molecular interactions at the maternal-embryonic interface during the early phase of implantation. Sem Re- prod Med 2000;18(3):237-43.
  • Attar E. Spermatogenezis, Fertilizasyon, Erken embriyo ge- lişimi ve İmplantasyon. Umur Çolgar. Reproduktif Endok- rinoloji ve İnfertilite, 1. baskı. İstanbul: İstanbul Medikal Yayıncılık, 2006:34-45.
  • Paria BC, Lim H, Wang XN, Liehr J, Das SK, Dey SK. Coor- dination of different effects of primary estrogen and catecho- lestrogen on two distinct targets mediates embryo implanta- tion in the mouse. Endocrinology 1998;139(12):5235-46.
  • Sunder S, Lenton E. Endocrinology of the Peri- Implantation Period. Clin Obstet Gynaecol 2000;14(5):789-800.
  • Murphy CR, Shaw TJ. Plasma membrane transformation: a common response of uterine epithelial cells during the peri- implantation period. Cell Biol Int 1994;18(12):1115-28.
  • Murphy CR. Junctional barrier complexes undergo major alterations during the plasma membrane transformation of uterine epithelial cells. Hum Reprod 2000;15(3):182-8.
  • Salmani MK, Nikzad H, Shiokawa S, Akimoto Y, Iwashita M. Secretory role for human uterodomes (pinopods): secre- tion of LIF. Mol Hum Reprod 2005;11(8):553–9.
  • Rashid NA, Lalitkumar S, Lalitkumar PG, Gemzell-Daniels- son K. Endometrial Receptivity and Human Embryo Im- plantation. Am J Reprod Immunol 2011;66(1):23–30.
  • Defrere S, Langendonck A, Moulin P, et al. Human endo- metrial epithelial cells (EEC) contitutively express more intercellular adhezion molecule (ICAM)-1 than endome- trial stromal cells (ESC) in culture. Am J Reprod Immunol 2005;54(1):5-12.
  • Nikas G, Develioglu OH, Toner JP, Jones HW. Endometrial pinopodes indicate a shift in the window of receptivity in IVF cycles. Hum Reprod 1999;14(3):787–92.
  • Tan BK, Vandekerckhove P, Kennedy R, Keay SD. Investi- gation and current management of recurrent IVF treatment failure in the UK. BJOG 2005;112(6):773–80.
  • Dey SK, Das SK, Reese J, Paria BC, Daikoku T, Wang H. Molecular cues to implantation. Endocr Rev 2004;25(3):341-73.
  • Lee CN, Chang SW, Cho NH, Cho SH. Nitrous oxide syn- thase expression in placenta of preeclampsia. J Korean Med Sci 1997;12(6):532-8.
  • Mutlu C, Koyutürk M, Karpuz V. Evaluation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) immunreactivity of fetal and maternal placenta. Cerrahpaşa J Med 2005;36(1):109-15.
  • İltemur DC, Şatıroğlu H, Berker B, Çetinkaya H, Kahra- man K. Yardımla üreme tekniklerinde implantasyon ve gebelik oranlarını etkileyen faktörler. T Klin J Gynel Obst 2003;13(4):466-75.
  • Akar M, Kurşun S, Taşkın Ö. Tekrarlayan İn vitro Ferti- lizasyon Başarısızlıklarında Yaklaşım. Türk Fertil Der 2004;12(3):217-24.
  • Bahar L, Baykal T. İmplantasyon Sürecinde Endometriyum. Mersin Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 2008;1(2):1-7.
  • Ledee-Bataille N, Lapree-Delage G, Taupin JL. Concentra- tion of leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF) in uterine flushing fluid is highly predictive of embryo implantation. Hum Re- prod 2002;17(1):213-8.
  • Bee K, Tan BK, Vandekerckhove P, Kennedy R, Keay SD. Investigation and current management of recurrent IVF treatment failure in the UK. Int J O & G 2005;112(6):773- 80.
  • El-Toukhy T. and Taranissi M. Towards better qual- ity research in recurrent implantation failure: standardiz- ing its definition is the first step. Reprod Biomed Online 2006;12(3):383-5.
  • Elder K, Dale B. Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis. In Vi- tro Fertilization, 2nd edn. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000:1-33.
  • Bahar L, Kahraman S, Baykal T. Comparatively Evaluation of Infertile (RIF) and Fertile Women Endometrial Biopsies at the Ultrastructural Level by TEM. In: Dubuisson JB, Gomel V. Reproductive Medicine and Surgery from the Pro- ceedings of the 15th World Congress on In Vitro Fertiliza- tion and 4th World Congress on In Vitro Maturation, 1st edn. Geneva, Monduzzi International Proceedings, 2009:171-3.
  • Nikas G. Pinopodes as markers of endometrial receptivity in clinical practice. Hum Reprod 1999;14(2):99-106.
  • Tinel H, Denker HW, Thie M. Calcium influx in human uterine epithelial RL95-2 cells triggers adhesiveness for trophoblast-like cells. Model studies on signalling events during embryo implantation. Mol Hum Reprod 2000;6(12):1119–30.
  • Thie M, Harrach-Ruprecht B, Sauer H, Fuchs P, Albers A, Denker HW. Cell adhesion to the apical pole of epithelium: a function of cell polarity. Eur J Cell Biol 1995;66(2):180–91.
  • Bloorl DJ, Metcalfe AD, Rutherford A. Brison DR. Kimber SJ. Expression of cell adhesion molecules during human preimplantation embryo development. Mol Hum Reprod 2002;8(3): 237-45.
  • Fujimoto J, Ichigo S, Hori M, Tamaya T. Alteration of E- cadherin, alpha- and beta-catenin mRNA expression in hu- man uterine endometrium during the menstrual cycle. Gy- necol Endocrinol 1996;10(1):187–91.
  • Dawood MY, Lau M, Khan-Dawood FS. E-cadherin and its Messenger ribonucleic acid in periimplantation phase human endometrium in normal and clomiphene-treated cycles. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1998;178(5):996–1001.
  • Poncelet C, Leblanc M, Walker-Combrouze F, et al. Expres- sion of cadherins and CD44 isoforms in human endome- trium and peritoneal endometriosis. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2002;81(3):195–203.
  • Gumbiner B, Stevenson B, Grimaldi A. The role of the cell adhesion molecule uvomorulin in the formation and main- tenance of the epithelial junctional complex. J Cell Biol 1988;107(4):1575–87.
  • Li Q, Wang J, Armant DR, Bagchi MK, Bagchi IC. Cal- citonin down-regulates E-cadherin expression in rodent uterine epithelium during implantation. J Biol Chem 2002;277(4):447–55.
  • Kumar S, Zhu LJ, Polihronis M, et al. Progesterone induces calcitonin gene expression in human endometrium within the putative window of implantation. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1998;83(12):4443–50.
  • Zhu LJ, Bove KC, Polihronis M. Calcitonin is a pro- gesterone regulated marker which forecasts the recep- tive state of endometrium during implantation. Endocr J 1998;139(9):3923–34.
  • Rahnama F, Thompson B, Steiner M, et al. Epigenetic regu- lation of e-cadherin controls endometrial receptivity. Endo- crinology 2009;150(3)1466–72.
  • Shih HC, Shiozawa T, Miyamoto T, et al. Immunohisto- chemical expression of e-cadherin and catenin in the nor- mal and malignant human endometrium: An inverse corre- lation between e-cadherin and nuclear -catenin expression. Anticancer Res 2004;24(8):3843-50.

Fine structure and immunohistochemical evaluation of endometrium in fertile and infertile women with implantation failure

Year 2012, , 269 - 275, 01.06.2012


Objectives: Being a temporary process, endometrial receptivity is the functional success of endometrial process. In this study, the fertile and recurrent implantation failure (RIF) of individuals with endometrial tissues is analyzed by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and immunohistochemistry using the E-cadherin. Our goal is not only to make a comparison of endometrial tissues in women with RIF and fertile but also to provide a better understanding of the process and mechanics of the cellular roof during the implantation of endometrium. Materials and methods: Our research consists of seventeen infertile women who are after In-Vitro fertilization (IVF) / embryo transfer (ET) not occur on pregnancy and ten fertile women were included. Tissue follow-up were performed using routine light microscopy and TEM techniques. Results: In fertile group, markers of endometrial implantation in the surface epithelium, which are pinopodes were found in heavily. In infertile group, there was prominent cilia formation, microvillus and the presence of inadequate pinopod. E-cadherin using immunohistochemistry study was scoring. When immune-reactivity was very pale in the epithelium of the fertile group, infertile groups showed a clear staining. Conclusion: Recent findings; E-cadherin transmits adhesive properties to receptive period of endometrial epithelium as well as, having dual functions. Firstly, the cell surface adhesion is provided, then the separation of epithelial cells and is thought to be suppressed to enable the invasion of the blastocyst. Unlike TIB group, weak staining of epithelium of the fertile group, is important to facilitate implantation of the blastocyst.


  • Susan JK. Molecular interactions at the maternal-embryonic interface during the early phase of implantation. Sem Re- prod Med 2000;18(3):237-43.
  • Attar E. Spermatogenezis, Fertilizasyon, Erken embriyo ge- lişimi ve İmplantasyon. Umur Çolgar. Reproduktif Endok- rinoloji ve İnfertilite, 1. baskı. İstanbul: İstanbul Medikal Yayıncılık, 2006:34-45.
  • Paria BC, Lim H, Wang XN, Liehr J, Das SK, Dey SK. Coor- dination of different effects of primary estrogen and catecho- lestrogen on two distinct targets mediates embryo implanta- tion in the mouse. Endocrinology 1998;139(12):5235-46.
  • Sunder S, Lenton E. Endocrinology of the Peri- Implantation Period. Clin Obstet Gynaecol 2000;14(5):789-800.
  • Murphy CR, Shaw TJ. Plasma membrane transformation: a common response of uterine epithelial cells during the peri- implantation period. Cell Biol Int 1994;18(12):1115-28.
  • Murphy CR. Junctional barrier complexes undergo major alterations during the plasma membrane transformation of uterine epithelial cells. Hum Reprod 2000;15(3):182-8.
  • Salmani MK, Nikzad H, Shiokawa S, Akimoto Y, Iwashita M. Secretory role for human uterodomes (pinopods): secre- tion of LIF. Mol Hum Reprod 2005;11(8):553–9.
  • Rashid NA, Lalitkumar S, Lalitkumar PG, Gemzell-Daniels- son K. Endometrial Receptivity and Human Embryo Im- plantation. Am J Reprod Immunol 2011;66(1):23–30.
  • Defrere S, Langendonck A, Moulin P, et al. Human endo- metrial epithelial cells (EEC) contitutively express more intercellular adhezion molecule (ICAM)-1 than endome- trial stromal cells (ESC) in culture. Am J Reprod Immunol 2005;54(1):5-12.
  • Nikas G, Develioglu OH, Toner JP, Jones HW. Endometrial pinopodes indicate a shift in the window of receptivity in IVF cycles. Hum Reprod 1999;14(3):787–92.
  • Tan BK, Vandekerckhove P, Kennedy R, Keay SD. Investi- gation and current management of recurrent IVF treatment failure in the UK. BJOG 2005;112(6):773–80.
  • Dey SK, Das SK, Reese J, Paria BC, Daikoku T, Wang H. Molecular cues to implantation. Endocr Rev 2004;25(3):341-73.
  • Lee CN, Chang SW, Cho NH, Cho SH. Nitrous oxide syn- thase expression in placenta of preeclampsia. J Korean Med Sci 1997;12(6):532-8.
  • Mutlu C, Koyutürk M, Karpuz V. Evaluation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) immunreactivity of fetal and maternal placenta. Cerrahpaşa J Med 2005;36(1):109-15.
  • İltemur DC, Şatıroğlu H, Berker B, Çetinkaya H, Kahra- man K. Yardımla üreme tekniklerinde implantasyon ve gebelik oranlarını etkileyen faktörler. T Klin J Gynel Obst 2003;13(4):466-75.
  • Akar M, Kurşun S, Taşkın Ö. Tekrarlayan İn vitro Ferti- lizasyon Başarısızlıklarında Yaklaşım. Türk Fertil Der 2004;12(3):217-24.
  • Bahar L, Baykal T. İmplantasyon Sürecinde Endometriyum. Mersin Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 2008;1(2):1-7.
  • Ledee-Bataille N, Lapree-Delage G, Taupin JL. Concentra- tion of leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF) in uterine flushing fluid is highly predictive of embryo implantation. Hum Re- prod 2002;17(1):213-8.
  • Bee K, Tan BK, Vandekerckhove P, Kennedy R, Keay SD. Investigation and current management of recurrent IVF treatment failure in the UK. Int J O & G 2005;112(6):773- 80.
  • El-Toukhy T. and Taranissi M. Towards better qual- ity research in recurrent implantation failure: standardiz- ing its definition is the first step. Reprod Biomed Online 2006;12(3):383-5.
  • Elder K, Dale B. Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis. In Vi- tro Fertilization, 2nd edn. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000:1-33.
  • Bahar L, Kahraman S, Baykal T. Comparatively Evaluation of Infertile (RIF) and Fertile Women Endometrial Biopsies at the Ultrastructural Level by TEM. In: Dubuisson JB, Gomel V. Reproductive Medicine and Surgery from the Pro- ceedings of the 15th World Congress on In Vitro Fertiliza- tion and 4th World Congress on In Vitro Maturation, 1st edn. Geneva, Monduzzi International Proceedings, 2009:171-3.
  • Nikas G. Pinopodes as markers of endometrial receptivity in clinical practice. Hum Reprod 1999;14(2):99-106.
  • Tinel H, Denker HW, Thie M. Calcium influx in human uterine epithelial RL95-2 cells triggers adhesiveness for trophoblast-like cells. Model studies on signalling events during embryo implantation. Mol Hum Reprod 2000;6(12):1119–30.
  • Thie M, Harrach-Ruprecht B, Sauer H, Fuchs P, Albers A, Denker HW. Cell adhesion to the apical pole of epithelium: a function of cell polarity. Eur J Cell Biol 1995;66(2):180–91.
  • Bloorl DJ, Metcalfe AD, Rutherford A. Brison DR. Kimber SJ. Expression of cell adhesion molecules during human preimplantation embryo development. Mol Hum Reprod 2002;8(3): 237-45.
  • Fujimoto J, Ichigo S, Hori M, Tamaya T. Alteration of E- cadherin, alpha- and beta-catenin mRNA expression in hu- man uterine endometrium during the menstrual cycle. Gy- necol Endocrinol 1996;10(1):187–91.
  • Dawood MY, Lau M, Khan-Dawood FS. E-cadherin and its Messenger ribonucleic acid in periimplantation phase human endometrium in normal and clomiphene-treated cycles. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1998;178(5):996–1001.
  • Poncelet C, Leblanc M, Walker-Combrouze F, et al. Expres- sion of cadherins and CD44 isoforms in human endome- trium and peritoneal endometriosis. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2002;81(3):195–203.
  • Gumbiner B, Stevenson B, Grimaldi A. The role of the cell adhesion molecule uvomorulin in the formation and main- tenance of the epithelial junctional complex. J Cell Biol 1988;107(4):1575–87.
  • Li Q, Wang J, Armant DR, Bagchi MK, Bagchi IC. Cal- citonin down-regulates E-cadherin expression in rodent uterine epithelium during implantation. J Biol Chem 2002;277(4):447–55.
  • Kumar S, Zhu LJ, Polihronis M, et al. Progesterone induces calcitonin gene expression in human endometrium within the putative window of implantation. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1998;83(12):4443–50.
  • Zhu LJ, Bove KC, Polihronis M. Calcitonin is a pro- gesterone regulated marker which forecasts the recep- tive state of endometrium during implantation. Endocr J 1998;139(9):3923–34.
  • Rahnama F, Thompson B, Steiner M, et al. Epigenetic regu- lation of e-cadherin controls endometrial receptivity. Endo- crinology 2009;150(3)1466–72.
  • Shih HC, Shiozawa T, Miyamoto T, et al. Immunohisto- chemical expression of e-cadherin and catenin in the nor- mal and malignant human endometrium: An inverse corre- lation between e-cadherin and nuclear -catenin expression. Anticancer Res 2004;24(8):3843-50.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Leyla Bahar This is me

Semra Kahraman This is me

Murat Akkuş This is me

Tülin Baykal This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2012
Submission Date March 2, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2012


APA Bahar, L., Kahraman, S., Akkuş, M., Baykal, T. (2012). Fine structure and immunohistochemical evaluation of endometrium in fertile and infertile women with implantation failure. Dicle Medical Journal, 39(2), 269-275.
AMA Bahar L, Kahraman S, Akkuş M, Baykal T. Fine structure and immunohistochemical evaluation of endometrium in fertile and infertile women with implantation failure. diclemedj. June 2012;39(2):269-275. doi:10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2012.02.0139
Chicago Bahar, Leyla, Semra Kahraman, Murat Akkuş, and Tülin Baykal. “Fine Structure and Immunohistochemical Evaluation of Endometrium in Fertile and Infertile Women With Implantation Failure”. Dicle Medical Journal 39, no. 2 (June 2012): 269-75.
EndNote Bahar L, Kahraman S, Akkuş M, Baykal T (June 1, 2012) Fine structure and immunohistochemical evaluation of endometrium in fertile and infertile women with implantation failure. Dicle Medical Journal 39 2 269–275.
IEEE L. Bahar, S. Kahraman, M. Akkuş, and T. Baykal, “Fine structure and immunohistochemical evaluation of endometrium in fertile and infertile women with implantation failure”, diclemedj, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 269–275, 2012, doi: 10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2012.02.0139.
ISNAD Bahar, Leyla et al. “Fine Structure and Immunohistochemical Evaluation of Endometrium in Fertile and Infertile Women With Implantation Failure”. Dicle Medical Journal 39/2 (June 2012), 269-275.
JAMA Bahar L, Kahraman S, Akkuş M, Baykal T. Fine structure and immunohistochemical evaluation of endometrium in fertile and infertile women with implantation failure. diclemedj. 2012;39:269–275.
MLA Bahar, Leyla et al. “Fine Structure and Immunohistochemical Evaluation of Endometrium in Fertile and Infertile Women With Implantation Failure”. Dicle Medical Journal, vol. 39, no. 2, 2012, pp. 269-75, doi:10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2012.02.0139.
Vancouver Bahar L, Kahraman S, Akkuş M, Baykal T. Fine structure and immunohistochemical evaluation of endometrium in fertile and infertile women with implantation failure. diclemedj. 2012;39(2):269-75.