Volume: 39 Issue: 2, 6/1/12

Year: 2012

Research Articles


2. Perkütan endoskopik gastrostomi uyguladığımız hastalarda uzun dönem sonuçlarımız


3. Cateheter ablation treatment of atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia


5. Çocuklarda radius alt uç kırığı sonuçlarının retrospektif değerlendirilmesi


6. Diabetik maküler ödemde subtenon triamsinolon ile kombine fokal lazer fotokoagülasyonun etkinliğinin değerlendirilmesi


8. Frequency of Helicobacter pylori in patients underwent endoscopy


9. Ötiroid multinodüler guatrlı olguların sitoloji ve histopatoloji sonuçları: Ultrasonografi özellikleri ile karşılaştırılması


11. Magnetic resonanse imaging findings of redundant nerve roots syndrome


13. Bleedings caused by warfarin overdose


15. Abdomen çok kesitli bilgisayarlı tomografi ile saptanan kolonun anatomik varyasyonları


16. The results of transrectal prostate biopsy in patients with low levels of prostate specific antigen


18. Visual acuity and intraocular pressure values in patients with phacomorphic glaucoma following phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation


19. Traumatic injuries of the diaphragm


20. Analysis of 36 patients underwent cochlear implantation surgery


22. Our experiences on the replantations of zone 2 level in children

Case Reports


1. Nadir bir vaka: Vezikouterin fistül


2. Leiomyoma of the breast: A Case report


3. Petrous apex cholesteatoma: A case report


4. Laurence Moon Bardet Biedel syndrome: A case report


7. Anesthesia management for pregnant patient with Arnold-Chiari malformation type I: A case report


8. Dyadic death due to family custom in marriage



1. Insulin hormone: Mechanism and effects on the body and relationship with central nervous system


2. Reliability and validity in medical research


3. Serious complications of epidural anesthesia