Nâvekiye Turkmans, who entered Syria and Palestine before the victory of Manzikert, did important things with their leader Kurlu, and after his death, Atsiz Bey. They established a state there. The conquest of Remle was followed by the conquest of Jerusalem, Atsiz and his soldiers established a complete peace in the city, continued trade as they increased the welfare of the city, and made the Sunni education redominate the city. Scholars such as Ghazali, Turtushi and Abu Bakr Ibn al-Arabi who came here gave lectures in Jerusalem, and branches of the Nizamiye madrasas began to illuminate the holy city. After the failure of Atsiz’s Egypt expedition, the Fatimid domination started again with a revolt in the city, but this did not last long and Atsiz knew how to dominate Jerusalem once again. The people, satisfied with the Seljuk domination, were also happy with the new situation and continued their lives. Although Atsiz was destroyed by Tutush in 1079, the Seljuk presence in Jerusalem continued in the same order and prosperity until the Crusaders came to the region. Afterwards, Fatimid domination in 1098 was followed by the occupation of the crusaders in 1099, Jerusalem took a different form with new massacres and had to continue on its way with pain