Research Article
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Year 2013, Issue: 161, 72 - 84, 01.09.2013


Semantics, the study of the meaning of words, is the sum of the basic elements offour skills, namely, reading, writing, speaking and listening effectively. The knowledge of vocabulary words in lexico-semantics, on the other hand, is essentialin every grade level, subject area and assessment for every student. In order toimprove students’ efficiency in the realm of learning and utilizing them in appropriate instances, we must give them means to decode unfamiliar words throughsuch elements called “affixes” and “roots”. Based on theories of Constructivismand Bloom's Taxonomy, and in the context of teaching all components of a languageand arts curriculum, teaching such common roots and affixes is an effective strategy that would secure them a rich vocabulary. This article will call attention to analternative dimension to traditional vocabulary teaching based on giving definitions of words or eliciting or deducing meaning from context. According to thismethodology, first an awareness is given to students that the English words areessentially borrowings from other languages mostly with Latin or Greek origins(roots) formed by additions to them by parts (affixes) attached to their front andend. So by guessing the meaning of unknown words by such elements, learners areassumed to grasp the idea of the whole word. This article will serve as an


  • Bloom, B. (1956). Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Boston: Allyn and Bacon
  • Buddingh, Melissa (2005). The effects of teaching roots and affixes on the vocabulary development of underperforming students, BA, University of California, Davis, CA
  • Callella, Trisha (2007). The Learning Works: More Prefixes and Suffixes, Grades 4-8: Teaching Vocabulary to Improve Reading Comprehension, Creative Teaching Press
  • Cummins, J. (2002). Making a difference in the lives of bilingual-bicultural learners.
  • Ebbers, Susan M. (2004). Vocabulary Through Morphemes: Suffixes, Prefixes, And Roots For Intermediate Grades, CD, Book, & Reproducibles
  • Goeke, Jennifer L. (2008). Explicit Instruction: A Framework for Meaningful Direct Teaching, page 11.
  • Hubbard, L. Ron (1972). Learning How to Learn, p. 101; Basic Study Manual Journal, 16(1), 33-42.75
  • Onish, Liane (2010). Vocabulary Packets: Prefixes & Suffixes: Ready-to-Go Learning Packets That Teach 50 Key Prefixes and Suffixes and Help Students Unlock the Meaning of Dozens and Dozens of Must-Know Vocabulary Words.
  • Prestwick House (2012). Vocabulary from Latin and Greek Roots, Prestwick House Clayton, DE
  • Rasinski, Timothy, Nancy Padak, Dr. Rick M. Newton, Evangeline Newton (2008). Greek & Latin Roots: Keys to Building Vocabulary, Corinne Burton
  • Rippel, Marie (2012). All About Spelling and All About Reading, Eeagle River, WI
  • Short, D., & Echevarria, J. (2005). Teacher skills to support English Language
  • Turner, H., & Williams, R. L. (2007). Vocabulary development and perfomance of mul- tiple-choice exams in large entry-level courses. Journal of College Reading and Learning, 37(2), 64-81
  • Vance, Timothy (1991). Instant Vocabulary through Prefixes and Suffixes, Power Japanese
  • Wallace, C. (2008). Vocabulary: The key to teaching English language learners to
  • Wulff, Henrik, MD (2004). The language of medicine, JRSM Med. 2004 April, 97(4). 187- 188


Year 2013, Issue: 161, 72 - 84, 01.09.2013


Anlambilim (Semantik) alanı, sözcüklerin anlamlarını inceleyen bir bilimdir. Dilöğretimindeki dört temel unsurlardan olan “okuma”, “yazma”, “dinleme”,“konuşma” becerilerinin geliştirilmesinde anlambilim verilerinden öncelikleyararlanılır. Anlambilim’in “sözcük yapısı” alt bölümünde her öğrencinin kazanması gereken “sözcükleri tanıma” ve “kullanma” beceri düzeyine ilişkin değerlendirmede ulaşılmış olan sözcük bilgisi düzeyi en büyük önemi taşır. Bu yüzdenöğrencilerin yeni sözcükler ediniminde, söz konusu sözcüklerin yapılarını oluşturan“ekler” ve “kökleri” tanıması fevkalade başarılı ve etkin bir yöntemdir.“Yapısalcılık ve Bloom’un “Taksonomi” kuramları esas alınarak ve dil öğretimimüfredatı kapsamında öğrencilerin hedef dildeki en yaygın sözcüklerin köklerini,bunların eklerle oluşan türevlerini yani sözcük kökleri ve yapı eklerini öğrenmeleri,temel sözcük dağarcıklarını geliştirmede uygulanacak en etkili bir strateji olacaktır. Bu yaklaşım geleneksel olarak öğrencilerin metin okuyarak bilinmeyen sözcüklerin anlamlarını “bağlamdan çıkarım” yöntemiyle tahmin etmelerine bir alternatifgetirmektedir. İngilizce öğrencileri, ek ve kökleri öğrenmek suretiyle sözcüklerianaliz ederek, önce bunların yapısal bir köke sahip oldukları ve bu köklerinbaşlarına ve sonlarına konulan eklerle yeni anlamlı sözcükler oluşturulduğu bilinci kazandırılmaktadır. Daha once tanımadığı sözcüklerin anlamlarını bu kodlarladeşifre ederek çözebilen öğrenci yeni sözcüğü bilinçli bir şekilde kavrayabilmektedir. Okuyacağınız yazıda, anlambilim ve kökenbilim alanlarının bu konudaki verileri birleştirilerek İngilizce öğrenen ve öğretenlere sözcük dağarcığı edinimindepratik bir yaklaşım sunulmaktadır


  • Bloom, B. (1956). Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Boston: Allyn and Bacon
  • Buddingh, Melissa (2005). The effects of teaching roots and affixes on the vocabulary development of underperforming students, BA, University of California, Davis, CA
  • Callella, Trisha (2007). The Learning Works: More Prefixes and Suffixes, Grades 4-8: Teaching Vocabulary to Improve Reading Comprehension, Creative Teaching Press
  • Cummins, J. (2002). Making a difference in the lives of bilingual-bicultural learners.
  • Ebbers, Susan M. (2004). Vocabulary Through Morphemes: Suffixes, Prefixes, And Roots For Intermediate Grades, CD, Book, & Reproducibles
  • Goeke, Jennifer L. (2008). Explicit Instruction: A Framework for Meaningful Direct Teaching, page 11.
  • Hubbard, L. Ron (1972). Learning How to Learn, p. 101; Basic Study Manual Journal, 16(1), 33-42.75
  • Onish, Liane (2010). Vocabulary Packets: Prefixes & Suffixes: Ready-to-Go Learning Packets That Teach 50 Key Prefixes and Suffixes and Help Students Unlock the Meaning of Dozens and Dozens of Must-Know Vocabulary Words.
  • Prestwick House (2012). Vocabulary from Latin and Greek Roots, Prestwick House Clayton, DE
  • Rasinski, Timothy, Nancy Padak, Dr. Rick M. Newton, Evangeline Newton (2008). Greek & Latin Roots: Keys to Building Vocabulary, Corinne Burton
  • Rippel, Marie (2012). All About Spelling and All About Reading, Eeagle River, WI
  • Short, D., & Echevarria, J. (2005). Teacher skills to support English Language
  • Turner, H., & Williams, R. L. (2007). Vocabulary development and perfomance of mul- tiple-choice exams in large entry-level courses. Journal of College Reading and Learning, 37(2), 64-81
  • Vance, Timothy (1991). Instant Vocabulary through Prefixes and Suffixes, Power Japanese
  • Wallace, C. (2008). Vocabulary: The key to teaching English language learners to
  • Wulff, Henrik, MD (2004). The language of medicine, JRSM Med. 2004 April, 97(4). 187- 188
There are 16 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Linguistics
Journal Section Research Article

Metin Yurtbaşı This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2013
Submission Date January 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Issue: 161
