Review Article
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Year 2024, , 375 - 387, 02.07.2024


Kısaca Endüstri 4.0 olarak adlandırılan Dördüncü Endüstri Devrimi, imalat ve üretim ortamlarında üretkenlik ve verimliliğin arttırılması için tam otomasyon ve insansız akıllı fabrikalarla karakterize edilen teknoloji temelli bir paradigmadır. Son on yıllık geçmişinde ekonomik hedeflerinde başarı göstermiş olmasına karşın Endüstri 4.0’ın sosyal ve çevresel sürdürülebilirlik üzerindeki olumsuz etkileri uzun bir süredir tartışılmaktadır. Özellikle insan işgücünün ve potansiyelinin üretim ortamlarından dışlanması üzerinde yoğunlaşan tartışmalar sonucunda, Avrupa Komisyonu, ileri teknolojinin tüm nimetlerinden insan için ve insanla birlikte yararlanma vizyonu ile yeni bir yaklaşımı Endüstri 5.0 kodu ile 2021 yılında ilan etmiştir. Gelecek için insan odaklı, dirençli ve sürdürülebilir bir Avrupa endüstrisine işaret eden bu yeni paradigma yeni teknolojilerin geliştirilmesinde, tasarımında ve uyarlanmasında ekonomik kaygılardan ziyade çalışanların ve toplum ihtiyaçlarının ve refahının ön plana alınmasını önermektedir. Bu çalışmada, Endüstri 5.0 yaklaşımının tedarik zinciri yönetimine uyarlanması insan odaklılık temelinde incelenmekte ve başarılı bir uygulama için stratejik ve teknolojik gereksinimlere ilişkin bir çerçeve sunulmaktadır.


  • Adel, A. (2022). Future of industry 5.0 in society: Human‑centric solutions, challenges and prospective research areas. Journal of Cloud Computing, Open access, Volume 11, 40.
  • Alves, J., Lima, T.M. ve Gaspar, P.D. (2023). Is Industry 5.0, a human-centred approach? A systematic review. Processes, 11, 193.
  • Bettoni, A., Montini, E., Righi, M., Villani, V., Tsvetanov, R., Borgia, S. ve Carpanzano, E. (2020). Mutualistic and adaptive human-machine collaboration based on machine learning in an injection moulding manufacturing line. Procedia CIRP 93:395–400
  • Demir, K.A., Döven, G. ve Sezen, B. (2019). Industry 5.0 and human-robot co- working. Procedia Computer Science 158(2019), 688–695
  • DHL Trend Research (2020). The Logistics Trend Radar, 6th edition, open acces at
  • Breque, M., De Nul, L. ve Petridis, A. (2021). Industry 5.0: Towards more sustainable, resilient and human-centric industry. Europen Commission (EC), Directorate-General for Research and Innovation. Publications Office.
  • Fraga-Lamas, P., Varela-Barbeito, J. ve Fernández-Caramés, T.M. (2021). Next generation auto identification and traceability technologies for Industry 5.0: a methodology and practical use case for the shipbuilding industry. IEEE Access 9:140700–140730
  • Frederico, G.F. (2021). From supply chain 4.0 to supply chain 5.0: Findings from a systematic literature review and research directions. Logistics, 5, 49.
  • Ghobakhloo, M., Iranmanesh, M., Mubarak, M.F., Mubarik, M., Rejeb, A. ve Nilashi, M. (2022). Identifying industry 5.0 contributions to sustainable development: A strategy roadmap for delivering sustainability values. Sustainable Production and Consumption 33(2022), 716–737
  • Golovianko, M., Terziyan, V., Branytskyi, V. ve Malyk, D. (2023). Industry 4.0 vs. Industry 5.0: co-existence, transition, or a hybrid. Procedia Computer Science 217:102–113
  • Ivanov, D. (2023). The Industry 5.0 framework: viability-based integration of the resilience, sustainability, and human-centricity perspectives, International Journal of Production Research, 61:5, 1683-1695
  • Jafari, N., Azarian, M. ve Yu, H. (2022). Moving from Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0: What are the implications for smart logistics? Logistics, 6(2022), 26.
  • Javaid, M. ve Haleem, A. (2020). Critical components of Industry 5.0 towards a successful adoption in the field of manufacturing. Journal of Industrial Integration and Management 5(03):327–348
  • Kumar, R., Gupta, P., Singh, S. ve Jain, D. (2021). Human empowerment by Industry
  • 5.0 in digital era: Analysis of enablers. In advances in industrial and production engineering, Springer: Singapore, 2021; pp 401-410.
  • Leng, J., Sha, W., Wang, B., Zheng, P., Zhuang, C. ve Liu, Q. (2022). Industry 5.0: Prospect and retrospect. Journal of Manufacturing Systems 65, 279– 295
  • Lu, Y., Zheng, H., Chand, S., Xia, W., Liu, Z., Xu, X. ve Bao, J. (2022). Outlook on human-centric manufacturing towards Industry 5.0. Journal of Manufacturing Systems 62, 612–627
  • Martinelli, E.M. ve Tunisini, A. (2019). Customer integration into supply chains: literature review and research propositions. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 34/1 (2019), 24–38
  • Maddikunta, P.K.R., Pham, Q., Prabadevi, B., Deepa, N., Dev, K., Gadekallu, T.R., Ruby, R. ve Liyanage, M. (2022). Industry 5.0: A survey on enabling technologies and potential applications. Journal of Industrial Information Integration 26 (2022), 100257
  • Minculete, G., Barsan, G. ve Olar, P. (2021). Conceptual approaches of Industry 5.0. correlative elements with supply chain management 5.0. Review of International Comparative Management, 22, Issue 5
  • Moosavi, J., Fathollahi-Fard, A.M. ve Dulebenets, M.A. (2022). Supply chain disruption during the COVID-19 pandemic: Recognizing potential disruption management strategies. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 75(2022), 102983
  • Müller, J. (2020). Enabling Technologies for Industry 5.0: results of a workshop with Europe’s technology leaders, European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation. Publications Office.
  • Nahavandi, S. (2019). Industry 5.0—A Human-centric solution. Sustainability, 11, 4371
  • Nara, E.O.B., Costa, M.B., Baierle, I.C., Schaefer, J.L., vd. (2021). Expected impact of industry 4.0 technologies on sustainable development: A study in the context of Brazil’s plastic industry. Sustainable Production and Consumption 25(2021), 102–122
  • Østergaard, E. H. (2018). Welcome to industry 5.0. Retrieved February, 5, 2020,
  • Paschek, D., Mocan, A., ve Draghici, A. (2019, Mayıs). Industry 5.0—The expected impact of next industrial revolution. In Thriving on future education, industry, business, and Society, Proceedings of the MakeLearn and TIIM International Conference, Piran, Slovenia (pp. 15-17).
  • Potocan, V., Mulej, M. ve Nedelko, Z. (2020). Society 5.0: balancing of Industry 4.0, economic advancement and social problems. Kybernetes, 50, No. 3, pp. 794-811
  • Santhi, A.R. ve Muthuswamy, P. (2023). Industry 5.0 or industry 4.0S? Introduction to industry 4.0 and a peek into the prospective industry 5.0 technologies. Int. Journal of Interactive Design and Manufacturing (2023) 17:947–979
  • Sharma, V., Raut, R.D., Keshteli, M.H., Narkhede, B.E., Gokhale, R. ve Priyadarshinee, P. (2022). Mediating effect of industry 4.0 technologies on the supply chain management practices and supply chain performance. Journal of Environmental Management 322(2022), 115945
  • Stevens, G.C. ve Johnson, M. (2016). Integrating the supply chain . 25 years on. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol. 46, No. 1, pp. 19-42.
  • Villar, A., Paladini, S. ve Buckley, O. (2023). Towards supply chain 5.0: Redesigning supply chains as resilient, sustainable, and human‑centric systems in a post‑pandemic world. Operations Research Forum 4, 60
  • Xu, X., Lu, Y., Heuser, B.G. ve Wang, L. (2021). Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0— Inception, conception and perception. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 61, 530–535
  • Zengin, A.Y. (2023). Going green – Industry 5.0: Supply chain and demanding customer. Internatıonal Journal of Economics And Political Sciences, 7(17), 21-30.
  • Zizic, M.C., Mladineo, M., Gjeldum, N. ve Celent, L. (2022). From Industry 4.0 towards Industry 5.0: A review and analysis of paradigm shift for the people, organization and technology. Energies 2022, 15, 5221.


Year 2024, , 375 - 387, 02.07.2024


The Fourth Industrial Revolution, shortly called Industry 4.0, is a technology-based paradigm characterized by fully automated and unmanned smart factories to increase productivity and efficiency in manufacturing and production environments. Although Industry 4.0 has been successful in its economic goals in the last decade, its negative effects on social and environmental sustainability have been discussed for a long time. As a result of the discussions focusing especially on the exclusion of human workforce and potential from production environments, the European Commission announced a novel approach in 2021 called Industry 5.0, with the vision of benefiting from all advanced technology for, and with humans. This new paradigm, which points out a human-centric, resilient, and sustainable European industry for the future, suggests prioritizing the needs and well-being of employees and society rather than economic concerns in the development, design, and adaptation of innovative technologies. In this study, the adaptation of the Industry 5.0 approach to supply chain management is examined on the basis of human centricity, and a framework for strategic and technological requirements is presented for a successful implementation.


  • Adel, A. (2022). Future of industry 5.0 in society: Human‑centric solutions, challenges and prospective research areas. Journal of Cloud Computing, Open access, Volume 11, 40.
  • Alves, J., Lima, T.M. ve Gaspar, P.D. (2023). Is Industry 5.0, a human-centred approach? A systematic review. Processes, 11, 193.
  • Bettoni, A., Montini, E., Righi, M., Villani, V., Tsvetanov, R., Borgia, S. ve Carpanzano, E. (2020). Mutualistic and adaptive human-machine collaboration based on machine learning in an injection moulding manufacturing line. Procedia CIRP 93:395–400
  • Demir, K.A., Döven, G. ve Sezen, B. (2019). Industry 5.0 and human-robot co- working. Procedia Computer Science 158(2019), 688–695
  • DHL Trend Research (2020). The Logistics Trend Radar, 6th edition, open acces at
  • Breque, M., De Nul, L. ve Petridis, A. (2021). Industry 5.0: Towards more sustainable, resilient and human-centric industry. Europen Commission (EC), Directorate-General for Research and Innovation. Publications Office.
  • Fraga-Lamas, P., Varela-Barbeito, J. ve Fernández-Caramés, T.M. (2021). Next generation auto identification and traceability technologies for Industry 5.0: a methodology and practical use case for the shipbuilding industry. IEEE Access 9:140700–140730
  • Frederico, G.F. (2021). From supply chain 4.0 to supply chain 5.0: Findings from a systematic literature review and research directions. Logistics, 5, 49.
  • Ghobakhloo, M., Iranmanesh, M., Mubarak, M.F., Mubarik, M., Rejeb, A. ve Nilashi, M. (2022). Identifying industry 5.0 contributions to sustainable development: A strategy roadmap for delivering sustainability values. Sustainable Production and Consumption 33(2022), 716–737
  • Golovianko, M., Terziyan, V., Branytskyi, V. ve Malyk, D. (2023). Industry 4.0 vs. Industry 5.0: co-existence, transition, or a hybrid. Procedia Computer Science 217:102–113
  • Ivanov, D. (2023). The Industry 5.0 framework: viability-based integration of the resilience, sustainability, and human-centricity perspectives, International Journal of Production Research, 61:5, 1683-1695
  • Jafari, N., Azarian, M. ve Yu, H. (2022). Moving from Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0: What are the implications for smart logistics? Logistics, 6(2022), 26.
  • Javaid, M. ve Haleem, A. (2020). Critical components of Industry 5.0 towards a successful adoption in the field of manufacturing. Journal of Industrial Integration and Management 5(03):327–348
  • Kumar, R., Gupta, P., Singh, S. ve Jain, D. (2021). Human empowerment by Industry
  • 5.0 in digital era: Analysis of enablers. In advances in industrial and production engineering, Springer: Singapore, 2021; pp 401-410.
  • Leng, J., Sha, W., Wang, B., Zheng, P., Zhuang, C. ve Liu, Q. (2022). Industry 5.0: Prospect and retrospect. Journal of Manufacturing Systems 65, 279– 295
  • Lu, Y., Zheng, H., Chand, S., Xia, W., Liu, Z., Xu, X. ve Bao, J. (2022). Outlook on human-centric manufacturing towards Industry 5.0. Journal of Manufacturing Systems 62, 612–627
  • Martinelli, E.M. ve Tunisini, A. (2019). Customer integration into supply chains: literature review and research propositions. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 34/1 (2019), 24–38
  • Maddikunta, P.K.R., Pham, Q., Prabadevi, B., Deepa, N., Dev, K., Gadekallu, T.R., Ruby, R. ve Liyanage, M. (2022). Industry 5.0: A survey on enabling technologies and potential applications. Journal of Industrial Information Integration 26 (2022), 100257
  • Minculete, G., Barsan, G. ve Olar, P. (2021). Conceptual approaches of Industry 5.0. correlative elements with supply chain management 5.0. Review of International Comparative Management, 22, Issue 5
  • Moosavi, J., Fathollahi-Fard, A.M. ve Dulebenets, M.A. (2022). Supply chain disruption during the COVID-19 pandemic: Recognizing potential disruption management strategies. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 75(2022), 102983
  • Müller, J. (2020). Enabling Technologies for Industry 5.0: results of a workshop with Europe’s technology leaders, European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation. Publications Office.
  • Nahavandi, S. (2019). Industry 5.0—A Human-centric solution. Sustainability, 11, 4371
  • Nara, E.O.B., Costa, M.B., Baierle, I.C., Schaefer, J.L., vd. (2021). Expected impact of industry 4.0 technologies on sustainable development: A study in the context of Brazil’s plastic industry. Sustainable Production and Consumption 25(2021), 102–122
  • Østergaard, E. H. (2018). Welcome to industry 5.0. Retrieved February, 5, 2020,
  • Paschek, D., Mocan, A., ve Draghici, A. (2019, Mayıs). Industry 5.0—The expected impact of next industrial revolution. In Thriving on future education, industry, business, and Society, Proceedings of the MakeLearn and TIIM International Conference, Piran, Slovenia (pp. 15-17).
  • Potocan, V., Mulej, M. ve Nedelko, Z. (2020). Society 5.0: balancing of Industry 4.0, economic advancement and social problems. Kybernetes, 50, No. 3, pp. 794-811
  • Santhi, A.R. ve Muthuswamy, P. (2023). Industry 5.0 or industry 4.0S? Introduction to industry 4.0 and a peek into the prospective industry 5.0 technologies. Int. Journal of Interactive Design and Manufacturing (2023) 17:947–979
  • Sharma, V., Raut, R.D., Keshteli, M.H., Narkhede, B.E., Gokhale, R. ve Priyadarshinee, P. (2022). Mediating effect of industry 4.0 technologies on the supply chain management practices and supply chain performance. Journal of Environmental Management 322(2022), 115945
  • Stevens, G.C. ve Johnson, M. (2016). Integrating the supply chain . 25 years on. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol. 46, No. 1, pp. 19-42.
  • Villar, A., Paladini, S. ve Buckley, O. (2023). Towards supply chain 5.0: Redesigning supply chains as resilient, sustainable, and human‑centric systems in a post‑pandemic world. Operations Research Forum 4, 60
  • Xu, X., Lu, Y., Heuser, B.G. ve Wang, L. (2021). Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0— Inception, conception and perception. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 61, 530–535
  • Zengin, A.Y. (2023). Going green – Industry 5.0: Supply chain and demanding customer. Internatıonal Journal of Economics And Political Sciences, 7(17), 21-30.
  • Zizic, M.C., Mladineo, M., Gjeldum, N. ve Celent, L. (2022). From Industry 4.0 towards Industry 5.0: A review and analysis of paradigm shift for the people, organization and technology. Energies 2022, 15, 5221.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Business Systems in Context (Other)
Journal Section Research Article

Seyhan Teoman 0000-0002-5612-3822

Publication Date July 2, 2024
Submission Date October 6, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2024
