Yıl 2000,
Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2, 20 - 38, 01.07.2000
Nilüfer Gözaçan
Reza Zıaratı
Bu makale, Türkiye’de yüksek öğrenim kuramlarında kalite olgusunun yerleştirilmesi ve sürekli geliştirilmesinde kullanılmak üzere bir kalite kriterleri tetkik ve değerlendirme listesi sunmaktadır. Bu listenin kurum amaçlarına ulaşmada, gerek insan ve gerekse de diğer kaynakların kullanımını belirleyen yönetim stratejilerine temel teşkil etmesi beklenmektedir
- IMD World Competitiveness Report, (1997).
- TUSIAD Raporu (1994), Türkiye’de ve Dünyada Yükseköğretim, Bilim ve
- ÖZTÜRK, H. (1993), Eğitim Sosyolojisi, Hatiboğlu, Ankara, Turkey.
- YÖK Raporu (1998) - Türk Yüksek Öğretiminin Bugünkü Durumu.
- The Feasibility of Establishing a System of Quality Assessment in Universities
in Turkey, (1998), HEFC Pilot Programme, Ankara.
- Graduate Standards Programme, Interim Report (1995) - Executive Summary,
HEQC ISBN 1 858824 256 8.
- GÖZAÇAN BORAHAN, N. and ZIARATI, R. (1999), Developing A Quality
System Based on ISO 9000 Requirements, Internal Report, Doğuş University,
İstanbul, Turkey.
- BUSH, T. (1986), Managing Education: Theory and Practice, Open University
- HANNAGAN, T. (1985), Management Concepts and Practice, Pitman
Publishing, ISBN 0-273-60773-1.
- PASCALE, R. and GIAJO, L., MILLEMANN, M. (1997), "Changing The Way
We Change", Harvard Business Review, v75, n6, p.126 (14).
- SCHWAHN, C. and WILLIAM SPADY, "Why Change Doesn’t Happen and
How To Make Sure It Does", Educational Leadership, April 1998, v55, n7, p45.
- Review article (1999), "Effective School Leadership", Times Educational
Supplement, March 19, 1999 pB15 (1).
- HARRISON, R. (1972), When power conflicts trigger team spirit, European
Business, Spring.
- JUECHTER, W. M. and FISHER, ALFORD, C., R. J. (1998), "Five Conditions
For High-performance Cultures", Training & Development, v52, n5, p63 (5).
- GORE, CHRIS and STEVEN, V., BAILEY, M. (1998), "Analysis of the Effect
of External Change on the Management of Business Schools Within the Higher
Education Sector", Total Quality Management, Abingdon.
- CHAMPY, J. (1995), Reengineering Management: The Mandate for New
Leadership, London, Harper Collins.
- HAMMER, M. & CHAMPEY, J. (1993), Reengineering the Corporation: A
Manifesto for Business Revolution, London, Nicholas Brealey Publishing.
- HARRINGTON, H. J. (1991), Business Process Improvement, New York,
- KIRKPATRICK How to Manage Change Effectively.
- BARTOL, K.M., MARTIN, D.C. (1994), Management McGraw Hill, 2nd
Edition (International Edition) ISBN 0-07-005078-3.
- ORAM, M. & WELLINS, R.S. (1995), Reengineering’s Missing Ingredient: The
Human Factor, London, IPD.
- DAWSON, P. (1994), Organizational Change. A Processual Approach, London,
Paul Chapman.
- PREECE, D. (1989), Managing the Adoption of New Technology, London,
- CHILD, J. (1984), Organisation, London, Harper and Row.
coaching: Empowering teachers while accomplishing management goals",
Government Union Review, Reston.
- NYHAM, B. (1991), Developing People’s Ability to Learn, task force, Human
Resources, Education Training Youth, Ewartecnet, European Union ISBN 90
- ZIARATI, R. (1995), "Learning Organisation", Keynote Paper, European Action
Programme for Education and Training, LEONARDO CONFERENCE,
Birmingham, UK.
- ZIARATI, R. (1996), "An Overview of Current Education Development and
their Influence on Education and Training", Keynote Presentation, BTEC
Conference, London, UK. [A section of the Paper on Quality Assurance and
External Examination was forwarded by DFEE to selected universities and
Government agencies for comments].
- ZIARATI, R., SALT, J. (1992), "Developing a System for External
Activities - A a Competitive Edge", PICKUP National Conference for Higher
Education, Nottingham University, UK.
- MORELAND, N. and CLARK, M. (1998), "Quality and ISO 9000 in educational organization", Total Quality Management, Abingdon.
- BALOĞLU, Z. (1990), Türkiye’de Eğitim: Sorunlar ve Değişime Yapısal Uyum
Önerileri, İstanbul: TÜSİAD.
- BİLGEN, H.N. (1993), Çapraz ve Demokratik Eğitim, Ankara: T.C. Milli Eğitim
- GOPAL, KANJI, K., TAMBI, A. M. A. (1998), "Total Quality Management and
Higher Education in Malaysia", Total Quality Management, Abingdon.
- HERTLING, J. (1996), "In Hong Kong, concern over quality shadows higher
education’s rapid growth: university leaders, acknowledging some problems, say
they are not to blame", The Chronicle of Higher Education, v43, n13, pA39 (2).
- DALIN, P. (1978), Limits to Educational Change, London: Macmillan.
- GODDARD, D., LEASK, M. (1992), The Search for Quality: Planning for
Improvements and Managing Change, London: Paul Chapman Publishing Co.
- S I VANCI, M. (1996), "Are Students The True Customers of Higher
Education?", Quality Progress, v29, n10, p99 (4).
- FRAM, EUGENE H., CAMP, ROBERT C. (1995), "Finding and Implementing
Best practices in Higher Education", Milwakee.
- KANJI, G.K. & MALEK, A. (1999) "An Innovative Approach to make ISO
9000 standards more effective, Total Quality Management, 9, pp.67-78.
- JAMES, (1996).
- JAMES TANNOCK (1991), Times, July.
- ROONEY, (1991), Times, August.
- BUCKINGHAM, (1991), Times, November.
- KANJI, G. K., TAMBI, A. B.A.(1999), "Total Quality Management in UK
Higher Education Institutions", Abingdon.
- DANIEL, D.R. (1961), "Management Information Crisis", Harvard Business
Review, 39, pp. 111-121.
- ZIARATI, R. (1998), Total Quality Management, Staff development seminar,
Doğuş University, Istanbul, Turkey.
- TANG, K. H. and ZAIRI, M. (1998), "Benchmarking Quality Implementation in
a Service Context: A Comparative Analysis of Financial Services and
Institutions of Higher Education. Part I: Financial Services Sector", Abingdon.
- BABBAR, S. (1995), "Applying Total Quality Management to Educational
Instruction: A Case Study From A US Public University", The International
Journal of public Sector Management, Bradford.
- PEAK, M. H. (1995), "TQM Transforms the Classroom", Management Review,
New York.
- HOLLOWAY, J. (1994), "Is There A Place for Total Quality Management in
Higher Education?" in G.D. DOHERTY (ed.) Developing Quality Systems in
Education, London, Routledge
Yıl 2000,
Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2, 20 - 38, 01.07.2000
Nilüfer Gözaçan
Reza Zıaratı
This paper is an attempt to propose a quality criteria check-list for private academic institutions of higher education in Turkey. The check-list is expected to form the basis for a management strategy that harnesses the human and material resources of these organisations in the most effective way to achieve academic objectives.
- IMD World Competitiveness Report, (1997).
- TUSIAD Raporu (1994), Türkiye’de ve Dünyada Yükseköğretim, Bilim ve
- ÖZTÜRK, H. (1993), Eğitim Sosyolojisi, Hatiboğlu, Ankara, Turkey.
- YÖK Raporu (1998) - Türk Yüksek Öğretiminin Bugünkü Durumu.
- The Feasibility of Establishing a System of Quality Assessment in Universities
in Turkey, (1998), HEFC Pilot Programme, Ankara.
- Graduate Standards Programme, Interim Report (1995) - Executive Summary,
HEQC ISBN 1 858824 256 8.
- GÖZAÇAN BORAHAN, N. and ZIARATI, R. (1999), Developing A Quality
System Based on ISO 9000 Requirements, Internal Report, Doğuş University,
İstanbul, Turkey.
- BUSH, T. (1986), Managing Education: Theory and Practice, Open University
- HANNAGAN, T. (1985), Management Concepts and Practice, Pitman
Publishing, ISBN 0-273-60773-1.
- PASCALE, R. and GIAJO, L., MILLEMANN, M. (1997), "Changing The Way
We Change", Harvard Business Review, v75, n6, p.126 (14).
- SCHWAHN, C. and WILLIAM SPADY, "Why Change Doesn’t Happen and
How To Make Sure It Does", Educational Leadership, April 1998, v55, n7, p45.
- Review article (1999), "Effective School Leadership", Times Educational
Supplement, March 19, 1999 pB15 (1).
- HARRISON, R. (1972), When power conflicts trigger team spirit, European
Business, Spring.
- JUECHTER, W. M. and FISHER, ALFORD, C., R. J. (1998), "Five Conditions
For High-performance Cultures", Training & Development, v52, n5, p63 (5).
- GORE, CHRIS and STEVEN, V., BAILEY, M. (1998), "Analysis of the Effect
of External Change on the Management of Business Schools Within the Higher
Education Sector", Total Quality Management, Abingdon.
- CHAMPY, J. (1995), Reengineering Management: The Mandate for New
Leadership, London, Harper Collins.
- HAMMER, M. & CHAMPEY, J. (1993), Reengineering the Corporation: A
Manifesto for Business Revolution, London, Nicholas Brealey Publishing.
- HARRINGTON, H. J. (1991), Business Process Improvement, New York,
- KIRKPATRICK How to Manage Change Effectively.
- BARTOL, K.M., MARTIN, D.C. (1994), Management McGraw Hill, 2nd
Edition (International Edition) ISBN 0-07-005078-3.
- ORAM, M. & WELLINS, R.S. (1995), Reengineering’s Missing Ingredient: The
Human Factor, London, IPD.
- DAWSON, P. (1994), Organizational Change. A Processual Approach, London,
Paul Chapman.
- PREECE, D. (1989), Managing the Adoption of New Technology, London,
- CHILD, J. (1984), Organisation, London, Harper and Row.
coaching: Empowering teachers while accomplishing management goals",
Government Union Review, Reston.
- NYHAM, B. (1991), Developing People’s Ability to Learn, task force, Human
Resources, Education Training Youth, Ewartecnet, European Union ISBN 90
- ZIARATI, R. (1995), "Learning Organisation", Keynote Paper, European Action
Programme for Education and Training, LEONARDO CONFERENCE,
Birmingham, UK.
- ZIARATI, R. (1996), "An Overview of Current Education Development and
their Influence on Education and Training", Keynote Presentation, BTEC
Conference, London, UK. [A section of the Paper on Quality Assurance and
External Examination was forwarded by DFEE to selected universities and
Government agencies for comments].
- ZIARATI, R., SALT, J. (1992), "Developing a System for External
Activities - A a Competitive Edge", PICKUP National Conference for Higher
Education, Nottingham University, UK.
- MORELAND, N. and CLARK, M. (1998), "Quality and ISO 9000 in educational organization", Total Quality Management, Abingdon.
- BALOĞLU, Z. (1990), Türkiye’de Eğitim: Sorunlar ve Değişime Yapısal Uyum
Önerileri, İstanbul: TÜSİAD.
- BİLGEN, H.N. (1993), Çapraz ve Demokratik Eğitim, Ankara: T.C. Milli Eğitim
- GOPAL, KANJI, K., TAMBI, A. M. A. (1998), "Total Quality Management and
Higher Education in Malaysia", Total Quality Management, Abingdon.
- HERTLING, J. (1996), "In Hong Kong, concern over quality shadows higher
education’s rapid growth: university leaders, acknowledging some problems, say
they are not to blame", The Chronicle of Higher Education, v43, n13, pA39 (2).
- DALIN, P. (1978), Limits to Educational Change, London: Macmillan.
- GODDARD, D., LEASK, M. (1992), The Search for Quality: Planning for
Improvements and Managing Change, London: Paul Chapman Publishing Co.
- S I VANCI, M. (1996), "Are Students The True Customers of Higher
Education?", Quality Progress, v29, n10, p99 (4).
- FRAM, EUGENE H., CAMP, ROBERT C. (1995), "Finding and Implementing
Best practices in Higher Education", Milwakee.
- KANJI, G.K. & MALEK, A. (1999) "An Innovative Approach to make ISO
9000 standards more effective, Total Quality Management, 9, pp.67-78.
- JAMES, (1996).
- JAMES TANNOCK (1991), Times, July.
- ROONEY, (1991), Times, August.
- BUCKINGHAM, (1991), Times, November.
- KANJI, G. K., TAMBI, A. B.A.(1999), "Total Quality Management in UK
Higher Education Institutions", Abingdon.
- DANIEL, D.R. (1961), "Management Information Crisis", Harvard Business
Review, 39, pp. 111-121.
- ZIARATI, R. (1998), Total Quality Management, Staff development seminar,
Doğuş University, Istanbul, Turkey.
- TANG, K. H. and ZAIRI, M. (1998), "Benchmarking Quality Implementation in
a Service Context: A Comparative Analysis of Financial Services and
Institutions of Higher Education. Part I: Financial Services Sector", Abingdon.
- BABBAR, S. (1995), "Applying Total Quality Management to Educational
Instruction: A Case Study From A US Public University", The International
Journal of public Sector Management, Bradford.
- PEAK, M. H. (1995), "TQM Transforms the Classroom", Management Review,
New York.
- HOLLOWAY, J. (1994), "Is There A Place for Total Quality Management in
Higher Education?" in G.D. DOHERTY (ed.) Developing Quality Systems in
Education, London, Routledge