İşletmelerin gelecek planlarını oluştururken değerlendirmesi gereken stratejik konulardan birisi proje yönetimidir ve projelerin başarılı bir şekilde yürütülmeleri gerekmektedir. Projelerin başarısına etki eden birçok kritik faktör bulunmaktadır. Başarı faktörleri günümüz koşullarında maliyet, kalite, zaman gibi klasik değerlendirme kriterlerinin ötesine geçmiş durumdadır. Proje başarısına etki eden faktörlerin değerlendirilmesi karar vericilerin çok sayıda kriteri birlikte değerlendirmesini gerektiren çok kriterli karar verme (ÇKKV) problemi olarak tanımlanabilmektedir. Bu kapsamda çalışmanın amacı proje başarısında etkili olan kritik faktörlerin belirlenerek, bu faktörlerin önem derecesinin ÇKKV tekniklerinden Bulanık DEMATEL (Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory) yöntemi ile değerlendirilmesidir. Çalışmada literatüre uygun olarak başarı faktörleri belirlenmiş ve uzman görüşleri yardımıyla bunların değerlendirilmesi sağlanmıştır. Bulanık DEMATEL yöntemi ile yapılan örnek uygulamada kritik başarı faktörleri arasındaki ilişkiler ortaya çıkarılarak, önem düzeyleri belirlenmiş ve sıralanmıştır.
Alias, Z., Zawawi, E. M. A., Yusof, K. and Aris, N. M. (2014). Determining critical success factors of project management practice: a conceptual framework. Procedia - Social Behavioral Science, 153, 61-69.
Altan, Ş., ve Karaş Aydın, E. (2015). Bulanık DEMATEL ve bulanık TOPSIS yöntemleri ile üçüncü parti lojistik firma seçimi için bütünleşik bir model yaklaşımı. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 20(3), 99-119.
Belassi, W. and Tukel, O. (1996). A new framework for determining critical success/failure factors in projects. International Journal of Project Managament, 14(3), 141-151.
Baykasoğlu, A., Kaplanoğlu, V., Durmuşoğlu, Z. D. U. and Şahin, C. (2013). Integrating fuzzy DEMATEL and fuzzy hierarchical TOPSIS methods for truck selection. Expert Systems with Applications, 40(3), 899–907.
Büyüközkan, G. and Cifci, G. (2012). A novel hybrid MCDM approach based on fuzzy DEMATEL, fuzzy ANP and fuzzy TOPSIS to evaluate green suppliers. Expert Systems with Applications, 39, 3000-3011.
Cooke-Davies, T. (2002). The ‘‘real’’ success factors on projects. International Journal of Project Management, 20(5), 185–190.
Dalalah, D., Hayajneh, M., and Batieha, F. (2011). A fuzzy multi-criteria decision making model for supplier selection. Expert Systems with Applications, 38(7), 8384-8391.
Drury-Grogan, M. L. (2014). Performance on agile teams: relating iteration objectives and critical decisions to project management success factors. Information Software Technology, 56(5), 506-515.
Dvir, D., Raz, T. and Shenhar, A. J. (2003). An empirical analysis of the relationship between project planning and project success. International Journal of Project Management, 21(2), 89–95.
Fortune, J., Whıte, D. (2006). Framing of project critical success factors by a systems model. International Journal of Project Managament, 24, 53-65.
Frinsdorf, O., Zuo, J. and Xia, B. (2014). Critical factors for project efficiency in a defense environment. International Journal of Project Managament, 32(5), 803-814.
Gök Kısa, A.C. ve Perçin, S. (2017). Bütünleşik bulanık DEMATEL-bulanık VIKOR yaklaşımının makine seçimi problemlerine uygulanması, Journal of Yasar University, 12(48), 249-256.
Jassbi, J., Mohamadnejad F., Nasrollahzadeh, H. (2011). A Fuzzy DEMATEL framework for modeling cause and effect relationships of strategy map, Expert Systems with Applications, 38(5), 5967–5973.
Joslin, R., Muller, R. (2015). Relationships between a project management methodology and project success in different project governance contexts. International Journal of Project Managament, 33(6), 1377-1392.
LI, R. J. (1999). Fuzzy method in group decision making. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 38(1), 91-101.
Lin, K. P., Tseng, M. L., and Pai, P. F. (2018). Sustainable supply chain management using approximate fuzzy DEMATEL method. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 128, 134-142.
Mavi, R. K. and Standing, C. (2018). Critical success factors of sustainable project management in construction: A fuzzy DEMATEL-ANP approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 194, 751-765.
Mir, F.A. and Pinnington, A. H. (2014). Exploring the value of project management: linking project management performance and project success. International Journal of Project Managament, 32, 202-217.
Ofori, D. F. (2013). Project management practices and critical success factors-a developing country perspective, International Journal of Business and Management, 8(21), 14-31.
Özdemir Güngör, D. and Gözlü, S. (2016). An Analysis of the links between project success factors and project performance. Sigma Journal Engineering and Natural Sciences, 34(2), 223-229.
Paksoy, S. (2017). A DEMATEL Method for identifying critical success factors in an implementation of information system project. Eurasian Econometrics, Statistics & Emprical Economics Journal, 9(6), 1-17.
Pinto, J. K. and Slevin, D.P. (1988). Critical success factors across the project life cycle. Project Management Journal, 19(3), 67-75.
Shenhar, A. J., and Wideman, R. M. (1996). Improving PM: Linking success criteria to project type. Proceedings Project Management, 96, 71-76.
Shenhar A. J., Levy, O. and Dvir, D. (1997). Mapping Dimensions of Project Success. Project Management Journal, 28(2), 5-13.
Shenhar A. J., Levy, O., Dvir, D. and Maltz, A. C. (2001). Project Success: A Multidimensional Strategic Concept. Long Range Planning, 34(6), 699–725.
Tzeng, G. H., Chiang, C. H., and Li, C. W. (2007). Evaluating intertwined effects in e-learning programs: A novel hybrid MCDM model based on factor analysis and DEMATEL. Expert Systems with Applications, 32(4), 1028-1044.
Wu, H. H., Chen, H. K., and Shieh, J. I. (2010). Evaluating performance criteria of employment service outreach program personnel by DEMATEL method. Expert Systems with Applications, 37(7), 5219-5223.
Wu, H. H. and Tsai, Y. N. (2011). A DEMATEL method to evaluate the causal relations among the criteria in auto spare parts industry. Applied Mathematics and Computation,218(5), 2334-2342.
Yu, A. T. W. and Shen, G. Q. P. (2015). Critical success factors of the briefing process for construction projects. Journal of Managament in Engineering, 31(3), 04014045.
Zadeh, L. A. (1965). Fuzzy sets. Information and Control, 8(3), 338-353.
Project management is one of the strategic issues that businesses should consider when creating their future plans, and projects need to be carried out successfully. There are many critical factors that influence the success of projects. In today's conditions, success factors go beyond the classical evaluation criteria such as cost, quality and time. The evaluation of the factors that affect the success of the project can be defined as a multi criteria decision making (MCDM) problem that requires decision makers to evaluate multiple criteria together. In this context, the aim of the study is to determine the critical factors that are effective in the success of the project and to evaluate the significance of these factors by using the Fuzzy DEMATEL (Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory) method. In the study, success factors are determined in accordance with the literature and their evaluation is provided with the help of expert opinions. The relationship between critical success factors are found by using fuzzy DEMATEL method and importance levels are determined and listed.
Alias, Z., Zawawi, E. M. A., Yusof, K. and Aris, N. M. (2014). Determining critical success factors of project management practice: a conceptual framework. Procedia - Social Behavioral Science, 153, 61-69.
Altan, Ş., ve Karaş Aydın, E. (2015). Bulanık DEMATEL ve bulanık TOPSIS yöntemleri ile üçüncü parti lojistik firma seçimi için bütünleşik bir model yaklaşımı. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 20(3), 99-119.
Belassi, W. and Tukel, O. (1996). A new framework for determining critical success/failure factors in projects. International Journal of Project Managament, 14(3), 141-151.
Baykasoğlu, A., Kaplanoğlu, V., Durmuşoğlu, Z. D. U. and Şahin, C. (2013). Integrating fuzzy DEMATEL and fuzzy hierarchical TOPSIS methods for truck selection. Expert Systems with Applications, 40(3), 899–907.
Büyüközkan, G. and Cifci, G. (2012). A novel hybrid MCDM approach based on fuzzy DEMATEL, fuzzy ANP and fuzzy TOPSIS to evaluate green suppliers. Expert Systems with Applications, 39, 3000-3011.
Cooke-Davies, T. (2002). The ‘‘real’’ success factors on projects. International Journal of Project Management, 20(5), 185–190.
Dalalah, D., Hayajneh, M., and Batieha, F. (2011). A fuzzy multi-criteria decision making model for supplier selection. Expert Systems with Applications, 38(7), 8384-8391.
Drury-Grogan, M. L. (2014). Performance on agile teams: relating iteration objectives and critical decisions to project management success factors. Information Software Technology, 56(5), 506-515.
Dvir, D., Raz, T. and Shenhar, A. J. (2003). An empirical analysis of the relationship between project planning and project success. International Journal of Project Management, 21(2), 89–95.
Fortune, J., Whıte, D. (2006). Framing of project critical success factors by a systems model. International Journal of Project Managament, 24, 53-65.
Frinsdorf, O., Zuo, J. and Xia, B. (2014). Critical factors for project efficiency in a defense environment. International Journal of Project Managament, 32(5), 803-814.
Gök Kısa, A.C. ve Perçin, S. (2017). Bütünleşik bulanık DEMATEL-bulanık VIKOR yaklaşımının makine seçimi problemlerine uygulanması, Journal of Yasar University, 12(48), 249-256.
Jassbi, J., Mohamadnejad F., Nasrollahzadeh, H. (2011). A Fuzzy DEMATEL framework for modeling cause and effect relationships of strategy map, Expert Systems with Applications, 38(5), 5967–5973.
Joslin, R., Muller, R. (2015). Relationships between a project management methodology and project success in different project governance contexts. International Journal of Project Managament, 33(6), 1377-1392.
LI, R. J. (1999). Fuzzy method in group decision making. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 38(1), 91-101.
Lin, K. P., Tseng, M. L., and Pai, P. F. (2018). Sustainable supply chain management using approximate fuzzy DEMATEL method. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 128, 134-142.
Mavi, R. K. and Standing, C. (2018). Critical success factors of sustainable project management in construction: A fuzzy DEMATEL-ANP approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 194, 751-765.
Mir, F.A. and Pinnington, A. H. (2014). Exploring the value of project management: linking project management performance and project success. International Journal of Project Managament, 32, 202-217.
Ofori, D. F. (2013). Project management practices and critical success factors-a developing country perspective, International Journal of Business and Management, 8(21), 14-31.
Özdemir Güngör, D. and Gözlü, S. (2016). An Analysis of the links between project success factors and project performance. Sigma Journal Engineering and Natural Sciences, 34(2), 223-229.
Paksoy, S. (2017). A DEMATEL Method for identifying critical success factors in an implementation of information system project. Eurasian Econometrics, Statistics & Emprical Economics Journal, 9(6), 1-17.
Pinto, J. K. and Slevin, D.P. (1988). Critical success factors across the project life cycle. Project Management Journal, 19(3), 67-75.
Shenhar, A. J., and Wideman, R. M. (1996). Improving PM: Linking success criteria to project type. Proceedings Project Management, 96, 71-76.
Shenhar A. J., Levy, O. and Dvir, D. (1997). Mapping Dimensions of Project Success. Project Management Journal, 28(2), 5-13.
Shenhar A. J., Levy, O., Dvir, D. and Maltz, A. C. (2001). Project Success: A Multidimensional Strategic Concept. Long Range Planning, 34(6), 699–725.
Tzeng, G. H., Chiang, C. H., and Li, C. W. (2007). Evaluating intertwined effects in e-learning programs: A novel hybrid MCDM model based on factor analysis and DEMATEL. Expert Systems with Applications, 32(4), 1028-1044.
Wu, H. H., Chen, H. K., and Shieh, J. I. (2010). Evaluating performance criteria of employment service outreach program personnel by DEMATEL method. Expert Systems with Applications, 37(7), 5219-5223.
Wu, H. H. and Tsai, Y. N. (2011). A DEMATEL method to evaluate the causal relations among the criteria in auto spare parts industry. Applied Mathematics and Computation,218(5), 2334-2342.
Yu, A. T. W. and Shen, G. Q. P. (2015). Critical success factors of the briefing process for construction projects. Journal of Managament in Engineering, 31(3), 04014045.
Zadeh, L. A. (1965). Fuzzy sets. Information and Control, 8(3), 338-353.
Gök Kısa, A. C., & Çelik, P. (2022). BULANIK DEMATEL YAKLAŞIMI İLE PROJE BAŞARISINA ETKİ EDEN KRİTİK FAKTÖRLERİN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 23(1), 71-86. https://doi.org/10.31671/doujournal.1064623