İki Tabakalı Zemin Profilinde Kazık Temellere Gelen Deprem Yüklerinin Eşdeğer Statik Yük Hesabı
Year 2016,
Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 453 - 461, 11.03.2016
Burak Görgün
Mehmet İnanç Onur
Ahmet Tuncan
Bu çalışmada, tabakalanmış suya doygun kil ve gevşek kum zeminlerde inşa edilen kazık gruplarına etki eden dinamik yüklerin statik yükler cinsinden uygulanabilirliği incelenmiştir. İki tabakalı zeminlerde oluşturulan kazık temellere üç farklı büyüklükte deprem yükü uygulanmış ve kazıkların yapmış oldukları deformasyonlar belirlenmiştir. Deprem etkisi altında kazık grubunun deformasyonlarının belirlenmesi için iki boyutlu Plaxis programının dinamik modülü kullanılmıştır. Analiz sonuçlarından geri hesap yöntemi ile kazık grubuna aynı deformasyonları yaptıracak eşdeğer statik yükler hesaplanmıştır.
- M.J. Das, Principles of Foundation Engineering, Brooks/Cole Eng. Division, (1984).
- A.M. Kaynia, E. Kausel, Dynamic behavior of pile groups, 2nd International Conference on Numerical Methods in Offshore Piling, (1982) 509–532.
- R.Sen, T.G. Davis, P.K. Banerjee, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 13(1) (1985) 53-65.
- T. Nogami, K.Konagai, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 112(11) (1986) 1241-1252.
- M.H.E. Naggar, M. Novak, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 15(4) (1996) 233-244.
- J.W. Huang, Development of Modified Py Curves For Winkler Analysis to Characterize the Lateral Load Behavior of A Single Pile Embedded In Improved Soft Clay, Doktora Tezi, Iowa State Üniversitesi. (2011).
- J.M. Sharahi, Performance of piles in liquefiable soils using numerical analysis, 3rd International Conference on New Developments in Soil mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, (2012) 271-277.
- B. Görgün, Investigation of the applicability of dynamic loads acting on pile foundations as static loads in the saturated clay and loose sand soils, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir-Türkiye, (2014).
Equivalent Static Load Calculation of Earthquake Loads Acting on Pile Foundations in the Two Layered Soil Profile
Year 2016,
Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 453 - 461, 11.03.2016
Burak Görgün
Mehmet İnanç Onur
Ahmet Tuncan
In this study, the applicability of equivalent static loads instead of dynamic loads acting on pile groups
constructed in stratified saturated clay and loose sand was investigated. Three different earthquake loads were
applied to pile foundations created in two layered soil and deformations of the piles were determined. Dynamic
modulus of the two dimensional Plaxis software was used to determine deformations of pile groups under
earthquake effects. Equivalent static loads which gives the same deformations was calculated by back calculation
method from the results.
- M.J. Das, Principles of Foundation Engineering, Brooks/Cole Eng. Division, (1984).
- A.M. Kaynia, E. Kausel, Dynamic behavior of pile groups, 2nd International Conference on Numerical Methods in Offshore Piling, (1982) 509–532.
- R.Sen, T.G. Davis, P.K. Banerjee, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 13(1) (1985) 53-65.
- T. Nogami, K.Konagai, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 112(11) (1986) 1241-1252.
- M.H.E. Naggar, M. Novak, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 15(4) (1996) 233-244.
- J.W. Huang, Development of Modified Py Curves For Winkler Analysis to Characterize the Lateral Load Behavior of A Single Pile Embedded In Improved Soft Clay, Doktora Tezi, Iowa State Üniversitesi. (2011).
- J.M. Sharahi, Performance of piles in liquefiable soils using numerical analysis, 3rd International Conference on New Developments in Soil mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, (2012) 271-277.
- B. Görgün, Investigation of the applicability of dynamic loads acting on pile foundations as static loads in the saturated clay and loose sand soils, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eskişehir-Türkiye, (2014).