Co-combustion of Çan Lignite and Beech Wood in Fixed Bed
Year 2022,
Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 75 - 84, 31.01.2022
Melek Yılgın
Neslihan Duranay
Dursun Pehlivan
In this study combustion behaviors of 13 mm diameter pellets prepared from blends of lignite and beech wood powders in specific proportions were investigated in air which was flowing upwards by natural convection through a vertical pre-heated furnace system. The results revealed that ignition times of the blends approached to those of wood with temperature and showed certain interactions of the two fuels during volatiles combustion period. Due to these interactions, volatiles combustion times did not comply with combustion rates. However, carbon combustion times of the two fuels and their blends generally complied with rates. It was observed that the change in volatile matter and carbon combustion rate depended on the furnace starting temperature and the fuel ratios in the mixture.
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- [16]Repuclic of Turkey Ministry of Energy and natural Resource [Online]. Available:
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Çan Linyiti ile Kayın Ağacı Odununun Sabit Yatakta Birlikte Yakılması
Year 2022,
Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 75 - 84, 31.01.2022
Melek Yılgın
Neslihan Duranay
Dursun Pehlivan
Bu çalışmada, linyit ve belirli oranlarda kayın ağacı odunu tozu karışımlarından hazırlanan 13 mm çaplı peletlerin ön ısıtmalı dikey bir fırın sisteminde doğal konveksiyonla yukarı yükselen hava içindeki yanma davranışları incelenmiştir. Karışımların tutuşma sürelerinin sıcaklık arttıkça kayın ağacının tutuşma süresine yaklaştığı ve uçucu madde yanma süresi boyunca iki yakıtın belirli ölçüde etkileştiği görülmüştür. Yakıtlar arasındaki bu etkileşimden dolayı uçucu madde yanma sürelerinin yanma hızları ile uyumlu olmadığı, ancak iki yakıtın ve karışımlarının karbon yanma sürelerinin genellikle yanma hızları ile uyumlu olduğu gözlendi. Uçucu madde ve karbon yanma hızındaki değişimin fırın başlangıç sıcaklığı ve karışım içerisindeki yakıt oranlarına bağlı olduğu görüldü.
- [1]R. Saidur, E.A. Abdelaziz, A. Demirbas, M.S. Hossain and S. Mekhilef," A Review on Biomass as A Fuel for Boilers," Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 2262-2289, 2011.
- [2]A.A.A. Abuelnuor, M.A. Wahid, S.E. Hosseini, A. Saat, K.M. Saqr, H. H. Sait and M. Osman, "Characteristics of Biomassin Flameless Combustion: A review,"Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 33, pp. 363–370, 2014.
- [3]M. Varol, A.T. Atimtay, B. Bay and H. Olgun, "Investigation of Co-combustion characteristics of Low Quality Lignite coals and Biomass with Thermogravimetric Analysis," Thermochimca Acta, vol. 510, pp. 195-201, 2010.
- [4]J. L. Easterly and M. Burnham, "Overview of biomass and waste fuel resources for power production," Biomass & Bioenergy, vol. 10, pp.79-92, 1996.
- [5]K.R.G. Hein and J.M. Bemtgen , "EU Clean Coal Technology, Co-combustion of Coal and Biomass," Fuel Processing Technology, vol. 54, pp. 159-69, 1998.
- [6]H. Spliethoff, K.R.G. Hein, "Effect of Co-combustion of Biomass on Emissions in Pulverized Fuel Furnaces," Fuel Processing Technology, vol. 54, pp. 189-205, 1998.
- [7]W.H. Chen, J. Peng and X.T. Bi, "A state-of-the-art Review of Biomass Torrefaction, Densification and Applications," Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 44, pp. 847–866, 2015.
- [8]H. Li, X. Liu, R. Legros, X.T. Bi, C.J. Lim and S. Sokhansanj, "Pelletization of Torrefied Sawdust and Properties of Torrefied Pellets," Applied Energy, vol. 93, pp. 680–685, 2012.
[9]L. Kumar, A.A. Koukoulas, S. Mani and J. Satyavolu, "Integrating Torrefaction in the Wood Pellet Industry: A Critical Review," Energy & Fuels, vol. 31, pp. 37-54, 2017.
[10] C. Moon, Y. Sung, S. Ahn, T. Kim, G. Choi and D. Kim, "Effect of Blending Ratio on Combustion Performance in Blends of Biomass and Coals of Different Ranks, "Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, vol. 47, pp. 232–240, 2013.
- [11]H. Haykiri-Acma and S. Yaman, "Effect of co-combustion on the burnout of lignite/biomass blends:A Turkish case study," Waste Management, vol. 28, pp. 2077–2084, 2008.
- [12]M. Varol, A.T. Atimtay , H. Olgun and H. Atakül, "Emission characteristics of Co-combustion of A Low Calorie and High Sulfur–lignite Coal and Woodchips in A Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustor: Part 1. Effect of Excess Air Ratio," Fuel, vol.117, pp.792-800, 2014.
- [13]M. Yılgın, "Kangal Linyitinin Elma Kabuğu İle Birlikte Sabit Yatakta Yakılması," Fırat Üniversitesi Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi," vol.19, no.3, pp. 389-396, 2007.
- [14]N. Duranay Deveci, M. Yılgın and D. Pehlivan, "Co-combustion of Pellets from Soma Lignite and Waste Dusts of Furniture Works," International Journal of Green Energy, vol.4, pp.456-465, 2008.
- [15]D. Vamvuka, N. E. Chatib and S. Sfakiotakis, "Measurements of Ignition Point and Combustion Characteristics of Biomass Fuels and Their Blends with Lignite," Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting, 2011.
- [16]Repuclic of Turkey Ministry of Energy and natural Resource [Online]. Available:
[17]M. Yilgin and D. Pehlivan, "Volatiles and Char Combustion Rates of Demineralised Lignite and Wood Blends," Applied Energy, vol. 86, pp.1179-1186, 2009.
- [18]M. Yilgin, S. Yildirim and D. Pehlivan.“Combustion of hazelnut shell-lignite blends in poly-particulate beds,” Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 2021.
- [19]F. Rubiera, Arenillas, B. Arias and J.J. Pis.” Modification of combustion behaviour and NO emissions by coal blending,” Fuel Processing Technology , vol.78, pp.111 –117, 2002.
- [20]M. J. Prins, K.J. Ptasinski and F.J.J.G. Janssen. “Torrefaction of Wood Part 1. Weight Loss Kinetics,” Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis , vol.77, pp. 28-34, 2006.
- [21]G. Kulah, "Validation of a FBC model for co-firing of hazelnut shell with lignite against experimental data," Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, vol. 34, pp. 646–655, 2010.
- [22] M. Valix, S. Katyal and W.H. Cheung. “Combustion of thermochemically torrefied sugar cane bagasse,” Bioresource Technology, vol. 223, pp. 202–209, 2017.