
Our journal is an international peer-reviewed  e-journal which is being published since 2011.

It is published 2 times a year in Spring / May and Fall / November. Additional and special issues may be published with the decision of the Editorial Board when deemed necessary.

It is indexed in SIS, ISIFI, ROOT INDEXING, BASE, I2OR, DRJI, OpenAIRE, ASOS and SOBIAD Citation indexes and also listed in Journalpark Academic.

An application has been made for to be indexed in ULAKBIM TR Dizin and it is still being in the progress of follow-up process.

In cases where the similarity rate is higher than 20% and not prepared in accordance with the ethical principles and other conditions, a correction may be requested from the author (s) at the preliminary evaluation stage or the article may be rejected without being taken into other stages and the author (s) is informed. The articles to be submitted to our journal should not have been previously published elsewhere.

However, articles presented in national or international scientific events and in which the abstract or full text of the manuscripts are published can be submitted with the condition that these situations are indicated and updated.

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