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Histological Structure of Euphrates Spiny Eel (Mastacembelus mastacembelus Banks & Solander, 1794) Kidneys

Year 2023, , 83 - 92, 31.12.2023


In this study, paraffin blocks containing kidney tissues from Mastacembelus mastacembelus, which were obtained as part of project with protocol number 2014/113 approved by the Local Ethics Committee for Animal Experiments at Firat University, were used. Sections with a thickness of 5-6 microns were taken from these paraffin blocks and subjected to hematoxylin-eosin, Crosman's Mallory's Triple, and periodic acid Schiff (PAS) staining. After staining, the prepared specimens were examined under a light microscope, and evaluations were conducted by capturing microphotographs. It was determined that the kidney of Mastacembelus mastacembelus, situated beneath the vertebrae, is characterized by thin and elongated lobes with a reddish-brown color, covered by a delicate membrane. The smallest structural unit of the kidney, the renal corpuscle, contains a capillary mass called the glomerulus, and surrounding the glomerulus is the Bowman's capsule, marking the initiation of the renal unit. Additionally, the neck segment is followed by the first and second proximal tubules, where the filtered fluid from the glomerulus exit initially passes. Following the proximal tubules, there is reabsorption, leading to the concentration of urine, and distal tubules are observed follewed by collecting tubules where urine from the distal tubules is gathered.


  • Bashe, S.K.R. & Abdullah, S.M.A. (2010). Parasitic fauna of spiny eel Mastacembelus mastacembelus from Greater Zab river in Iraq. Iranian Journal of Veterinary Research, Shiraz University, 11(1), 30.
  • Bates, T., Naumann, U., Hoppe, B., & Englert, C. (2018). Kidney regeneration in fish. International Journal of Developmental Biology, 62(6-7-8), 419-429.
  • Cataldi, E., Ciccotti, E., Dimarco, P., Disanto, P., Bronzi, P., & Cataudella, S. (1995). Acclimation trials of juvenile Italian sturgeon to different salinities: morpho-physiological descriptors. J. Fish Biol., 47(4), 609-618.
  • Charmi, A., Bahmani, M., Sajjadi, M.M., & Kazemi, R. (2009). Morphohistological study of kidney in farmed juvenile beluga, Huso huso (Linnaeus, 1758). Pakistan J. Biol. Sci., 12, 11-18.
  • Charmi, A., Parto, P., Bahmani, M., & Kazemi, R. (2010). Morphological and histological study of kidney in juvenile great sturgeon. (Huso huso) and Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus). American-Eurosian J. Agric. Environ. Sci., 7(5), 505-511.
  • Coad, B.W., & Keivany, Y., (2002). Book review: Atlas of Iranian fishes: Gilan inland waters. The inland freshwater fishes of Iran, A guide to the fauna of Iran, and freshwater fishes of Iran. Copeia, 4, 1164-1166.
  • Crossman, G. (1937). A modification of Mallory’s connective tissue stain with a discussion of the principles involved. The Anatomical Record, 69, s: 33-38.
  • Çakmak, E., & Alp, A. (2010). Morphological differences among the Mesopotamian spiny eel, Mastacembelus mastacembelus (Banks & Solander 1794), populations. Turk. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 10, 87-92.
  • Çoban, M.Z., Eroğlu, M., & Düşükcan, M. (2021). Some biological properties of spiny eel (Mastacembelus mastacembelus, Banks & Solander, 1794) living in the Upper Euphrates River Basin, Turkey. Sci Rep, 11, 11761.
  • Dabak, H.E., & Köprücü, S. (2022). Dikenli tatlısu yılan balığı (Mastacembalus mastacembalus, Bank ve Solander, 1794)’in solungaçlarının histolojik yapısı ve bazı histokimyasal özellikleri. Ecological Life Sciences, 17(4), 257-267.
  • Dauod, H.A.M., Al- Nakeb, G.D., & Al- Hameed, R.A., (2011). Histological structure of the integument in Mastacembelus mastacembelus (Solander). Journal of Baghdad for Science Table of Content, 8(1), 13-22.
  • De Jong, J.J., Burns, C.E., Chen, A.T., Pugach, E., Mayhall, E.A., Smith, A.C.H., … Zon, L.I. (2011). Characterization of immune-matched hematopoietic transplantation in zebra fish. Blood. 117(16), 4234-4242.
  • Diep, C.Q., Ma, D., Deo, R.C., Holm, T.M., Naylor, R.W., Aroral, N., … Davidson, A.J. (2011). Identification of adult nephron progenitors capable of kidney regeneration in zebra fish. Nature, 470(7332), 95-100. nature09669
  • Drummond, I.A., & Davidson, A.J. (2010). Zebrafish kidney development. Methods Cell Biol., 100, 233-260. Eroğlu, M., & Şen, D. (2007). Reproduction biology of Mastacembelus simack (Walbaum, 1792) inhabiting Karakaya Dam Lake (Malatya, Turkey). Inter. J. Nat. and Engin. Sci., 1, 69-73.
  • Eroğlu, M., Düşükcan, M., Canpolat, Ö., Çalta, M., & Şen, D. (2017a). Determination of some heavy metals in Mastacembelus mastacembelus (Banks & Solander, 1794) in terms of public health. Cellular and Molecular Biology, 63(5), 1-6.
  • Eroğlu, M., Düşükcan, M., Canpolat, Ö., Çalta, M. & Şen, D. (2017b). Dikenli yılan balığı (Mastacembelus mastacembelus Banks & Solander, 1794)’nın kas dokusunda bazı ağır metal miktarlarının belirlenmesi. Fırat Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Veteriner Dergisi, 31(3), 173-179.
  • Eroğlu, M., & Şen, D. (2009). Otolith size-total length relationship in spiny eel, Mastacembelus mastacembelus (Banks & Solander, 1794) inhabiting in Karakaya Dam Lake (Malatya, Turkey). Journal of, 3(4), 342-351.
  • Eroğlu, M., & Şen, D., (2012.) Relationships between fish age and otolith size in spiny eel: Mastacembelus mastacembelus (Banks & Solander, 1794). Bitlis Eren University Journal of Science and Technology, 2, 15-18.
  • Genten, F., Terwinghe, E., & Danguy, A. (2009). Atlas of histology. Enfield, NH: Science Publishers.
  • Gümüş, A., Şahinöz, E., Doğu, Z., & Polat, N., (2010). Age and growth of the Mesopotamian spiny eel, Mastacembelus mastacembelus (Banks & Solender, 1794), from southeastern Anatolia. Turkish Journal Zoology, 34, 399-407.
  • Hassan, M., Mahmood, K.M., & Saied, S. (2012). Histomorphological and anatomical study of kidney in berzem (Barbus pectoralis). International Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture, 4(11), 221-227.
  • Jalali, B., Barzegar, M., & Nezamabadi, H., (2008). Parasitic fauna of spiny eel Mastacembelus mastacembelus Banks & Solander (Teleostei: Mastacembelidae) in Iran. Iranian Journal of Veterinary Research, Shiraz University, 9(2), 158-161.
  • Kara, C., Güneş, H., Gürlek, M.E., & Alp, A., (2014). Adıyaman bölgesi akarsularında dikenli yılan balığı (Mastacembalus mastacembalus, Banks & Solander, 1794) nın dağılımı ve bazı morfometrik özellikleri. Yunus Araştırma Bülteni, 3, 3-11.
  • Karataş, H., & Köprücü, S. (2016). Dikenli tatlısu yılan balığı (Mastacembalus mastacembalus Bank Solander 1794)’ nın mide bağırsak kanalının histolojik yapısı ve bazı histokimyasal özelliklerinin incelenmesi. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Fırat Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • Krayushkina, L.S. (1998). Characteristics of osmotic and ionic regulation in marine diadromous sturgeon Acipenser brevirostrum and A. oxyrhynchus (Acipenseridae). J. Ichthyol., 38,660-668.
  • Krayushkina, L.S., Panov, A.A., Gerasomov, A.A., & Potts, W.T.W. (1996a). Changes in sodium, calcium and magnesium ion concentrations in sturgeon (Huso huso) urine and in kidney morphology. J. Comp. Biol. B, 165, 527-533.
  • Krayushkina, L.S., Semenova, O.G., Panov, A.A., & Gerasimov, A.A. (1996b). Functional traits of the osmoregulatory system of juvenile paddlefish, Polyodon spathula. J. Ichthyol., 46, 113-124.
  • Kurtovic, B., Teskeredzic, E., & Teskeredzic, Z. (2008). Histological comparison of spleen and kidney tissue from farmed and wild European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax). Acta Adriatic., 49(2), 147-154. Luna, L.G. (1968). Manual of histologic staining methods of the armed forces institute of pathology. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York.
  • Mccampbell, K.K., Springer, K.N., & Wingert, R.A. (2014). Analysisi of nephron composition and function in the adult zebrafish kidney. J Vis Exp., e51644.
  • Mccampbell, K.K., Springer, K.N., & Wingert, R.A. (2015). Atlas of cellular dynamics during zebrafish adult kidney regeneration. Stem Cells Int., 2015, 547636.
  • Mccampbell, K.K., & Wingert, R.A. (2014). New tides: Using zebrafish to study renal regeneration. Transl. Res., 163, 109-122.
  • Meseguer, J., Lopez-Ruiz, A., & Garcia-Ayala, A. (1995). Reticulo-endothelial stroma of the head-kidney from the seawater teleost gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L): an ultrastructural and cytochemical study. Anatomical Record, 241, 303-309.
  • Mobjer, N., Jespersen, Å., & Wilkinson, M. (2004). Morphology of the kidney in the West African caecilian, Geotrypetes seraphini (Amphibia, Gymnophiona, Caeciliidae). J. Morphol., 262, 583-607.
  • Moradi, A. (2005). Histological structure of kidney in Barbus sharpyei. Thesis of Doctor Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz, Iran. No. 8458533.
  • Morovvati, H., Erfani Majd, N., Peyghan, R., & Mobaraki, G.H. (2011). Histological study of excretory portion of kidney in Grass carp (Ctenopharygodon idella) Iranian. J. Vet. Med., 6(4), 69-75.
  • Olgunoğlu, İ.A. (2011a). Determination of the fundamental nutritional components in fresh and hot smoked spiny eel (Mastacembelus mastacembelus, Bank and Solander, 1794). Scientific Research and Essays, 6(31), 6448-6453.
  • Olgunoğlu, İ.A., (2011b). Dikenli yılan balığı (Mastacembelus mastacembelus, Bank & Solender 1794)’nın sıcak tütsüleme sonrası aminoasit ve organoleptik kalitesi. Harran Tarım ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 15(4), 23-30.
  • Oymak, S.A., Kırankaya, Ş.G., & Doğan, N., (2009). Growth and reproduction of Mesopotamian spiny eel (Mastacembelus mastacembelus Banks and Solander, 1794) in Atatürk Dam Lake (Şanlıurfa), Turkey. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 25(4), 488-490.
  • Pala, G., Tellioğlu, A., Eroğlu, M., & Şen, D. (2010). The digestive system content of Mastacembelus mastacembelus (Banks & Solander, 1794) inhabiting in Karakaya Dam Lake (Malatya-Turkey). Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 10, 229-233.
  • Pazira, A., Abdoli, A., Kouhgardi, E., & Yousefifard, P. (2005). Age structure and growth of the Mesopotamian spiny eel, Mastacembelus mastacembelus (Banks & Solender in russell, 1974) (Mastacembelidae), in southern Iran. Zoology in the Middle East, 35, 43-47.
  • Press, C.M., & Evensen, Ø. (1999). The morphology of the immune system in teleost fishes. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 9(4), 309-318.
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Fırat Dikenli Yılan Balığı (Mastacembelus mastacembelus Banks & Solander, 1794) Böbreklerinin Histolojik Yapısı

Year 2023, , 83 - 92, 31.12.2023


Bu araştırmada; daha önce Fırat Üniversitesi Hayvan Deneyleri Yerel Etik Kurulu Başkanlığından onaylanmış olan 2014/113 protokol no’lu projeye ait olan Mastacembelus mastacembelus’dan alınan böbrek dokularına ait parafin bloklar kullanıldı. Bu parafin bloklardan 5-6 mikron kalınlığında alınan kesitlere hematoksilen eosin, Crosman's Mallory's Triple ve periodic acid shiff (PAS) boyamaları uygulandı. Boyamaları yapılan preparatlar ışık mikroskobunda incelendikten sonra mikrofotoğrafi ile görüntülenerek değerlendirilmeleri yapıldı. Mastacembelus mastacembelus’un böbreğinin, omurgaların altında, ince ve uzun iki lop şeklinde kırmızımsı kahverenginde ve ince bir zarla kaplı olduğu belirlendi. Böbreğin en küçük yapı birimi olan er nefronda glomerulus adı verien kılcal damar kütlesi bulunmaktadır ve glomerulusun etrafında aynı zamanda böbrek ünitesinin başlangıcı olan Bowman kapsulu yer alır. Ayrıca boyun segmenti, ardından glomerulusun çıkışından gelen süzülmüş sıvının ilk geçtiği bölüm olan birinci ve ikinci proksimal tubuller sıralanmaktadır. Proksimal tubulleri takiben geri emilim ve idrarın konsantre hale geldiği, distal tubuller ve distal tubullerden gelen idrarın toplandığı toplayıcı toplayıcı tubuller gözlendi.


  • Bashe, S.K.R. & Abdullah, S.M.A. (2010). Parasitic fauna of spiny eel Mastacembelus mastacembelus from Greater Zab river in Iraq. Iranian Journal of Veterinary Research, Shiraz University, 11(1), 30.
  • Bates, T., Naumann, U., Hoppe, B., & Englert, C. (2018). Kidney regeneration in fish. International Journal of Developmental Biology, 62(6-7-8), 419-429.
  • Cataldi, E., Ciccotti, E., Dimarco, P., Disanto, P., Bronzi, P., & Cataudella, S. (1995). Acclimation trials of juvenile Italian sturgeon to different salinities: morpho-physiological descriptors. J. Fish Biol., 47(4), 609-618.
  • Charmi, A., Bahmani, M., Sajjadi, M.M., & Kazemi, R. (2009). Morphohistological study of kidney in farmed juvenile beluga, Huso huso (Linnaeus, 1758). Pakistan J. Biol. Sci., 12, 11-18.
  • Charmi, A., Parto, P., Bahmani, M., & Kazemi, R. (2010). Morphological and histological study of kidney in juvenile great sturgeon. (Huso huso) and Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus). American-Eurosian J. Agric. Environ. Sci., 7(5), 505-511.
  • Coad, B.W., & Keivany, Y., (2002). Book review: Atlas of Iranian fishes: Gilan inland waters. The inland freshwater fishes of Iran, A guide to the fauna of Iran, and freshwater fishes of Iran. Copeia, 4, 1164-1166.
  • Crossman, G. (1937). A modification of Mallory’s connective tissue stain with a discussion of the principles involved. The Anatomical Record, 69, s: 33-38.
  • Çakmak, E., & Alp, A. (2010). Morphological differences among the Mesopotamian spiny eel, Mastacembelus mastacembelus (Banks & Solander 1794), populations. Turk. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 10, 87-92.
  • Çoban, M.Z., Eroğlu, M., & Düşükcan, M. (2021). Some biological properties of spiny eel (Mastacembelus mastacembelus, Banks & Solander, 1794) living in the Upper Euphrates River Basin, Turkey. Sci Rep, 11, 11761.
  • Dabak, H.E., & Köprücü, S. (2022). Dikenli tatlısu yılan balığı (Mastacembalus mastacembalus, Bank ve Solander, 1794)’in solungaçlarının histolojik yapısı ve bazı histokimyasal özellikleri. Ecological Life Sciences, 17(4), 257-267.
  • Dauod, H.A.M., Al- Nakeb, G.D., & Al- Hameed, R.A., (2011). Histological structure of the integument in Mastacembelus mastacembelus (Solander). Journal of Baghdad for Science Table of Content, 8(1), 13-22.
  • De Jong, J.J., Burns, C.E., Chen, A.T., Pugach, E., Mayhall, E.A., Smith, A.C.H., … Zon, L.I. (2011). Characterization of immune-matched hematopoietic transplantation in zebra fish. Blood. 117(16), 4234-4242.
  • Diep, C.Q., Ma, D., Deo, R.C., Holm, T.M., Naylor, R.W., Aroral, N., … Davidson, A.J. (2011). Identification of adult nephron progenitors capable of kidney regeneration in zebra fish. Nature, 470(7332), 95-100. nature09669
  • Drummond, I.A., & Davidson, A.J. (2010). Zebrafish kidney development. Methods Cell Biol., 100, 233-260. Eroğlu, M., & Şen, D. (2007). Reproduction biology of Mastacembelus simack (Walbaum, 1792) inhabiting Karakaya Dam Lake (Malatya, Turkey). Inter. J. Nat. and Engin. Sci., 1, 69-73.
  • Eroğlu, M., Düşükcan, M., Canpolat, Ö., Çalta, M., & Şen, D. (2017a). Determination of some heavy metals in Mastacembelus mastacembelus (Banks & Solander, 1794) in terms of public health. Cellular and Molecular Biology, 63(5), 1-6.
  • Eroğlu, M., Düşükcan, M., Canpolat, Ö., Çalta, M. & Şen, D. (2017b). Dikenli yılan balığı (Mastacembelus mastacembelus Banks & Solander, 1794)’nın kas dokusunda bazı ağır metal miktarlarının belirlenmesi. Fırat Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Veteriner Dergisi, 31(3), 173-179.
  • Eroğlu, M., & Şen, D. (2009). Otolith size-total length relationship in spiny eel, Mastacembelus mastacembelus (Banks & Solander, 1794) inhabiting in Karakaya Dam Lake (Malatya, Turkey). Journal of, 3(4), 342-351.
  • Eroğlu, M., & Şen, D., (2012.) Relationships between fish age and otolith size in spiny eel: Mastacembelus mastacembelus (Banks & Solander, 1794). Bitlis Eren University Journal of Science and Technology, 2, 15-18.
  • Genten, F., Terwinghe, E., & Danguy, A. (2009). Atlas of histology. Enfield, NH: Science Publishers.
  • Gümüş, A., Şahinöz, E., Doğu, Z., & Polat, N., (2010). Age and growth of the Mesopotamian spiny eel, Mastacembelus mastacembelus (Banks & Solender, 1794), from southeastern Anatolia. Turkish Journal Zoology, 34, 399-407.
  • Hassan, M., Mahmood, K.M., & Saied, S. (2012). Histomorphological and anatomical study of kidney in berzem (Barbus pectoralis). International Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture, 4(11), 221-227.
  • Jalali, B., Barzegar, M., & Nezamabadi, H., (2008). Parasitic fauna of spiny eel Mastacembelus mastacembelus Banks & Solander (Teleostei: Mastacembelidae) in Iran. Iranian Journal of Veterinary Research, Shiraz University, 9(2), 158-161.
  • Kara, C., Güneş, H., Gürlek, M.E., & Alp, A., (2014). Adıyaman bölgesi akarsularında dikenli yılan balığı (Mastacembalus mastacembalus, Banks & Solander, 1794) nın dağılımı ve bazı morfometrik özellikleri. Yunus Araştırma Bülteni, 3, 3-11.
  • Karataş, H., & Köprücü, S. (2016). Dikenli tatlısu yılan balığı (Mastacembalus mastacembalus Bank Solander 1794)’ nın mide bağırsak kanalının histolojik yapısı ve bazı histokimyasal özelliklerinin incelenmesi. (Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Fırat Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • Krayushkina, L.S. (1998). Characteristics of osmotic and ionic regulation in marine diadromous sturgeon Acipenser brevirostrum and A. oxyrhynchus (Acipenseridae). J. Ichthyol., 38,660-668.
  • Krayushkina, L.S., Panov, A.A., Gerasomov, A.A., & Potts, W.T.W. (1996a). Changes in sodium, calcium and magnesium ion concentrations in sturgeon (Huso huso) urine and in kidney morphology. J. Comp. Biol. B, 165, 527-533.
  • Krayushkina, L.S., Semenova, O.G., Panov, A.A., & Gerasimov, A.A. (1996b). Functional traits of the osmoregulatory system of juvenile paddlefish, Polyodon spathula. J. Ichthyol., 46, 113-124.
  • Kurtovic, B., Teskeredzic, E., & Teskeredzic, Z. (2008). Histological comparison of spleen and kidney tissue from farmed and wild European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax). Acta Adriatic., 49(2), 147-154. Luna, L.G. (1968). Manual of histologic staining methods of the armed forces institute of pathology. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York.
  • Mccampbell, K.K., Springer, K.N., & Wingert, R.A. (2014). Analysisi of nephron composition and function in the adult zebrafish kidney. J Vis Exp., e51644.
  • Mccampbell, K.K., Springer, K.N., & Wingert, R.A. (2015). Atlas of cellular dynamics during zebrafish adult kidney regeneration. Stem Cells Int., 2015, 547636.
  • Mccampbell, K.K., & Wingert, R.A. (2014). New tides: Using zebrafish to study renal regeneration. Transl. Res., 163, 109-122.
  • Meseguer, J., Lopez-Ruiz, A., & Garcia-Ayala, A. (1995). Reticulo-endothelial stroma of the head-kidney from the seawater teleost gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L): an ultrastructural and cytochemical study. Anatomical Record, 241, 303-309.
  • Mobjer, N., Jespersen, Å., & Wilkinson, M. (2004). Morphology of the kidney in the West African caecilian, Geotrypetes seraphini (Amphibia, Gymnophiona, Caeciliidae). J. Morphol., 262, 583-607.
  • Moradi, A. (2005). Histological structure of kidney in Barbus sharpyei. Thesis of Doctor Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz, Iran. No. 8458533.
  • Morovvati, H., Erfani Majd, N., Peyghan, R., & Mobaraki, G.H. (2011). Histological study of excretory portion of kidney in Grass carp (Ctenopharygodon idella) Iranian. J. Vet. Med., 6(4), 69-75.
  • Olgunoğlu, İ.A. (2011a). Determination of the fundamental nutritional components in fresh and hot smoked spiny eel (Mastacembelus mastacembelus, Bank and Solander, 1794). Scientific Research and Essays, 6(31), 6448-6453.
  • Olgunoğlu, İ.A., (2011b). Dikenli yılan balığı (Mastacembelus mastacembelus, Bank & Solender 1794)’nın sıcak tütsüleme sonrası aminoasit ve organoleptik kalitesi. Harran Tarım ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 15(4), 23-30.
  • Oymak, S.A., Kırankaya, Ş.G., & Doğan, N., (2009). Growth and reproduction of Mesopotamian spiny eel (Mastacembelus mastacembelus Banks and Solander, 1794) in Atatürk Dam Lake (Şanlıurfa), Turkey. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 25(4), 488-490.
  • Pala, G., Tellioğlu, A., Eroğlu, M., & Şen, D. (2010). The digestive system content of Mastacembelus mastacembelus (Banks & Solander, 1794) inhabiting in Karakaya Dam Lake (Malatya-Turkey). Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 10, 229-233.
  • Pazira, A., Abdoli, A., Kouhgardi, E., & Yousefifard, P. (2005). Age structure and growth of the Mesopotamian spiny eel, Mastacembelus mastacembelus (Banks & Solender in russell, 1974) (Mastacembelidae), in southern Iran. Zoology in the Middle East, 35, 43-47.
  • Press, C.M., & Evensen, Ø. (1999). The morphology of the immune system in teleost fishes. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 9(4), 309-318.
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  • Vreven, E.J., (2004). Aethiomastacembelus shiloangoensis, a new spiny-eel from the Shiloango River basin, Africa (Synbranchhiformes: Mastacembelidae). Ichthyol. Explor. Freshwaters, 15(2), 97-104.
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  • Vreven, E.J., & Teugels, G.G., (2005). Redescription of Mastacembelus liberiensis Boulenger, 1898 and description of a new West African spiny-eel (Synbranchhiformes: Mastacembelidae) from the Konkoure River basin, Guinea. Journal of Fish Biology, 67, 332-369.
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There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Aquaculture and Fisheries (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Emrah Suiçer This is me

Sibel Köprücü 0000-0002-6565-3550

Publication Date December 31, 2023
Submission Date November 7, 2023
Acceptance Date December 1, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Suiçer, E., & Köprücü, S. (2023). Fırat Dikenli Yılan Balığı (Mastacembelus mastacembelus Banks & Solander, 1794) Böbreklerinin Histolojik Yapısı. Dünya Sağlık Ve Tabiat Bilimleri Dergisi, 6(2), 83-92.