ISSN: 2687-4946
Founded: 2019
Publisher: Ahmet GÜVEN
Cover Image

The Social Science Journal of Thought and Society is a scholarly publication that features original research across various disciplines within the social sciences, including literature, history, communication, economic thought, sociology, international relations, political science, and public administration.

The Social Science Journal of Thought and Society is published electronically biannually, in June and December. This journal encompasses original research articles, compilations, book reviews, case reports, and evaluations of symposiums. The publication process for submitted studies involves an initial assessment by the editorial board, followed by evaluations from a minimum of two referees utilizing a double-blind review method, culminating in the approval of the editorial board.

Our journal has implemented an open access policy, allowing free access to all journal content. There are no article processing charges (APC) or application fees required.

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