Submissions to our journal must adhere to the Article Writing Template. Manuscripts that do not conform to this template will not be considered for evaluation.
Please click here to download the Article Writing Template.
All prospective authors who submit manuscripts to our journal are considered to have committed to preparing their work in accordance with the guidelines outlined herein. The rules governing journal writing and publication are rigorously enforced to ensure compliance with the standards of the indexes to which the Social Science Journal of Thought and Society is subject, as well as to facilitate acceptance into higher-level indexes through the publication of high-quality research.
It is the authors' responsibility to adhere to the established processes. Any delays resulting from the authors' actions in relation to these processes are solely the authors' responsibility.
Submissions to our journal must consist of original research that has not been previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere. If it is determined during the evaluation process that a study has been published in another medium, the review process will be terminated.
According to the established index regulations, an author is permitted to publish only one article within a calendar year. Furthermore, each author is required to submit a maximum of one (1) study for evaluation per issue.
It is imperative to acknowledge any contributions from other individuals involved in your research, such as project partners, thesis advisors, assistant researchers, or course students. Failure to disclose such contributions will result in the manuscript not being processed, even if the authors subsequently request corrections from our journal.
The manuscript must be prepared using the Microsoft Word word processing program in either .doc or .docx format. Submissions in alternative formats will not be accepted.
If the studies have been previously presented at a meeting or symposium, the name, date, and location of the meeting must be indicated in a footnote.
If the research has been previously submitted as a master's or doctoral thesis, it is essential to include the title of the thesis, the name of the institution, the advisor's name, and any other relevant information.
Ethics Committee Approval: In instances where human factors are incorporated into research articles, it is imperative that the Ethics Committee Document be submitted to the system. For studies that do not necessitate Ethics Committee approval, a signed petition affirming this exemption must be uploaded to the system. Furthermore, studies that have obtained Ethics Committee approval are required to provide details regarding the date and number of the Ethics Committee Approval decision in the designated field under the Method section.
Author Contribution Rate: In research involving multiple authors, the contribution of each author to the study should be expressed as a percentage (%) and included at the conclusion of the manuscript. In cases where the study is authored by a single individual, the designation be indicated in the section pertaining to the "Author Contribution Rate".
Academic Financial Support (Funding): If the research received support from any academic financial organization (such as TÜBİTAK, BAP, the European Union, the United Nations, etc.), it is essential to provide information regarding the funding organization, including the project number and other relevant details, at the end of the text.
Conflict of Interest: A conflict of interest may arise when the institution or financial sponsor of a study has any direct or indirect financial, commercial, legal, or professional relationships or interests with other institutions or their employees that could potentially influence the research outcomes. The principal author of the study is required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest, taking all relevant factors into account.
Author Acknowledgements: If the study originated from a thesis, was presented at a congress, symposium, or conference, or if an author declaration is necessary regarding a related subject, this information must be clearly articulated in this section.
The use of footnote and endnote systems is not permitted in our journal. Should footnotes be necessary, they must be formatted in either 8 or 10 point font and presented in a single-spaced layout.
The languages of our journal are Turkish and English. All submitted articles must undergo a language check.
All legal, academic, and ethical responsibilities associated with the studies rest with the author(s). It is imperative that the studies are free from plagiarism. For the evaluation of the studies, the Turnitin or iThenticate plagiarism report (excluding the references) must indicate a similarity index of 15% or less. Our journal will obtain a similarity report prior to the evaluation of the studies and will return any submissions that exceed the specified limit.
In compliance with copyright legislation, it is imperative that authors obtain the necessary permissions for the use of quotes, tables, images, examples, and other materials incorporated in the study.
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