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Konya Yeşil Peynirlerinin Biyojenik Amin İçerikleri ile Bazı Fizikokimyasal ve Mikrobiyolojik Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi

Year 2021, , 89 - 95, 31.12.2021


Üretimlerinde fermentasyon aşaması bulunan ve tüketime kadarki süreçte mikroorganizma kontaminasyonu oluşan gıdalarda biyojenik amin varlığından söz edilebilmektedir. Bu bakımdan peynirler, birçok faktörün etkisiyle biyojenik amin kaynaklı toksisiteden sorumlu başlıca gıdalar arasında yer alırlar. Araştırmada, Konya ilinde satışa sunulan Yeşil peynirlerin biyojenik amin içerikleri ile bazı fizikokimyasal ve mikrobiyolojik özellikleri değerlendirildi. Araştırma materyali olarak piyasadan temin edilen 50 adet Konya Yeşil peyniri örneği kullanıldı. Örneklerde toplam biyojenik amin ortalamaları 457.45±122.23 mg/kg olarak tespit edilirken spermidin ve spermin varlığı saptanmadı. Varlığı tespit edilen biyojenik aminler olan tiramin (50/50), histamin (50/50), kadaverin (44/50), putresin (39/50), triptamin (32/50) ve feniletilamin (24/50) için ortalama değerler sırasıyla; 229.41±95.63, 148.21±55.52, 45.34±29.52, 29.03±27.24, 3.14±2.70 ve 2.30±2.37 mg/kg olarak bulundu. Baskın türler olan tiramin ve histamin miktarlarının toplam biyojenik amin ortalamalarının ~%82’sini oluşturduğu gözlemlendi. Fizikokimyasal analizlerde örnekler ortalamalarının kuru madde için %53.57±2.69; tuz için %5.82±0.81, asitlik (L.A cinsinden) için %1.13±0.18, pH için 6.21±0.37 ve aw için 0.948±0.01 olduğu belirlendi. L değerlerinin 66.43 ile 83.11, a parametresinin -4.54 ile -2.59 ve b parametresinin de 11.44 ile 20.62 arasında değiştiği saptandı. TMAB, Lactobacillus, Streptococcus ve Lactococcus için ortalama değerler 7.44±0.58, 6.47±0.26 ve 7.09±0.40 log KOB/g düzeylerindeydi. Bu çalışma, çiğ sütten üretilen Konya Yeşil peynirinin biyojenik amin konsantrasyonlarının ve satış noktalarında biyojenik amin oluşumuna neden olabilecek faktörlerin izlenmesinin önemini ortaya koymaktadır. Özellikle baskın biyojenik amin türleri göz önüne alındığında Yeşil peynir üretim hattı, depolama, sevkiyat ve satış yerlerinde asgari hijyenik koşulların oluşturulmasının tüketici sağlığının korunması bakımından önem arz ettiği düşünülmektedir.

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Project Number





  • 1. Güner A, Telli N. (2011). A Survey on the Presence of Listeria monocytogenes in Various Semi-Hard Cheeses from Different Regions of Turkey. J Anim Vet Adv. 10: (14), 1890-1894.
  • 2. Hayaloğlu AA, Brechany EY, Deegan KC, McSweeney PLH. (2008). Characterization of the chemistry, biochemistry and volatile profile of Kuflu cheese, a mould-ripened variety. LWT-Food Sci and Technol. 41: (7), 1323-1334.
  • 3. Kamber U, Terzi G. (2007). The traditional cheeses of Turkey: Central Anatolian Region. Food Rev Int. 24: (1), 74-94.
  • 4. Guley Z, Uysal HR, Kilic S. (2014). Lactic acid bacteria flora of Konya Kuflu cheese: a traditional cheese from Konya province in Turkey. J Microbiol Biotechnol Food Sci. 2021: 238-242.
  • 5. Ruiz-Capillas C, Herrero AM. (2019). Impact of biogenic amines on food quality and safety. Foods. 8: (2), 62, 2-16.
  • 6. Linares DM, del Río B, Ladero V, Martínez N, Fernández M, Martín MC, Álvarez MA. (2012). Factors influencing biogenic amines accumulation in dairy products. Front Microbiol. 3, 180.
  • 7. Doeun D, Davaatseren M, Chung MS. (2017). Biogenic amines in foods. Food Sci Biotechnol. 26: (6), 1463-1474.
  • 8. Li B, Lu S. (2020). The Importance of Amine-degrading Enzymes on the Biogenic Amine Degradation in Fermented Foods: A Review. Process Biochem. 99, 331-339.
  • 9. Naila A, Flint S, Fletcher G, Bremer P, Meerdink G. (2010). Control of biogenic amines in food-existing and emerging approaches. J Food Sci. 75: (7), 139-150.
  • 10. Tabanelli G. (2020). Biogenic Amines and Food Quality: Emerging Challenges and Public Health Concerns. Foods. 9: 859, 1-4.
  • 11. Comas-Basté O, Luz Latorre-Moratalla M, Sánchez-Pérez S, Teresa Veciana-Nogués M, del Carmen Vidal-Carou M. (2019). Histamine and other biogenic amines in food. From scombroid poisoning to histamine intolerance. In: Biogenic amines. Ed. Proestos C. IntechOpen, London, United Kingdom.
  • 12. Benkerroum N. (2016). Biogenic amines in dairy products: origin, incidence, and control means. Compr Rev Food Sci F. 15: (4), 801-826.
  • 13. Costa MP, Rodrigues BL, Frasao BS, Conte-Junior CA. (2018). Biogenic amines as food quality index and chemical risk for human consumption. In Food quality: Balancing health and disease. Elsevier, Handbook of Food Bioengineering. Academic Press.
  • 14. Chaidoutis E, Migdanis A, Keramydas D, Papalexis P. (2019). Biogenic amines in food as a public health concern An outline of histamine food poisoning. Arch Hell Med. 36: 3, 419-425.
  • 15. Poveda JM, Molina GM, Gómez-Alonso S. (2016). Variability of biogenic amine and free amino acid concentrations in regionally produced goat milk cheeses. Journal Food Compos Anal. 51, 85-92.
  • 16. Sentellas S, Nuń ̃ez O, Saurina J. (2016). Recent advances in the determination of biogenic amines in food samples by (U)HPLC. J Agric Food Chem. 64, 7667-7678.
  • 17. Papageorgiou M, Lambropoulou D, Morrison C, Kłodzińska E, Namieśnik J, Płotka-Wasylka J. (2018). Literature update of analytical methods for biogenic amines determination in food and beverages. TrAC-Trend Anal Chem. 98, 128-142.
  • 18. Dadáková E, Křížek M, Pelikánová T. (2009). Determination of biogenic amines in foods using ultra-performance liquid chromatography (UPLC). Food Chem. 116: (1), 365-370.
  • 19. Komprda T, Novıcká K, Kalhotka L, Smělá D. (2005). Biogenic amine content in sterilised and pasteurised long-term stored processed cheese. Czech J Food Sci. 23, 209-216.
  • 20. Innocente N, Biasutti M, Padovese M, Moret S. (2007). Determination of biogenic amines in cheese using HPLC technique and direct derivatization of acid extract. Food Chem. 101: 3, 1285-1289.
  • 21. Moret S, Smela D, Populin T, Conte LS. (2005). A survey on free biogenic amine content of fresh and preserved vegetables. Food Chem. 89, 355-361.
  • 22. AOAC. (2005). Official Methods of Analysis. Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 18th ed. Association of Official Analytical Chemists Inc, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA.
  • 23. AOAC. (2000). Official Methods of Analysis. Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. 17th ed. The Association of Agricultural Chemists Inc, Washington, USA.
  • 24. FDA-BAM. (2001). Aerobic plate count Agar. Food and Drug Administration, Bacteriological Analytical Manual Online. U.S. Food & Drug Administration Center for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition.
  • 25. Kosikowski FV, Mistry VV. (1997). Cheese and fermented milk foods. Procedures and Analysis, Vol. 2, Westport, CT, USA, 208-264.
  • 26. Papageorgiou DK, Abrahim A, Bori M, Doundounakis S. (1998). Chemical and bacteriological characteristics of Pichtogalo Chanion cheese and mesophilic starter cultures for its production. J Food Protect. 61, 688-692.
  • 27. Telli N, Günhan RS, Telli AE. (2018). Konya Ovası Projesi (KOP) Bölgesi Geleneksel Peynirleri ve Coğrafi İşaretleme. 6. Uluslararası KOP Bölgesel Kalkınma Sempozyumu. 26-28 Ekim, 1083-1084, Konya.
  • 28. Şenel E, Yıldız F, Yetişemeyen A, Durlu-Özkaya F, Öztekin FŞ, Şanlı E. (2012). Evaluation of the biogenic amine content and some chemical and microbiological properties of Urfa and Van Herby cheeses. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg. 18: (4), 537-544.
  • 29. Gürkan H. (2013). Küflü Civil Peynirlerde Aroma Gelişimi ve Biyojen Amin Varlığının Belirlenmesi. İnönü Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Malatya.
  • 30. Andic S, Genccelep H, Kose S. (2010). Determination of Biogenic Amines in Herby Cheese. Int J Food Prop. 13: 6, 1300-1314.
  • 31. Diler M, Akbağ E, Işık V, Günay EA, Erkayacan H, Güneşer O, Yüceer YK. (2018). Isıl İşlem ve Olgunlaştırma Sürelerinin Ezine Peynirinde Biyojen Amin Oluşumuna Etkileri. Gıda. 43: (4), 687-701.
  • 32. Erdem G, Patır B. (2017). Elazığ’da Tüketime Sunulan Tulum Peynirlerinde Histamin Düzeyleri ile Bazı Kimyasal Kalite Parametreleri Üzerine Araştırmalar. F.Ü. Sağ Bil Vet Derg. 31: (3), 235-241.
  • 33. Akgül FY, Yetişemiyen A, Şenel E, Durlu-Özkaya F, Öztekin Ş, Şanlı E. (2019). Effects of Microorganism Count and Physicochemical Properties of Tulum and Kashar Cheeses to Biogenic Amine Formation. Turk J Food Agric Sci. 7: (4), 560-566.
  • 34. Martuscelli M, Gardini F, Torriani S, Mastrocola D, Serio A, Chaves-López C, Schirone M, Suzzi G. (2005). Production of biogenic amines during the ripening of Pecorino Abruzzese cheese. Int Dairy J. 15: 6-9, 571-578.
  • 35. Andiç S, Tunçtürk Y, Gençcelep IJ. (2015). Farklı Otların Otlu Peynirin Biyojen Amin İçeriği ve Bazı Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi. Gıda. 40: (1), 1-8.
  • 36. Bogdanović T, Petričević S, Brkljača M, Listeš I, Pleadin J. (2020). Biogenic amines in selected foods of animal origin obtained from the Croatian retail market. Food Addit Contam Part A. 37, 5, 815-830.
  • 37. Renes E, Diezhandino I, Fernandez D, Ferrazza RE, Tornadijo ME, Fresno JM. (2014). Effect of autochthonous starter cultures on the biogenic amine content of ewe's milk cheese throughout ripening. Food Microbiol. 44, 271-277.
  • 38. Flasarová R, Pachlová V, Buňková L, Menšíková A, Georgová N, Dráb V, Buňka F. (2016). Biogenic amine production by Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris strains in the model system of Dutch-type cheese. Food Chem. 194, 68-75.
  • 39. Özgören E, Seçkin AK. (2012). Türkiye’de Ticari Ölçekte Üretilen Bazı Küflü Peynirlerin Kalite Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi. Akademik Gıda. 10: (2), 55-62.
  • 40. Shabby AR. (1996). Significance of biogenic amines to food safety and human health. Food Res Int. 29, 675-690.
  • 41. Schirone M, Tofalo R, Mazzone G, Corsetti A, Suzzi G. (2011). Biogenic amine content and microbiological profile of Pecorino di Farindola cheese. Food Microbiol. 28, 128-136.
  • 42. Rulikowska A, Kilcawley KN, Doolan IA, Alonso-Gomez M, Nongonierma AB, Hannon JA, Wilkinson MG. (2013). The impact of reduced sodium chloride content on Cheddar cheese quality. Int Dairy J. 28, 45-55.
  • 43. Santos MHS. (1996). Biogenic amines: their importance in foods. Food Microbiol. 29, 213-231.
  • 44. Hayaloglu AA, Kirbag S. (2007). Microbial quality and presence of moulds in Kuflu cheese. Int J Food Microbiol. 115, 376-380.
  • 45. Akkoç Z, İncili GK, İlhak Oİ. (2018). Otlu Peynirlerde Histamin, Bazı Mikrobiyolojik ve Kimyasal Özelliklerin Araştırılması. F.Ü. Sağ Bil Vet Derg. 32: (2), 87-92.
  • 46. Ozturkoglu-Budak S, Gursoy A, Aykas DP, Koçak C, Dönmez S, De Vries RP, Bron P A. (2016). Volatile compound profiling of Turkish Divle Cave cheese during production and ripening. J Dairy Sci. 99: (7), 5120-5131.
  • 47. Dervisoglu M, Tarakci Z, Aydemir O, Temiz H, Yazici F. (2009). A survey on selected chemical, biochemical and sensory properties of Kes cheese, a traditional Turkish cheese. Int J Food Prop. 12: (2), 358-367.
  • 48. Rohm H, Jaros D. (1996). Colour of hard cheese. Z Lebensm Unters Forsch, 203, 241-244.
  • 49. El-Nimr AA, Eissa HA, El-Abd MM, Mehriz AA, Abbas HM, Bayoum HM. (2010). Water activity, color characteristics and sensory properties of Egyptian Gouda cheese during ripening. J Am Sci. 6: (10), 447-453.
  • 50. Şengün İY, Karapınar M, Yaman DB, Yenice E. (2006). Isparta İli ve Yöresine Ait Geleneksel Küflü Çömlek Peynirinin Mikroflorası Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Türkiye 9. Gıda Kongresi; 24-26 Mayıs 2006, Bolu.
  • 51. Yildiz F, Yetisemiyen A, Senel E, Durlu-Özkaya F, Öztekin S, Sanli E. (2010). Some properties of Civil cheese: a type of traditional Turkish cheese. Int J Dairy Technol. 63: (4), 575-580.
  • 52. Şengül M. (2006). Microbiological characterization of Civil cheese, a traditional Turkish cheese: microbiological quality, isolation and identification of its indigenous Lactobacilli. World J Microbiol Biotechnol. 22: (6), 613-618.
  • 53. Atasoy FA, Türkoğlu H, Özer BH. (2003). Şanlıurfa ilinde üretilen ve satışa sunulan süt, yoğurt ve Urfa peynirlerinin bazı mikrobiyolojik özellikleri. HRÜ Ziraat Fak Derg. 7, 77-83.
  • 54. Çetinkaya F, Soyutemiz GE. (2006). Microbiological and Chemical Changes throughout the Manufacture and Ripening of Kashar: a Traditional Turkish Cheese. Turk J Vet Anim Sci. 30, 397-404.
  • 55. Temelli S, Anar S, Sen C, Akyuva P. (2006). Determination of microbiological contamination sources during Turkish white cheese production. Food Control. 17, 856-861.
  • 56. European Food Safety Authority-EFSA. (2011). Scientific opinion on risk based control of biogenic amine formation in fermented foods. EFSA Journal. 9, 2393.
Year 2021, , 89 - 95, 31.12.2021


Project Number



  • 1. Güner A, Telli N. (2011). A Survey on the Presence of Listeria monocytogenes in Various Semi-Hard Cheeses from Different Regions of Turkey. J Anim Vet Adv. 10: (14), 1890-1894.
  • 2. Hayaloğlu AA, Brechany EY, Deegan KC, McSweeney PLH. (2008). Characterization of the chemistry, biochemistry and volatile profile of Kuflu cheese, a mould-ripened variety. LWT-Food Sci and Technol. 41: (7), 1323-1334.
  • 3. Kamber U, Terzi G. (2007). The traditional cheeses of Turkey: Central Anatolian Region. Food Rev Int. 24: (1), 74-94.
  • 4. Guley Z, Uysal HR, Kilic S. (2014). Lactic acid bacteria flora of Konya Kuflu cheese: a traditional cheese from Konya province in Turkey. J Microbiol Biotechnol Food Sci. 2021: 238-242.
  • 5. Ruiz-Capillas C, Herrero AM. (2019). Impact of biogenic amines on food quality and safety. Foods. 8: (2), 62, 2-16.
  • 6. Linares DM, del Río B, Ladero V, Martínez N, Fernández M, Martín MC, Álvarez MA. (2012). Factors influencing biogenic amines accumulation in dairy products. Front Microbiol. 3, 180.
  • 7. Doeun D, Davaatseren M, Chung MS. (2017). Biogenic amines in foods. Food Sci Biotechnol. 26: (6), 1463-1474.
  • 8. Li B, Lu S. (2020). The Importance of Amine-degrading Enzymes on the Biogenic Amine Degradation in Fermented Foods: A Review. Process Biochem. 99, 331-339.
  • 9. Naila A, Flint S, Fletcher G, Bremer P, Meerdink G. (2010). Control of biogenic amines in food-existing and emerging approaches. J Food Sci. 75: (7), 139-150.
  • 10. Tabanelli G. (2020). Biogenic Amines and Food Quality: Emerging Challenges and Public Health Concerns. Foods. 9: 859, 1-4.
  • 11. Comas-Basté O, Luz Latorre-Moratalla M, Sánchez-Pérez S, Teresa Veciana-Nogués M, del Carmen Vidal-Carou M. (2019). Histamine and other biogenic amines in food. From scombroid poisoning to histamine intolerance. In: Biogenic amines. Ed. Proestos C. IntechOpen, London, United Kingdom.
  • 12. Benkerroum N. (2016). Biogenic amines in dairy products: origin, incidence, and control means. Compr Rev Food Sci F. 15: (4), 801-826.
  • 13. Costa MP, Rodrigues BL, Frasao BS, Conte-Junior CA. (2018). Biogenic amines as food quality index and chemical risk for human consumption. In Food quality: Balancing health and disease. Elsevier, Handbook of Food Bioengineering. Academic Press.
  • 14. Chaidoutis E, Migdanis A, Keramydas D, Papalexis P. (2019). Biogenic amines in food as a public health concern An outline of histamine food poisoning. Arch Hell Med. 36: 3, 419-425.
  • 15. Poveda JM, Molina GM, Gómez-Alonso S. (2016). Variability of biogenic amine and free amino acid concentrations in regionally produced goat milk cheeses. Journal Food Compos Anal. 51, 85-92.
  • 16. Sentellas S, Nuń ̃ez O, Saurina J. (2016). Recent advances in the determination of biogenic amines in food samples by (U)HPLC. J Agric Food Chem. 64, 7667-7678.
  • 17. Papageorgiou M, Lambropoulou D, Morrison C, Kłodzińska E, Namieśnik J, Płotka-Wasylka J. (2018). Literature update of analytical methods for biogenic amines determination in food and beverages. TrAC-Trend Anal Chem. 98, 128-142.
  • 18. Dadáková E, Křížek M, Pelikánová T. (2009). Determination of biogenic amines in foods using ultra-performance liquid chromatography (UPLC). Food Chem. 116: (1), 365-370.
  • 19. Komprda T, Novıcká K, Kalhotka L, Smělá D. (2005). Biogenic amine content in sterilised and pasteurised long-term stored processed cheese. Czech J Food Sci. 23, 209-216.
  • 20. Innocente N, Biasutti M, Padovese M, Moret S. (2007). Determination of biogenic amines in cheese using HPLC technique and direct derivatization of acid extract. Food Chem. 101: 3, 1285-1289.
  • 21. Moret S, Smela D, Populin T, Conte LS. (2005). A survey on free biogenic amine content of fresh and preserved vegetables. Food Chem. 89, 355-361.
  • 22. AOAC. (2005). Official Methods of Analysis. Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 18th ed. Association of Official Analytical Chemists Inc, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA.
  • 23. AOAC. (2000). Official Methods of Analysis. Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. 17th ed. The Association of Agricultural Chemists Inc, Washington, USA.
  • 24. FDA-BAM. (2001). Aerobic plate count Agar. Food and Drug Administration, Bacteriological Analytical Manual Online. U.S. Food & Drug Administration Center for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition.
  • 25. Kosikowski FV, Mistry VV. (1997). Cheese and fermented milk foods. Procedures and Analysis, Vol. 2, Westport, CT, USA, 208-264.
  • 26. Papageorgiou DK, Abrahim A, Bori M, Doundounakis S. (1998). Chemical and bacteriological characteristics of Pichtogalo Chanion cheese and mesophilic starter cultures for its production. J Food Protect. 61, 688-692.
  • 27. Telli N, Günhan RS, Telli AE. (2018). Konya Ovası Projesi (KOP) Bölgesi Geleneksel Peynirleri ve Coğrafi İşaretleme. 6. Uluslararası KOP Bölgesel Kalkınma Sempozyumu. 26-28 Ekim, 1083-1084, Konya.
  • 28. Şenel E, Yıldız F, Yetişemeyen A, Durlu-Özkaya F, Öztekin FŞ, Şanlı E. (2012). Evaluation of the biogenic amine content and some chemical and microbiological properties of Urfa and Van Herby cheeses. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg. 18: (4), 537-544.
  • 29. Gürkan H. (2013). Küflü Civil Peynirlerde Aroma Gelişimi ve Biyojen Amin Varlığının Belirlenmesi. İnönü Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Malatya.
  • 30. Andic S, Genccelep H, Kose S. (2010). Determination of Biogenic Amines in Herby Cheese. Int J Food Prop. 13: 6, 1300-1314.
  • 31. Diler M, Akbağ E, Işık V, Günay EA, Erkayacan H, Güneşer O, Yüceer YK. (2018). Isıl İşlem ve Olgunlaştırma Sürelerinin Ezine Peynirinde Biyojen Amin Oluşumuna Etkileri. Gıda. 43: (4), 687-701.
  • 32. Erdem G, Patır B. (2017). Elazığ’da Tüketime Sunulan Tulum Peynirlerinde Histamin Düzeyleri ile Bazı Kimyasal Kalite Parametreleri Üzerine Araştırmalar. F.Ü. Sağ Bil Vet Derg. 31: (3), 235-241.
  • 33. Akgül FY, Yetişemiyen A, Şenel E, Durlu-Özkaya F, Öztekin Ş, Şanlı E. (2019). Effects of Microorganism Count and Physicochemical Properties of Tulum and Kashar Cheeses to Biogenic Amine Formation. Turk J Food Agric Sci. 7: (4), 560-566.
  • 34. Martuscelli M, Gardini F, Torriani S, Mastrocola D, Serio A, Chaves-López C, Schirone M, Suzzi G. (2005). Production of biogenic amines during the ripening of Pecorino Abruzzese cheese. Int Dairy J. 15: 6-9, 571-578.
  • 35. Andiç S, Tunçtürk Y, Gençcelep IJ. (2015). Farklı Otların Otlu Peynirin Biyojen Amin İçeriği ve Bazı Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi. Gıda. 40: (1), 1-8.
  • 36. Bogdanović T, Petričević S, Brkljača M, Listeš I, Pleadin J. (2020). Biogenic amines in selected foods of animal origin obtained from the Croatian retail market. Food Addit Contam Part A. 37, 5, 815-830.
  • 37. Renes E, Diezhandino I, Fernandez D, Ferrazza RE, Tornadijo ME, Fresno JM. (2014). Effect of autochthonous starter cultures on the biogenic amine content of ewe's milk cheese throughout ripening. Food Microbiol. 44, 271-277.
  • 38. Flasarová R, Pachlová V, Buňková L, Menšíková A, Georgová N, Dráb V, Buňka F. (2016). Biogenic amine production by Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris strains in the model system of Dutch-type cheese. Food Chem. 194, 68-75.
  • 39. Özgören E, Seçkin AK. (2012). Türkiye’de Ticari Ölçekte Üretilen Bazı Küflü Peynirlerin Kalite Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi. Akademik Gıda. 10: (2), 55-62.
  • 40. Shabby AR. (1996). Significance of biogenic amines to food safety and human health. Food Res Int. 29, 675-690.
  • 41. Schirone M, Tofalo R, Mazzone G, Corsetti A, Suzzi G. (2011). Biogenic amine content and microbiological profile of Pecorino di Farindola cheese. Food Microbiol. 28, 128-136.
  • 42. Rulikowska A, Kilcawley KN, Doolan IA, Alonso-Gomez M, Nongonierma AB, Hannon JA, Wilkinson MG. (2013). The impact of reduced sodium chloride content on Cheddar cheese quality. Int Dairy J. 28, 45-55.
  • 43. Santos MHS. (1996). Biogenic amines: their importance in foods. Food Microbiol. 29, 213-231.
  • 44. Hayaloglu AA, Kirbag S. (2007). Microbial quality and presence of moulds in Kuflu cheese. Int J Food Microbiol. 115, 376-380.
  • 45. Akkoç Z, İncili GK, İlhak Oİ. (2018). Otlu Peynirlerde Histamin, Bazı Mikrobiyolojik ve Kimyasal Özelliklerin Araştırılması. F.Ü. Sağ Bil Vet Derg. 32: (2), 87-92.
  • 46. Ozturkoglu-Budak S, Gursoy A, Aykas DP, Koçak C, Dönmez S, De Vries RP, Bron P A. (2016). Volatile compound profiling of Turkish Divle Cave cheese during production and ripening. J Dairy Sci. 99: (7), 5120-5131.
  • 47. Dervisoglu M, Tarakci Z, Aydemir O, Temiz H, Yazici F. (2009). A survey on selected chemical, biochemical and sensory properties of Kes cheese, a traditional Turkish cheese. Int J Food Prop. 12: (2), 358-367.
  • 48. Rohm H, Jaros D. (1996). Colour of hard cheese. Z Lebensm Unters Forsch, 203, 241-244.
  • 49. El-Nimr AA, Eissa HA, El-Abd MM, Mehriz AA, Abbas HM, Bayoum HM. (2010). Water activity, color characteristics and sensory properties of Egyptian Gouda cheese during ripening. J Am Sci. 6: (10), 447-453.
  • 50. Şengün İY, Karapınar M, Yaman DB, Yenice E. (2006). Isparta İli ve Yöresine Ait Geleneksel Küflü Çömlek Peynirinin Mikroflorası Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Türkiye 9. Gıda Kongresi; 24-26 Mayıs 2006, Bolu.
  • 51. Yildiz F, Yetisemiyen A, Senel E, Durlu-Özkaya F, Öztekin S, Sanli E. (2010). Some properties of Civil cheese: a type of traditional Turkish cheese. Int J Dairy Technol. 63: (4), 575-580.
  • 52. Şengül M. (2006). Microbiological characterization of Civil cheese, a traditional Turkish cheese: microbiological quality, isolation and identification of its indigenous Lactobacilli. World J Microbiol Biotechnol. 22: (6), 613-618.
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There are 56 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Research

Nihat Telli 0000-0002-4121-4588

Project Number -
Publication Date December 31, 2021
Acceptance Date May 27, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Telli, N. (2021). Konya Yeşil Peynirlerinin Biyojenik Amin İçerikleri ile Bazı Fizikokimyasal ve Mikrobiyolojik Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi. Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 14(2), 89-95.
AMA Telli N. Konya Yeşil Peynirlerinin Biyojenik Amin İçerikleri ile Bazı Fizikokimyasal ve Mikrobiyolojik Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi. Dicle Üniv Vet Fak Derg. December 2021;14(2):89-95. doi:10.47027/duvetfd.911848
Chicago Telli, Nihat. “Konya Yeşil Peynirlerinin Biyojenik Amin İçerikleri Ile Bazı Fizikokimyasal Ve Mikrobiyolojik Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi”. Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 14, no. 2 (December 2021): 89-95.
EndNote Telli N (December 1, 2021) Konya Yeşil Peynirlerinin Biyojenik Amin İçerikleri ile Bazı Fizikokimyasal ve Mikrobiyolojik Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi. Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 14 2 89–95.
IEEE N. Telli, “Konya Yeşil Peynirlerinin Biyojenik Amin İçerikleri ile Bazı Fizikokimyasal ve Mikrobiyolojik Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi”, Dicle Üniv Vet Fak Derg, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 89–95, 2021, doi: 10.47027/duvetfd.911848.
ISNAD Telli, Nihat. “Konya Yeşil Peynirlerinin Biyojenik Amin İçerikleri Ile Bazı Fizikokimyasal Ve Mikrobiyolojik Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi”. Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 14/2 (December 2021), 89-95.
JAMA Telli N. Konya Yeşil Peynirlerinin Biyojenik Amin İçerikleri ile Bazı Fizikokimyasal ve Mikrobiyolojik Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi. Dicle Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2021;14:89–95.
MLA Telli, Nihat. “Konya Yeşil Peynirlerinin Biyojenik Amin İçerikleri Ile Bazı Fizikokimyasal Ve Mikrobiyolojik Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi”. Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 14, no. 2, 2021, pp. 89-95, doi:10.47027/duvetfd.911848.
Vancouver Telli N. Konya Yeşil Peynirlerinin Biyojenik Amin İçerikleri ile Bazı Fizikokimyasal ve Mikrobiyolojik Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi. Dicle Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2021;14(2):89-95.