Research Article
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Year 2021, , 255 - 294, 31.03.2021


Günümüzde tüketicilerin satın alma tercihlerini yalnızca fonksiyonel özelliklere dayanarak değil marka ile kurulan duygusal nedenlerle de ilişkilendirmesi, markaların pazarlama çabalarını yerine getirirken aynı zamanda sosyal sorumlu kurum davranışları sergilemelerini zorunlu kılmaktadır. Markalar, nedene dayalı pazarlama uygulamaları ile hem sosyal sorumluluk faaliyetlerini gerçekleştirmekte hem de satışlarını da artırarak kâr etme olanağına sahip olmaktadır. Markaların nedene dayalı pazarlama uygulamalarını gerçekleştirirken kampanya süresince dikkat çekilen sosyal “neden” çerçevesinde kurulmuş olan sivil toplum kuruluşları ile işbirliği yapması kampanyanın etkinliğini artırabilmektedir. Bu bağlamda çalışmada Hayvan Hakları Federasyonu (HAYTAP) sivil toplum örgütünün nedene dayalı pazarlama uygulamaları kapsamında iş birliği yapmış olduğu çeşitli markalar ve gerçekleştirilen projeler içerik analizi ile incelenmiştir. Araştırma bulgularına göre gerçekleştirilen tüm projelerde ürün satışlarından elde edilen gelirlerin bir kısmının sahipsiz hayvanların hayat koşullarını iyileştirmek üzere HAYTAP’a bağışlandığı ifade edilebilmektedir. Bu projeler sayesinde HAYTAP ayni ve maddi yardımlar sağlarken aynı zamanda sivil toplum örgütünün daha görünür olduğu ve gönüllü sayısını artırdığı, markaların ise hem ürün satışlarını artırıp hem de hedef kitlelerde daha olumlu bir şekilde algılanmasına yardımcı olduğu söylenebilmektedir.


  • ADKINS, Sue (1999). Cause Related Marketing: Who Cares Wins, NY: Routledge.
  • ALVAREZ, Begona Alvarez; CASIELLES, Rodolfo Vázquez (2005). Consumer Evaluations of Sales Promotion: The Effect on Brand Choice, European Journal Of Marketing, 39, 54-70.
  • ANDREASEN, Alan R. (1995). Profits for Nonprofits: Find A Corporate Partner, Harvard Business Review, 74, 47- 50, 55-9.
  • ANGELIDIS, John P.; IBRAHIM, Nabil A. (1993) 'Social demand and corporate strategy: a corporate social responsibility model', Review of Business, 15(1), (summer/fall), 7-10.
  • BAGHI, Ilaria; RUBALTELLI, Enrico; TEDESCHI, Marcello (2009). A strategy to communicate corporate social responsibility: cause related marketing and its dark side. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 16(1), 15-26.
  • BHATTACHARYA, Chitrabhan B.; SEN, Sankar (2003). Consumer-company identification: a framework for understanding consumers’ relationships with companies. Journal of Marketing 67(4): 76–88
  • BÖKE, Kaan (2011). “Örnekleme”, Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri, Ed. Kaan Böke, İstanbul: Alfa.
  • BRØNN, Peggy Simcic; VRIONI, Albana Belliu (2001). Corporate social responsibility and cause-related marketing: an overview. International journal of Advertising, 20(2), 207-222.
  • Cengil, Muammer (2016). Yozgat’ta sosyal ve dini hayatın şekillenmesinde sivil toplum kuruluşlarının rolü. Uluslararası Bozok Sempozyumu, 3, 134-146.
  • CEYLAN, Hasan Hüseyin; KÖSE, Bekir; AYDIN, Müfit (2016). Sosyal Amaca Yönelik Pazarlamada Tüketici Tercihleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Journal of Economics & Administrative Sciences/Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Iktisadi ve Idari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 18(1).
  • COOPERMAN, Alan. (2005). “Cause and effect; tsunami aid is goodwill and good business”, The Washington Post, 26(1)
  • ÇETİNKAYA, Yusuf Doğan (2008). 1908 Devrimi’nde Kamusal Alan Ve Kitle Siyasetinde Dönüşüm. İÜ Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi, 38, 125-140.
  • DAS, Neel; GUHA, Abhijit; BISWAS, Abhijit; KRISHNAN, Balaji (2016). How product–cause fit and donation quantifier interact in causerelated marketing (CRM) settings: evidence of the cue congruency effect, Mark Lett, 27: 295–308
  • DEMİR, Özlem (2014). Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları, Sosyal Girişimcilik, Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk ve Sosyal İşletme. ASOS Journal. The Journal of Academic Social Science, (6), 347-356.
  • DRUMWRIGHT, Minette E.; MURPHY, Patrick E. (2009). The Current State of Advertising Ethics: Industry and Academic Perspectives, Journal Of Advertising, 38, 83-108. FRANKEL, Carl (1994). The Corporate/Environmental-Group Connection: Getting Better All The Time, Green Market Alert, 1-2.
  • GARRISON, John R. (1990). A New Twist To Cause Marketing, Fund Raising Management, 20, 40-44
  • GÜNEŞ, İsmail (2004). “Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları”, Son Baskı Sanal Dergi, Yıl: 1.
  • GÜRLER, Ayşe MENTEŞ, Berfin Melikoğlu, and Şule Osmanağaoğlu
  • GÜRLER MENTEŞ Ayşe; MELİKOĞLU, Berfin; OSMANAĞAOĞLU, Şule (2011). A Historical evaluation of animal protection efforts of non-governmental organizations in Turkey. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(6), 901-908.
  • HARRISON, Jeffrey S.; FREEMAN, R. Edward (1999). Stakeholders, social responsibility, and performance: Empirical evidence and theoretical perspectives. Academy of management Journal, 42(5), 479-485.
  • LIEHR-GOBBERS, Kerstin; STORCK, Christopher (Eds.). (2011). Reputation management. Springer Science & Business Media.
  • JOO, Soyoung; KOO, Jakeun; FINK, Janet S. (2016). Cause-Related Marketing In Sports: The Power Of Altruism, European Sport Management Quarterly, 16(3): 316-340.
  • LAFFERTY, Barbara A.; GOLDSMITH, Ronald E.; HULT, G. Tomas M. (2004). The impact of the alliance on the partners: A look at cause–brand alliances. Psychology & Marketing, 21(7), 509-531.
  • LERNER, Linda D.; FRYXELL, Gerald E. (1988) 'An empirical study of the predictors of corporate social performance: a multi-dimensional analysis', Journal o/ Business Ethics, 7, 951-959.
  • LICHTENSTEIN, Donald R.; DRUMWRIGHT, Minette E.; BRAIG, Bridgette M. (2004). The effect of corporate social responsibility on customer donations to corporate-supported nonprofits. Journal of marketing, 68(4), 16-32.
  • MESCON, Timothy S.; TILSON, Donn J. (1987). Corporate Philanthropy: A Strategic Approach to The Bottom-Line, California Management Review, 29, 49-61.
  • MULLEN, Jennifer (1997). Performance-based corporate philanthropy: How" giving smart" can further corporate goals. Public Relations Quarterly, 42(2), 42.
  • MUNRO, Lyle (2012). ‚Teaching & Leaning Guide for: The Animal Rights Movement in Theory and Practice: A Review of the Sociological Literature‛ Sociology Compass. 6/6 (2012): 511-518, 10.1111/j.1751- 9020.2012.00462.x
  • NAN, Xiaoli; HEO, Kwangjun (2007). Consumer responses to corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives: Examining the role of brand-cause fit in cause-related marketing. Journal of advertising, 36(2), 63-74.
  • NELSON, Richard Alan; KANSO, Ali M .; LEVITT, Steven R. (2007). Integrating public service and marketing differentiation: An analysis of the American Express Corporation’s “Charge against Hunger” promotion program. Service Business, 1(4), 275-293.
  • OYMAN, Mine (2000). Amaca Yönelik Pazarlama, Pazarlama Dünyası, 6, 4-11.
  • ÖZTURK, Mesude; SAVAŞ, Ayla. (2014). “Sosyal Amaca Yönelik Pazarlama Reklamlarının Markaya Yönelik Tutum ve Satınalma Niyetine Etkisi: Anadolu Üniversitesi Öğretim Elemanlarına Yönelik Bir Uygulama”. Journal of Yasar University, 9(35), 6099-6260.
  • PRINGLE, Hamish; THOMPSON, Marjorie (2000). Marka Ruhu Sosyal Sorumluluk Kampanyaları ile Marka Yaratmak (Çev. Zeynep Yelçe, Canan Feyyat), Birinci Basım, İstanbul, Scala Yayıncılık.
  • STECKSTOR, Denise (2012). The effects of cause-related marketing on customers' attitudes and buying behavior. Gabler Verlag.
  • TAŞKIN, Ercan; KAHRAMAN, Hamit (2008). Amaca yönelik pazarlama ve Turkcell örneği. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, (20).
  • TİLTAY, Muhammet Ali; ÖZKARA, Behçet Yalın (2017). Bağış Amaçlı Online Ürün Satın Alma: Bağış Motivasyonları Ve Online Satın Alma Unsurlarının Satın Alma Niyeti Üzerindeki Rolü. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 5(1), 95-114.
  • UZTUĞ, Ferruh (2003) Markan Kadar Konuş, Marka İletişimi Stratejileri, Kapital Medya Hizmetleri, İstanbul.
  • VARADARAJAN, P. Rajan; MENON, Anil (1988). Cause-related marketing: A coalignment of marketing strategy and corporate philanthropy. Journal of marketing, 52(3), 58-74.
  • VURAL, AKINCI Beril; KIRIKÇI, Serkan (2020) Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk Projelerinin Bölgesel Kalkınmadaki Rolü: Türkiye’de Uygulanan Projelere Yönelik Çoklu Örnek Olay Analizi.
  • WALL, Wendy L. (1984). Helping Hands: Companies Change the Ways They Make Charitable Donations–“Enlightened Self-Interest” is Used in Selecting Donees; Eyeing Cash Substitutes–Failure of a Worthy Cause. Wall Street Journal (Eastern edition) New York: Jun, 21(1).
  • WESTBERG, Kate; POPE, Nigel (2014). Building Brand Equity With Cause-Related Marketing: A Comparison With Sponsorship And Sales Promotion, Journal of Marketing Communications, 20, 419-437.
  • WYMER, Walter; SAMU, Sridhar (2009). The influence of cause marketing associations on product and cause brand value. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 14(1), 1-20.
  • YAMAN, Yılmaz (2003). Sosyal Sorumluluk Kampanyaları. Sivil Toplum Dergisi, 1(1).


Year 2021, , 255 - 294, 31.03.2021


The fact that consumers associate their purchasing preferences not only based on functional features, but also with emotional reasons established with the brand, makes it imperative that brands perform their socially responsible corporate behavior while performing their marketing efforts. Brands both carry out social responsibility activities with cause-related marketing (CRM) practices and also have the opportunity to profit by increasing their sales. Cooperation with brands and non-governmental organizations established within the framework of social "cause" that draw attention during the campaign while carrying out cause-related marketing practices may increase the effectiveness of the campaign. In this context, various brands and projects realized by the Animal Rights Federation (HAYTAP) non-governmental organization cooperated within the scope of cause-related marketing practices were examined. Some of the revenues from product sales in all projects are donated to HAYTAP to improve the living conditions of stray animals. Thanks to these projects, while HAYTAP provides in-kind and financial aid, it can be said that the non-governmental organization is more visible and increases the number of volunteers, while the brands both increase product sales and help them perceive the target audiences more positively.


  • ADKINS, Sue (1999). Cause Related Marketing: Who Cares Wins, NY: Routledge.
  • ALVAREZ, Begona Alvarez; CASIELLES, Rodolfo Vázquez (2005). Consumer Evaluations of Sales Promotion: The Effect on Brand Choice, European Journal Of Marketing, 39, 54-70.
  • ANDREASEN, Alan R. (1995). Profits for Nonprofits: Find A Corporate Partner, Harvard Business Review, 74, 47- 50, 55-9.
  • ANGELIDIS, John P.; IBRAHIM, Nabil A. (1993) 'Social demand and corporate strategy: a corporate social responsibility model', Review of Business, 15(1), (summer/fall), 7-10.
  • BAGHI, Ilaria; RUBALTELLI, Enrico; TEDESCHI, Marcello (2009). A strategy to communicate corporate social responsibility: cause related marketing and its dark side. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 16(1), 15-26.
  • BHATTACHARYA, Chitrabhan B.; SEN, Sankar (2003). Consumer-company identification: a framework for understanding consumers’ relationships with companies. Journal of Marketing 67(4): 76–88
  • BÖKE, Kaan (2011). “Örnekleme”, Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri, Ed. Kaan Böke, İstanbul: Alfa.
  • BRØNN, Peggy Simcic; VRIONI, Albana Belliu (2001). Corporate social responsibility and cause-related marketing: an overview. International journal of Advertising, 20(2), 207-222.
  • Cengil, Muammer (2016). Yozgat’ta sosyal ve dini hayatın şekillenmesinde sivil toplum kuruluşlarının rolü. Uluslararası Bozok Sempozyumu, 3, 134-146.
  • CEYLAN, Hasan Hüseyin; KÖSE, Bekir; AYDIN, Müfit (2016). Sosyal Amaca Yönelik Pazarlamada Tüketici Tercihleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Journal of Economics & Administrative Sciences/Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Iktisadi ve Idari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 18(1).
  • COOPERMAN, Alan. (2005). “Cause and effect; tsunami aid is goodwill and good business”, The Washington Post, 26(1)
  • ÇETİNKAYA, Yusuf Doğan (2008). 1908 Devrimi’nde Kamusal Alan Ve Kitle Siyasetinde Dönüşüm. İÜ Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi, 38, 125-140.
  • DAS, Neel; GUHA, Abhijit; BISWAS, Abhijit; KRISHNAN, Balaji (2016). How product–cause fit and donation quantifier interact in causerelated marketing (CRM) settings: evidence of the cue congruency effect, Mark Lett, 27: 295–308
  • DEMİR, Özlem (2014). Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları, Sosyal Girişimcilik, Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk ve Sosyal İşletme. ASOS Journal. The Journal of Academic Social Science, (6), 347-356.
  • DRUMWRIGHT, Minette E.; MURPHY, Patrick E. (2009). The Current State of Advertising Ethics: Industry and Academic Perspectives, Journal Of Advertising, 38, 83-108. FRANKEL, Carl (1994). The Corporate/Environmental-Group Connection: Getting Better All The Time, Green Market Alert, 1-2.
  • GARRISON, John R. (1990). A New Twist To Cause Marketing, Fund Raising Management, 20, 40-44
  • GÜNEŞ, İsmail (2004). “Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları”, Son Baskı Sanal Dergi, Yıl: 1.
  • GÜRLER, Ayşe MENTEŞ, Berfin Melikoğlu, and Şule Osmanağaoğlu
  • GÜRLER MENTEŞ Ayşe; MELİKOĞLU, Berfin; OSMANAĞAOĞLU, Şule (2011). A Historical evaluation of animal protection efforts of non-governmental organizations in Turkey. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(6), 901-908.
  • HARRISON, Jeffrey S.; FREEMAN, R. Edward (1999). Stakeholders, social responsibility, and performance: Empirical evidence and theoretical perspectives. Academy of management Journal, 42(5), 479-485.
  • LIEHR-GOBBERS, Kerstin; STORCK, Christopher (Eds.). (2011). Reputation management. Springer Science & Business Media.
  • JOO, Soyoung; KOO, Jakeun; FINK, Janet S. (2016). Cause-Related Marketing In Sports: The Power Of Altruism, European Sport Management Quarterly, 16(3): 316-340.
  • LAFFERTY, Barbara A.; GOLDSMITH, Ronald E.; HULT, G. Tomas M. (2004). The impact of the alliance on the partners: A look at cause–brand alliances. Psychology & Marketing, 21(7), 509-531.
  • LERNER, Linda D.; FRYXELL, Gerald E. (1988) 'An empirical study of the predictors of corporate social performance: a multi-dimensional analysis', Journal o/ Business Ethics, 7, 951-959.
  • LICHTENSTEIN, Donald R.; DRUMWRIGHT, Minette E.; BRAIG, Bridgette M. (2004). The effect of corporate social responsibility on customer donations to corporate-supported nonprofits. Journal of marketing, 68(4), 16-32.
  • MESCON, Timothy S.; TILSON, Donn J. (1987). Corporate Philanthropy: A Strategic Approach to The Bottom-Line, California Management Review, 29, 49-61.
  • MULLEN, Jennifer (1997). Performance-based corporate philanthropy: How" giving smart" can further corporate goals. Public Relations Quarterly, 42(2), 42.
  • MUNRO, Lyle (2012). ‚Teaching & Leaning Guide for: The Animal Rights Movement in Theory and Practice: A Review of the Sociological Literature‛ Sociology Compass. 6/6 (2012): 511-518, 10.1111/j.1751- 9020.2012.00462.x
  • NAN, Xiaoli; HEO, Kwangjun (2007). Consumer responses to corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives: Examining the role of brand-cause fit in cause-related marketing. Journal of advertising, 36(2), 63-74.
  • NELSON, Richard Alan; KANSO, Ali M .; LEVITT, Steven R. (2007). Integrating public service and marketing differentiation: An analysis of the American Express Corporation’s “Charge against Hunger” promotion program. Service Business, 1(4), 275-293.
  • OYMAN, Mine (2000). Amaca Yönelik Pazarlama, Pazarlama Dünyası, 6, 4-11.
  • ÖZTURK, Mesude; SAVAŞ, Ayla. (2014). “Sosyal Amaca Yönelik Pazarlama Reklamlarının Markaya Yönelik Tutum ve Satınalma Niyetine Etkisi: Anadolu Üniversitesi Öğretim Elemanlarına Yönelik Bir Uygulama”. Journal of Yasar University, 9(35), 6099-6260.
  • PRINGLE, Hamish; THOMPSON, Marjorie (2000). Marka Ruhu Sosyal Sorumluluk Kampanyaları ile Marka Yaratmak (Çev. Zeynep Yelçe, Canan Feyyat), Birinci Basım, İstanbul, Scala Yayıncılık.
  • STECKSTOR, Denise (2012). The effects of cause-related marketing on customers' attitudes and buying behavior. Gabler Verlag.
  • TAŞKIN, Ercan; KAHRAMAN, Hamit (2008). Amaca yönelik pazarlama ve Turkcell örneği. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, (20).
  • TİLTAY, Muhammet Ali; ÖZKARA, Behçet Yalın (2017). Bağış Amaçlı Online Ürün Satın Alma: Bağış Motivasyonları Ve Online Satın Alma Unsurlarının Satın Alma Niyeti Üzerindeki Rolü. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 5(1), 95-114.
  • UZTUĞ, Ferruh (2003) Markan Kadar Konuş, Marka İletişimi Stratejileri, Kapital Medya Hizmetleri, İstanbul.
  • VARADARAJAN, P. Rajan; MENON, Anil (1988). Cause-related marketing: A coalignment of marketing strategy and corporate philanthropy. Journal of marketing, 52(3), 58-74.
  • VURAL, AKINCI Beril; KIRIKÇI, Serkan (2020) Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk Projelerinin Bölgesel Kalkınmadaki Rolü: Türkiye’de Uygulanan Projelere Yönelik Çoklu Örnek Olay Analizi.
  • WALL, Wendy L. (1984). Helping Hands: Companies Change the Ways They Make Charitable Donations–“Enlightened Self-Interest” is Used in Selecting Donees; Eyeing Cash Substitutes–Failure of a Worthy Cause. Wall Street Journal (Eastern edition) New York: Jun, 21(1).
  • WESTBERG, Kate; POPE, Nigel (2014). Building Brand Equity With Cause-Related Marketing: A Comparison With Sponsorship And Sales Promotion, Journal of Marketing Communications, 20, 419-437.
  • WYMER, Walter; SAMU, Sridhar (2009). The influence of cause marketing associations on product and cause brand value. International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 14(1), 1-20.
  • YAMAN, Yılmaz (2003). Sosyal Sorumluluk Kampanyaları. Sivil Toplum Dergisi, 1(1).
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Merve Boyacı Yıldırım 0000-0003-2198-0733

Publication Date March 31, 2021
Submission Date November 14, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Boyacı Yıldırım, M. (2021). NEDENE DAYALI PAZARLAMADA MARKA-SİVİL TOPLUM KURULUŞU İŞBİRLİĞİ: HAYTAP ÖRNEĞİ. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi, 9(1), 255-294.
AMA Boyacı Yıldırım M. NEDENE DAYALI PAZARLAMADA MARKA-SİVİL TOPLUM KURULUŞU İŞBİRLİĞİ: HAYTAP ÖRNEĞİ. e-gifder. March 2021;9(1):255-294. doi:10.19145/e-gifder.825784
Chicago Boyacı Yıldırım, Merve. “NEDENE DAYALI PAZARLAMADA MARKA-SİVİL TOPLUM KURULUŞU İŞBİRLİĞİ: HAYTAP ÖRNEĞİ”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi 9, no. 1 (March 2021): 255-94.
EndNote Boyacı Yıldırım M (March 1, 2021) NEDENE DAYALI PAZARLAMADA MARKA-SİVİL TOPLUM KURULUŞU İŞBİRLİĞİ: HAYTAP ÖRNEĞİ. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi 9 1 255–294.
IEEE M. Boyacı Yıldırım, “NEDENE DAYALI PAZARLAMADA MARKA-SİVİL TOPLUM KURULUŞU İŞBİRLİĞİ: HAYTAP ÖRNEĞİ”, e-gifder, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 255–294, 2021, doi: 10.19145/e-gifder.825784.
ISNAD Boyacı Yıldırım, Merve. “NEDENE DAYALI PAZARLAMADA MARKA-SİVİL TOPLUM KURULUŞU İŞBİRLİĞİ: HAYTAP ÖRNEĞİ”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi 9/1 (March 2021), 255-294.
MLA Boyacı Yıldırım, Merve. “NEDENE DAYALI PAZARLAMADA MARKA-SİVİL TOPLUM KURULUŞU İŞBİRLİĞİ: HAYTAP ÖRNEĞİ”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi, vol. 9, no. 1, 2021, pp. 255-94, doi:10.19145/e-gifder.825784.