Year 2023,
, 457 - 470, 24.07.2023
Bircan Güner
Gamze Güner Kibaroğlu
H. Nejat Basım
- Agarwala, T., (2003), Innovative Human Resource Practices and Organizational Commitment: An Empirical Investigation, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 14(2), 175-197.
- Allen, N. J.; Meyer, J. P. (1996), Affective, Continuance, and Normative Commitment to the Organization: An Examination of Construct Validity, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 49, 252-276.
- Bakker, A. B.; Demerouti, E. (2008), Towards a Model of Work Engagement, Career Development International, (13)3, 209–223.
- Bakker, A. B.; Demerouti, E.; Verbeke, W. (2004), Using the Job Demands-Resources Model to Predict Burnout and Performance, Human Resource Management, 43(1), 83-104.
- Bakker, A. B.; Tims, M.; Derks, D. (2012), Proactive Personality and Job Performance: The Role of Job Crafting and Work Engagement, Human Relations, 65(10), 1359-1378.
- Bal, P. Matthijs; Lange, Annet H. De (2014), From Flexibility Human Resource Management to Employee Engagement and Perceived Job Performance Across the Lifespan: A Multisample Study, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 88(1), 126-154.
- Beck, J. W.; Shen, W. (2019), The Effects Of US Presidential Elections on Work Engagement and Job Performance, Applied Psychology: An International Review, 68(3), 547-576.
- Becton, J. B.; Matthews, M. C.; Hartley, D. L.; Whitaker, D. H. (2009), Using Biodata to Predict Turnover, Organizational Commitment, and Job Performance in Healthcare, International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 17(2), 189-202.
- Borman, W. C.; Motowidlo, S. J. (1993), Expanding the Criterion Domain to Include Elements of Contextual Performance, (Ed. N. Schmitt ve W. C. Borman), Personnel Selection in Organizations, Jossey-Bass: 71-98.
- Borman, W. C. (2004), The Concept of Organizational Citizenship, Current Directions in Psychological Science, 13(6), 238-241.
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- Boyd, C. M.; Bakker, A. B.; Pignata, S.; Winefield, A. H.; Gillespie, N.; Stough, C. (2010), A Longitudinal Test of the Job Demands-Resources Model among Australian University Academics, Applied Psychology, 60(1), 112-140.
- Brief, A. P.; Motowidlo, S. J. (1986), Prosocial Organizational Behaviors, The Academy of Management Review, 11(4), 710-725.
- Brown, B. B., (2003), Employees’ Organizational Commitment and Their Perception of Supervisors’ Relations-Oriented and Task-Oriented Leadership Behaviors, Doctor of Philosophy, The Faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute, State University.
- Bülbül, M. (2007), Örgütsel Bağlılık ve Kamu Kuruluşlarına Yönelik Araştırma, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Kahramanmaraş.
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- Çetin, F.; Basım, H. N. (2011), Psikolojik Dayanıklılığın İş Tatmini ve Örgütsel Bağlılık Tutumlarındaki Rolü, İş, Güç: Endüstri İlişkileri ve İnsan Kaynakları Dergisi, 13(3), 81-94.
- Çetin, F.; Güner Kibaroğlu, G.; Basım, H.N. (2021), İş Biçimlendirme (Job Crafting) Ölçeğinin Türkçe’ ye Uyarlanması, İş ve İnsan Dergisi, 8(2), 257-271.
- Dağlı, A.; Elçiçek, Z.; Han, B. (2018), Örgütsel Bağlılık Ölçeği’nin Türkçeye Uyarlanması: Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması, Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 17(68), 1765-1777.
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The Role of Job Crafting and Job Engagement in The Effect of Organizational Commitment on Job Performance
Year 2023,
, 457 - 470, 24.07.2023
Bircan Güner
Gamze Güner Kibaroğlu
H. Nejat Basım
In this study, it is aimed to determine the effect of organizational commitment on job performance, job engagement and job crafting, and to test whether there is a mediating effect of job crafting and job engagement in the interaction between organizational commitment and job performance, with hypotheses based on theoretical grounds. In this study, a quantitative method was used as a research approach. This study was conducted with data collected from 512 employees in an institution operating in the public sector. As a result of the research, it has been revealed that organizational commitment has a positive effect on job performance. It has been observed that organizational commitment affects job performance in the same direction and job crafting plays a partial mediator role in this effect. In addition, the role of job engagement between organizational commitment and job performance was examined. As a result of this analysis, job engagement plays a partial mediator role between these two variables. In the context of all these results, it has been determined that job crafting and job engagement are effective mediating variables between organizational commitment and job performance.
- Agarwala, T., (2003), Innovative Human Resource Practices and Organizational Commitment: An Empirical Investigation, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 14(2), 175-197.
- Allen, N. J.; Meyer, J. P. (1996), Affective, Continuance, and Normative Commitment to the Organization: An Examination of Construct Validity, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 49, 252-276.
- Bakker, A. B.; Demerouti, E. (2008), Towards a Model of Work Engagement, Career Development International, (13)3, 209–223.
- Bakker, A. B.; Demerouti, E.; Verbeke, W. (2004), Using the Job Demands-Resources Model to Predict Burnout and Performance, Human Resource Management, 43(1), 83-104.
- Bakker, A. B.; Tims, M.; Derks, D. (2012), Proactive Personality and Job Performance: The Role of Job Crafting and Work Engagement, Human Relations, 65(10), 1359-1378.
- Bal, P. Matthijs; Lange, Annet H. De (2014), From Flexibility Human Resource Management to Employee Engagement and Perceived Job Performance Across the Lifespan: A Multisample Study, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 88(1), 126-154.
- Beck, J. W.; Shen, W. (2019), The Effects Of US Presidential Elections on Work Engagement and Job Performance, Applied Psychology: An International Review, 68(3), 547-576.
- Becton, J. B.; Matthews, M. C.; Hartley, D. L.; Whitaker, D. H. (2009), Using Biodata to Predict Turnover, Organizational Commitment, and Job Performance in Healthcare, International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 17(2), 189-202.
- Borman, W. C.; Motowidlo, S. J. (1993), Expanding the Criterion Domain to Include Elements of Contextual Performance, (Ed. N. Schmitt ve W. C. Borman), Personnel Selection in Organizations, Jossey-Bass: 71-98.
- Borman, W. C. (2004), The Concept of Organizational Citizenship, Current Directions in Psychological Science, 13(6), 238-241.
- Baron, R. M.; Kenny, D. A. (1986), The Moderator–Mediator Variable Distinction in Social Psychological Research: Conceptual, Strategic, and Statistical Considerations, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51(6), 1173-1182.
- Boyd, C. M.; Bakker, A. B.; Pignata, S.; Winefield, A. H.; Gillespie, N.; Stough, C. (2010), A Longitudinal Test of the Job Demands-Resources Model among Australian University Academics, Applied Psychology, 60(1), 112-140.
- Brief, A. P.; Motowidlo, S. J. (1986), Prosocial Organizational Behaviors, The Academy of Management Review, 11(4), 710-725.
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- Çetin, F.; Güner Kibaroğlu, G.; Basım, H.N. (2021), İş Biçimlendirme (Job Crafting) Ölçeğinin Türkçe’ ye Uyarlanması, İş ve İnsan Dergisi, 8(2), 257-271.
- Dağlı, A.; Elçiçek, Z.; Han, B. (2018), Örgütsel Bağlılık Ölçeği’nin Türkçeye Uyarlanması: Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması, Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 17(68), 1765-1777.
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- Demerouti, E.; Cropanzano, R. (2010), Form Thought to action: Emplyee work engagement and job performance, (Ed. Arnold B. Bakker ve L. MP.), Work Engagement: A Handbook of Essential Theory and Research, Psychology Prss.
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