Research Article
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The Impact of Natural Resource Abundance on Manufacturing Exports from a Technology Intensity Perspective

Year 2020, , 221 - 230, 30.07.2020


The association between natural resource abundance and economic performance has been the common concern of economists and political philosophers for centuries. While plenty of resources is a blessing for some countries, others suffer from the paradox of plenty known as Dutch disease. This study aims to search the interaction between natural resource rents and the manufacturing exports of the 34 Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) countries between the years 1990-2015, depending on the technology intensity of sectors using the gravity model of trade. The findings of the study indicate that there is Dutch disease in all of the classifications of manufacturing industries. In other words, for the 34 OECD countries, the upsurge in natural resource rents has an impact on the manufacturing sector’s performance in all subcategories.


  • Alexeev, M. and Conrad, R. (2009). The Elusive Curse of Oil. The Review of Economics and Statistics. 91(3): 586-598.
  • Allcott, H. and Keniston, D. (2018). Dutch Disease or Agglomeration? The Local Economic Effects of Natural Resource Booms in Modern America. Review of Economic Studies. 85: 695-731.
  • Anderson, J. E. (1979). A Theoretical Foundation for the Gravity Equation. The American Economic Review. 69(1): 106-116.
  • Anderson, J., E. and van Wincoop, E. (2003). Gravity with Gravitas: A Solution to the Border Puzzle. The American Economic Review. 93(1): 170-192.
  • Anderson, J. E. and van Wincoop, E. (2004). Trade Costs. Journal of Economic Literature. 42(3): 691-751.
  • Anderson, J. E. (2010). The gravity model. NBER Working Paper No.16576: 1-45.
  • Arin, K.P., Braunfels, E., Zenker, C. (2019). On the Transmission Channels for the Resource Curse. CAMA Working Paper 67/2019.
  • Atkinson, G. and Hamilton, K. (2003). Savings, Growth and the Resource Curse Hypothesis. World Development. 31(11): 1793-1807.
  • Auty, R. M. (1993). Sustaining Development in Mineral Economies: The resource curse thesis. London: Routledge.
  • Auty, R. M. (2001). Introduction and Overview. Resource Abundance and Economic Development (pp. 3-16). Edited by R. M. Auty. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Auty, R. M. (2007). Natural resources, capital accumulation and the resource curse. Ecological Economics. 61(4): 627-634.
  • Baier, S. L., Bergstrand, J. H. and Vidal, E. (2007). Free trade agreements in the Americas: are the trade effects larger than anticipated? The World Economy. 30(9): 1347-1377.
  • Baier, S. L., Bergstrand, J. H. and Clance, M. (2015). Heterogeneous Economic Integration Agreement Effects. CESifo Working Paper Series No. 5488. Available at cfm?abstract_id=2663955. 04.01.2020.
  • Behrens, K., Ertur, C. and Koch, W. (2012). “Dual” Gravity: Using Spatial Econometrics to control for Multilateral Resistance. Journal of Applied Econometrics. 27: 773- 794.
  • Beine, M., Bos, C. S. and Coulombe, S. (2012). Does the Canadian economy suffer from Dutch disease? Resource and Energy Economics. 34(4): 468-492.
  • Bergstrand, J. H., Egger, P. and Larch, M. (2013). Gravity Redux: Estimation of gravity- equation coefficients, elasticities of substitution, and general equilibrium comparative statics under asymmetric bilateral trade costs. Journal of International Economics. 89(1):110-121.
  • Bergstrand, J. H., Larch, M. and Yotov, Y. V. (2015). Economic Integration Agreements, Border Effects, and Distance Elasticities in Gravity Equations. European Economic Review. 78: 307-327.
  • Bjørnland, H.C. and Thorsrud, L.A. (2016). Boom or Gloom? Examining the Dutch Disease in Two-Speed Economies. The Economic Journal. 126(598): 2219- 2256.
  • Bjørnland, H.C. and Thorsrud, L.A., Torvik, R. (2019). Dutch Disease dynamics reconsidered. European Economic Review. 119: 411-433.
  • Bresser-Pereira, L.C.L. (2008). The Dutch disease and its neutralization: a Ricardian approach. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy. 28(1): 47-71.
  • Brun, J-F., Carrere, C., Guillaumont, P. and de Melo, J. (2005). Has Distance Died?: Evidence from a Panel Gravity Model. World Bank Econ Rev. 19(1): 99-120.
  • Brunnschweiler, C. N. (2007). Cursing the Blessing?: Natural Resource Abundance, Institutions, and Economic Growth. World Development. 36(3): 399-419. Bulte, E. H., Damania, R. and Deacon, R. T. (2005). Resource Intensity, Institutions, and Development. World Development. 33(7): 1029-1044.
  • Camargo, JSM and Gala, P. (2017). The resource curse reloaded: revisiting the Dutch disease with economic complexity analysis. dspace/handle/10438/18037. 13.01.2020
  • Cherif, R. (2013). The Dutch Disease and the technological gap. Journal of Development Economics. 101: 248-255.
  • Corden, W. M. and Neary, J. P. (1982). Booming Sector and De-Industrialisation in a Small Open Economy. The Economic Journal. 92(368): 825-848.
  • Corden, W. M. (1984). Booming Sector and Dutch Disease Economies: Survey and Consolidation. Oxford Economic Papers. 36 (359-380).
  • Corden, W. M. (2012). Dutch Disease in Australia: Policy Options for a Three-Speed Economy. The Australian Economic Review. 45(3): 290-304.
  • David, P. A. and Wright, G. (1997). Increasing Returns and the Genesis of American Resource Abundance. Industrial and Corporate Change. 6(2): 203-245.
  • Fagerberg, J., Mowery, D.C. and Verspagen, B. (2009). The evolution of Norway’s national innovation system. Science and Public Policy. 36(6): 431-444.
  • Feenstra, R. C., Markusen, J. R. and Rose, A. K. (2001). Using the gravity equation to differentiate among alternative theories of trade. Canadian Journal of Economics. 34(2): 430-447.
  • Feenstra, R. C. (2004). Advanced International Trade: Theory and Evidence. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • Feshari, M. (2016). Application of Trade Gravity Model between Iran and Main Trade Partners (Panel Data Approach). International Journal of Resistive Economics. 4(4): 83-95.
  • Frankel, J. A. (1998). Introduction. The Regionalization of the World Economy (pp. 1-7). Edited by J. A. Frankel, Chicago: Chicago University Press.
  • Frankel, J. A. (2010). The Natural Resource Curse: A Survey. NBER Working Paper. 15836: 1-48. Gelb, A. H. (1988). Oil Windfalls: Blessing or Curse?. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Gylfason, T., Herbertsson, T.T. and Zoega, G. (1999). A Mixed Blessing. Macroeconomic Dynamics. 3: 204- 225.
  • Head, K. and Mayer, T. (2014). Chapter 3- Gravity Equations: Workhorse, Toolkit, and Cookbook. Handbook of International Economics 4 (pp. 131-195). Edited by G. Gopinath, E. Helpman and K. Rogoff, Amsterdam: Elsevier.
  • Holden, S. (2013). Avoiding the resource curse the case Norway. Energy Policy. 63: 870-876.
  • James, A. and Aadland, D. (2011). The curse of natural resources. An empirical investigation of U.S. counties. Resource and Energy Economics. 33: 440-453.
  • Kubo, K. (2014). Myanmar’s non-resource export potential after the lifting of economic sanctions: a gravity model analysis. Asia-Pacific Development Journal. 21(1): 1-22.
  • Larsen, E. R. (2006). Escaping the Resource Curse and the Dutch Disease? When and Why Norway Caught Up with and Forged Ahead of Its Neighbors. American Journal of Economics and Sociology. 65(3): 605-640.
  • Looney, R.E. (1989). Oil Revenues and Viable Development: Impact of the Dutch Disease on Saudi Arabian Diversification Efforts. American Arab Affairs. 27: 29-35.
  • Mehlum, H., Moene, K. and Torvik, R. (2006). Institutions and the resource curse. The Economic Journal. 116: 1-20.
  • Mikesell, R. F. (1997). Explaining the resource curse, with special reference to mineral-exporting countries. Resources Policy. 23(4): 191-199.
  • Neumayer, E. (2004). Does the “Resource Curse” hold Growth in Genuine Income as Well?. World Development. 32(10): 1627-1640.
  • Pöyhönen, P. (1963). A Tentative Model for the Volume of Trade between Countries. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 90: 93-99.
  • Rostow, W. W. (1959). The Stages of Economic Growth. The Economic History Review. 12(1): 1-16.
  • Rostow, W. W. (1961). The Stages of Economic Growth: A Non-communist Manifesto. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Sachs, J. D. and Warner, A. M. (1995). Natural Resource Abundance and Economic Growth. National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper. 5398: 1-47.
  • Sachs, J. D. and Warner, A. M. (1997). Natural Resource Abundance and Economic Growth. Center for International Development and Harvard Institute for International Development.
  • Sachs, J. D. and Warner, A. M. (1999). The big push, natural resource booms and growth. Journal of Development Economics. 59: 43-76.
  • Sachs, J. D. and Warner, A. M. (2001). The curse of natural resources. European Economic Review. 45: 827-838.
  • Smith, B. (2014). Dutch disease and the oil and boom and bust. Oxcarre Research Paper 133. Oxford, UK: Oxford Centre for the Analysis of Resource Rich Economies, University of Oxford. https://www. 25.01.2016
  • Stijns, J. (2003). An Empirical Test of the Dutch Disease Hypothesis using a gravity model of trade. http:// pdf. 24.01.2017.
  • Stijns, J. (2005). Natural resource abundance and economic growth revisited. Resources Policy. 30: 107-130.
  • Tinbergen, J.J. (1962). Shaping the world economy; suggestions for an international economic policy. New York, The Twentieth Century Fund.
  • Torvik, R. (2009). Why do some resource-abundant countries succeed while others do not?. Oxford Review of Economic Policy. 25(2): 241-256.
  • Tripathy, B. N. (1985). Export and Economic Growth. - port+led+growth+adam+smith&source=bl&ots=CcYotygWc1&sig=0OkVZw9cscfpb7skuYYh6joCKlU&hl=tr&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiuyOKkv7XRAhWpC8AKHWDyBTcQ6AEIHjAA#v=onepage&q=export%20led%20growth%20adam%20smith&f=false. 09.01.2017.
  • Usui, N. (1997). Dutch disease and policy adjustments to the oil boom: a comparative study of Indonesia and Mexico. Resources Policy. 23(4): 151-162.
  • van der Marel, E., Dreyer, I. (2014). Beyond Dutch disease. Economics of Transition. 22(2): 341-364.
  • Wright, G. and Czelusta, J. (2007). Resource- Based Growth Past and Present. Natural Resources: Neither Curse Nor Destiny (pp. 183-211). Edited by D. Lederman and W. F. Maloney. Palo Alto: Stanford University Press.
  • Yotov, Y. V., Piermartini, R., Monteiro, J-A. and Larch, M. (2016). An Advanced Guide to Trade Policy Analysis: The Structural Gravity Model. WTO, Geneva. https:// 25.12.2019.
Year 2020, , 221 - 230, 30.07.2020



  • Alexeev, M. and Conrad, R. (2009). The Elusive Curse of Oil. The Review of Economics and Statistics. 91(3): 586-598.
  • Allcott, H. and Keniston, D. (2018). Dutch Disease or Agglomeration? The Local Economic Effects of Natural Resource Booms in Modern America. Review of Economic Studies. 85: 695-731.
  • Anderson, J. E. (1979). A Theoretical Foundation for the Gravity Equation. The American Economic Review. 69(1): 106-116.
  • Anderson, J., E. and van Wincoop, E. (2003). Gravity with Gravitas: A Solution to the Border Puzzle. The American Economic Review. 93(1): 170-192.
  • Anderson, J. E. and van Wincoop, E. (2004). Trade Costs. Journal of Economic Literature. 42(3): 691-751.
  • Anderson, J. E. (2010). The gravity model. NBER Working Paper No.16576: 1-45.
  • Arin, K.P., Braunfels, E., Zenker, C. (2019). On the Transmission Channels for the Resource Curse. CAMA Working Paper 67/2019.
  • Atkinson, G. and Hamilton, K. (2003). Savings, Growth and the Resource Curse Hypothesis. World Development. 31(11): 1793-1807.
  • Auty, R. M. (1993). Sustaining Development in Mineral Economies: The resource curse thesis. London: Routledge.
  • Auty, R. M. (2001). Introduction and Overview. Resource Abundance and Economic Development (pp. 3-16). Edited by R. M. Auty. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Auty, R. M. (2007). Natural resources, capital accumulation and the resource curse. Ecological Economics. 61(4): 627-634.
  • Baier, S. L., Bergstrand, J. H. and Vidal, E. (2007). Free trade agreements in the Americas: are the trade effects larger than anticipated? The World Economy. 30(9): 1347-1377.
  • Baier, S. L., Bergstrand, J. H. and Clance, M. (2015). Heterogeneous Economic Integration Agreement Effects. CESifo Working Paper Series No. 5488. Available at cfm?abstract_id=2663955. 04.01.2020.
  • Behrens, K., Ertur, C. and Koch, W. (2012). “Dual” Gravity: Using Spatial Econometrics to control for Multilateral Resistance. Journal of Applied Econometrics. 27: 773- 794.
  • Beine, M., Bos, C. S. and Coulombe, S. (2012). Does the Canadian economy suffer from Dutch disease? Resource and Energy Economics. 34(4): 468-492.
  • Bergstrand, J. H., Egger, P. and Larch, M. (2013). Gravity Redux: Estimation of gravity- equation coefficients, elasticities of substitution, and general equilibrium comparative statics under asymmetric bilateral trade costs. Journal of International Economics. 89(1):110-121.
  • Bergstrand, J. H., Larch, M. and Yotov, Y. V. (2015). Economic Integration Agreements, Border Effects, and Distance Elasticities in Gravity Equations. European Economic Review. 78: 307-327.
  • Bjørnland, H.C. and Thorsrud, L.A. (2016). Boom or Gloom? Examining the Dutch Disease in Two-Speed Economies. The Economic Journal. 126(598): 2219- 2256.
  • Bjørnland, H.C. and Thorsrud, L.A., Torvik, R. (2019). Dutch Disease dynamics reconsidered. European Economic Review. 119: 411-433.
  • Bresser-Pereira, L.C.L. (2008). The Dutch disease and its neutralization: a Ricardian approach. Brazilian Journal of Political Economy. 28(1): 47-71.
  • Brun, J-F., Carrere, C., Guillaumont, P. and de Melo, J. (2005). Has Distance Died?: Evidence from a Panel Gravity Model. World Bank Econ Rev. 19(1): 99-120.
  • Brunnschweiler, C. N. (2007). Cursing the Blessing?: Natural Resource Abundance, Institutions, and Economic Growth. World Development. 36(3): 399-419. Bulte, E. H., Damania, R. and Deacon, R. T. (2005). Resource Intensity, Institutions, and Development. World Development. 33(7): 1029-1044.
  • Camargo, JSM and Gala, P. (2017). The resource curse reloaded: revisiting the Dutch disease with economic complexity analysis. dspace/handle/10438/18037. 13.01.2020
  • Cherif, R. (2013). The Dutch Disease and the technological gap. Journal of Development Economics. 101: 248-255.
  • Corden, W. M. and Neary, J. P. (1982). Booming Sector and De-Industrialisation in a Small Open Economy. The Economic Journal. 92(368): 825-848.
  • Corden, W. M. (1984). Booming Sector and Dutch Disease Economies: Survey and Consolidation. Oxford Economic Papers. 36 (359-380).
  • Corden, W. M. (2012). Dutch Disease in Australia: Policy Options for a Three-Speed Economy. The Australian Economic Review. 45(3): 290-304.
  • David, P. A. and Wright, G. (1997). Increasing Returns and the Genesis of American Resource Abundance. Industrial and Corporate Change. 6(2): 203-245.
  • Fagerberg, J., Mowery, D.C. and Verspagen, B. (2009). The evolution of Norway’s national innovation system. Science and Public Policy. 36(6): 431-444.
  • Feenstra, R. C., Markusen, J. R. and Rose, A. K. (2001). Using the gravity equation to differentiate among alternative theories of trade. Canadian Journal of Economics. 34(2): 430-447.
  • Feenstra, R. C. (2004). Advanced International Trade: Theory and Evidence. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
  • Feshari, M. (2016). Application of Trade Gravity Model between Iran and Main Trade Partners (Panel Data Approach). International Journal of Resistive Economics. 4(4): 83-95.
  • Frankel, J. A. (1998). Introduction. The Regionalization of the World Economy (pp. 1-7). Edited by J. A. Frankel, Chicago: Chicago University Press.
  • Frankel, J. A. (2010). The Natural Resource Curse: A Survey. NBER Working Paper. 15836: 1-48. Gelb, A. H. (1988). Oil Windfalls: Blessing or Curse?. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Gylfason, T., Herbertsson, T.T. and Zoega, G. (1999). A Mixed Blessing. Macroeconomic Dynamics. 3: 204- 225.
  • Head, K. and Mayer, T. (2014). Chapter 3- Gravity Equations: Workhorse, Toolkit, and Cookbook. Handbook of International Economics 4 (pp. 131-195). Edited by G. Gopinath, E. Helpman and K. Rogoff, Amsterdam: Elsevier.
  • Holden, S. (2013). Avoiding the resource curse the case Norway. Energy Policy. 63: 870-876.
  • James, A. and Aadland, D. (2011). The curse of natural resources. An empirical investigation of U.S. counties. Resource and Energy Economics. 33: 440-453.
  • Kubo, K. (2014). Myanmar’s non-resource export potential after the lifting of economic sanctions: a gravity model analysis. Asia-Pacific Development Journal. 21(1): 1-22.
  • Larsen, E. R. (2006). Escaping the Resource Curse and the Dutch Disease? When and Why Norway Caught Up with and Forged Ahead of Its Neighbors. American Journal of Economics and Sociology. 65(3): 605-640.
  • Looney, R.E. (1989). Oil Revenues and Viable Development: Impact of the Dutch Disease on Saudi Arabian Diversification Efforts. American Arab Affairs. 27: 29-35.
  • Mehlum, H., Moene, K. and Torvik, R. (2006). Institutions and the resource curse. The Economic Journal. 116: 1-20.
  • Mikesell, R. F. (1997). Explaining the resource curse, with special reference to mineral-exporting countries. Resources Policy. 23(4): 191-199.
  • Neumayer, E. (2004). Does the “Resource Curse” hold Growth in Genuine Income as Well?. World Development. 32(10): 1627-1640.
  • Pöyhönen, P. (1963). A Tentative Model for the Volume of Trade between Countries. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 90: 93-99.
  • Rostow, W. W. (1959). The Stages of Economic Growth. The Economic History Review. 12(1): 1-16.
  • Rostow, W. W. (1961). The Stages of Economic Growth: A Non-communist Manifesto. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Sachs, J. D. and Warner, A. M. (1995). Natural Resource Abundance and Economic Growth. National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper. 5398: 1-47.
  • Sachs, J. D. and Warner, A. M. (1997). Natural Resource Abundance and Economic Growth. Center for International Development and Harvard Institute for International Development.
  • Sachs, J. D. and Warner, A. M. (1999). The big push, natural resource booms and growth. Journal of Development Economics. 59: 43-76.
  • Sachs, J. D. and Warner, A. M. (2001). The curse of natural resources. European Economic Review. 45: 827-838.
  • Smith, B. (2014). Dutch disease and the oil and boom and bust. Oxcarre Research Paper 133. Oxford, UK: Oxford Centre for the Analysis of Resource Rich Economies, University of Oxford. https://www. 25.01.2016
  • Stijns, J. (2003). An Empirical Test of the Dutch Disease Hypothesis using a gravity model of trade. http:// pdf. 24.01.2017.
  • Stijns, J. (2005). Natural resource abundance and economic growth revisited. Resources Policy. 30: 107-130.
  • Tinbergen, J.J. (1962). Shaping the world economy; suggestions for an international economic policy. New York, The Twentieth Century Fund.
  • Torvik, R. (2009). Why do some resource-abundant countries succeed while others do not?. Oxford Review of Economic Policy. 25(2): 241-256.
  • Tripathy, B. N. (1985). Export and Economic Growth. - port+led+growth+adam+smith&source=bl&ots=CcYotygWc1&sig=0OkVZw9cscfpb7skuYYh6joCKlU&hl=tr&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiuyOKkv7XRAhWpC8AKHWDyBTcQ6AEIHjAA#v=onepage&q=export%20led%20growth%20adam%20smith&f=false. 09.01.2017.
  • Usui, N. (1997). Dutch disease and policy adjustments to the oil boom: a comparative study of Indonesia and Mexico. Resources Policy. 23(4): 151-162.
  • van der Marel, E., Dreyer, I. (2014). Beyond Dutch disease. Economics of Transition. 22(2): 341-364.
  • Wright, G. and Czelusta, J. (2007). Resource- Based Growth Past and Present. Natural Resources: Neither Curse Nor Destiny (pp. 183-211). Edited by D. Lederman and W. F. Maloney. Palo Alto: Stanford University Press.
  • Yotov, Y. V., Piermartini, R., Monteiro, J-A. and Larch, M. (2016). An Advanced Guide to Trade Policy Analysis: The Structural Gravity Model. WTO, Geneva. https:// 25.12.2019.
There are 61 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Economics
Journal Section Research Article

Şule Gündüz This is me 0000-0001-5484-5795

Yeşim R. Kuştepeli This is me

Publication Date July 30, 2020
Acceptance Date July 12, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Gündüz, Ş., & Kuştepeli, Y. R. (2020). The Impact of Natural Resource Abundance on Manufacturing Exports from a Technology Intensity Perspective. Ege Academic Review, 20(3), 221-230.
AMA Gündüz Ş, Kuştepeli YR. The Impact of Natural Resource Abundance on Manufacturing Exports from a Technology Intensity Perspective. ear. July 2020;20(3):221-230. doi:10.21121/eab.795981
Chicago Gündüz, Şule, and Yeşim R. Kuştepeli. “The Impact of Natural Resource Abundance on Manufacturing Exports from a Technology Intensity Perspective”. Ege Academic Review 20, no. 3 (July 2020): 221-30.
EndNote Gündüz Ş, Kuştepeli YR (July 1, 2020) The Impact of Natural Resource Abundance on Manufacturing Exports from a Technology Intensity Perspective. Ege Academic Review 20 3 221–230.
IEEE Ş. Gündüz and Y. R. Kuştepeli, “The Impact of Natural Resource Abundance on Manufacturing Exports from a Technology Intensity Perspective”, ear, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 221–230, 2020, doi: 10.21121/eab.795981.
ISNAD Gündüz, Şule - Kuştepeli, Yeşim R. “The Impact of Natural Resource Abundance on Manufacturing Exports from a Technology Intensity Perspective”. Ege Academic Review 20/3 (July 2020), 221-230.
JAMA Gündüz Ş, Kuştepeli YR. The Impact of Natural Resource Abundance on Manufacturing Exports from a Technology Intensity Perspective. ear. 2020;20:221–230.
MLA Gündüz, Şule and Yeşim R. Kuştepeli. “The Impact of Natural Resource Abundance on Manufacturing Exports from a Technology Intensity Perspective”. Ege Academic Review, vol. 20, no. 3, 2020, pp. 221-30, doi:10.21121/eab.795981.
Vancouver Gündüz Ş, Kuştepeli YR. The Impact of Natural Resource Abundance on Manufacturing Exports from a Technology Intensity Perspective. ear. 2020;20(3):221-30.