An Analysis of out of Pocket Education Expenditures in Turkey: Logit and Tobit Models
Year 2020,
, 231 - 244, 30.07.2020
Özlem Kuvat
Özlem Ayvaz Kızılgöl
This study used data acquired from the 2017 Household Budget Survey from the Turkish Statistical Institute and used Logit and Tobit models and researched the risk of out-of-pocket education expenditures creating catastrophic expenditures. The study also researched the interactions of the out-of-pocket education expenditures by 20% income quintile based on the socioeconomic properties of the household. As a result of the analysis, it was seen that the catastrophic and out-of-pocket education expenditures increase in situations in which the household annual income, income quintiles, head of household age and education level increased and in which the household owns the house in which it resides. In case of difficult access to education services and increasing household size per equivalent individual, it was seen that out-of-pocket education expenditures decreased. It was concluded that an increase in the number of preschool children and the number of children studying in primary school and university reduced both expenditures but that an increase in the number of children studying in high school increased these expenditures.
- Acar, E. Ö., Cilasun, S. M. and Günalp, B. (2016, April).
An Analysis of Education Expenditures in Turkey
by Income Groups. The Economic Research Forum
Working Papers (No. 991), 1-28.
- Acerenza, S., and Gandelman, N. (2019). Household
Education Spending in Latin America And The
Caribbean: Evidence From Income And Expenditure
Surveys. Education Finance and Policy, 14(1), 61-87.
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Empirical Evidence from Pakistan.. In Proceedings of
the World Congress on Engineering (1), 3-5.
- Andreou, S. N. (2012). Analysis of Household Expenditure on Education In Cyprus. Cyprus Economic Policy
Review, 6(2), 17-38.
- Aslam, M. and Kingdon, G. G. (2008). Gender and Household Education Expenditure In Pakistan. Applied
Economics, 40(20), 2573-2591.
- Azam, M., and Kingdon, G. G. (2013). Are Girls The Fairer
Sex in India? Revisiting Intra-Household Allocation
Of Education Expenditure. World Development, 42,
- Boateng, N. A. (2014). Does Public Expenditure Management Matter For Education Outcomes?. Development Southern Africa, 31(4), 535-552.
Çınaroğlu, S. and Şahin, B. (2016). Katastrofik Sağlık
Harcaması ve Yoksullaştırıcı Etki. Hacettepe Sağlık
İdaresi Dergisi, 19(1), 73-86.
- Donkoh, S. A. and Amikuzuno, J. A. (2011). The Determinants Of House Hold Education Expenditure in
Ghana., Educational Research and Reviews, 6(8),
- Ebaidalla, E. M. (2018). Understanding Household
Education Expenditure In Sudan: Do Poor and
Rural Households Spendless on Education?. African
Journal of Economic Review, 6(1), 160-178.
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Journal of Educational Development, 49, 70-79.
- Kuvat, Ö. and Ayvaz Kızılgöl, Ö. (2018, December). Türkiye’de Katastrofik Sağlık Harcamaları: 2016 Hanehalkı
Bütçe Araştırmasının Analizi, II. International Symposium on Economics, Finance and Econometrics,
Bandırma Onyedi Eylül Üniversitesi, Balıkesir.
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Yükü: Türkiye İçin İstatistiksel Bir Analiz. Yönetim ve
Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, 12(24), 338-355.
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Turkey: A Tobit Analysis of Private Tutoring Expenditures. Economics Of Education Review, 25(3), 303-313.
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Returns To Education In Turkey: A Quantile Regression Analysis. Review of Development Economics,
16(1), 107-121.
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of Applied Economic Research, (No. 88). New Delhi:
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- TÜİK, (01.01.2019).
Ulusoy, B. and Yolcu, H. (2014). Household Expenditures
on Education by Parents of Students Attending Publics Chools at the Primary Education Level. Kastamonu Education Journal, 22(3), 1091-1112.
- Wagstaff A. and Van Doorslaer E. (2003). Catastrophe
and Impoverishment in Paying for Health Care:
With Applications to Vietnam 1993-1998. Health
Economics,12(11), 921-34.
- Wongmonta, S., and Glewwe, P. (2017). An Analysis
Of Gender Differences In Household Education
Expenditure: The Case Of Thailand. Education Economics, 25(2), 183-204.
- Xu, K.,Evans, D. B., Kadama, P., Nabyonga, J., Ogwal, P.
O., Nabukhonzo, P. and Aguilar, A. M. (2007). Understanding the Impact of Eliminating User Fees:
Utilization and Catastrophic Health Expenditures in
Uganda, Social Science &Medicine, 62, 866-876.
- Yereli, A. B., Köktaş, A. M. and Selçuk, I. Ş. (2014). Türkiye’de Katastrofik Sağlık Harcamalarını Etkileyen
Faktörler. Sosyoekonomi, 2, 273-296.
- Yolcu, H. (2011). Hanehalkının Eğitim Harcamalarını
Etkileyen Etmenler: Kuramsal Bir Çalışma. Mehmet
Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 3(5), 12-35.
- Yumuşak, İ. (2008). Beşeri Sermayenin Iktisadi Önemi ve
Türkiye’nin Beşeri Sermaye Potansiyeli. Sosyal Siyaset
Konferansları Dergisi, (55), 3-48.
- Zhang, Y., and Zhou, X. (2017). Can Higher Household
Education Expenditure Improve the National College
Entrance Exam Performance? Empirical Evidence
from Jinan, China. Current Issues in Comparative
Education, 19(2), 8-32.
Year 2020,
, 231 - 244, 30.07.2020
Özlem Kuvat
Özlem Ayvaz Kızılgöl
- Acar, E. Ö., Cilasun, S. M. and Günalp, B. (2016, April).
An Analysis of Education Expenditures in Turkey
by Income Groups. The Economic Research Forum
Working Papers (No. 991), 1-28.
- Acerenza, S., and Gandelman, N. (2019). Household
Education Spending in Latin America And The
Caribbean: Evidence From Income And Expenditure
Surveys. Education Finance and Policy, 14(1), 61-87.
- Ahmad, Z. and Batul, T. (2013). Relationship among Poverty, Education Expenditure, and Education Status:
Empirical Evidence from Pakistan.. In Proceedings of
the World Congress on Engineering (1), 3-5.
- Andreou, S. N. (2012). Analysis of Household Expenditure on Education In Cyprus. Cyprus Economic Policy
Review, 6(2), 17-38.
- Aslam, M. and Kingdon, G. G. (2008). Gender and Household Education Expenditure In Pakistan. Applied
Economics, 40(20), 2573-2591.
- Azam, M., and Kingdon, G. G. (2013). Are Girls The Fairer
Sex in India? Revisiting Intra-Household Allocation
Of Education Expenditure. World Development, 42,
- Boateng, N. A. (2014). Does Public Expenditure Management Matter For Education Outcomes?. Development Southern Africa, 31(4), 535-552.
Çınaroğlu, S. and Şahin, B. (2016). Katastrofik Sağlık
Harcaması ve Yoksullaştırıcı Etki. Hacettepe Sağlık
İdaresi Dergisi, 19(1), 73-86.
- Donkoh, S. A. and Amikuzuno, J. A. (2011). The Determinants Of House Hold Education Expenditure in
Ghana., Educational Research and Reviews, 6(8),
- Ebaidalla, E. M. (2018). Understanding Household
Education Expenditure In Sudan: Do Poor and
Rural Households Spendless on Education?. African
Journal of Economic Review, 6(1), 160-178.
- Güngör, G. and Göksu, A. (2013). Türkiye’de Eğitimin
Finansmanı ve Ülkelerarası Bir Karşılaştırma. Yönetim
ve Ekonomi: Celal Bayar Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari
Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 20(1), 59-72.
- Güriş, S., and Çağlayan, E. (2012). Returns To Education
And Wages In Turkey: Robust And Resistant Regression. Quality and Quantity, 46(5), 1407-1416.
- Habibov, N., and Cheung, A. (2016). The Impact Of Unofficial Out-Of-Pocket Payments On Satisfaction With
Education in Post-Soviet Countries. International
Journal of Educational Development, 49, 70-79.
- Kuvat, Ö. and Ayvaz Kızılgöl, Ö. (2018, December). Türkiye’de Katastrofik Sağlık Harcamaları: 2016 Hanehalkı
Bütçe Araştırmasının Analizi, II. International Symposium on Economics, Finance and Econometrics,
Bandırma Onyedi Eylül Üniversitesi, Balıkesir.
- Mettle, F. O., Nortey, E. N., Aikins, M. and Ennin, C. (2011).
Catastrophic Spending on Education in Ghana: An
Analysis of the Ghana Living Standards Survey
(Fourth Round). Research Journal of Mathematics
and Statistics, 3(4), 123-129.
- OECD (2002). Financing Education, Executive Summary,
Investment and Returns Analysis of the World Education Indicators, UNESCO/UIS, Paris.
Patrinos, H. A., Psacharopoulos, G., and Tansel, A. (2019).
Returns To Investment in Education: The Case Of
Turkey. Turkish Economic Association Discussion
Paper 2019/2, 22 pages.
- Qian, J. X. and Smyth, R. (2011). Educational Expenditure
in Urban China: Income Effects, Family Characteristics and The Demand For Domestic and Overseas
Education. Applied Economics, 43(24), 3379-3394.
- Quang, V. (2012). Determinants of Educational Expenditure in Vietnam. International Journal of Applied
Economics, 9(1), 59–72.
- Rizk, R. and Owusu-Afriyie, J. (2014). Determinants of
Household Expenditure on Childrens Education in
Egypt. International Journal of Education Economics
and Development, 5(4), 332-360.
- Rizk, R., and Abou-Ali, H. (2016, May). Out Of Pocket
Education Expenditure And Household Budget:
Evidence From Arab Countries. Economic Research
Forum Working Papers (No. 996).
- Sulaiman, N., Ismail, R., Othman, N. and Tin, P. B. (2012).
TheDeterminants of Demand For Education Among
Households In Malaysia. International Business Management, 6(5), 558-567.
- Sülkü, S. N. and Abdioğlu, Z. (2014). Cepten Yapılan
Eğitim Harcamalarının Hanehalkı Gelirine Mali
Yükü: Türkiye İçin İstatistiksel Bir Analiz. Yönetim ve
Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, 12(24), 338-355.
- Tansel, A. and Bircan, F. (2006). Demand for Education In
Turkey: A Tobit Analysis of Private Tutoring Expenditures. Economics Of Education Review, 25(3), 303-313.
- Tansel, A., and Bodur, F. B. (2012). Wage Inequality And
Returns To Education In Turkey: A Quantile Regression Analysis. Review of Development Economics,
16(1), 107-121.
- Tilak, J. B. (2002). Determinants Of Household Expenditure on Education in Rural India. National Council
of Applied Economic Research, (No. 88). New Delhi:
- TÜİK (2017), Hanehalkı Bütçe Anketi Mikro Veri Seti,
- TÜİK, (01.01.2019).
Ulusoy, B. and Yolcu, H. (2014). Household Expenditures
on Education by Parents of Students Attending Publics Chools at the Primary Education Level. Kastamonu Education Journal, 22(3), 1091-1112.
- Wagstaff A. and Van Doorslaer E. (2003). Catastrophe
and Impoverishment in Paying for Health Care:
With Applications to Vietnam 1993-1998. Health
Economics,12(11), 921-34.
- Wongmonta, S., and Glewwe, P. (2017). An Analysis
Of Gender Differences In Household Education
Expenditure: The Case Of Thailand. Education Economics, 25(2), 183-204.
- Xu, K.,Evans, D. B., Kadama, P., Nabyonga, J., Ogwal, P.
O., Nabukhonzo, P. and Aguilar, A. M. (2007). Understanding the Impact of Eliminating User Fees:
Utilization and Catastrophic Health Expenditures in
Uganda, Social Science &Medicine, 62, 866-876.
- Yereli, A. B., Köktaş, A. M. and Selçuk, I. Ş. (2014). Türkiye’de Katastrofik Sağlık Harcamalarını Etkileyen
Faktörler. Sosyoekonomi, 2, 273-296.
- Yolcu, H. (2011). Hanehalkının Eğitim Harcamalarını
Etkileyen Etmenler: Kuramsal Bir Çalışma. Mehmet
Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 3(5), 12-35.
- Yumuşak, İ. (2008). Beşeri Sermayenin Iktisadi Önemi ve
Türkiye’nin Beşeri Sermaye Potansiyeli. Sosyal Siyaset
Konferansları Dergisi, (55), 3-48.
- Zhang, Y., and Zhou, X. (2017). Can Higher Household
Education Expenditure Improve the National College
Entrance Exam Performance? Empirical Evidence
from Jinan, China. Current Issues in Comparative
Education, 19(2), 8-32.