Dr. Betül Aydoğan Ünal completed her BA at Boğaziçi University and her PhD in Public Administration at Dokuz Eylül University. She was a Visiting Fellow in the Department of Government at Harvard University during the 2013-2014 academic year. Currently, she serves as an Associate Professor in the Department of International Relations at Ege University. Her research interests include institutional behavior, automated text analysis, Turkish politics, and political institutions.
Kozal obtained her PhD from Ege University's Graduate School of Social Sciences with a thesis entitled "The 200-Year History of Industrialization in Turkey: Continuities and Transformations (Türkiye'de Sanayileşmenin 200 Yıllık Tarihi: Süreklilikler ve Dönüşümler). Since 2015, she has been employed at Ege University's Department of Economics. During the 2018-2019 academic year, she held the position of visiting scholar at the University of Groningen, where she conducted research for her doctoral dissertation. Her research interests include the political economy of sustainable development, industrialization, and the ecological and circular economy.
Dr. Betül Aydoğan Ünal completed her BA at Boğaziçi University and her PhD in Public Administration at Dokuz Eylül University. She was a Visiting Fellow in the Department of Government at Harvard University during the 2013-2014 academic year. Currently, she serves as an Associate Professor in the Department of International Relations at Ege University. Her research interests include institutional behavior, automated text analysis, Turkish politics, and political institutions.
Ege Unıversity Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Department of Management Information Systems Research Assistant