[Erişim: 21.10.2002]" /> [Erişim: 13.01.2003]" /> [Erişim: 20.10.2002]" /> [Erişim: 20.08.2002]" />
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Year 2002, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 1 - 10, 01.05.2002


In this study, it has been discussed the inequalities in accessing and using Information and Communication Technologies as named Global Digital Divide. It has been tried to emphasis Digital Divide between developed and developing countries by using miscellaneous indicators with respect to World Bank country classification and to investigate Turkey’s situation on that context. Consequently, it can be said that there is an inequality in digitalization among countries as other inequalities and this inequality can be an important issue and a global problem that will be discussed in the future


  • ACC, (1997): "Statement on Universal Access to Basic Communication and Information Services" http://www.itu.int/acc/rtc/acc-rep.htm [Erişim: 23.12.2002].
  • ANALYSYS GROUP (2000): The Network Revolution and the Developing World, Final Report for World Bank and infoDev Analysys, Report Number 00-216, 3 August 2000. <http://www. infodev.org/library/WorkingPapers/400.doc>
  • BARBET, Philippe ve COUTINET Nathalie (2001): "Measuring the Digital Economy: State-ofthe-Art Developments and Future Prospects", Communications & Strategies, 42(2). <http://www. idate.fr/an/publi/revu/num/n42/pbnc_a.html> [Erişim: 21.10.2002]
  • CAMPBELL, Duncan (2001): "Can the Digital Divide Be Contained?" International Labour Review, 140(2), s.119-141
  • CID (2002): The Global Information Technology Report 2001-2002: Readiness for the Networked World, Center for International Development at Harvard University, <http://www.cid.harvard.edu/ cr/gitr2002_press.html [Erişim: 16.01.2003]
  • CONHAIM, Wallsy W. (2001): "The Global Digital Divide" Information Today, 18 (7), Jul/Aug2001, s.1-3.
  • CORROCHER, Nicoletta ve Andrea ORDANINI (2002): "Measuring the Digital Divide: A Framework for the Analysis of Cross-country Differences" Journal of Information Technology, 17(1), s. 9-19.
  • DASGUPTA, Susmita ve diğerleri (2001): "Policy Reform, Economic Growth, and the Digital Divide: An Econometric Analysis" World Bank, Development Research Group Working Paper, <http:// econ.worldbank.org/files/1615_wps2567. pdf> [Erişim: 13.01.2003]
  • DEMMERS, Jim ve O'NEIL Dara (2001): "Leavers and Takers: Alternative Perspectives on Universal Access to Telecommunications Technologies", Techné: Journal of the Society for Philosophy and Technology, 5(3), s.41-61.
  • GDI (2001): "A Global ICT Skills Offensive to Bridge the Digital Divide Between North and South" German Development Institute, Briefing Paper (2/2001).
  • GRUENWALD, Juliana (2001): "Unwired World: Seeking Answer To the Global Digital Divide" Interactive Week, 8(2), s.72-74.
  • IDC (2002): “World Times Information Society Index: Measuring the Global Impact of Information Technology and Internet Adoption.” International Data Corporation, <http://www.idc.com>
  • ISHAQ, Ashfaq (2001): "On the Global Digital Divide" Finance and Development, 38(3), September 2001, s. 44-47.
  • ITU (2002): World Telecommunication Development Report, International Telecommuncation Union, ITU Publications, Geneva
  • JAMES, Jeffrey (2001), "Information Technology, Cumulative Causation and Patterns of Globalization in the Third World." Review of International Political Economy, 8(1), s. 147-162.
  • _________ (2002): "Low-cost Information Technology in Developing Countries: Current Opportunities and Emerging Possibilities" Habitat International, 26(1), s. 21-31
  • KORAC-KAKABADSE, Nada ve diğerleri (2000): "Information Technology and Development : 10 Creating It Harems Fostering New Colonialism or Solving Wicked Policy Problems", Public Administration and Development, 20, s.171-184.
  • LANVIN, Bruno (2001): "Bridging the Digital Divide: Is It Too Late?", Communications & Strategies, 41(1). <http://www.idate.fr/an/publi/ revu/num/n41/ lanvin_a.html> [Erişim: 20.10.2002]
  • McCONNELL INTERNATIONAL (2001): “Ready? Net. Go! Partnerships Leading the Global Economy”, May 2001. <http://www.mcconnellinternational.com>
  • MENOU, Michel J. (2001): "The Global Digital Divide: Beyond hICTeria " Aslib Proceedings, 53(4), s.112-114.
  • NEGROPONTE, Nicholas (1998): "The Third Shall Be First the Net Leverages Latecomers in the Developing World.", Wired Magazine, Januray 1998.
  • NORRIS, Pippa (2001): The Digital Divide. Cambridge University Press, New York.
  • OECD (2001): Understanding Digital Divide,
  • OECD Publications, Paris. <http://www.oecd.org/ pdf/ M00002000/M00002444.pdf> [Erişim: 12.09.2002]
  • ÖZCİVELEK, Rukiye et al (2000): "Sayısal Uçurum : Dünya ve Türkiye'de Durum" VI.Türkiye'de Internet Konferansı, 9-11 Kasım 2000, İstanbul.
  • QUIBRIA, M.G. et al (2003): “Digital Divide: Determinants and Policies With Special Reference to Asia”, Journal of Asian Economics, 13, s. 811- 825.
  • RICCI, Andrea (2000): "Measuring Information Society: Dynamics of European Data on Usage of Information and Communication Technologies in Europe Since 1995" Telematics and Informatics, 17(1), s.141-167.
  • RODRIGUEZ, Francisco ve Ernest J. WILSON III (2000): "Are Poor Countries Losing the Information Revolution?" World Bank, The Information for Development Program Working Paper, May 2000. <http://www.cidcm.umd.edu/library/papers/ewilson /apxc.pdf> [Erişim: 20.08.2002]
  • SACHS, J. (2000): “Today’s World Is Divided Not by Ideology But by Technology”, The Economist, 26 July 2000, s. 99.
  • SHEA, William R. (2002): "Global Dialogue", Canadian Journal of Sociology, 27(1), s.83-89.
  • STEINMUELLER, W. Edward (2001): "ICTs and the Possibilities for Leapfrogging by Developing Countries" International Labour Review 140 (2), s. 193-210
  • TÜBİTAK-BILTEN (2002): "Instruments to Combat Digital Divide: An Evaluation Based on the Turkish Experience" TÜBİTAK BİLTEN.
  • U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE (1999): Falling Through the Net: Defining the Digital Divide, <http://www.ntia.doc.gov/ntiahome/fttn99/ FTTN.pdf> [Erişim: 23.12.2002]
  • UNDP (1999): Human Development Report 1999, 12 July 1999, New York.
  • WOLFF, Laurance ve Soledad MACKINNON (2002): “What is The Digital Divide?” TechKnowLogia, July - September 2002, s. 7-9.
  • <http://www.bridges.org> <http://www.digitaldivide.gov> <http://www.digitaldivide.org> <http://www.digitaldividenetwork.org>


Year 2002, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 1 - 10, 01.05.2002


Bu çalışmada Bilgi ve İletişim Teknolojilerine erişimde ülkeler arasında yaşanan eşitsizlik, diğer bir ifadeyle Global Dijital Uçurum sorunu ele alınmıştır. Dünya Bankasının gelir gruplarına göre ülke ayrımı dikkate alınarak Gelişmiş ve Gelişmekte Olan Ülkeler arasındaki Dijital Uçurum çeşitli göstergelerle ortaya konulmaya çalışılmış ve Türkiye’nin bu bağlamda hangi noktada olduğu tartışılmıştır. Bir çok eşitsizlik gibi dijitalleşme alanında da ülkeler arasında belirgin bir uçurumun olduğu ve bu uçurumun gelecek yıllarda önemli tartışma konularından ve küresel sorunlarından biri olacağı sonucuna varılmıştır


  • ACC, (1997): "Statement on Universal Access to Basic Communication and Information Services" http://www.itu.int/acc/rtc/acc-rep.htm [Erişim: 23.12.2002].
  • ANALYSYS GROUP (2000): The Network Revolution and the Developing World, Final Report for World Bank and infoDev Analysys, Report Number 00-216, 3 August 2000. <http://www. infodev.org/library/WorkingPapers/400.doc>
  • BARBET, Philippe ve COUTINET Nathalie (2001): "Measuring the Digital Economy: State-ofthe-Art Developments and Future Prospects", Communications & Strategies, 42(2). <http://www. idate.fr/an/publi/revu/num/n42/pbnc_a.html> [Erişim: 21.10.2002]
  • CAMPBELL, Duncan (2001): "Can the Digital Divide Be Contained?" International Labour Review, 140(2), s.119-141
  • CID (2002): The Global Information Technology Report 2001-2002: Readiness for the Networked World, Center for International Development at Harvard University, <http://www.cid.harvard.edu/ cr/gitr2002_press.html [Erişim: 16.01.2003]
  • CONHAIM, Wallsy W. (2001): "The Global Digital Divide" Information Today, 18 (7), Jul/Aug2001, s.1-3.
  • CORROCHER, Nicoletta ve Andrea ORDANINI (2002): "Measuring the Digital Divide: A Framework for the Analysis of Cross-country Differences" Journal of Information Technology, 17(1), s. 9-19.
  • DASGUPTA, Susmita ve diğerleri (2001): "Policy Reform, Economic Growth, and the Digital Divide: An Econometric Analysis" World Bank, Development Research Group Working Paper, <http:// econ.worldbank.org/files/1615_wps2567. pdf> [Erişim: 13.01.2003]
  • DEMMERS, Jim ve O'NEIL Dara (2001): "Leavers and Takers: Alternative Perspectives on Universal Access to Telecommunications Technologies", Techné: Journal of the Society for Philosophy and Technology, 5(3), s.41-61.
  • GDI (2001): "A Global ICT Skills Offensive to Bridge the Digital Divide Between North and South" German Development Institute, Briefing Paper (2/2001).
  • GRUENWALD, Juliana (2001): "Unwired World: Seeking Answer To the Global Digital Divide" Interactive Week, 8(2), s.72-74.
  • IDC (2002): “World Times Information Society Index: Measuring the Global Impact of Information Technology and Internet Adoption.” International Data Corporation, <http://www.idc.com>
  • ISHAQ, Ashfaq (2001): "On the Global Digital Divide" Finance and Development, 38(3), September 2001, s. 44-47.
  • ITU (2002): World Telecommunication Development Report, International Telecommuncation Union, ITU Publications, Geneva
  • JAMES, Jeffrey (2001), "Information Technology, Cumulative Causation and Patterns of Globalization in the Third World." Review of International Political Economy, 8(1), s. 147-162.
  • _________ (2002): "Low-cost Information Technology in Developing Countries: Current Opportunities and Emerging Possibilities" Habitat International, 26(1), s. 21-31
  • KORAC-KAKABADSE, Nada ve diğerleri (2000): "Information Technology and Development : 10 Creating It Harems Fostering New Colonialism or Solving Wicked Policy Problems", Public Administration and Development, 20, s.171-184.
  • LANVIN, Bruno (2001): "Bridging the Digital Divide: Is It Too Late?", Communications & Strategies, 41(1). <http://www.idate.fr/an/publi/ revu/num/n41/ lanvin_a.html> [Erişim: 20.10.2002]
  • McCONNELL INTERNATIONAL (2001): “Ready? Net. Go! Partnerships Leading the Global Economy”, May 2001. <http://www.mcconnellinternational.com>
  • MENOU, Michel J. (2001): "The Global Digital Divide: Beyond hICTeria " Aslib Proceedings, 53(4), s.112-114.
  • NEGROPONTE, Nicholas (1998): "The Third Shall Be First the Net Leverages Latecomers in the Developing World.", Wired Magazine, Januray 1998.
  • NORRIS, Pippa (2001): The Digital Divide. Cambridge University Press, New York.
  • OECD (2001): Understanding Digital Divide,
  • OECD Publications, Paris. <http://www.oecd.org/ pdf/ M00002000/M00002444.pdf> [Erişim: 12.09.2002]
  • ÖZCİVELEK, Rukiye et al (2000): "Sayısal Uçurum : Dünya ve Türkiye'de Durum" VI.Türkiye'de Internet Konferansı, 9-11 Kasım 2000, İstanbul.
  • QUIBRIA, M.G. et al (2003): “Digital Divide: Determinants and Policies With Special Reference to Asia”, Journal of Asian Economics, 13, s. 811- 825.
  • RICCI, Andrea (2000): "Measuring Information Society: Dynamics of European Data on Usage of Information and Communication Technologies in Europe Since 1995" Telematics and Informatics, 17(1), s.141-167.
  • RODRIGUEZ, Francisco ve Ernest J. WILSON III (2000): "Are Poor Countries Losing the Information Revolution?" World Bank, The Information for Development Program Working Paper, May 2000. <http://www.cidcm.umd.edu/library/papers/ewilson /apxc.pdf> [Erişim: 20.08.2002]
  • SACHS, J. (2000): “Today’s World Is Divided Not by Ideology But by Technology”, The Economist, 26 July 2000, s. 99.
  • SHEA, William R. (2002): "Global Dialogue", Canadian Journal of Sociology, 27(1), s.83-89.
  • STEINMUELLER, W. Edward (2001): "ICTs and the Possibilities for Leapfrogging by Developing Countries" International Labour Review 140 (2), s. 193-210
  • TÜBİTAK-BILTEN (2002): "Instruments to Combat Digital Divide: An Evaluation Based on the Turkish Experience" TÜBİTAK BİLTEN.
  • U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE (1999): Falling Through the Net: Defining the Digital Divide, <http://www.ntia.doc.gov/ntiahome/fttn99/ FTTN.pdf> [Erişim: 23.12.2002]
  • UNDP (1999): Human Development Report 1999, 12 July 1999, New York.
  • WOLFF, Laurance ve Soledad MACKINNON (2002): “What is The Digital Divide?” TechKnowLogia, July - September 2002, s. 7-9.
  • <http://www.bridges.org> <http://www.digitaldivide.gov> <http://www.digitaldivide.org> <http://www.digitaldividenetwork.org>
There are 36 citations in total.


Other ID JA36DT42CE
Journal Section Research Article

Lütfü Öztürk This is me

Publication Date May 1, 2002
Published in Issue Year 2002 Volume: 2 Issue: 1


APA Öztürk, L. (2002). DİJİTAL UÇURUMUN KÜRESEL BOYUTLARI. Ege Academic Review, 2(1), 1-10.
AMA Öztürk L. DİJİTAL UÇURUMUN KÜRESEL BOYUTLARI. ear. May 2002;2(1):1-10.
Chicago Öztürk, Lütfü. “DİJİTAL UÇURUMUN KÜRESEL BOYUTLARI”. Ege Academic Review 2, no. 1 (May 2002): 1-10.
EndNote Öztürk L (May 1, 2002) DİJİTAL UÇURUMUN KÜRESEL BOYUTLARI. Ege Academic Review 2 1 1–10.
IEEE L. Öztürk, “DİJİTAL UÇURUMUN KÜRESEL BOYUTLARI”, ear, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 1–10, 2002.
ISNAD Öztürk, Lütfü. “DİJİTAL UÇURUMUN KÜRESEL BOYUTLARI”. Ege Academic Review 2/1 (May 2002), 1-10.
MLA Öztürk, Lütfü. “DİJİTAL UÇURUMUN KÜRESEL BOYUTLARI”. Ege Academic Review, vol. 2, no. 1, 2002, pp. 1-10.
Vancouver Öztürk L. DİJİTAL UÇURUMUN KÜRESEL BOYUTLARI. ear. 2002;2(1):1-10.