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Year 2002, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 43 - 53, 01.10.2002


Piyasaya giriş, rekabeti artırıp, yerleşik firmaları verimliliklerini artırma yönünde zorlarken piyasa yapısı ve piyasa performansının belirlenmesinde oldukça önemli rol oynamaktadır. Bu çalışmada, 1993-1999 dönemine ait veriler kullanılarak, dinamik panel veri teknikleriyle, dört haneli 66 Türk imalat sanayii için piyasaya giriş ve piyasadan çıkış davranışı incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın sonuçları, Türk imalat sanayilerinde yeni giriş yapacak firmaların, girmeyi düşündükleri piyasayı belirli bir süre gözlemledikleri; giriş olgusunun genel olarak bir takip süreci olduğu; ve yerleşik firmaların piyasaya girişleri engellemede işbirliği içinde hareket ettikleri yönündeki görüşleri desteklemektedir


  • ACS, Z. ve AUDRETSCH, D. (1989): “Small-Firm Entry in US Manufacturing”, Economica, Cilt 56, ss. 255-265.
  • ARELLANO, M. (2003): Panel Data Econometrics. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
  • ARELLANO, M. ve BOND, S. (1991): “Some Tests of Specification for Panel Data: Monte Carlo Evidence and an Application to Employment Equations”, Review of Economic Studies, Cilt 58, ss. 277-297.
  • AUDRETSCH, D. ve MATA, J. (1995): “The PostEntry Performance of Firms: Introduction”, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Cilt 13, ss. 413-419.
  • BAIN, J. S. (1949): “A Note on Pricing in Monopoly and Oligopoly”, American Economic Review, Cilt 39, ss. 448-464.
  • BAIN, J. S. (1956): Barriers To New Competition: Their Character and Consequences in Manufacturing Industries. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • BALTAGI, B. H. (2001): Econometric Analysis of Panel Data. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
  • CAVES, R. E. ve PORTER, M. E. (1976): “Barriers to Exit”, içinde: Essays on Industrial Organization in Honor of Joe S. Bain. Ed.: P. D. Qualls ve R. Masson. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger, ss. 39-70.
  • COLLINS, N. R. ve PRESTON, L. E. (1968): Concentration and Price-Cost Margins in Manufacturing Industries. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
  • COLLINS, N. R. ve PRESTON, L. E. (1969): “Price-Cost Margins and Industry Structure”, Review of Economics and Statistics, Cilt 51, ss. 271-286.
  • COMANOR, W. S. ve WILSON, T. A. (1967): “Advertising, Market Structure and Performance”, Review of Economics and Statistics, Cilt 49, ss. 423-440.
  • COMANOR, W. S. ve WILSON, T. A. (1974): Advertising and Market Power. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • COMANOR, W. S. ve WILSON, T. A. (1979): “The Effect of Advertising on Competition: A Survey”, Journal of Economic Literature, Cilt 17, ss. 453-476.
  • DISNEY, R.; HASKEL, J. ve HEDEN, Y. (1999): “Entry, Exit and Establishment Survival in UK Manufacturing”, Queen Mary and Westfeld College Working Paper.
  • DIXIT, A. K. (1979): “A Model of Duopoly Suggesting a Theory of Entry Barriers”, Bell Journal of Economics, Cilt 10, ss. 20-32.
  • DIXIT, A. K. (1980): “The Role of Investment in Entry Deterrence”, Economic Journal, Cilt 90, ss. 95-106.
  • DİE, (2000): Yıllık İmalat Sanayii İstatistikleri, 2000. Ankara: Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü.
  • DOI, N. (1999): “The Determinants of Firm Exit in Japanese Manufacturing Industries”, Small Business Economics, Cilt 13, ss. 331-337.
  • EATON, B. C. ve LIPSEY, R. G. (1981): “Capital, Commitment, and Entry Equilibrium”, Bell Journal of Economics, Cilt 12, ss. 593-604.
  • FOTOPOULOS, G. ve SPENCE, N. (1998a): “Entry and Exit from Manufacturing Industries: Symmetry, Turbulence, and Simultaneity - Some Empirical Evidence from Greek Manufacturing Industries, 1982-1988”, Applied Economics, Cilt 30, ss. 245-262.
  • FOTOPOULOS, G. ve SPENCE, N. (1998b): “Accounting for Net Entry into Greek Manufacturing by Establishments of Varying Size”, Small Business Economics, Cilt 11, ss. 125-144.
  • GASKINS, D. W. (1971): “Dynamic Limit Pricing: Optimal Pricing under Threat of Entry”, Journal of Economic Theory, Cilt 3, ss. 306-322.
  • GEROSKI, P. A. (1995): “What Do We Know about Entry?”, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Cilt 13, ss. 421-440.
  • GILBERT, R. J. (1989a): “Mobility Barriers and the Value of Incumbency”, içinde: Handbook of Industrial Organization. Ed.: R. Schmalensee ve R. D. Willig. Amsterdam, Holland: North-Holland Publishing Company, ss. 475-535.
  • GILBERT, R. J. (1989b): “The Role of Potential Competition in Industrial Organization”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Cilt 3, ss. 107-128.
  • HÖLZL, W. (2002): “Exit, Entry and Industry Turbulence in Austrian Manufacturing 1981-1994”, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration Working Paper Series, No: 21.
  • HSIAO, C. (1986): Analysis of Panel Data. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press.
  • ILMAKUNNAS, P. ve TOPI, J. (1999): “Microeconomic and Macroeconomic Influences on Entry and Exit of Firms”, Review of Industrial Organization, Cilt 15, ss. 283-301.
  • KAYA, S. ve ÜÇDOĞRUK, Y. (2002): “The Dynamics of Entry and Exit in Turkish Manufacturing Industry”, ODTÜ VI. Uluslararası İktisat Kongresinde sunulan tebliğ, Ankara, Türkiye, 11-14 Eylül 2002.
  • KESSIDES, I. N. (1991): “Entry and Market Contestability: The Evidence from the United States”, içinde: Entry and Market Contestability. Ed.: P. A. Geroski ve J. Schwalbach. Oxford, UK: Basil Blackwell, ss. 23-48.
  • KHEMANI, R. S. ve SHAPIRO, D. M. (1986): “The Determinants of New Plant Entry in Canada”, Applied Economics, Cilt 18, ss. 1243-1257.
  • MACDONALD, J. M. (1986): “Entry and Exit on the Competitive Fringe”, Southern Economic Journal, Cilt 52, ss. 640-658.
  • MANN, H. M. (1966): “Seller Concentration, Barriers to Entry, and Rates of Return in Thirty Industries, 1950-1960”, Review of Economics and Statistics, Cilt 48, ss. 296-307.
  • MATA, J. (1991): “Sunk Costs and Entry by Small and Large Plants”, içinde: Entry and Market Contestability. Ed.: P. A. Geroski ve J. Schwalbach. Oxford, UK: Basil Blackwell, ss. 49-62.
  • MÁTYÁS, L. ve SEVESTRE, P. (1996): The Econometrics of Panel Data: A Handbook of the Theory with Applications. Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • MODIGLIANI, F. (1958): “New Developments on the Oligopoly Front”, Journal of Political Economy, Cilt 66, ss. 215-232.
  • ORR, D. (1974): “The Determinants of Entry: A Study of the Canadian Manufacturing Industries”, Review of Economics and Statistics, Cilt 56, ss. 58- 65.
  • ROSENBAUM, D. I. ve LAMORT, F. (1992): “Entry Barriers, Exit, and Sunk Costs: An Analysis”, Applied Economics, Cilt 24, ss. 297-304.
  • SHAPIRO, D. M. ve KHEMANI, R. S. (1987): “The Determinants of Entry and Exit Reconsidered”, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Cilt 5, ss. 15-26.
  • SPENCE, A. M. (1977): “Entry, Capacity, Investment and Oligopolistic Pricing”, Bell Journal of Economics, Cilt 8, ss. 534-544.
  • SPENCE, A. M. (1979): “Investment Strategy and Growth in a New Market”, Bell Journal of Economics, Cilt 10, ss. 1-19.
  • SYLOS–LABINI, P. (1957): Oligopoly and Technical Progress. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Year 2002, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 43 - 53, 01.10.2002


Entry plays an important role in influencing market structure and performance by increasing competition and forcing incumbent firms to operate more efficiently. Employing dynamic panel data techniques, this paper investigates the entry behavior in 66 four-digit Turkish manufacturing industries for the period 1993-1999. Results of the paper support the views that potential entrants observe the market before the entry takes place; entry is, in general, a following process; and incumbent firms collude to prevent entry in Turkish manufacturing industries


  • ACS, Z. ve AUDRETSCH, D. (1989): “Small-Firm Entry in US Manufacturing”, Economica, Cilt 56, ss. 255-265.
  • ARELLANO, M. (2003): Panel Data Econometrics. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
  • ARELLANO, M. ve BOND, S. (1991): “Some Tests of Specification for Panel Data: Monte Carlo Evidence and an Application to Employment Equations”, Review of Economic Studies, Cilt 58, ss. 277-297.
  • AUDRETSCH, D. ve MATA, J. (1995): “The PostEntry Performance of Firms: Introduction”, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Cilt 13, ss. 413-419.
  • BAIN, J. S. (1949): “A Note on Pricing in Monopoly and Oligopoly”, American Economic Review, Cilt 39, ss. 448-464.
  • BAIN, J. S. (1956): Barriers To New Competition: Their Character and Consequences in Manufacturing Industries. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • BALTAGI, B. H. (2001): Econometric Analysis of Panel Data. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
  • CAVES, R. E. ve PORTER, M. E. (1976): “Barriers to Exit”, içinde: Essays on Industrial Organization in Honor of Joe S. Bain. Ed.: P. D. Qualls ve R. Masson. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger, ss. 39-70.
  • COLLINS, N. R. ve PRESTON, L. E. (1968): Concentration and Price-Cost Margins in Manufacturing Industries. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
  • COLLINS, N. R. ve PRESTON, L. E. (1969): “Price-Cost Margins and Industry Structure”, Review of Economics and Statistics, Cilt 51, ss. 271-286.
  • COMANOR, W. S. ve WILSON, T. A. (1967): “Advertising, Market Structure and Performance”, Review of Economics and Statistics, Cilt 49, ss. 423-440.
  • COMANOR, W. S. ve WILSON, T. A. (1974): Advertising and Market Power. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • COMANOR, W. S. ve WILSON, T. A. (1979): “The Effect of Advertising on Competition: A Survey”, Journal of Economic Literature, Cilt 17, ss. 453-476.
  • DISNEY, R.; HASKEL, J. ve HEDEN, Y. (1999): “Entry, Exit and Establishment Survival in UK Manufacturing”, Queen Mary and Westfeld College Working Paper.
  • DIXIT, A. K. (1979): “A Model of Duopoly Suggesting a Theory of Entry Barriers”, Bell Journal of Economics, Cilt 10, ss. 20-32.
  • DIXIT, A. K. (1980): “The Role of Investment in Entry Deterrence”, Economic Journal, Cilt 90, ss. 95-106.
  • DİE, (2000): Yıllık İmalat Sanayii İstatistikleri, 2000. Ankara: Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü.
  • DOI, N. (1999): “The Determinants of Firm Exit in Japanese Manufacturing Industries”, Small Business Economics, Cilt 13, ss. 331-337.
  • EATON, B. C. ve LIPSEY, R. G. (1981): “Capital, Commitment, and Entry Equilibrium”, Bell Journal of Economics, Cilt 12, ss. 593-604.
  • FOTOPOULOS, G. ve SPENCE, N. (1998a): “Entry and Exit from Manufacturing Industries: Symmetry, Turbulence, and Simultaneity - Some Empirical Evidence from Greek Manufacturing Industries, 1982-1988”, Applied Economics, Cilt 30, ss. 245-262.
  • FOTOPOULOS, G. ve SPENCE, N. (1998b): “Accounting for Net Entry into Greek Manufacturing by Establishments of Varying Size”, Small Business Economics, Cilt 11, ss. 125-144.
  • GASKINS, D. W. (1971): “Dynamic Limit Pricing: Optimal Pricing under Threat of Entry”, Journal of Economic Theory, Cilt 3, ss. 306-322.
  • GEROSKI, P. A. (1995): “What Do We Know about Entry?”, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Cilt 13, ss. 421-440.
  • GILBERT, R. J. (1989a): “Mobility Barriers and the Value of Incumbency”, içinde: Handbook of Industrial Organization. Ed.: R. Schmalensee ve R. D. Willig. Amsterdam, Holland: North-Holland Publishing Company, ss. 475-535.
  • GILBERT, R. J. (1989b): “The Role of Potential Competition in Industrial Organization”, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Cilt 3, ss. 107-128.
  • HÖLZL, W. (2002): “Exit, Entry and Industry Turbulence in Austrian Manufacturing 1981-1994”, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration Working Paper Series, No: 21.
  • HSIAO, C. (1986): Analysis of Panel Data. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press.
  • ILMAKUNNAS, P. ve TOPI, J. (1999): “Microeconomic and Macroeconomic Influences on Entry and Exit of Firms”, Review of Industrial Organization, Cilt 15, ss. 283-301.
  • KAYA, S. ve ÜÇDOĞRUK, Y. (2002): “The Dynamics of Entry and Exit in Turkish Manufacturing Industry”, ODTÜ VI. Uluslararası İktisat Kongresinde sunulan tebliğ, Ankara, Türkiye, 11-14 Eylül 2002.
  • KESSIDES, I. N. (1991): “Entry and Market Contestability: The Evidence from the United States”, içinde: Entry and Market Contestability. Ed.: P. A. Geroski ve J. Schwalbach. Oxford, UK: Basil Blackwell, ss. 23-48.
  • KHEMANI, R. S. ve SHAPIRO, D. M. (1986): “The Determinants of New Plant Entry in Canada”, Applied Economics, Cilt 18, ss. 1243-1257.
  • MACDONALD, J. M. (1986): “Entry and Exit on the Competitive Fringe”, Southern Economic Journal, Cilt 52, ss. 640-658.
  • MANN, H. M. (1966): “Seller Concentration, Barriers to Entry, and Rates of Return in Thirty Industries, 1950-1960”, Review of Economics and Statistics, Cilt 48, ss. 296-307.
  • MATA, J. (1991): “Sunk Costs and Entry by Small and Large Plants”, içinde: Entry and Market Contestability. Ed.: P. A. Geroski ve J. Schwalbach. Oxford, UK: Basil Blackwell, ss. 49-62.
  • MÁTYÁS, L. ve SEVESTRE, P. (1996): The Econometrics of Panel Data: A Handbook of the Theory with Applications. Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • MODIGLIANI, F. (1958): “New Developments on the Oligopoly Front”, Journal of Political Economy, Cilt 66, ss. 215-232.
  • ORR, D. (1974): “The Determinants of Entry: A Study of the Canadian Manufacturing Industries”, Review of Economics and Statistics, Cilt 56, ss. 58- 65.
  • ROSENBAUM, D. I. ve LAMORT, F. (1992): “Entry Barriers, Exit, and Sunk Costs: An Analysis”, Applied Economics, Cilt 24, ss. 297-304.
  • SHAPIRO, D. M. ve KHEMANI, R. S. (1987): “The Determinants of Entry and Exit Reconsidered”, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Cilt 5, ss. 15-26.
  • SPENCE, A. M. (1977): “Entry, Capacity, Investment and Oligopolistic Pricing”, Bell Journal of Economics, Cilt 8, ss. 534-544.
  • SPENCE, A. M. (1979): “Investment Strategy and Growth in a New Market”, Bell Journal of Economics, Cilt 10, ss. 1-19.
  • SYLOS–LABINI, P. (1957): Oligopoly and Technical Progress. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
There are 42 citations in total.


Other ID JA76RA89HZ
Journal Section Research Article

Burak Günalp This is me

Seyit Mümin Cilasun This is me

Publication Date October 1, 2002
Published in Issue Year 2002 Volume: 2 Issue: 2


APA Günalp, B., & Cilasun, S. M. (2002). TÜRK İMALAT ENDÜSTRİLERİNDE PİYASAYA GİRİŞ DAVRANIŞI. Ege Academic Review, 2(2), 43-53.
Chicago Günalp, Burak, and Seyit Mümin Cilasun. “TÜRK İMALAT ENDÜSTRİLERİNDE PİYASAYA GİRİŞ DAVRANIŞI”. Ege Academic Review 2, no. 2 (October 2002): 43-53.
EndNote Günalp B, Cilasun SM (October 1, 2002) TÜRK İMALAT ENDÜSTRİLERİNDE PİYASAYA GİRİŞ DAVRANIŞI. Ege Academic Review 2 2 43–53.
IEEE B. Günalp and S. M. Cilasun, “TÜRK İMALAT ENDÜSTRİLERİNDE PİYASAYA GİRİŞ DAVRANIŞI”, ear, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 43–53, 2002.
ISNAD Günalp, Burak - Cilasun, Seyit Mümin. “TÜRK İMALAT ENDÜSTRİLERİNDE PİYASAYA GİRİŞ DAVRANIŞI”. Ege Academic Review 2/2 (October 2002), 43-53.
MLA Günalp, Burak and Seyit Mümin Cilasun. “TÜRK İMALAT ENDÜSTRİLERİNDE PİYASAYA GİRİŞ DAVRANIŞI”. Ege Academic Review, vol. 2, no. 2, 2002, pp. 43-53.
Vancouver Günalp B, Cilasun SM. TÜRK İMALAT ENDÜSTRİLERİNDE PİYASAYA GİRİŞ DAVRANIŞI. ear. 2002;2(2):43-5.