Örgütsel adalet ile ilgili çalışmalarda adaletin bireyler için değerli olduğu varsayımından hareket edilmektedir, adaletin bireyler için ne kadar değerli olduğu ise sorgulanmamaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, yazında yeterince üzerinde durulmamış olan, değerler ile örgütsel adalet algısının farklı boyutları arasındaki ilişkileri sorgulamak ve özellikle adalete atfedilen göreli değerin, adalet algılarını farklılaştırıp farklılaştırmadığını incelemektir. Araştırma sonuçları işlemsel adalet algısı boyutu için bu farklılaşmayı doğrulamamakla birlikte, dağıtım adaleti ve etkileşim adaleti algılarının, adalete atfedilen göreli değere göre farklılaştığını göstermektedir. Adalete atfettikleri göreli değer yükseldikçe kişilerin adalet algıları olumsuzlaşmaktadır. Bu ilişkiyle ilgili daha çok sayıda araştırmaya gereksinim olmakla birlikte, bu sonuca dayanarak, bundan sonra yapılacak adalet algılarına ilişkin çalışmalarda, adalete atfedilen göreli değerin dikkate alınması, özellikle adalet algılarının sonuçlarının incelendiği çalışmalarda adalete atfedilen değerin moderatör olarak etkisinin sorgulanması yararlı olabilecektir
ABU-SAAD, Ismael (2003): ‘The Work Values of Arab Teachers in Isael in a
Multicultural Context’, Journal of Beliefs and Values, 24: 1, 39-51.
ADKİNS, Cheryl L. ve Craig J. Russel (1997): ‘Supervisor-Subordinate Work
Value Congruence and Subordinate Performance: a Pilot Study’. Journal of
Business and Psychology, 12:2, 205-218.
ARYEE, Samuel, Pawan S. Budwar and Zhen Xiong Chen (2002): ‘Trust as
a Mediator of The relationship Between Organizational Justice and Work
Outcomes: Test of a Social Exchange Model’, Journal of Organizational
Behavior, 23:3, 267-285.
BEUGRE, Constant D. (2002): ‘Understanding Organizational Justice and Its
Impact on Managing Employees: An African Perspective’, The International
Journal of Human Resource Management, 13:7 November, 1091-1104.
BIES, Robert J. ve Debra L. Shapiro, (1988): Voice and Justification: Their
Influence on Procedural Fairness Judgements. Academy of Management
Journal, Vol: 31, No: 3, 676-685.
BROWN, Duane (2002): ‘The Role of Work and Cultural Values in
Occupational Choice, Satisfaction and Succes: A Theoritical Statement’.
Journal of Counseling & Development, 80, 48-56.
COHEN-CHARASH, Yochi ve Paul E. Spector (2001): ‘The Role of Justice in
Organizations: A Meta Analysis’, Organizational Behavior and Human
Decision Processes’, 86:2, 278-321.
COLQUITT, J. A. (2001): ‘On the Dimensionality of Organizational Justice: A
Construct Validation of a Measure’, Journal of Applied Psychology, 86:3,
COLQUITT, Jason A., CONLON, Donald E., PORTER, Christopher O.L.H.,
WESSON, Micheal J., NG, K. Yee (2001): ‘Justice at the Millennium: A Meta
Analytic Review of 25 Years of Organizational Justice Research’, Journal of
Applied Physicology, 86:3, 425-445.
De CONİNG, James B. ve C. Dean Stiwell (2004): ‘Incorporating
Organizational Justice, Role States, Pay Satisfaction an Supervisor
Satisfaction in a Model of Turnover Intentions’, Journal of Business
Research, 57, 225-231.
De CREMER, David (2002). ‘The Self-Relevant Implications of Distribution
Rules: When Self-Esteem and Acceptance Are Influenced by Violations of
Equity Rule’, Social Justice Research, 15: 4 327-339.
DİECKMANN, Kristina A., Zoe I. Barsness ve Haris Sondack (2004):
‘Uncertainity, Fairness Perceptions, and Job Satisfaction: A Field Study’,
Social Justice Research, 7:3, 237-255.
ELİZUR, D. (1984): ‘Facets of Work Values: A Structural Analices of Work
Outcomes’, Journal of Applied Physicology, 69, 379-389.
ELİZUR, D. ve A. Sagie (1999): ‘Facet of Personal Values: A Structural
Analysis of Life and Work Values’. Applied Psychology: An International
Review, 48:1, 73-87.
FEATHER, N. T. (1994): ‘Human Values and Their Relation to Justice’,
Journal of Social Issues, 50, 129-151.
FEATHER, N.T ve Katrin Rauter (2004): ‘Organizational Citizanship
Behaviors in Relation to Job Status, Job İnsecurity, Organizational
Commitment and Identification and Work Values’, Journal of Occupational
and Organizational Psychology, 77, 81-94.
FINEGAN, John E. (2000): ‘The Impact of Person and Organizational Values
on Organizational Commitment’, Journal of Occupational and Organizational
Psychology, 73, 149-169.
FOLEY, Sharon, Deborah L. Kidder ve Gary N. Powell (2002): ‘The
Perceived Glass Ceiling and Justice Perceptions: An Investigation of
Hispanic Law Associates’, Journal of Management, 28:4, 471-496.
FOLGER, Robert ve Mary A. Konovski (1989): ‘Effects of Procedural and
Distributive Justice On Reactions To Pay Raise Decisions’, Academy of
Management Journal, 32:1, 111-130.
FURNHAM, A. (1984): ‘Work Values and Beliefs in Britain’, Journal of
Occupational Behavior, 5, 281-291.
GREENBERG, Jerald (1987): ‘Taxonomy of Organizational Justice
Theories’, The Academy of Management Review, January, 12:1, 9-22.
GREENBERG, Jerald (1990): ‘Organizational Justice: Yesterday, Today and
Tomorrow’, Journal of Management, 16: 2, 399-432.
GREENBERG, Jerald, Robert J. Bies (1992): ‘Establishing the Role of
Empirical Studies of Organizational Justice in Philosophical Inquiries into
Business Ethics’, Journal of Business Ethics, May, 11: 5-6, 433-444.
HOFSTEDE, G. (1980): Culture’s Consequences: International Differences
in Work related Values. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
HOLBROOK, Robert L. Jr. (1999): ‘Managing Reactions to Performance
Appraisal: The Influence of Multiple Justice Mechanism’, Social Justice
Research, 12:3, 205-221.
İŞBAŞI, Janset Özen. (2001): ‘Çalışanların Yöneticilerine Duydukları
Güvenin ve Örgütsel Adalete İlişkin Algılamalarının Vatandaşlık Davranışının
Oluşumundaki Rolü’, Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi, Ekim 1 (1), 51-73.
İŞCAN, Ömer Faruk, Atılhan Naktiyok (2004): ‘Çalışanların Örgütsel
Bağdaşımlarının Belirleyicileri Olarak Örgütsel Bağlılık ve Örgütsel Adalet
Algıları’, S.B.F Dergisi.
JASO, G. ve B. Wegener (1997): ‘Methods for Emprical Justice Analyses:
Part 1. Frameworks, Models and Quantities’, Social Justice Research, 10,
JONES, David A. (2004): ‘Counterproductive Work Behavior Toward
Supervisors & Organizations: Injustice, Revenge, & Context’, Academy of
Management Best Conference Paper.
KNOOP, R. (1994). ‘Work Values and Job Satisfaction’, The Journal of
Psychology, 128:6, 683-690.
KONOVSKY, Mary A. (2000): ‘Understanding Procedural Justice and Its
Impact on Business Organizations’. Journal of Management, Vol. 26, No. 3,
LAM, Simon S. K., John Schaubroeck, Samuel Aryee (2002): ‘Relationship
Between organizational Justice and Employee Work Outcomes: A Cross
national Study’, Journal of Organizational Behavior, February, 23:1, 1-18.
LEE, Cynthia, Madan Pillutla ve Kenneth S. Law (2000): ‘Power-Distance,
Gender and Organizational Justice’, Journal of Management, 26:4, 685-704.
LEE, Cyntia ve Jıng-Lıh Farh (1999): ‘The Effects of Gender in
Organizational Justice Perception’, Journal of Organizational Behavior,
January, 20:1, 133-143.
LIPPOPEN, Jukka, Maria-Elena Olkkonen and Liisa Myyry (2004): ‘Personal
Value Orientation as a Moderator in the Relationship Between Perceived
Organizational Justice and Its Hypothesized Consequences’, Social Justice
Research, 17: 3 September, 275-292.
MARKOVSKY, b. (1985): ‘Towards a Multilevel Theory of Justice’, American
Sociology Review, 50, 822-839.
MARTTOCCHİO, J.J ve T. A. Judge (1995): ‘when We Don’t See Eye to
Eye: Discrepancies Between Supervisors and Subordinates in Absence
Disciplinary Procedures’, Journal of Management, 21, 251-278.
MOORMAN, R.H. (1991): ‘Relationship between Organizational Justice and
Organizational CitizenshipBehaviors: Do Fairness Perceptions Influence
Employee Citizenship?’ Journal of Applied Psychology, 76, 845-855.
MUELLER, Charles W. ve Tor Wynn (2000): ‘The Degree to Which Justice Is
Valued in The Workplace’, Social Justice Research, 13:1, 1-24.
NIEHOFF, Brian P. ve Robert H. Moorman (1993): ‘Justice as A Mediator of
the Relationship between Methods of Monitoring and Organizational Citizenship Behavior’, Academy of Management Journal, 36:3, 527-556.
ROBİNSON, K. L. (2004): The Impact of Individual Differences on The
Relationship between Employee Perceptions of Organizational Justice and
Organizational Outcome Variables, PhD dissertation, California School of
Organizational Studies Alliant International University, San Diego.
ROE, Robert A. ve Peter Ester (1999): ‘Values and Work: Emprical Finding
and Theoritical Perspective’, Applied Psychology: An International Review,
48:1, 1-21.
ROS M., Shalom H. Shvartz ve Shoshana Surkiss (1999): ‘Basic Individual
Values, Work Values, and the Meaning of Work’, Applied Psychology: An
International Review, 48:1, 49-71.
SCHIMNKE, Marshall, Mureen L. Ambrose, Terry W. Noel (1997): ‘The
Effect of Ethical Framework on Perception of Organizational Justice’,
Academy of Management Journal, 40:5, 1190-1207.
SHWARTZ, S. H. (1999): ‘A Theory of Cultural Values and Some
Implications for Work’, Applied Psychology: An International Review, 48:1,
SİLAH, Mehmet (2005): Sosyal Psikoloji Davranış Bilimi. 2. Baskı. Seçkin
SKITKA, L.J. ve Crosby, F. J. (2003): ‘Trends in the social psychological
study of justice’, Personality and Social Psychology Review, 7, 282 - 285.
SKİTKA, L. J. (2002): ‘Do the Means Always Justify The Ends Or Do the
Ends Sometimes Justify The Means? A Value Protection Model Of Justice’,
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 28, 588 -597.
SKİTKA, L. J. ve Mullen, E. (2002): Understanding judgments of fairness in a
real-world political context: A test of the value protection model of justice
reasoning. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 28,1419 – 1429.
SWEENEY, P. D. Ve D. B. Mc. Farlin (1997): ‘Process and Outcome:
Gender Differences in the Assesment of Justice’, Journal of Organizational
Behavior, 18, 83-98.
TANG, Thomas Li-Ping ve Baldwin, Linda J. Sarsfield (1996): ‘Distributive
and Procedural Justice as Related to Satisfaction and Commitment’, S.A.M
Advanced Management Journal, 61:3, 25-31.
WANBERG, Connie R., Larry W. Bunce ve Mark B. Gavin (1999): ‘Perceived Fairness of Layoffs Among Individauls Who Have Been Laid Off: A
Longitudinal Study’, Personnel Psychology, 52:1, 59-84.
WELBOURNE, T.M, D.B. Balkin ve L.R. Gomez Mejia (1995): ‘Gainsharing
and Mutual Monitoring: A Combined Agency-Organizational Justice
Interpretation’, Academy of Management Journal, 38, 881-899.
YILDIRIM, Fatma. (2002): Çalışma Yaşamında Örgüte Bağlılık ve Örgütsel
Adalet İlişkisi. Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Psikoloji (Sosyal
Psikoloji)Anabilim Dalı, Doktora Tezi, Ankara.
Year 2007,
Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 19 - 35, 01.05.2007
Organizational justice researches assumed is that justice is valuable for everyone. But these researches never examined how justice is valuable and how values affect organizational justice perceptions. The aim of this research is to examine the relations between justice value and organizational justice perceptions. The results of this research don’t confirm the relation for the procedural justice dimension. But the relation is confirmed for the other two dimensions. People who find justice more valuable, percept distributive and interactional justice more negatively. Justice value should be examined at least as a moderator in further studies
ABU-SAAD, Ismael (2003): ‘The Work Values of Arab Teachers in Isael in a
Multicultural Context’, Journal of Beliefs and Values, 24: 1, 39-51.
ADKİNS, Cheryl L. ve Craig J. Russel (1997): ‘Supervisor-Subordinate Work
Value Congruence and Subordinate Performance: a Pilot Study’. Journal of
Business and Psychology, 12:2, 205-218.
ARYEE, Samuel, Pawan S. Budwar and Zhen Xiong Chen (2002): ‘Trust as
a Mediator of The relationship Between Organizational Justice and Work
Outcomes: Test of a Social Exchange Model’, Journal of Organizational
Behavior, 23:3, 267-285.
BEUGRE, Constant D. (2002): ‘Understanding Organizational Justice and Its
Impact on Managing Employees: An African Perspective’, The International
Journal of Human Resource Management, 13:7 November, 1091-1104.
BIES, Robert J. ve Debra L. Shapiro, (1988): Voice and Justification: Their
Influence on Procedural Fairness Judgements. Academy of Management
Journal, Vol: 31, No: 3, 676-685.
BROWN, Duane (2002): ‘The Role of Work and Cultural Values in
Occupational Choice, Satisfaction and Succes: A Theoritical Statement’.
Journal of Counseling & Development, 80, 48-56.
COHEN-CHARASH, Yochi ve Paul E. Spector (2001): ‘The Role of Justice in
Organizations: A Meta Analysis’, Organizational Behavior and Human
Decision Processes’, 86:2, 278-321.
COLQUITT, J. A. (2001): ‘On the Dimensionality of Organizational Justice: A
Construct Validation of a Measure’, Journal of Applied Psychology, 86:3,
COLQUITT, Jason A., CONLON, Donald E., PORTER, Christopher O.L.H.,
WESSON, Micheal J., NG, K. Yee (2001): ‘Justice at the Millennium: A Meta
Analytic Review of 25 Years of Organizational Justice Research’, Journal of
Applied Physicology, 86:3, 425-445.
De CONİNG, James B. ve C. Dean Stiwell (2004): ‘Incorporating
Organizational Justice, Role States, Pay Satisfaction an Supervisor
Satisfaction in a Model of Turnover Intentions’, Journal of Business
Research, 57, 225-231.
De CREMER, David (2002). ‘The Self-Relevant Implications of Distribution
Rules: When Self-Esteem and Acceptance Are Influenced by Violations of
Equity Rule’, Social Justice Research, 15: 4 327-339.
DİECKMANN, Kristina A., Zoe I. Barsness ve Haris Sondack (2004):
‘Uncertainity, Fairness Perceptions, and Job Satisfaction: A Field Study’,
Social Justice Research, 7:3, 237-255.
ELİZUR, D. (1984): ‘Facets of Work Values: A Structural Analices of Work
Outcomes’, Journal of Applied Physicology, 69, 379-389.
ELİZUR, D. ve A. Sagie (1999): ‘Facet of Personal Values: A Structural
Analysis of Life and Work Values’. Applied Psychology: An International
Review, 48:1, 73-87.
FEATHER, N. T. (1994): ‘Human Values and Their Relation to Justice’,
Journal of Social Issues, 50, 129-151.
FEATHER, N.T ve Katrin Rauter (2004): ‘Organizational Citizanship
Behaviors in Relation to Job Status, Job İnsecurity, Organizational
Commitment and Identification and Work Values’, Journal of Occupational
and Organizational Psychology, 77, 81-94.
FINEGAN, John E. (2000): ‘The Impact of Person and Organizational Values
on Organizational Commitment’, Journal of Occupational and Organizational
Psychology, 73, 149-169.
FOLEY, Sharon, Deborah L. Kidder ve Gary N. Powell (2002): ‘The
Perceived Glass Ceiling and Justice Perceptions: An Investigation of
Hispanic Law Associates’, Journal of Management, 28:4, 471-496.
FOLGER, Robert ve Mary A. Konovski (1989): ‘Effects of Procedural and
Distributive Justice On Reactions To Pay Raise Decisions’, Academy of
Management Journal, 32:1, 111-130.
FURNHAM, A. (1984): ‘Work Values and Beliefs in Britain’, Journal of
Occupational Behavior, 5, 281-291.
GREENBERG, Jerald (1987): ‘Taxonomy of Organizational Justice
Theories’, The Academy of Management Review, January, 12:1, 9-22.
GREENBERG, Jerald (1990): ‘Organizational Justice: Yesterday, Today and
Tomorrow’, Journal of Management, 16: 2, 399-432.
GREENBERG, Jerald, Robert J. Bies (1992): ‘Establishing the Role of
Empirical Studies of Organizational Justice in Philosophical Inquiries into
Business Ethics’, Journal of Business Ethics, May, 11: 5-6, 433-444.
HOFSTEDE, G. (1980): Culture’s Consequences: International Differences
in Work related Values. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
HOLBROOK, Robert L. Jr. (1999): ‘Managing Reactions to Performance
Appraisal: The Influence of Multiple Justice Mechanism’, Social Justice
Research, 12:3, 205-221.
İŞBAŞI, Janset Özen. (2001): ‘Çalışanların Yöneticilerine Duydukları
Güvenin ve Örgütsel Adalete İlişkin Algılamalarının Vatandaşlık Davranışının
Oluşumundaki Rolü’, Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi, Ekim 1 (1), 51-73.
İŞCAN, Ömer Faruk, Atılhan Naktiyok (2004): ‘Çalışanların Örgütsel
Bağdaşımlarının Belirleyicileri Olarak Örgütsel Bağlılık ve Örgütsel Adalet
Algıları’, S.B.F Dergisi.
JASO, G. ve B. Wegener (1997): ‘Methods for Emprical Justice Analyses:
Part 1. Frameworks, Models and Quantities’, Social Justice Research, 10,
JONES, David A. (2004): ‘Counterproductive Work Behavior Toward
Supervisors & Organizations: Injustice, Revenge, & Context’, Academy of
Management Best Conference Paper.
KNOOP, R. (1994). ‘Work Values and Job Satisfaction’, The Journal of
Psychology, 128:6, 683-690.
KONOVSKY, Mary A. (2000): ‘Understanding Procedural Justice and Its
Impact on Business Organizations’. Journal of Management, Vol. 26, No. 3,
LAM, Simon S. K., John Schaubroeck, Samuel Aryee (2002): ‘Relationship
Between organizational Justice and Employee Work Outcomes: A Cross
national Study’, Journal of Organizational Behavior, February, 23:1, 1-18.
LEE, Cynthia, Madan Pillutla ve Kenneth S. Law (2000): ‘Power-Distance,
Gender and Organizational Justice’, Journal of Management, 26:4, 685-704.
LEE, Cyntia ve Jıng-Lıh Farh (1999): ‘The Effects of Gender in
Organizational Justice Perception’, Journal of Organizational Behavior,
January, 20:1, 133-143.
LIPPOPEN, Jukka, Maria-Elena Olkkonen and Liisa Myyry (2004): ‘Personal
Value Orientation as a Moderator in the Relationship Between Perceived
Organizational Justice and Its Hypothesized Consequences’, Social Justice
Research, 17: 3 September, 275-292.
MARKOVSKY, b. (1985): ‘Towards a Multilevel Theory of Justice’, American
Sociology Review, 50, 822-839.
MARTTOCCHİO, J.J ve T. A. Judge (1995): ‘when We Don’t See Eye to
Eye: Discrepancies Between Supervisors and Subordinates in Absence
Disciplinary Procedures’, Journal of Management, 21, 251-278.
MOORMAN, R.H. (1991): ‘Relationship between Organizational Justice and
Organizational CitizenshipBehaviors: Do Fairness Perceptions Influence
Employee Citizenship?’ Journal of Applied Psychology, 76, 845-855.
MUELLER, Charles W. ve Tor Wynn (2000): ‘The Degree to Which Justice Is
Valued in The Workplace’, Social Justice Research, 13:1, 1-24.
NIEHOFF, Brian P. ve Robert H. Moorman (1993): ‘Justice as A Mediator of
the Relationship between Methods of Monitoring and Organizational Citizenship Behavior’, Academy of Management Journal, 36:3, 527-556.
ROBİNSON, K. L. (2004): The Impact of Individual Differences on The
Relationship between Employee Perceptions of Organizational Justice and
Organizational Outcome Variables, PhD dissertation, California School of
Organizational Studies Alliant International University, San Diego.
ROE, Robert A. ve Peter Ester (1999): ‘Values and Work: Emprical Finding
and Theoritical Perspective’, Applied Psychology: An International Review,
48:1, 1-21.
ROS M., Shalom H. Shvartz ve Shoshana Surkiss (1999): ‘Basic Individual
Values, Work Values, and the Meaning of Work’, Applied Psychology: An
International Review, 48:1, 49-71.
SCHIMNKE, Marshall, Mureen L. Ambrose, Terry W. Noel (1997): ‘The
Effect of Ethical Framework on Perception of Organizational Justice’,
Academy of Management Journal, 40:5, 1190-1207.
SHWARTZ, S. H. (1999): ‘A Theory of Cultural Values and Some
Implications for Work’, Applied Psychology: An International Review, 48:1,
SİLAH, Mehmet (2005): Sosyal Psikoloji Davranış Bilimi. 2. Baskı. Seçkin
SKITKA, L.J. ve Crosby, F. J. (2003): ‘Trends in the social psychological
study of justice’, Personality and Social Psychology Review, 7, 282 - 285.
SKİTKA, L. J. (2002): ‘Do the Means Always Justify The Ends Or Do the
Ends Sometimes Justify The Means? A Value Protection Model Of Justice’,
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 28, 588 -597.
SKİTKA, L. J. ve Mullen, E. (2002): Understanding judgments of fairness in a
real-world political context: A test of the value protection model of justice
reasoning. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 28,1419 – 1429.
SWEENEY, P. D. Ve D. B. Mc. Farlin (1997): ‘Process and Outcome:
Gender Differences in the Assesment of Justice’, Journal of Organizational
Behavior, 18, 83-98.
TANG, Thomas Li-Ping ve Baldwin, Linda J. Sarsfield (1996): ‘Distributive
and Procedural Justice as Related to Satisfaction and Commitment’, S.A.M
Advanced Management Journal, 61:3, 25-31.
WANBERG, Connie R., Larry W. Bunce ve Mark B. Gavin (1999): ‘Perceived Fairness of Layoffs Among Individauls Who Have Been Laid Off: A
Longitudinal Study’, Personnel Psychology, 52:1, 59-84.
WELBOURNE, T.M, D.B. Balkin ve L.R. Gomez Mejia (1995): ‘Gainsharing
and Mutual Monitoring: A Combined Agency-Organizational Justice
Interpretation’, Academy of Management Journal, 38, 881-899.
YILDIRIM, Fatma. (2002): Çalışma Yaşamında Örgüte Bağlılık ve Örgütsel
Adalet İlişkisi. Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Psikoloji (Sosyal
Psikoloji)Anabilim Dalı, Doktora Tezi, Ankara.
Özmen, Ö. N. T., Arbak, Y., & Özer, P. S. (2007). AN INQUIRY ABOUT THE EFFECT OF JUSTICE VALUE ON JUSTICE PERCEPTION. Ege Academic Review, 7(1), 19-35.
Özmen, Ömür N. T., Yasemin Arbak, and Pınar Süral Özer. “AN INQUIRY ABOUT THE EFFECT OF JUSTICE VALUE ON JUSTICE PERCEPTION”. Ege Academic Review 7, no. 1 (May 2007): 19-35.
Özmen ÖNT, Arbak Y, Özer PS (May 1, 2007) AN INQUIRY ABOUT THE EFFECT OF JUSTICE VALUE ON JUSTICE PERCEPTION. Ege Academic Review 7 1 19–35.
Ö. N. T. Özmen, Y. Arbak, and P. S. Özer, “AN INQUIRY ABOUT THE EFFECT OF JUSTICE VALUE ON JUSTICE PERCEPTION”, ear, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 19–35, 2007.
Özmen, Ömür N. T. et al. “AN INQUIRY ABOUT THE EFFECT OF JUSTICE VALUE ON JUSTICE PERCEPTION”. Ege Academic Review 7/1 (May 2007), 19-35.
Özmen, Ömür N. T. et al. “AN INQUIRY ABOUT THE EFFECT OF JUSTICE VALUE ON JUSTICE PERCEPTION”. Ege Academic Review, vol. 7, no. 1, 2007, pp. 19-35.