Information Technologies Competency of Enterprises: A scale adaptation Study
Year 2014,
Volume: 14 Issue: 3, 425 - 440, 01.08.2014
Ufuk Türen
Yunus Gökmen
İsmail Tokmak
Information Technologies (IT) competency of enterprise is considered one of the important aspects for creating competitive advantage. Although some micro level scales measuring IT competency of firms are exist in the literature, in order to fulfill the requirement of a Turkish Scale measuring firm level IT capability by establishing its reliability and validity on Turkish enterprises can provide a significant contribution. This scale development study may be useful for scholar exploring the relationships of IT competency with other variables. In this study, IT competency which is developed by Tippins ve Sohi (2003) is held through three scales named; IT Knowledge, IT Objects and the success of IT operations. At the end of the analysis Turkish version of the IT competency scale is found to be reliable and valid considering two different samples. The first sample comprises the bank officials and managers in Çorum. And second one is consist of the managers of manufacturing industry firms in Ankara
- Anderson J.C. ve Gerbing D.W. (1984) “The Effect of Sampling Error on Convergence, Improper Solutions, and Goodness-of-Fit Indices For Maximum Likelihood Con- firmatory Factor Analysis” Psychometrika, 49:155-173.
- Barney J.B. (1991) “Firm Resources and Sus- tained Competitive Advantage” Journal of Management, 17(1):99-120.
- Barney, J.B., Wright, M. ve Ketchen, DJ.Jr. (2001) “The Resource-Based View of the Firm: Ten Years After 1991” Journal of Management, 27:625-641.
- Bartel, A., Ichniowski, C. ve Shaw, K. (2007) “How Does İnformation Technology Affect Productivity? Plant- Level Comparisons of Product Innovation, Process Im- provement, and Worker Skills” The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 122(4):1721-1758.
- Becker, A., Hagenberg, N., Roessner, V., Woerner, W. ve Rothenberger, A. (2004) “Evaluation of the Self- Reported Sdq in A Clinical Setting: Do Self-Report Tell Us More Than Ratings By Adult Informants? European Child ve Adolescent Psychiatry, 13:17-24.
- Bensaou, M. (1993) “Interorganizational Coopera- tion: The Role of Information Technology An Empiri- cal Comparison of US and Japanese Supplier Relations” 14th Annual International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), December 5-8, Orlando, FL, USA.
- Bensghir, K.T. (1996) Bilgi Teknolojileri ve Örgütsel Değişim, 1.Baskı, Ankara, TODAİE Yayınları.
- Bharadwaj, A.S. (2000) “A Resource-Based Perspec- tive on Information Technology Capability and Firm Per- formance: An Empirical Investigation”, MIS Quarterly, 24(1):169-196.
- Bollen, K.A. (1989) Structural Equations With Latent Variables, 1st Edition, NewYork, Wiley.
- Brislin, R.W., Lonner, W.J. ve Thorndike, R.M. (1973) Cross-Cultural Research Methods, 1st Edition, Canada, John Wiley&Sons Pub.
- Browne, M.W. ve Cudeck, R. (1993) “Alternative Ways of Assessing Model Fit” K.A. Bollen ve J.S. Long (eds.), Testing Structural Equation Models,nNewbury Park, CA, USA, Sage Publications.
- Bülbül, H. ve Demirer, Ö. (2008) “Hizmet Ka- litesi Ölçüm Modelleri SERVQUAL ve SERPERF’in Karşılaştırmalı Analizi” Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 20:181-198.
- Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2007) Sosyal Bilimler İçin Veri Anal- izi El Kitabı, 7. Baskı, Ankara, Pegem A Yayıncılık.
- Byrne, B.M. (1994) Structural Equation Modeling With EQS and EQS/Windows, Thousand Oaks, CA, USA, Sage Publications.
- Chan, S.L. (2000) “Information Technology in Busi- ness Processes” Business Process Management Journal, 6(3):224-237.
- Clemons E.K. ve Row M.C. (1991) “Sustaining IT Advantage: The Role of Structural Differences” MIS Quarterly, 15(3):275-294.
- Eser, U. (1991) “Türkiye İmalat Sanayii’nde Verim- lilik, Teknolojik Gelişme ve Büyümenin Kaynakları” 1. Verimlilik Kongresi Bildirilen Kitabı, Ankara, MPM Yayın No: 454.
- Evangelista, R. ve Vezzani, A. (2011) “The Im- pact of Technological and Organizational Innovations on Employment in European Firms”, Industrial and Corporate Change, First Published Online: November 10, 2011, ( content/ear- ly/2011/11/10/icc.dtr069.abstract, (17.01.2012).
- Fernández-Mesa, A., Ferreras-Méndez, J., Alegre-Vidal, J. ve Chiva-Gómez, R. (2012) “IT Competency, Internal and External Learning Competency and the Commercial Success of Innovation” Proceedings of the European Confer- ence on Knowledge Management, 1: 321-330.
- Gibb J. ve Haar J. (2007) “IT Competency Predicting Market and Development Performance: Moderated By Organizational Size” Polytechnic University of Valencia, Proceedings of European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems(EMCIS2007), 24-26 Haziran 2007, Valencia.
- Giuri, P., Torrisi, S. ve Zinovyeva, N. (2008) “ICT, Skills, and Organizational Change: Evidence From Italian Manufacturing Firms” Industrial and Corporate Change, 17(1):29-64.
- Gurbaxani, V. ve Whang, S. (1991) “The Impact of Information Systems on Organizations and Markets” Communications of the ACM, 34(1):59-73.
- Güleş, H.K., Gözlü, K. ve Tekin, S. (2003) “Infor- mation Technology Implementation in Newly Industri- alising Countries: The Case of Turkish Manufacturing Firms” Endüstri Mühendisliği,14(3):30-37.
- Hsu, I.C. ve Sabherwal, R. (2011) “From Intellec- tual Capital to Firm Performance: The Mediating Role of Knowledge, Management Capabilities” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 58(4):626-642.
- Hu, L.T., ve Bentler, P.M. (1995) “Evaluating Model Fit”, R.H. Hoyle (eds.), Structural Equation Modeling: Concepts, Issues, and Applications, Thousand Oaks, CA, USA, Sage Publication.
- Huber, G.P. (1990) “A Theory of the Effects of Ad- vanced Information Technologies on Organizational De- sign, Intelligence, and Decision Making” The Academy of Management Review, 15(1):47-71.
- Itami, H. (1987) Mobilizing Invisible Assets, 1st Edi- tion, Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press.
- Kmieciak, R., Michna, A. ve Meczynska, A. (2012) “Innovativeness, Empowerment and IT Capability: Evi- dence From SMEs. Industrial Management ve Data Sys- tems, 112(5):707-728.
- Lei, D., Hitt, M.A., Bettis R. (1996) “Dynamic Core Competencies Through Meta-Learning and Strategic Context” Journal of Management, 22(4):549-569.
- Li, E.Y., Chen, J. S. ve Huang, Y.H. (2006) “A Framework For Investigating the Impact of IT Capability and Organisational Capability on Firm Performance in the Late Industrialising Context” International Journal of Technology Management, 36(1-2-3):209-229.
- Loukis, E., Soto-Acosta, P. ve Pazalos, K. (2009) “An- alyzing the Mediating Role of ICT and Non-ICT Invest- ment and BPR in the Relationship Between E-Business Adoption and Perform” Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Euro- pean and Mediterranean Conference on Information Sys- tems (EMCIS2009), 13-14 Temmuz 2009, İzmir.
- Madureira, A, Baken, N. ve Bouwman, H. (2011) “Value of Digital Information Networks: A Holonic Framework” Netnomics, 12(1):1-30.
- Majumdar, S.K., Carare, O. ve Chang, H. (2010) “Broadband Adoption and Firm Productivity: Evaluating the Benefits of General Purpose Technology”, Industrial and Corporate Change, 19(3):641-674.
- Malone, T.W., Yates, J. ve Benjamin, R.I.(1987) “Electronic Markets and Electronic Hierarchies” Commu- nications of the ACM, 30:484-497.
- Marsh, H.W. ve Hocevar, D. (1985) “Application of Confirmatory Factor Analysis To the Study of Self-Con- cept: First- and Higher-Order Factor Models and Their In- variance Across Groups” Psychological Bulletin, 97:562-582.
- Martinsons, M.G. ve Martinsons, V. (2002) “Re- thinking the Value of IT, Again” Communications of the ACM, 45(7):25-26.
- Melville, N., Kraemer, K. ve Gurbaxani, V. (2004) “Review: Information Technology and Organizational Performance: An Integrative Model of IT Business Value, MIS Quarterly, 28 (2): 283-322.
- Meyers, L.S., Gamst, G.C. ve Guarino, C. (2005) Applied Multivariate Research: Design and Interpretation, SAGE Publications.
- Michael, J. ve Handel, M.J. (2003) “Implications of Information Technology For Employment, Skills, and Wages: A Review of Recent Research” Final Report SRI International, SRI Project Number P10168, http://www. csted/reports/sandtit/Handel_IT_Em- ployment_Main_Rept.pdf, ( 17.01.2012).
- Michie, J. ve Sheehan, M. (1999) “HRM Practices, R&D Expenditure and Innovative Investment: Evidence From the UK’s 1990 Workplace Industrial Relations Sur- vey (WIRS)” Industrial and Corporate Change, 8(2):211- 234.
- Moshiri, S. ve Simpson, W. (2011) “Information Technology and the Changing Workplace in Canada: Firm-Level Evidence” Industrial and Corporate Change, 20(6):1601-1636.
- Ong, J.W. ve Bin Ismail, H. (2008) “Sustainable Competitive Advantage through Information Technology Competence: Resource-Based View on Small and Medi- um Enterprises” Communications of the IBIMA, 1:62-70.
- Porter, M.E. ve Millar, V.E. (1985) “How Informa- tion Gives You Competitive Advantage” Harvard Business Review, 63(4):149-160.
- Powell, T.C ve Dent-Micallef, A. (1997) “Informa- tion Technology As Competitive Advantage: The Role of Human, Business, and Technology Resources” Strategic- Management Journal, 18(5):375-405.
- Said, J., Hui, W.S., Taylor, D. ve Othman, R. (2009) “Customer-Focused Strategies and Information Technol- ogy Capabilities: Implications For Service Quality of Ma- laysian Local Authorities” International Review of Business Research Papers, 5(3):241-256.
- Santhanam, R. ve Hartono, E. (2003) “Issues in Link- ing Information Technology Capability To Firm Perfor- mance” MIS Quarterly, 27(1):125-153.
- Savaşır, I. (1994) “Ölçek Uyarlamasındaki Bazı Sorun- lar ve Çözüm Yolları”, Türk Psikoloji Dergisi, 33(9):27-32.
- Schendel, D. (1996) “Knowledge and the Firm” Stra- tegic Management Journal, 17: 1-4.
- Schermelleh, E.K., Moosbrugger, H. ve Müler, H. (2003) “Evaluating the Fit of Structural Equation Mod- els: Tests of Significance and Descriptive Goodness-of-Fit Measures”, Methods of Psychological Research Online, 8(2): 23-74.
- Schumacker, R.E., ve Lomax, R.G. (2004) A Begin- ner’s Guide to Structural Equation Modeling, 2nd Edition. Mahwah, NJ, USA, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
- Sharp, J.M., Irani, Z. ve Desai, S. (1999) “Working To- wards Agile Manufacturing in the UK Industry” Interna- tional Journal of Production Economics, 62 (1-2):155-169.
- Sircar, S., Turnbow, J.L. ve Bordoloi, B. (2000) “A Framework For Assessing the Relationship Between Infor- mation Technology Investments and Firm Performance” Journal of Management Information Systems, 16(4):69-97.
- Steiger, J.H. (1990) “Structural Model Evaluation and Modification: An Interval Estimation Approach” Multivariate Behavioural Research, 25:173-180.
- Stewart A.T. (2000) Entelektüel Sermaye, 1. Baskı, İstanbul, Konent Kitap.
- Tabachnick, B.G. ve Fidell, L.S. (2007) Using Multi- variate Statistics, 5th Edition, Boston, USA, Pearson.
- Tanrıverdi, H. (2005) “Information Technology Re- latedness, Knowledge Management Capability, and Per- formance of Multibusiness Firms MIS Quarterly, Special Issue on Information Technologies and Knowledge Man- agement, 29 (2): 311-334.
- Tavşancıl, E.(2002) Tutumların Ölçülmesi ve SPSS ile Veri Analizi, 1.Baskı, Ankara, Nobel Yayınları.
- Thatcher, M.E. ve Oliver, J.R. (2001) “The Impact of Technology Investments on A Firm’s Production Ef- ficiency, Product Quality, and Productivity” Journal of Management Information Systems, 18(2):17-45.
- Tippins, M.J. ve Sohi, R.S. (2003) “IT Competency and Firm Performance: Is Organizational Learning A Missing Link?” Strategic Management Journal, 24:745- 761.
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- Ullman, J.B. (2001) “Structural Equation Modeling” B.G. Tabachnick et al (eds.) Using Multivariate Statistics, 4th Edition, Needham Heights, MA, USA, Allyn &Ba- con Inc.
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İşletmelerde Kaynak Temelli Bilgi Teknolojileri Yetkinliği: Bir Ölçek Uyarlama Çalışması
Year 2014,
Volume: 14 Issue: 3, 425 - 440, 01.08.2014
Ufuk Türen
Yunus Gökmen
İsmail Tokmak
Son yıllarda işletmelerde rekabet avantajı yaratan en önemli hususlardan birisi Bilgi Teknolojileri (BT) yetkinliği olarak görülmektedir. Mikro seviyede firma bazında BT yetkinliğini ölçmeye yönelik yazında bir takım çalışmalar bulunsa da ülkemizde konu üzerinde çalışacak araştırmacıların kullanabileceği, geçerliği ve güvenilirliği Türk firmaları üzerinde denemiş bir ölçeğin derlenerek gerekli testlerin yapılmasının yerli yazında önemli bir açığı kapatacağı ve BT yetkinliği ile diğer bazı değişkenler arasındaki ilişkileri incelemek için araştırmacılara fayda sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir. Bu çalışmada Tippins ve Sohi (2003) tarafından geliştirilen BT Bilgisi, BT Nesneleri ve BT Operasyonları olmak üzere üç boyuttan oluşan ölçek ele alınmıştır. Analizlerin sonucunda BT yetkinliği ölçeğinin Çorum’da bulunan bankalarda çalışan meslek memurları ve yöneticileri ile Ankara’daki imalat sanayi yöneticilerinden oluşan iki farklı örneklem için geçerli ve güvenilir olduğu belirlenmiştir
- Anderson J.C. ve Gerbing D.W. (1984) “The Effect of Sampling Error on Convergence, Improper Solutions, and Goodness-of-Fit Indices For Maximum Likelihood Con- firmatory Factor Analysis” Psychometrika, 49:155-173.
- Barney J.B. (1991) “Firm Resources and Sus- tained Competitive Advantage” Journal of Management, 17(1):99-120.
- Barney, J.B., Wright, M. ve Ketchen, DJ.Jr. (2001) “The Resource-Based View of the Firm: Ten Years After 1991” Journal of Management, 27:625-641.
- Bartel, A., Ichniowski, C. ve Shaw, K. (2007) “How Does İnformation Technology Affect Productivity? Plant- Level Comparisons of Product Innovation, Process Im- provement, and Worker Skills” The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 122(4):1721-1758.
- Becker, A., Hagenberg, N., Roessner, V., Woerner, W. ve Rothenberger, A. (2004) “Evaluation of the Self- Reported Sdq in A Clinical Setting: Do Self-Report Tell Us More Than Ratings By Adult Informants? European Child ve Adolescent Psychiatry, 13:17-24.
- Bensaou, M. (1993) “Interorganizational Coopera- tion: The Role of Information Technology An Empiri- cal Comparison of US and Japanese Supplier Relations” 14th Annual International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), December 5-8, Orlando, FL, USA.
- Bensghir, K.T. (1996) Bilgi Teknolojileri ve Örgütsel Değişim, 1.Baskı, Ankara, TODAİE Yayınları.
- Bharadwaj, A.S. (2000) “A Resource-Based Perspec- tive on Information Technology Capability and Firm Per- formance: An Empirical Investigation”, MIS Quarterly, 24(1):169-196.
- Bollen, K.A. (1989) Structural Equations With Latent Variables, 1st Edition, NewYork, Wiley.
- Brislin, R.W., Lonner, W.J. ve Thorndike, R.M. (1973) Cross-Cultural Research Methods, 1st Edition, Canada, John Wiley&Sons Pub.
- Browne, M.W. ve Cudeck, R. (1993) “Alternative Ways of Assessing Model Fit” K.A. Bollen ve J.S. Long (eds.), Testing Structural Equation Models,nNewbury Park, CA, USA, Sage Publications.
- Bülbül, H. ve Demirer, Ö. (2008) “Hizmet Ka- litesi Ölçüm Modelleri SERVQUAL ve SERPERF’in Karşılaştırmalı Analizi” Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 20:181-198.
- Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2007) Sosyal Bilimler İçin Veri Anal- izi El Kitabı, 7. Baskı, Ankara, Pegem A Yayıncılık.
- Byrne, B.M. (1994) Structural Equation Modeling With EQS and EQS/Windows, Thousand Oaks, CA, USA, Sage Publications.
- Chan, S.L. (2000) “Information Technology in Busi- ness Processes” Business Process Management Journal, 6(3):224-237.
- Clemons E.K. ve Row M.C. (1991) “Sustaining IT Advantage: The Role of Structural Differences” MIS Quarterly, 15(3):275-294.
- Eser, U. (1991) “Türkiye İmalat Sanayii’nde Verim- lilik, Teknolojik Gelişme ve Büyümenin Kaynakları” 1. Verimlilik Kongresi Bildirilen Kitabı, Ankara, MPM Yayın No: 454.
- Evangelista, R. ve Vezzani, A. (2011) “The Im- pact of Technological and Organizational Innovations on Employment in European Firms”, Industrial and Corporate Change, First Published Online: November 10, 2011, ( content/ear- ly/2011/11/10/icc.dtr069.abstract, (17.01.2012).
- Fernández-Mesa, A., Ferreras-Méndez, J., Alegre-Vidal, J. ve Chiva-Gómez, R. (2012) “IT Competency, Internal and External Learning Competency and the Commercial Success of Innovation” Proceedings of the European Confer- ence on Knowledge Management, 1: 321-330.
- Gibb J. ve Haar J. (2007) “IT Competency Predicting Market and Development Performance: Moderated By Organizational Size” Polytechnic University of Valencia, Proceedings of European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems(EMCIS2007), 24-26 Haziran 2007, Valencia.
- Giuri, P., Torrisi, S. ve Zinovyeva, N. (2008) “ICT, Skills, and Organizational Change: Evidence From Italian Manufacturing Firms” Industrial and Corporate Change, 17(1):29-64.
- Gurbaxani, V. ve Whang, S. (1991) “The Impact of Information Systems on Organizations and Markets” Communications of the ACM, 34(1):59-73.
- Güleş, H.K., Gözlü, K. ve Tekin, S. (2003) “Infor- mation Technology Implementation in Newly Industri- alising Countries: The Case of Turkish Manufacturing Firms” Endüstri Mühendisliği,14(3):30-37.
- Hsu, I.C. ve Sabherwal, R. (2011) “From Intellec- tual Capital to Firm Performance: The Mediating Role of Knowledge, Management Capabilities” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 58(4):626-642.
- Hu, L.T., ve Bentler, P.M. (1995) “Evaluating Model Fit”, R.H. Hoyle (eds.), Structural Equation Modeling: Concepts, Issues, and Applications, Thousand Oaks, CA, USA, Sage Publication.
- Huber, G.P. (1990) “A Theory of the Effects of Ad- vanced Information Technologies on Organizational De- sign, Intelligence, and Decision Making” The Academy of Management Review, 15(1):47-71.
- Itami, H. (1987) Mobilizing Invisible Assets, 1st Edi- tion, Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press.
- Kmieciak, R., Michna, A. ve Meczynska, A. (2012) “Innovativeness, Empowerment and IT Capability: Evi- dence From SMEs. Industrial Management ve Data Sys- tems, 112(5):707-728.
- Lei, D., Hitt, M.A., Bettis R. (1996) “Dynamic Core Competencies Through Meta-Learning and Strategic Context” Journal of Management, 22(4):549-569.
- Li, E.Y., Chen, J. S. ve Huang, Y.H. (2006) “A Framework For Investigating the Impact of IT Capability and Organisational Capability on Firm Performance in the Late Industrialising Context” International Journal of Technology Management, 36(1-2-3):209-229.
- Loukis, E., Soto-Acosta, P. ve Pazalos, K. (2009) “An- alyzing the Mediating Role of ICT and Non-ICT Invest- ment and BPR in the Relationship Between E-Business Adoption and Perform” Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Euro- pean and Mediterranean Conference on Information Sys- tems (EMCIS2009), 13-14 Temmuz 2009, İzmir.
- Madureira, A, Baken, N. ve Bouwman, H. (2011) “Value of Digital Information Networks: A Holonic Framework” Netnomics, 12(1):1-30.
- Majumdar, S.K., Carare, O. ve Chang, H. (2010) “Broadband Adoption and Firm Productivity: Evaluating the Benefits of General Purpose Technology”, Industrial and Corporate Change, 19(3):641-674.
- Malone, T.W., Yates, J. ve Benjamin, R.I.(1987) “Electronic Markets and Electronic Hierarchies” Commu- nications of the ACM, 30:484-497.
- Marsh, H.W. ve Hocevar, D. (1985) “Application of Confirmatory Factor Analysis To the Study of Self-Con- cept: First- and Higher-Order Factor Models and Their In- variance Across Groups” Psychological Bulletin, 97:562-582.
- Martinsons, M.G. ve Martinsons, V. (2002) “Re- thinking the Value of IT, Again” Communications of the ACM, 45(7):25-26.
- Melville, N., Kraemer, K. ve Gurbaxani, V. (2004) “Review: Information Technology and Organizational Performance: An Integrative Model of IT Business Value, MIS Quarterly, 28 (2): 283-322.
- Meyers, L.S., Gamst, G.C. ve Guarino, C. (2005) Applied Multivariate Research: Design and Interpretation, SAGE Publications.
- Michael, J. ve Handel, M.J. (2003) “Implications of Information Technology For Employment, Skills, and Wages: A Review of Recent Research” Final Report SRI International, SRI Project Number P10168, http://www. csted/reports/sandtit/Handel_IT_Em- ployment_Main_Rept.pdf, ( 17.01.2012).
- Michie, J. ve Sheehan, M. (1999) “HRM Practices, R&D Expenditure and Innovative Investment: Evidence From the UK’s 1990 Workplace Industrial Relations Sur- vey (WIRS)” Industrial and Corporate Change, 8(2):211- 234.
- Moshiri, S. ve Simpson, W. (2011) “Information Technology and the Changing Workplace in Canada: Firm-Level Evidence” Industrial and Corporate Change, 20(6):1601-1636.
- Ong, J.W. ve Bin Ismail, H. (2008) “Sustainable Competitive Advantage through Information Technology Competence: Resource-Based View on Small and Medi- um Enterprises” Communications of the IBIMA, 1:62-70.
- Porter, M.E. ve Millar, V.E. (1985) “How Informa- tion Gives You Competitive Advantage” Harvard Business Review, 63(4):149-160.
- Powell, T.C ve Dent-Micallef, A. (1997) “Informa- tion Technology As Competitive Advantage: The Role of Human, Business, and Technology Resources” Strategic- Management Journal, 18(5):375-405.
- Said, J., Hui, W.S., Taylor, D. ve Othman, R. (2009) “Customer-Focused Strategies and Information Technol- ogy Capabilities: Implications For Service Quality of Ma- laysian Local Authorities” International Review of Business Research Papers, 5(3):241-256.
- Santhanam, R. ve Hartono, E. (2003) “Issues in Link- ing Information Technology Capability To Firm Perfor- mance” MIS Quarterly, 27(1):125-153.
- Savaşır, I. (1994) “Ölçek Uyarlamasındaki Bazı Sorun- lar ve Çözüm Yolları”, Türk Psikoloji Dergisi, 33(9):27-32.
- Schendel, D. (1996) “Knowledge and the Firm” Stra- tegic Management Journal, 17: 1-4.
- Schermelleh, E.K., Moosbrugger, H. ve Müler, H. (2003) “Evaluating the Fit of Structural Equation Mod- els: Tests of Significance and Descriptive Goodness-of-Fit Measures”, Methods of Psychological Research Online, 8(2): 23-74.
- Schumacker, R.E., ve Lomax, R.G. (2004) A Begin- ner’s Guide to Structural Equation Modeling, 2nd Edition. Mahwah, NJ, USA, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
- Sharp, J.M., Irani, Z. ve Desai, S. (1999) “Working To- wards Agile Manufacturing in the UK Industry” Interna- tional Journal of Production Economics, 62 (1-2):155-169.
- Sircar, S., Turnbow, J.L. ve Bordoloi, B. (2000) “A Framework For Assessing the Relationship Between Infor- mation Technology Investments and Firm Performance” Journal of Management Information Systems, 16(4):69-97.
- Steiger, J.H. (1990) “Structural Model Evaluation and Modification: An Interval Estimation Approach” Multivariate Behavioural Research, 25:173-180.
- Stewart A.T. (2000) Entelektüel Sermaye, 1. Baskı, İstanbul, Konent Kitap.
- Tabachnick, B.G. ve Fidell, L.S. (2007) Using Multi- variate Statistics, 5th Edition, Boston, USA, Pearson.
- Tanrıverdi, H. (2005) “Information Technology Re- latedness, Knowledge Management Capability, and Per- formance of Multibusiness Firms MIS Quarterly, Special Issue on Information Technologies and Knowledge Man- agement, 29 (2): 311-334.
- Tavşancıl, E.(2002) Tutumların Ölçülmesi ve SPSS ile Veri Analizi, 1.Baskı, Ankara, Nobel Yayınları.
- Thatcher, M.E. ve Oliver, J.R. (2001) “The Impact of Technology Investments on A Firm’s Production Ef- ficiency, Product Quality, and Productivity” Journal of Management Information Systems, 18(2):17-45.
- Tippins, M.J. ve Sohi, R.S. (2003) “IT Competency and Firm Performance: Is Organizational Learning A Missing Link?” Strategic Management Journal, 24:745- 761.
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