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How the Manager Trust and Distributive Justice Can Affect the Employees’ Job Embeddedness

Year 2016, Volume: 16 Issue: 2, 351 - 362, 01.05.2016


The aim of this study is to reveal the effect of manager trust and distributive justice on employees’ job embeddedness. In this scope, Global Job Embeddedness Scale was adapted to Turkish language at first and then a questionnaire composing the scale of job embeddedness, manager trust and distributive justice was prepared. Major findings from the empirical study are (1) adapted version of Global Job Embeddedness Scale to Turkish language is reliable and valid, (2) although both manager trust and distributive justice have an effect on the employees’ job embeddedness, it is understood, in the model that manager trust significantly outweigh the distributive justice with regard to influence on employees’ job embeddedness


  • Akgunduz, Y. ve Cin, F.M. (2015) “Job Embeddedness as a Moderator of the Effect of Manager Trust and Distributive Justice on Turnover Intentions” Anatolia, :(4): 549-562.
  • Akgündüz, Y. ve Şanlı, S.C. (2015) “İş Tatminin
  • İşten Ayrılma Niyeti Üzerindeki Etkisinde İşe Gömülmüşlüğün Moderatör Etkisi” Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi 16. Ulusal Turizm Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı: 438-453. Al-Zu’bi, H., (2010) “A Study of Relationship between
  • Organizational Justice and Job Satisfaction” International Journal of Business and Management, (12): 102-109. Anderson, J. C. ve Gerbing, D. W. (1988) “Structural
  • Equation Modeling in Practice: A Review and Recommended Two-Step Approach” Psychological bulletin, 103(3): 411. Bergiel, E.B., Nguyen, V.Q., Clenney, B.F. ve Taylor, G.S. (2009) “Human Resource Practices, Job
  • Embeddedness and Intention to Quit” Management Research News, 32(3): 205–219. Blodgett, J.C., Hill, D.J. ve Tax, S.S. (1997) “The Effects of Distributive Procedural and Interactional Justice on Post complaint Behavior” Journal of Retailing, (2): 185-210.
  • Cable, D.M. ve Judge, T.A. (1996) “Person–Organization
  • Fit, Job Choice Decision And Organizational Entry” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 67, 294–311. Chatman, J.A. (1991) “Matching People and Organizations: Selection and Socialization in Public
  • Accounting Firms” Academy of Management Review, , 459–484. Colquitt, J.A. (2001) “On The Dimensionality Of
  • Organizational Justice: A Construct Validation of A Measure” Journal of Applied Psychology, 86, 386–400. Cook, J. ve Wall, T.D. (1980) “New Work Attitude
  • Measures Of Trust, Organizational Commitment And Personal Need Non-Fulfillment” Journal of Occupational Psychology, 53, 39–52. Cropanzano, R. ve Ambrose, M.L. (2001) “Procedural and Distributive Justice Are More Similar than You
  • Think: A Monistic Perspective and A Research Agenda”. Greenberg, J., Cropanzano, R. (eds.), Advances in Organizational Justice, California, Stanford University Press Crossley, C.D., Bennett, R.J., Jex, S.M. ve Burnfield, J.L. (2007) “Development of a Global Measure Of Job
  • Embeddedness And Integration Into A Traditional Model Of Voluntary Turnover” Journal of Applied Psychology, 92(4): 1031–1042.
  • Cunningham, J.B. ve Gregor, J.M. (2000) “Trust and The Design of Work Complementary Constructs in
  • Satisfaction and Performance” Human Relations, 53, 1591.
  • Çakıcı, A. C. ve Yılmaz, B.E. (2012) “Mersin’deki Otel
  • Çalışanlarının Nükleer Kaygıları, Çevresel Yaklaşım ve Çevreci Tüketim Eğilimleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma” Çağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 9(2): 1-22. Deluga, R.J. (1994) “Supervisor Trust Building, Leader
  • Member Exchange and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors” Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 67, 315-326. Diffie-Couch, P. (1984) “Building A Feeling Of Trust In
  • The Company” Supervisory Management, 29, 31–36. Dirks, K. ve Ferrin, D. (2001) “The Role of Trust in
  • Organizational Settings” Organization Science, 12(4): –467. Foley, S., Kidder, D.L. ve Powell, G.N. (2002) “The
  • Perceived Glass Ceiling and Justice Perceptions: An Investigation of Hispanic Law Associates” Journal of Management, 28(4): 471-496. Folger, R. ve Konovsky M.A. (1989) “Effects of
  • Procedural and Distributive Justice on Reactions to Pay Raise Decisions” Academy of Management Journal, , 115-130. Fornell, C. ve Larcker, D.F. (1981) “Evaluating Structural
  • Equation Models with Unobservable Variables and Measurement Error” Research, 18(1): 39-50. Journal of Marketing Frone, M., Russell, M. ve Cooper, M. (1992)
  • “Antecedents and Outcomes of Work-Family Conflict: Testing a Model of The Work Family Interface” Journal of Applied Psychology, 77, 65−75. Ghiselli, R.F., Lalopa, J.M. ve Bai, B. (2001) “Job
  • Satisfaction, Life Satisfaction and Turnover Intent among Food-Service Managers” Cornell Hotel & Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 42, 28–37. Greenberg, J. (1990) “Organizational Justice: Yesterday,
  • Today, and Tomorrow” Journal of Management, 16, −432. Gregory, D.M., Way, C.Y., LeFort, S., Barrett, B.J. ve Parfrey, P.S. (2007) “Predictors of Registered Nurses’
  • Organizational Commitment and Intent to Stay” Management Review, 32, 119–127. Hair, J.F. Jr., Black, W.C., Babin, B.J. ve Anderson, R.E. (2010) Multivariate Data Analysis, 7th Edition, NJ, Prentice Hall.
  • Holtom, B.C., Mitchell T.R. ve Lee T.W. (2006)
  • “Increasing Human and Social Capital by Applying Job Embeddedness Theory” Organizational Dynamics, (4): 316-331. Holtom, B.C. ve O’Neill, B.S. (2004) “Job embeddedness:
  • A Theoretical Foundation for Developing a Comprehensive Nurse Retention Plan” Journal of Nursing Administration, 34, 216–227. Hopkins, S.M. ve Weathington, B.L. (2006) “The
  • Relationships Between Justice Perceptions, Trust and Employee Attitudes in A Downsized Organization” The Journal of Psychology, 140(5): 447-498. Jafari, P. ve Bidarian, S. (2012) The Relationship between Organizational Justice and Organizational
  • Citizenship Behavior” Social and Behavioral Sciences, , 1815 – 1820.
  • Jang, J. ve George, T. (2012) “Understanding the Influence of Polychronicity on Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention: A Study of Non-Supervisory
  • Hotel Employees” International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31, 588-595. Karatepe, O.M. ve Karadas, G. (2012) “The Effect of
  • Management Commitment to Service Quality on Job Embeddedness and Performance Outcomes” Journal of Business Economics & Management, 13(4); 614–636. Karatepe, O.M. ve Ngeche, R.N. (2012) “Does
  • Job Embeddedness Mediate the Effect of Work Engagement on Job Outcomes? A study of Hotel Employees in Cameroon” Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 21(4): 440–461. Karatepe, O.M. ve Shahriari, S. (2014) “Job
  • Embeddedness As A Moderator Of The Impact of Organisational Justice on Turnover Intentions: A Study in Iran” International Journal of Tourism Research, 16, 22–32. Kidd, J.M. ve Smewing, C. (2001) “The Role of
  • The Supervisor In Career And Organizational Commitment” European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 10 (1): 25-40. Konovsky, M.A. ve Pugh, S.D. (1994) “Citizenship
  • Behavior and Social Exchange” Academy of Management Journal, 37, 656–669. Lambert, E. (2003) “Justice in Corrections: An
  • Exploratory Study of the Impact of Organizational Justice on Correctional Staff” Journal of Criminal Justice, 31, 155−168. Lambert, E.G., Hogan, N.L. ve Griffin, M.L. (2007) “The
  • Impact of Distributive and Procedural Justice on Correctional Staff Job Stress, Job Satisfaction, And Organizational Commitment” Journal of Criminal Justice, 35, 644–656. Lee, C.K., Song, H.J., Lee, H.M., Lee, S. ve Bernhard, B.J. (2013) “The Impact of CSR on Casino Employees’
  • Organizational Trust, Job Satisfaction, and Customer Orientation: An Empirical Examination of Responsible Gambling Strategies” International Journal of Hospitality Management, 33, 406-415. Martinussen, M., Richardsen, A.M. ve Burke, R.J. (2007)
  • “Job Demands, Job Resources, And Burnout Among Police Officers” Journal of Criminal Justice, 35(3): 239- Mayer, R., Davis, J. ve Schoorman, D. (1995) “An
  • Integrative Model of Organizational Trust” The Academy of Management Review, 20(3): 709–734. Mayer, R.C. ve Gavin, M.B. (2005) “Trust in Management and Performance: Who Minds the Shop While the Employees Watch the Boss?” Academy of Management Journal, 48(5): 874- 888.
  • McAllister, D.J. (1995) “Affect and Cognition Based
  • Trust as Foundations For Interpersonal Cooperation In Organizations” Academy of Management Journal, (1): 24-59. Mishra, J. ve Morrissey, M. (1990) “Trust in Employee/
  • Employer Relationships: A Survey Of West Michigan Managers” Public Personnel Management, 19(4): 443- Mitchell, T.R., Holtom, B.C., Lee, T.W., Sablynski, C.J. ve Erez, M. (2001) “Why People Stay: Using Job
  • Embeddedness to Predict Voluntary Turnover” Academy of Management Journal, 44, 1102–1121.
  • Niehoff, B.P. ve Moorman, R.H., (1993) “Justice as a
  • Mediator of The Relationship between Methods of Monitoring and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour” Academy of Management Journal, 36(3): –556. Renzl, B. (2008) “Trust in Management And Knowledge Sharing: The Mediating Effects Of Fear
  • And Knowledge Documentation” Omega, 36, 206 – Robinson, R.N.S., Kralj, A., Solnet, D.J., Goh, E. ve Callan, V. (2014) “Thinking Job Embeddedness Not Turnover:
  • Towards a Better Understanding of Frontline Hotel Worker Retention” International Journal of Hospitality Management, 36, 101– 109. Sekaran, U. (1992) Research Methods for Business – A
  • Skill Building Approach, 2nd Edition, United States of America, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Sekiguchi, T., Burton, J.P. ve Sablynski, C.J. (2008)
  • “The Role of Job Embeddedness on Employee Performance: The Interactive Effects With Leader– Member Exchange And Organization-Based Self- Esteem” Personnel Psychology, 61, 761−792. Şanlı, S.C. (2016) “İşgören Avukatlığı ve Algılanan
  • Örgütsel Desteğin Çalışanların İşe Gömülmüşlük ve İşten Ayrılma Niyeti Üzerine Etkisi: Otel Çalışanları Üzerine Bir Araştırma” Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, MEÜ Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü. Tanova, C. ve Holtom, B.C. (2008) “Using Job
  • Embeddedness Factors to Explain Voluntary Turnover In Four European Countries” International Journal of Human Resource Management, 19(9): 1553–1568.
  • Tracey, J.B. ve Hinkin, T.R. (2008) “Contextual Factors and Cost Profiles Associated with Employee Turnover”
  • Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 49(1): 12–27. Wang, H., Kenneth S.L., Rick D.H., Duanxu, W. ve Zhen X.C. (2005) “Leader-Member Exchange As A Mediator
  • Of The Relationship Between Transformational Leadership And Fellowes’ Performance And Turnover: Evidence from Hotel Employees in Cyprus” Tourism Management, 41, 129-140.

Yöneticiye Güven ve Dağıtımsal Adalet Çalışanların İşe Gömülmüşlüğünü Nasıl Etkiler?

Year 2016, Volume: 16 Issue: 2, 351 - 362, 01.05.2016


Bu çalışmanın amacı yöneticiye güven ve dağıtımsal adaletin çalışanların işe gömülmüşlükleri üzerindeki etkisini belirlemektir. Bu kapsamda öncelikle İşe Gömülmüşlük Ölçeğinin Türkçeye uyarlaması yapıldıktan sonra; işe gömülmüşlük, yöneticiye güven ve dağıtımsal adalet ölçeklerini içeren bir anket formu hazırlanmıştır. Çalışmanın temel bulguları (1) Türkçeye çevrilen Global İşe Gömülmüşlük Ölçeğinin geçerli ve güvenilir olduğunu, (2) hem yöneticiye güvenin hem de dağıtımsal adaletin çalışanların işe gömülmüşlüklerini etkilediğini, buna karşın yöneticiye güvenin çalışanların işe gömülmüşlüğünü dağıtımsal adalete göre daha fazla etkilediğini göstermektedir


  • Akgunduz, Y. ve Cin, F.M. (2015) “Job Embeddedness as a Moderator of the Effect of Manager Trust and Distributive Justice on Turnover Intentions” Anatolia, :(4): 549-562.
  • Akgündüz, Y. ve Şanlı, S.C. (2015) “İş Tatminin
  • İşten Ayrılma Niyeti Üzerindeki Etkisinde İşe Gömülmüşlüğün Moderatör Etkisi” Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi 16. Ulusal Turizm Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı: 438-453. Al-Zu’bi, H., (2010) “A Study of Relationship between
  • Organizational Justice and Job Satisfaction” International Journal of Business and Management, (12): 102-109. Anderson, J. C. ve Gerbing, D. W. (1988) “Structural
  • Equation Modeling in Practice: A Review and Recommended Two-Step Approach” Psychological bulletin, 103(3): 411. Bergiel, E.B., Nguyen, V.Q., Clenney, B.F. ve Taylor, G.S. (2009) “Human Resource Practices, Job
  • Embeddedness and Intention to Quit” Management Research News, 32(3): 205–219. Blodgett, J.C., Hill, D.J. ve Tax, S.S. (1997) “The Effects of Distributive Procedural and Interactional Justice on Post complaint Behavior” Journal of Retailing, (2): 185-210.
  • Cable, D.M. ve Judge, T.A. (1996) “Person–Organization
  • Fit, Job Choice Decision And Organizational Entry” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 67, 294–311. Chatman, J.A. (1991) “Matching People and Organizations: Selection and Socialization in Public
  • Accounting Firms” Academy of Management Review, , 459–484. Colquitt, J.A. (2001) “On The Dimensionality Of
  • Organizational Justice: A Construct Validation of A Measure” Journal of Applied Psychology, 86, 386–400. Cook, J. ve Wall, T.D. (1980) “New Work Attitude
  • Measures Of Trust, Organizational Commitment And Personal Need Non-Fulfillment” Journal of Occupational Psychology, 53, 39–52. Cropanzano, R. ve Ambrose, M.L. (2001) “Procedural and Distributive Justice Are More Similar than You
  • Think: A Monistic Perspective and A Research Agenda”. Greenberg, J., Cropanzano, R. (eds.), Advances in Organizational Justice, California, Stanford University Press Crossley, C.D., Bennett, R.J., Jex, S.M. ve Burnfield, J.L. (2007) “Development of a Global Measure Of Job
  • Embeddedness And Integration Into A Traditional Model Of Voluntary Turnover” Journal of Applied Psychology, 92(4): 1031–1042.
  • Cunningham, J.B. ve Gregor, J.M. (2000) “Trust and The Design of Work Complementary Constructs in
  • Satisfaction and Performance” Human Relations, 53, 1591.
  • Çakıcı, A. C. ve Yılmaz, B.E. (2012) “Mersin’deki Otel
  • Çalışanlarının Nükleer Kaygıları, Çevresel Yaklaşım ve Çevreci Tüketim Eğilimleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma” Çağ Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 9(2): 1-22. Deluga, R.J. (1994) “Supervisor Trust Building, Leader
  • Member Exchange and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors” Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 67, 315-326. Diffie-Couch, P. (1984) “Building A Feeling Of Trust In
  • The Company” Supervisory Management, 29, 31–36. Dirks, K. ve Ferrin, D. (2001) “The Role of Trust in
  • Organizational Settings” Organization Science, 12(4): –467. Foley, S., Kidder, D.L. ve Powell, G.N. (2002) “The
  • Perceived Glass Ceiling and Justice Perceptions: An Investigation of Hispanic Law Associates” Journal of Management, 28(4): 471-496. Folger, R. ve Konovsky M.A. (1989) “Effects of
  • Procedural and Distributive Justice on Reactions to Pay Raise Decisions” Academy of Management Journal, , 115-130. Fornell, C. ve Larcker, D.F. (1981) “Evaluating Structural
  • Equation Models with Unobservable Variables and Measurement Error” Research, 18(1): 39-50. Journal of Marketing Frone, M., Russell, M. ve Cooper, M. (1992)
  • “Antecedents and Outcomes of Work-Family Conflict: Testing a Model of The Work Family Interface” Journal of Applied Psychology, 77, 65−75. Ghiselli, R.F., Lalopa, J.M. ve Bai, B. (2001) “Job
  • Satisfaction, Life Satisfaction and Turnover Intent among Food-Service Managers” Cornell Hotel & Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 42, 28–37. Greenberg, J. (1990) “Organizational Justice: Yesterday,
  • Today, and Tomorrow” Journal of Management, 16, −432. Gregory, D.M., Way, C.Y., LeFort, S., Barrett, B.J. ve Parfrey, P.S. (2007) “Predictors of Registered Nurses’
  • Organizational Commitment and Intent to Stay” Management Review, 32, 119–127. Hair, J.F. Jr., Black, W.C., Babin, B.J. ve Anderson, R.E. (2010) Multivariate Data Analysis, 7th Edition, NJ, Prentice Hall.
  • Holtom, B.C., Mitchell T.R. ve Lee T.W. (2006)
  • “Increasing Human and Social Capital by Applying Job Embeddedness Theory” Organizational Dynamics, (4): 316-331. Holtom, B.C. ve O’Neill, B.S. (2004) “Job embeddedness:
  • A Theoretical Foundation for Developing a Comprehensive Nurse Retention Plan” Journal of Nursing Administration, 34, 216–227. Hopkins, S.M. ve Weathington, B.L. (2006) “The
  • Relationships Between Justice Perceptions, Trust and Employee Attitudes in A Downsized Organization” The Journal of Psychology, 140(5): 447-498. Jafari, P. ve Bidarian, S. (2012) The Relationship between Organizational Justice and Organizational
  • Citizenship Behavior” Social and Behavioral Sciences, , 1815 – 1820.
  • Jang, J. ve George, T. (2012) “Understanding the Influence of Polychronicity on Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention: A Study of Non-Supervisory
  • Hotel Employees” International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31, 588-595. Karatepe, O.M. ve Karadas, G. (2012) “The Effect of
  • Management Commitment to Service Quality on Job Embeddedness and Performance Outcomes” Journal of Business Economics & Management, 13(4); 614–636. Karatepe, O.M. ve Ngeche, R.N. (2012) “Does
  • Job Embeddedness Mediate the Effect of Work Engagement on Job Outcomes? A study of Hotel Employees in Cameroon” Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 21(4): 440–461. Karatepe, O.M. ve Shahriari, S. (2014) “Job
  • Embeddedness As A Moderator Of The Impact of Organisational Justice on Turnover Intentions: A Study in Iran” International Journal of Tourism Research, 16, 22–32. Kidd, J.M. ve Smewing, C. (2001) “The Role of
  • The Supervisor In Career And Organizational Commitment” European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 10 (1): 25-40. Konovsky, M.A. ve Pugh, S.D. (1994) “Citizenship
  • Behavior and Social Exchange” Academy of Management Journal, 37, 656–669. Lambert, E. (2003) “Justice in Corrections: An
  • Exploratory Study of the Impact of Organizational Justice on Correctional Staff” Journal of Criminal Justice, 31, 155−168. Lambert, E.G., Hogan, N.L. ve Griffin, M.L. (2007) “The
  • Impact of Distributive and Procedural Justice on Correctional Staff Job Stress, Job Satisfaction, And Organizational Commitment” Journal of Criminal Justice, 35, 644–656. Lee, C.K., Song, H.J., Lee, H.M., Lee, S. ve Bernhard, B.J. (2013) “The Impact of CSR on Casino Employees’
  • Organizational Trust, Job Satisfaction, and Customer Orientation: An Empirical Examination of Responsible Gambling Strategies” International Journal of Hospitality Management, 33, 406-415. Martinussen, M., Richardsen, A.M. ve Burke, R.J. (2007)
  • “Job Demands, Job Resources, And Burnout Among Police Officers” Journal of Criminal Justice, 35(3): 239- Mayer, R., Davis, J. ve Schoorman, D. (1995) “An
  • Integrative Model of Organizational Trust” The Academy of Management Review, 20(3): 709–734. Mayer, R.C. ve Gavin, M.B. (2005) “Trust in Management and Performance: Who Minds the Shop While the Employees Watch the Boss?” Academy of Management Journal, 48(5): 874- 888.
  • McAllister, D.J. (1995) “Affect and Cognition Based
  • Trust as Foundations For Interpersonal Cooperation In Organizations” Academy of Management Journal, (1): 24-59. Mishra, J. ve Morrissey, M. (1990) “Trust in Employee/
  • Employer Relationships: A Survey Of West Michigan Managers” Public Personnel Management, 19(4): 443- Mitchell, T.R., Holtom, B.C., Lee, T.W., Sablynski, C.J. ve Erez, M. (2001) “Why People Stay: Using Job
  • Embeddedness to Predict Voluntary Turnover” Academy of Management Journal, 44, 1102–1121.
  • Niehoff, B.P. ve Moorman, R.H., (1993) “Justice as a
  • Mediator of The Relationship between Methods of Monitoring and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour” Academy of Management Journal, 36(3): –556. Renzl, B. (2008) “Trust in Management And Knowledge Sharing: The Mediating Effects Of Fear
  • And Knowledge Documentation” Omega, 36, 206 – Robinson, R.N.S., Kralj, A., Solnet, D.J., Goh, E. ve Callan, V. (2014) “Thinking Job Embeddedness Not Turnover:
  • Towards a Better Understanding of Frontline Hotel Worker Retention” International Journal of Hospitality Management, 36, 101– 109. Sekaran, U. (1992) Research Methods for Business – A
  • Skill Building Approach, 2nd Edition, United States of America, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Sekiguchi, T., Burton, J.P. ve Sablynski, C.J. (2008)
  • “The Role of Job Embeddedness on Employee Performance: The Interactive Effects With Leader– Member Exchange And Organization-Based Self- Esteem” Personnel Psychology, 61, 761−792. Şanlı, S.C. (2016) “İşgören Avukatlığı ve Algılanan
  • Örgütsel Desteğin Çalışanların İşe Gömülmüşlük ve İşten Ayrılma Niyeti Üzerine Etkisi: Otel Çalışanları Üzerine Bir Araştırma” Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, MEÜ Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü. Tanova, C. ve Holtom, B.C. (2008) “Using Job
  • Embeddedness Factors to Explain Voluntary Turnover In Four European Countries” International Journal of Human Resource Management, 19(9): 1553–1568.
  • Tracey, J.B. ve Hinkin, T.R. (2008) “Contextual Factors and Cost Profiles Associated with Employee Turnover”
  • Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 49(1): 12–27. Wang, H., Kenneth S.L., Rick D.H., Duanxu, W. ve Zhen X.C. (2005) “Leader-Member Exchange As A Mediator
  • Of The Relationship Between Transformational Leadership And Fellowes’ Performance And Turnover: Evidence from Hotel Employees in Cyprus” Tourism Management, 41, 129-140.
There are 59 citations in total.


Other ID JA28TT58VB
Journal Section Research Article

Yılmaz Akgündüz This is me

Tülay Güzel This is me

Serhat Harman This is me

Publication Date May 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 16 Issue: 2


APA Akgündüz, Y., Güzel, T., & Harman, S. (2016). How the Manager Trust and Distributive Justice Can Affect the Employees’ Job Embeddedness. Ege Academic Review, 16(2), 351-362.
AMA Akgündüz Y, Güzel T, Harman S. How the Manager Trust and Distributive Justice Can Affect the Employees’ Job Embeddedness. ear. May 2016;16(2):351-362.
Chicago Akgündüz, Yılmaz, Tülay Güzel, and Serhat Harman. “How the Manager Trust and Distributive Justice Can Affect the Employees’ Job Embeddedness”. Ege Academic Review 16, no. 2 (May 2016): 351-62.
EndNote Akgündüz Y, Güzel T, Harman S (May 1, 2016) How the Manager Trust and Distributive Justice Can Affect the Employees’ Job Embeddedness. Ege Academic Review 16 2 351–362.
IEEE Y. Akgündüz, T. Güzel, and S. Harman, “How the Manager Trust and Distributive Justice Can Affect the Employees’ Job Embeddedness”, ear, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 351–362, 2016.
ISNAD Akgündüz, Yılmaz et al. “How the Manager Trust and Distributive Justice Can Affect the Employees’ Job Embeddedness”. Ege Academic Review 16/2 (May 2016), 351-362.
JAMA Akgündüz Y, Güzel T, Harman S. How the Manager Trust and Distributive Justice Can Affect the Employees’ Job Embeddedness. ear. 2016;16:351–362.
MLA Akgündüz, Yılmaz et al. “How the Manager Trust and Distributive Justice Can Affect the Employees’ Job Embeddedness”. Ege Academic Review, vol. 16, no. 2, 2016, pp. 351-62.
Vancouver Akgündüz Y, Güzel T, Harman S. How the Manager Trust and Distributive Justice Can Affect the Employees’ Job Embeddedness. ear. 2016;16(2):351-62.