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Designing Public Policies to Support SME Innovation Capacity: Proposal of an Approach based on Innovativeness Profiles

Year 2016, Volume: 16 Issue: 3, 555 - 572, 01.07.2016


It is crucial for enterprises to follow sustainable and competitive growth strategies to survive in the global market. Companies which cannot produce adequate levels of innovation outputs are likely to lose their competitiveness. Small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) which constitute a large part of enterprises face more diverse set of obstacles than larger enterprises. Thus, in many countries public policies that encourage innovation are encountered. In this study, an approach is proposed to design public policies based on innovation profiles of SMEs. The approach would lead to different strategic roadmaps and public support tools designed for SMEs with different innovative profiles. That would increase the contribution of SMEs to the country’s overall technological development process and international competitiveness


  • Abereijo I., Ilori M., Taiwo K., Adegbite S. (2007), “Assessment of the capabilities for innovation by small and medium industry in Nigeria”, African Journal of Business Management, 1 (8): 209-217.
  • Adegbite S., Ilori M., Irefin I., Abereijo I., Aderemi H. (2007)., “Evaluation of the Impact of Entrepreneurial Characteristics on the Performance of Small Scale Manufacturing Industries in Nigeria”, Journal of Asia Entrepreneurship and Sustainability,
  • Aydemir R. (2000), Küçük ve Orta Ölçekli İşletmelerde Taşımacılığın Tedarik Zinciri Yönetimindeki Rolü ve Gebze Civarında bir Uygulama, Basılmamış yüksek lisans Tezi, GYTE sosyal bilimler enstitüsü.
  • Baregheh, A., Rowley, J., Sambrook, S., & Davies, D. (2012). Food sector SMEs and innovation types. British Food Journal, 114 (11), 1640-1653.
  • Bessant J., Tidd J.(2007). Innovation and entrepreneurship, Wiley.
  • Birchall D., Chanaron, J., Soderquist K. (1996), “Managing Innovation in SMEs: A Comparison of Companies in the UK, France and Portugal”, International Journal of Technology Management, 12 (3): 291-305.
  • Cansız M. (2008). Türkiye’de KOBİ’ler ve KOSGEB. DPT Uzmanlık Tezi, Ankara 2008.
  • Carrier, C. (1994), “Intrapreneurship in Large Firms and SMEs: A Comparative Study”, International Small Business Journal, 12 (3): 54-61.
  • Clark J., Guy K. (2010), “Innovation and competitiveness: a review”, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 10 (3): 363-395.
  • Cornell University, INSEAD, and WIPO (2015): The Global Innovation Index 2015: Effective Innovation Policies for Development, Fontainebleau, Ithaca, and Geneva.
  • Cosh A. Hughes A. (2000),” Innovation activity and performance in SMEs” Cosh, A.D. and Hughes, A. (eds.) British Enterprise in Transition: Growth Innovation and Public Policy in the small and medium sized enterprise sector 1994-1999, ESRC Centre for Business Research, Cambridge,
  • Çalıpınar H., Baç U.(2007), “KOBİ’lerde inovasyon yapmayı etkileyen faktörler ve bir alan araştırması”, Ege Akademik Bakış Dergisi, Yıl: 7, Sayı :2.
  • Docter, H.J. Stokman, C.T.M. (1988), “Innovation in SMEs”. Paper for symposium on Technology– Economics, 31 March 1988, The Hague.
  • Eker, S. (2011), “ KOBİ’lerde Teknolojik Ar-Ge çalışmalarının istihdam üzerine etkileri: Tekmer’lerde bir uygulama”, Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi.
  • El Kabbani R.N., Kalhoefer C. (2011), “Financing Resources for Egyptian Small and Medium Enterprises”, Working Paper No.28, German University in Cairo.
  • European Commission, Annual Innovation Policy for Turkey. European Trend Chart on Innovation 2003-2004, A publication from the Innovation/SMEs Programme, 1-5.
  • European Commission (2003), European Innovation Scoreboard 2003. pp. 16.
  • European Commission (2012), Innovation Union Scoreboard 2011.
  • Forrest J. E. (1990), “Strategic alliances and the small technology-based firm”, Journal of Small Business Management, 28 (3): 37–45.
  • Francis D., Bessant J. (2005), “Targeting Innovation and Implications for Capability Development”, Technovation, 25 (3):171-183.
  • Fritz W. (1989), “Determinants of product innovation activities”, European Journal of Marketing, 23(10) 32 – 43.
  • Gorodnichenko, Yuriy, Schnitzer. Monika, (2013) “Financial constraints and innovation: Why poor countries don’t catch up.” Journal of the European Economic Association 11.5, 1115-1152.
  • Gunday, G., Ulusoy, G., Kilic, K., & Alpkan, L. (2011).” Effects of innovation types on firm performance”. International Journal of production economics, 133(2), 662-676.
  • Hadjimanolis, A. (1999). Barriers to innovation for SMEs in a small less developed country (Cyprus)”. Technovation, 19(9), 561-570.
  • Hallberg, K. (2000), “A Market Oriented Strategy for Small and Medium Scale Enterprises”, World Bank Discussion Paper. IFD40: 1-26.
  • Hyland P., Beckett R., (2005), “Engendering an innovation culture and maintaining operational balance”, Journal of Small B usiness and Enterprise Development, 12: 336-352.
  • Henderson J. (2002), “Building the Rural Economy with High-Growth Entrepreneurs”, Economic Review, 87(3): 45-70.
  • Hoffman R. (1996), “Levels of technology use and instructional innovation”. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, San Diego State University.
  • Hübner H. (2002), “Integratives Innovations management”. Nachhaltigkeit als Herausforderung für ganzheitliche Erneuerungsprozesse, ESV Erich Schmidt Berlin.
  • Ilori M., Oke J., Sanni S. (2000), “Management of new product development in selected food companies in Nigeria”, Technovation 20 (6): 333–342.
  • Kaufmann A., Todtling F. (2002), “How effective is innovation support for SMEs? An analysis of the region of Upper Austria”, Technovation 22: 147–159.
  • Kaminskia P.C., de Oliveira A. C., Lopesa T.M. (2008), “Knowledge transfer in product development processes: A case study in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) of the metal-mechanic sector from São Paulo, Brazil”, Technovation 28 (1–2): 29–36.
  • Keith E. L., Theodore J.G. (1987), “Characterization of Innovations Introduced on the US Market in 1982”. US Small Business Administration, Office of Advocacy.
  • Keizer J., Dijkstra L. Halman, J. (2002), “Explaining innovative efforts of SMEs.: An exploratory survey among SMEs in the mechanical and electrical engineering sector in The Netherlands”, Technovation 22 (1):1–13,
  • Kickul J., Gundry L. (2002), “Prospecting for Strategic Advantage: The Proactive Entrepreneurial Personality and Small Firm Innovation”, Journal of Small Business Management 40(2): 85-97.
  • Kline, S. J., Rosenberg, N. (1986). An overview of innovation. The positive sum strategy: Harnessing technology for economic growth, 14, 640. KOSGEB, KOBİ Stratejisi ve Eylem Planı (2003), Kasım 2003.
  • KOSGEB, KOBİ Stratejisi ve Eylem Planı 2011-2013, Nisan 2011, Ankara.
  • KOSGEB, KOBİ stratejisi ve Eylem Planı 2015-2018, Temmuz 2015, Ankara.
  • Larson A. (1991), “Partner Networks: Leveraging External TiestoImprove Entrepreneurial Performance”, Journal of Business Venturing, 3: 173-188.
  • Lefebre E., Lefebre L.A. (2001), “Innovative Capabilities as determinats of export performance and behaviour: A Longitudinal study of Manufacturing SMEs”, Chapter in Innovation and Firm Performance: Econometric Explorations of Survey Data, Palgrave, London et Basingstoke, 2001.
  • Lipparini A., Sobrero M. (1994), “The glue and the pieces: Entrepreneurship and innovation in smallfirm networks,” Journal of Business Venturing, 9(2): 125-140
  • Love, J. H., Roper, S. (2015). “SME innovation, exporting and growth: A review of existing evidence”. International Small Business Journal, 33(1), 28-48.
  • Massa S., Testa S. (2008), “Innovation and SMEs: Misaligned perspectives and goals among entrepreneurs, academics and policy makers”, Technovation 28: 393-407,
  • McAdam R., Moffett S., Hazlett S.A.,Shevlin M. (2010), “ Developing a model of innovation implementation for UK SMEs: A path analysis and explanatory case studies”. International Small Business Journal, 28(3): 195-214.
  • McDermott, C. M., O’Connor, G. C. (2002). “Managing radical innovation: an overview of emergent strategy issues” Journal of product innovation management, 19(6), 424-438.
  • Motwani J., Dandridge T., Jiang, J., Soderquist K. (1999), “Managing Innovation in French Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises”, Journal of Small Business Management 37(2): 106-116
  • Mosey, S. (2005), “Understanding new‐to‐market product development in SMEs”, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Vol. 25 No. 2, pp. 114‐30.
  • Napier G., Serger S., Hansson E. (2004), “Strengthening Innovation and Technology Policies for SME Development in Turkey – Opportunities for Private Sector Involvement”, Report of International Organization for Knowledge Economy and Enterprise Development (IKED), Malmö, Sweden.
  • OECD (2002), “Frascati Kılavuzu Araştırma ve Deneysel Geliştirme Taramaları için Önerilen Standart Uygulama”.
  • OECD (2005), “Oslo Manual - Guidelines for Collecting and Interpreting Innovation Data”, Organisation For Economic Co-Operation And Development Statistical Office Of The European Communities.
  • Oerlemans L., Meeus M., Boekema F. (1998), “Do networks matter for innovation? The usefulness of the economic network approach in analysing innovation”, Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 89: 298-309,
  • Oke, A., Burke, G., Myers, A. (2007). “Innovation types and performance in growing UK SMEs”. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 27(7), 735-753.
  • Oke, Adegoke (2007). “Innovation types and innovation management practices in service companies”. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 27(6), 564-587.
  • Oliver N., Dewberry E., Dostaler I. (2000), “New product development benchmarks: The Japanese, North American and UK Consumer Electronic Industries”, Judge Institute of Management Studies Working, Paper 28/00.
  • O’Regan N., Ghobadian A., Sims M. (2006), “Fast tracking innovation in manufacturing SMEs”, Technovation, 26 (2): 251-261.
  • Oyefuga I., Siyanbola, W., Afolabi O., Dada A., Egbetokun, A. (2008), “SMEs funding: an assessment of an intervention scheme in Nigeria”, World Review Paper presented in the IV Globelics Conference at Mexico City, September 22-24.
  • Oyelaran-Oyeyinka, Banji (2003), “Innovation and Learning by Firms in Nigeria: The Role of Size, Skills and Ownership”, International Journal of Business and Society 4(1): 1-22.
  • Oyelaran-Oyeyinka, Banji (2005), “Inter-Firm Collaboration and Competitive Pressures: SME Footwear Clusters in Nigeria”, Int. Journal of Technology and Globalization 1( 2/4).
  • Örücü, E., Kılıç, R., Savaş, A. (2011). KOBİ’lerde inovasyon stratejileri ve inovasyon yapmayı etkileyen faktörler: bir uygulama. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 12 (1), 58-73.
  • Özgökçe H. (1999), “Türkiye’de KOBİ’lerin Genel Durumu ve KOSGEB”, Yenilik, GYTE yayınları, No: 5, Gebze.
  • Porter, M. E. (2008), “On Competition, Updated and Expanded Edition”, Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing.
  • Radas S., Bozic L. (2009), “The antecedents of SME innovativeness in an emerging transition economy”, Technovation 29 (6–7) : 438–450.
  • Rogers, M. (1998), “The Definition and Measurement of Innovation”, Melbourne Institute Working Paper, No: 10/98.
  • Rosenbusch, N., Brinckmann, J., & Bausch, A. (2011). “Is innovation always beneficial? A meta-analysis of the relationship between innovation and performance in SMEs”. Journal of business Venturing, 26(4), 441-457.
  • Salami A.T. (2003), “Guidelines and Stakeholders Responsibilities. Seminar on Small and Medium Industries Equity Investments Scheme (SMIEIS), Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Training Centre, Lagos, No. 4, 45–60.
  • Sikka P. (1999), “Technological Innovations by SME’s in India”, Technovation 19: 317-321,
  • Smallborne D., North D., Vickers I. (2000), “The role and characteristics of SMEs”. Isaksen A., Asheim B.T., Nauwelaers C., North D., Todtling F. (Eds.), SME Policy and the Regional Dimensions of Innovation. Final Report of the TSER-research project SMEPOL, Oslo.
  • Soylu, A., Göl, M. Ö. (2010). Yönetim inovasyonu. Sosyoekonomi, (1), 113.
  • Sweeney, G.P. (1983), “New Entrepreneurship and the Smaller Firm”, Campus, Frankfurt, New York.
  • Şahin, A. (2011). Mersin’de faaliyet gösteren küçük ve orta büyüklükteki işletmelerin yenilik faaliyetlerinin ölçülmesi. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 10(2), 259-271.
  • Tidd J., (2001), “ Innovation management in context: environment, organization and performance”, International Journal of Management Reviews, 3 (3): 169–183.
  • Tidd J., Bessant J., Pavitt K. (2005), “Managing Innovation: Integrating technological, market and organizational change”, Third edition, Wiley.
  • US Small Business Administration SBIR Program,,
  • Yatmaz E. F. (2012), Girişim Sermayesi, Uzmanlık tezi, T. C. Kalkınma Bakanlığı, Uzmanlık Tezi.
  • Zhu, Yanmei, Xinhua Wittmann, Mike W. Peng. (2012).”Institution-based barriers to innovation in
  • SMEs in China.” Asia Pacific Journal of Management 29(4) 1131-1142.

KOBİ’lerin Yenilikçilik Kapasitelerini Geliştirecek Desteklerin Tasarımı: Yenilikçilik Profillerine Dayalı Bir Yaklaşım Önerisi

Year 2016, Volume: 16 Issue: 3, 555 - 572, 01.07.2016


İşletmelerin, küresel pazarda hayatta kalabilmelerinin yolu, izledikleri büyüme stratejilerinin sürdürülebilir ve rekabetçi olmasından geçmektedir. Yeterli seviyede yenilikçilik çıktısı üretemeyen işletmeler rekabet güçlerini kaybetmektedir. İşletmelerin sayı olarak büyük kısmını oluşturan KOBİ’ler, yenilikçilik konusunda büyük işletmelere göre daha farklı engellerle karşı karşıyadırlar. Bu nedenle birçok ülkede KOBİ’lerde yeniliği teşvik eden kamu politikalarına rastlanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, kamu destek politikaları tasarımında KOBİ’lerin yenilikçilik profillerini” temel alan bir yaklaşım önerilmektedir. Bu yaklaşım kapsamında, farklı yenilikçilik profillerine sahip KOBİ’ler için farklı stratejik yol haritaları ve kamu destek araçları sunulmuştur. Bu sayede, gelişmekte olan ülke KOBİ’lerinin ülkenin teknolojik gelişme sürecine ve uluslararası rekabetçiliğine daha fazla katkı yapmasının mümkün olacağı düşünülmektedir


  • Abereijo I., Ilori M., Taiwo K., Adegbite S. (2007), “Assessment of the capabilities for innovation by small and medium industry in Nigeria”, African Journal of Business Management, 1 (8): 209-217.
  • Adegbite S., Ilori M., Irefin I., Abereijo I., Aderemi H. (2007)., “Evaluation of the Impact of Entrepreneurial Characteristics on the Performance of Small Scale Manufacturing Industries in Nigeria”, Journal of Asia Entrepreneurship and Sustainability,
  • Aydemir R. (2000), Küçük ve Orta Ölçekli İşletmelerde Taşımacılığın Tedarik Zinciri Yönetimindeki Rolü ve Gebze Civarında bir Uygulama, Basılmamış yüksek lisans Tezi, GYTE sosyal bilimler enstitüsü.
  • Baregheh, A., Rowley, J., Sambrook, S., & Davies, D. (2012). Food sector SMEs and innovation types. British Food Journal, 114 (11), 1640-1653.
  • Bessant J., Tidd J.(2007). Innovation and entrepreneurship, Wiley.
  • Birchall D., Chanaron, J., Soderquist K. (1996), “Managing Innovation in SMEs: A Comparison of Companies in the UK, France and Portugal”, International Journal of Technology Management, 12 (3): 291-305.
  • Cansız M. (2008). Türkiye’de KOBİ’ler ve KOSGEB. DPT Uzmanlık Tezi, Ankara 2008.
  • Carrier, C. (1994), “Intrapreneurship in Large Firms and SMEs: A Comparative Study”, International Small Business Journal, 12 (3): 54-61.
  • Clark J., Guy K. (2010), “Innovation and competitiveness: a review”, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 10 (3): 363-395.
  • Cornell University, INSEAD, and WIPO (2015): The Global Innovation Index 2015: Effective Innovation Policies for Development, Fontainebleau, Ithaca, and Geneva.
  • Cosh A. Hughes A. (2000),” Innovation activity and performance in SMEs” Cosh, A.D. and Hughes, A. (eds.) British Enterprise in Transition: Growth Innovation and Public Policy in the small and medium sized enterprise sector 1994-1999, ESRC Centre for Business Research, Cambridge,
  • Çalıpınar H., Baç U.(2007), “KOBİ’lerde inovasyon yapmayı etkileyen faktörler ve bir alan araştırması”, Ege Akademik Bakış Dergisi, Yıl: 7, Sayı :2.
  • Docter, H.J. Stokman, C.T.M. (1988), “Innovation in SMEs”. Paper for symposium on Technology– Economics, 31 March 1988, The Hague.
  • Eker, S. (2011), “ KOBİ’lerde Teknolojik Ar-Ge çalışmalarının istihdam üzerine etkileri: Tekmer’lerde bir uygulama”, Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi.
  • El Kabbani R.N., Kalhoefer C. (2011), “Financing Resources for Egyptian Small and Medium Enterprises”, Working Paper No.28, German University in Cairo.
  • European Commission, Annual Innovation Policy for Turkey. European Trend Chart on Innovation 2003-2004, A publication from the Innovation/SMEs Programme, 1-5.
  • European Commission (2003), European Innovation Scoreboard 2003. pp. 16.
  • European Commission (2012), Innovation Union Scoreboard 2011.
  • Forrest J. E. (1990), “Strategic alliances and the small technology-based firm”, Journal of Small Business Management, 28 (3): 37–45.
  • Francis D., Bessant J. (2005), “Targeting Innovation and Implications for Capability Development”, Technovation, 25 (3):171-183.
  • Fritz W. (1989), “Determinants of product innovation activities”, European Journal of Marketing, 23(10) 32 – 43.
  • Gorodnichenko, Yuriy, Schnitzer. Monika, (2013) “Financial constraints and innovation: Why poor countries don’t catch up.” Journal of the European Economic Association 11.5, 1115-1152.
  • Gunday, G., Ulusoy, G., Kilic, K., & Alpkan, L. (2011).” Effects of innovation types on firm performance”. International Journal of production economics, 133(2), 662-676.
  • Hadjimanolis, A. (1999). Barriers to innovation for SMEs in a small less developed country (Cyprus)”. Technovation, 19(9), 561-570.
  • Hallberg, K. (2000), “A Market Oriented Strategy for Small and Medium Scale Enterprises”, World Bank Discussion Paper. IFD40: 1-26.
  • Hyland P., Beckett R., (2005), “Engendering an innovation culture and maintaining operational balance”, Journal of Small B usiness and Enterprise Development, 12: 336-352.
  • Henderson J. (2002), “Building the Rural Economy with High-Growth Entrepreneurs”, Economic Review, 87(3): 45-70.
  • Hoffman R. (1996), “Levels of technology use and instructional innovation”. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, San Diego State University.
  • Hübner H. (2002), “Integratives Innovations management”. Nachhaltigkeit als Herausforderung für ganzheitliche Erneuerungsprozesse, ESV Erich Schmidt Berlin.
  • Ilori M., Oke J., Sanni S. (2000), “Management of new product development in selected food companies in Nigeria”, Technovation 20 (6): 333–342.
  • Kaufmann A., Todtling F. (2002), “How effective is innovation support for SMEs? An analysis of the region of Upper Austria”, Technovation 22: 147–159.
  • Kaminskia P.C., de Oliveira A. C., Lopesa T.M. (2008), “Knowledge transfer in product development processes: A case study in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) of the metal-mechanic sector from São Paulo, Brazil”, Technovation 28 (1–2): 29–36.
  • Keith E. L., Theodore J.G. (1987), “Characterization of Innovations Introduced on the US Market in 1982”. US Small Business Administration, Office of Advocacy.
  • Keizer J., Dijkstra L. Halman, J. (2002), “Explaining innovative efforts of SMEs.: An exploratory survey among SMEs in the mechanical and electrical engineering sector in The Netherlands”, Technovation 22 (1):1–13,
  • Kickul J., Gundry L. (2002), “Prospecting for Strategic Advantage: The Proactive Entrepreneurial Personality and Small Firm Innovation”, Journal of Small Business Management 40(2): 85-97.
  • Kline, S. J., Rosenberg, N. (1986). An overview of innovation. The positive sum strategy: Harnessing technology for economic growth, 14, 640. KOSGEB, KOBİ Stratejisi ve Eylem Planı (2003), Kasım 2003.
  • KOSGEB, KOBİ Stratejisi ve Eylem Planı 2011-2013, Nisan 2011, Ankara.
  • KOSGEB, KOBİ stratejisi ve Eylem Planı 2015-2018, Temmuz 2015, Ankara.
  • Larson A. (1991), “Partner Networks: Leveraging External TiestoImprove Entrepreneurial Performance”, Journal of Business Venturing, 3: 173-188.
  • Lefebre E., Lefebre L.A. (2001), “Innovative Capabilities as determinats of export performance and behaviour: A Longitudinal study of Manufacturing SMEs”, Chapter in Innovation and Firm Performance: Econometric Explorations of Survey Data, Palgrave, London et Basingstoke, 2001.
  • Lipparini A., Sobrero M. (1994), “The glue and the pieces: Entrepreneurship and innovation in smallfirm networks,” Journal of Business Venturing, 9(2): 125-140
  • Love, J. H., Roper, S. (2015). “SME innovation, exporting and growth: A review of existing evidence”. International Small Business Journal, 33(1), 28-48.
  • Massa S., Testa S. (2008), “Innovation and SMEs: Misaligned perspectives and goals among entrepreneurs, academics and policy makers”, Technovation 28: 393-407,
  • McAdam R., Moffett S., Hazlett S.A.,Shevlin M. (2010), “ Developing a model of innovation implementation for UK SMEs: A path analysis and explanatory case studies”. International Small Business Journal, 28(3): 195-214.
  • McDermott, C. M., O’Connor, G. C. (2002). “Managing radical innovation: an overview of emergent strategy issues” Journal of product innovation management, 19(6), 424-438.
  • Motwani J., Dandridge T., Jiang, J., Soderquist K. (1999), “Managing Innovation in French Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises”, Journal of Small Business Management 37(2): 106-116
  • Mosey, S. (2005), “Understanding new‐to‐market product development in SMEs”, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Vol. 25 No. 2, pp. 114‐30.
  • Napier G., Serger S., Hansson E. (2004), “Strengthening Innovation and Technology Policies for SME Development in Turkey – Opportunities for Private Sector Involvement”, Report of International Organization for Knowledge Economy and Enterprise Development (IKED), Malmö, Sweden.
  • OECD (2002), “Frascati Kılavuzu Araştırma ve Deneysel Geliştirme Taramaları için Önerilen Standart Uygulama”.
  • OECD (2005), “Oslo Manual - Guidelines for Collecting and Interpreting Innovation Data”, Organisation For Economic Co-Operation And Development Statistical Office Of The European Communities.
  • Oerlemans L., Meeus M., Boekema F. (1998), “Do networks matter for innovation? The usefulness of the economic network approach in analysing innovation”, Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 89: 298-309,
  • Oke, A., Burke, G., Myers, A. (2007). “Innovation types and performance in growing UK SMEs”. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 27(7), 735-753.
  • Oke, Adegoke (2007). “Innovation types and innovation management practices in service companies”. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 27(6), 564-587.
  • Oliver N., Dewberry E., Dostaler I. (2000), “New product development benchmarks: The Japanese, North American and UK Consumer Electronic Industries”, Judge Institute of Management Studies Working, Paper 28/00.
  • O’Regan N., Ghobadian A., Sims M. (2006), “Fast tracking innovation in manufacturing SMEs”, Technovation, 26 (2): 251-261.
  • Oyefuga I., Siyanbola, W., Afolabi O., Dada A., Egbetokun, A. (2008), “SMEs funding: an assessment of an intervention scheme in Nigeria”, World Review Paper presented in the IV Globelics Conference at Mexico City, September 22-24.
  • Oyelaran-Oyeyinka, Banji (2003), “Innovation and Learning by Firms in Nigeria: The Role of Size, Skills and Ownership”, International Journal of Business and Society 4(1): 1-22.
  • Oyelaran-Oyeyinka, Banji (2005), “Inter-Firm Collaboration and Competitive Pressures: SME Footwear Clusters in Nigeria”, Int. Journal of Technology and Globalization 1( 2/4).
  • Örücü, E., Kılıç, R., Savaş, A. (2011). KOBİ’lerde inovasyon stratejileri ve inovasyon yapmayı etkileyen faktörler: bir uygulama. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 12 (1), 58-73.
  • Özgökçe H. (1999), “Türkiye’de KOBİ’lerin Genel Durumu ve KOSGEB”, Yenilik, GYTE yayınları, No: 5, Gebze.
  • Porter, M. E. (2008), “On Competition, Updated and Expanded Edition”, Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing.
  • Radas S., Bozic L. (2009), “The antecedents of SME innovativeness in an emerging transition economy”, Technovation 29 (6–7) : 438–450.
  • Rogers, M. (1998), “The Definition and Measurement of Innovation”, Melbourne Institute Working Paper, No: 10/98.
  • Rosenbusch, N., Brinckmann, J., & Bausch, A. (2011). “Is innovation always beneficial? A meta-analysis of the relationship between innovation and performance in SMEs”. Journal of business Venturing, 26(4), 441-457.
  • Salami A.T. (2003), “Guidelines and Stakeholders Responsibilities. Seminar on Small and Medium Industries Equity Investments Scheme (SMIEIS), Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Training Centre, Lagos, No. 4, 45–60.
  • Sikka P. (1999), “Technological Innovations by SME’s in India”, Technovation 19: 317-321,
  • Smallborne D., North D., Vickers I. (2000), “The role and characteristics of SMEs”. Isaksen A., Asheim B.T., Nauwelaers C., North D., Todtling F. (Eds.), SME Policy and the Regional Dimensions of Innovation. Final Report of the TSER-research project SMEPOL, Oslo.
  • Soylu, A., Göl, M. Ö. (2010). Yönetim inovasyonu. Sosyoekonomi, (1), 113.
  • Sweeney, G.P. (1983), “New Entrepreneurship and the Smaller Firm”, Campus, Frankfurt, New York.
  • Şahin, A. (2011). Mersin’de faaliyet gösteren küçük ve orta büyüklükteki işletmelerin yenilik faaliyetlerinin ölçülmesi. Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 10(2), 259-271.
  • Tidd J., (2001), “ Innovation management in context: environment, organization and performance”, International Journal of Management Reviews, 3 (3): 169–183.
  • Tidd J., Bessant J., Pavitt K. (2005), “Managing Innovation: Integrating technological, market and organizational change”, Third edition, Wiley.
  • US Small Business Administration SBIR Program,,
  • Yatmaz E. F. (2012), Girişim Sermayesi, Uzmanlık tezi, T. C. Kalkınma Bakanlığı, Uzmanlık Tezi.
  • Zhu, Yanmei, Xinhua Wittmann, Mike W. Peng. (2012).”Institution-based barriers to innovation in
  • SMEs in China.” Asia Pacific Journal of Management 29(4) 1131-1142.
There are 76 citations in total.


Other ID JA23SZ86EJ
Journal Section Research Article

Gülesin Sena Daş This is me

Murat Yülek This is me

Publication Date July 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 16 Issue: 3


APA Daş, G. S., & Yülek, M. (2016). Designing Public Policies to Support SME Innovation Capacity: Proposal of an Approach based on Innovativeness Profiles. Ege Academic Review, 16(3), 555-572.
AMA Daş GS, Yülek M. Designing Public Policies to Support SME Innovation Capacity: Proposal of an Approach based on Innovativeness Profiles. ear. July 2016;16(3):555-572.
Chicago Daş, Gülesin Sena, and Murat Yülek. “Designing Public Policies to Support SME Innovation Capacity: Proposal of an Approach Based on Innovativeness Profiles”. Ege Academic Review 16, no. 3 (July 2016): 555-72.
EndNote Daş GS, Yülek M (July 1, 2016) Designing Public Policies to Support SME Innovation Capacity: Proposal of an Approach based on Innovativeness Profiles. Ege Academic Review 16 3 555–572.
IEEE G. S. Daş and M. Yülek, “Designing Public Policies to Support SME Innovation Capacity: Proposal of an Approach based on Innovativeness Profiles”, ear, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 555–572, 2016.
ISNAD Daş, Gülesin Sena - Yülek, Murat. “Designing Public Policies to Support SME Innovation Capacity: Proposal of an Approach Based on Innovativeness Profiles”. Ege Academic Review 16/3 (July 2016), 555-572.
JAMA Daş GS, Yülek M. Designing Public Policies to Support SME Innovation Capacity: Proposal of an Approach based on Innovativeness Profiles. ear. 2016;16:555–572.
MLA Daş, Gülesin Sena and Murat Yülek. “Designing Public Policies to Support SME Innovation Capacity: Proposal of an Approach Based on Innovativeness Profiles”. Ege Academic Review, vol. 16, no. 3, 2016, pp. 555-72.
Vancouver Daş GS, Yülek M. Designing Public Policies to Support SME Innovation Capacity: Proposal of an Approach based on Innovativeness Profiles. ear. 2016;16(3):555-72.