Within the Logos logic, mainstream organization studies see sexuality as a force of destructive which should be eliminated from the organizations. However, organizations cannot be totally desexualized. In every organization diverse sexualities are expressed. The relation of sexuality and Eros is controversial in social theory. Although, Eros depends on sexuality, Eros can be conceptualized as constructive within the qualitative and quantitative transformation of sexuality. This study analyses the relations of Eros, play and sexuality within their roles as “destructive” and “constructive” in organizations
Misbehaviour. London, Sage. Adkins, L. (1995). Gendered Work: Sexuality, Family and the Labour Market, Buckingham: Open University Press.
Aquino, K., Sheppard, L., Watkins, M. B., O’Reilly, J. ve Smith, A. (2014) “Social Sexual Behavior at Work”
Research in Organizational Behavior, 34: 217-236. Bauman, Z. (2003) Modernlik ve Müphemlik. (Çeviren: İ. Türkmen). İstanbul, Ayrıntı Yayınları.
Beatty, J. E. ve Torbert, W. R. (2003) “The False Duality of Work and Leisure” Journal of Management Inquiry, (3): 239–252.
Bell, E. ve Sinclair, A. (2014) “Reclaiming the Eroticism in the Academy” Organization, 21(2): 268-280.
Boyd, C. (2010) “The Debate over the Prohibition of
Romance in the Workplace” Journal of Business Ethics, (2): 325–338. Bowles, M. L. (1993) “Logos and Eros: the Vital
Syzygy for Understanding Human Relations and Organizational Action” Human Relations, 46(11): –1290.
Brannan, M. J. (2005) “Once more with Feeling:
Ethnographic Reflections on the Mediation of Tension in a Small Team of Call Centre Workers” Gender, Work and Organization, 12(5): 420–439. Brewis, J., Hampton, M. P. ve Linstead, S. (1997)
“Unpacking Priscilla: Subjectivity and Identity in the Organization of Gendered Appearance” Human Relations, 50(10): 1275–1304.
Brewis, J. ve Linstead, S. (2000) Sex, Work and Sex
Gender and Society, 11(6): 796–818. Burrell, G. (1984) “Sex and Organizational Analysis”
Organization Studies, 5(2): 97–118. Burrell, G. (1992) The Organization of Pleasure, Critical
Management Studies (ss.66–89). (Der.) M. Alvesson ve H. Willmott, London, Sage. Brewis, J. ve Linstead, S. (2000) Sex, Work and Sex
Work, London, Routledge. Brewis, J., Hampton, M. P. ve Linstead, S. (1997)
“Unpacking Priscilla: Subjectivity and Identity in the Organization of Gendered Appearance” Human Relations, 50 (10): 1275–1304.
Carr, D. M. (2003) The Erotic World: Sexuality,
Spiritiuality, and the Bible, Oxford, Oxford University Press. Chodorow, N. J. (1985) “Beyond Drive Theory: Object
Relations and the Limits of Radical Individualism” Theory and Society, 14(3): 271–319. Collinson, D. L. (2002) “Managing Humour” Journal of
Management Studies, 39(3): 271–288. Dant, T. (2003) Critical Social Theory: Culture, Society and Critique, London, Sage.
Denissen, A. M. (2010) “Crossing the Line: how Women in the Building Trades Interpret and Respond Conduct at Work” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 39 (3): –327.
Duncan, W. J., Smeltzer, L. R. ve Leap, T. L. (1990)
“Humour and Work: Applications of Joking Behavior to Management” Journal of Management, 16(2): 255– Elsesser, K. ve Peplau, L. A. (2006) “The Glass Partition:
Obstacles to Cross-sex Friendship at Work” Human Relations, 59 (8): 1077–1100.
Ely, R. ve Padavic, I. (2007) “A Feminist Analysis of
Organizational Research on Sex Differences” Academy of Management Review, 32(4): 1121–1143.
Erickson, K. A. (2010) Talk, Touch, and Intolerance:
Sexual Harassment in an Overtly Sexualized Work Culture İçinde Gender and Sexuality in the Workplace: Research in the Sociology of Work, 20 (ss. 179–202), (Der.), C. L. Williams ve K. Dellinger, Bingley, Emerald. Feldman, M. S. ve Pentland, B. T. (2003)
“Reconceptualizing Organizational Routines as a Source of Flexibility and Change” Administrative Science Quarterly, 48(1): 94–118. Fleming, P. (2007) “Sexuality, Power and Resistance in the Workplace” Organization Studies, 28(2): 239–256.
Folgero, I. S. ve Fjeldstad, I. H. (1995) “On Duty – Off
Guard: Cultural Norms and Sexual Harassment in Service Organizations” Organization Studies, 16(2): –313. Freud, S. (2004). Uygarlığın Huzursuzlukları (Çeviren: H. Barışcan), İstanbul, Metis Yayınları.
Fromm, E. (1997) Sevme Sanatı (Çeviren: S. Budak),
Ankara, Öteki Yayınevi. Giddens, A. (2004) Modernliğin Sonuçları (Çeviren: E. Kuşdil), İstanbul, Ayrıntı Yayınları.
Giuffre, P. A. ve Williams, C. L. (1994) “Boundary Lines:
Labeling Sexual Harassment in Restaurants” Gender and Society, 8 (3): 378–401. Gordon, G. (2009) What is Play?: İçinde Search of a Definition. From Children to Red Hatters: Diverse
Images and Issues of Play (ss. 1–13). (Der.) D. Kuschner. Maryland, University Press of America. Gotham, K. F. ve Krier, D. A. (2008) From the Culture
Industry to the Society of the Spectacle: Critical Theory and the Situationist International, İçinde Current Perspectives in Social Theory Vol: 25 (ss. 155– ), (Der.), H. F. Dahms. Bingley, Emerald. Gutek, B. A. (1985) Sex and the Workplace. California, Jossey-Bass.
Hancock, P. ve Tyler, M. (2001) Work, Postmodernism and Organization: A Critical Introduction. London, Sage.
Hearn, J. ve Parkin, W. (1995) Sex at Work. New York, St. Martin’s Press.
Hearn, J. (2011) Sexualities, Work, Organizations, and Managements. İçinde Handbook of Gender, Work and Organization (ss. 299-314) (Der.), E. L. Jeanes, D.
Knights ve P. Y. Martin. Chichester, John Wiley and Sons. Huizinga, J. (2006) Homo Ludens: Oyunun Toplumsal
İşlevi Üzerine bir Deneme (Çeviren: M. A. Kılıçbay), İstanbul, Ayrıntı Yayınları. Ilies, R, Hauserman, N., Schwochau, S. ve Stibal, J. (2003) “Reported Incidence Rates of Work-related
Sexual Harassment in the United States” Personel Psychology, 56: 607–631. Jay, M. (2005) Diyalektik İmgelem: Frankfurt Okulu ve Toplumsal Araştırmalar Enstitüsünün Tarihi. İstanbul, Belge Yayınları.
Kellner, D. (2006). Frankfurt Okulu’nu Yeniden
Değerlendirmek: Martin Jay’in Diyalektik İmgelem’inin Eleştirisi. İçinde Frankfurt Okulu (ss. 134–164) (Der). H. E. Bağce. Ankara, Doğu Batı Yayınları Koçak, O. (2008) Önsöz. (ss. 7–52). Akıl tutulması.,
İstanbul, Metis Yayınları. Lerum, K. (2000) Doing the Dirty Work: Emotion Work,
Professionalism, and Sexuality in a Customer Service Economy, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Sosyoloji Bölümü, University of Washington. Lerum, K. (2004) “Sexuality, Power, and Camaraderie in Service Work” Gender and Society, 18(6): 756–776.
Mainemelis, C. ve Ronson, S. (2006) “Ideas are Born in
Fields of Play: Towards a Theory of Play and Creativity in Organizational Settings” Research in Organizational Behavior, 27: 81–131. Mano, R. ve Gabriel, Y. (2006) “Workplace Romances in
Cold and Hot Organizational Climates: the Experience of Israel and Taiwan” Human Relations, 59(1): 7–35 Marcuse, H. (1997) Tek-Boyutlu İnsan (Çeviren: A. Yardımlı). İstanbul, İdea Yayınevi.
Marcuse, H.(1998) Eros ve Uygarlık: Freud Üzerine
Bir İnceleme (Çeviren: Aziz Yardamlı). İstanbul, İdea Yayınevi. Martin, J. (2000) “Hidden Gendered Assumptions in
Mainstream Organizational Theory and Research” Journal of Management Inquiry, 9(2): 207–216. Martin, P. Y. (2006) “Practising Gender at Work:
Further Thoughts on Reflexivity” Gender, Work and Organization, 13(3): 254–276. Nicolini, D., 2012. Practice Theory, Work, and Organization. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
O’Leary-Kelly, A. M., Bowes-Sperry, L., Bates, C. A. ve Lean E. R. (2009) “Sexual Harassment at Work: A
Decade (Plus) of Progress Journal of Management, (3): 503–536. Quinn, R. E. (1977) “Coping with Cupid: the Formation,
Impact, and Management of Romantic Relationships in Organizations” Administrative Science Quarterly, (1): 30–45. Pierce, C. A. ve Aguinis, H. (2009) “Moving Beyond
Legal-centric Approach to Managing Workplace Romance” Human Resource Management, 48(3): 447– Plumwood, V. (2004) Feminizm ve Doğaya Hükmetmek
(Çeviren: B. Ertür). İstanbul, Metis Yayınları. Powell, G. N. (2001) “Workplace Romances between
Senior-level Executives and Lower-level Employees” Human Relations, 54(11): 1519–1544.
Pringle, R. (2005) Sexuality at Work. İçinde Critical
Management Studies: a Reader (ss. 284–303) (Der.) C. Grey ve H. Willmott. New York, Oxford University Press. Riach, K. ve Wilson, F. (2007) “Don’t Screw the Crew:
Exploring the Rules of Engagement in Organizational Romance” British Journal of Management, 18(1): 79– Riach, K. ve Wilson, F. (2014) “Bodyspace at the pub: sexual orientation and organizational space” Organization, 21(3): 329-345.
Rickert, J. (1986) “The Fromm-Marcuse Debate
Revisited” Theory and Society, 15(3): 351–400. Sandelands, L. (2010) “The Play of Change” Journal of
Organizational Change Management, 23(1): 71–86. Schatzki, T. R. (2005) “The Sites of organizations”
Organization Studies, 26(3), 465-484. Schultz, V. (2003) “The Sanitized Workplace” Yale Law Journal, 112(8): 2061–2193.
Shilling, C. (1997) “Emotions, Embodiment and the Sensation of Society” Sociological Review, 45(2): 195–
Shilling, C. ve Mellor, P. A. (2010) “Sociology and the Problem of Eroticism” Sociology, 44(3): 435–452.
Simmell, G. (2009) Bireysellik ve Kültür (Çeviren: T. Birkan), İstanbul, Metis Yayınları.
Sullivan, K. R. (2014) “With(out) pleasure:
Desexualization, Gender and Sexuality at Work” Organization, 21(3): 346-364. Sutton-Smith, B. (2001) The Ambiguity of Play, USA,
Harvard University Press. Toulmin, S. (2002) Kozmopolis: Modernitenin Gizli
Gündemi (Çeviren: H. Arslan), İstanbul, Paradigma Yayıncılık. Trethewey, A. (1999) “Disciplined Bodies: Women’s
Embodied Identites at Work” Organization Studies, (3): 423–450. Timmerman, G. ve Bajema, C. (2000) “The Impact of Organizational Culture on Perceptions and Experiences of Sexual Harassment” Journal of
Vocational Behavior, 57(2): 188–205. Wagner, P. (1996) Modernliğin Sosyolojisi (Çeviren: M. Küçük). İstanbul, Sarmal Yayınevi.
Walsh, Philip (2008) Herbert Marcuse and Contemporary Social Theory, İçinde Current
Perspectives in Social Theory Vol: 25 (ss. 235–260), (Der.), H. F. Dahms. Bingley, Emerald. Wang, N. (2000) Tourism and Modernity: A Sociological
Analysis, Oxford, Pergamon. Warhurst, C. ve Nickson, D. (2009) “Who’s got the Look? Emotional, Aesthetic and Sexualzed Labour in
İnteractive Services” Gender, Work and Organization, (3): 385–404. Weber, M. (2006) Sosyoloji Yazıları (Çeviren: T. Parla),
İstanbul, İletişim Yayınları. Williams, C. L., Giuffre, P. A. ve Dellinger, K. (1999)
“Sexuality in the Workplace: Organization Control, Sexual Harrassment and the Pursuit of Pleasure” Annual Review of Sociology, 25(1): 73–93. Willness, C. R., Steel, P. ve Lee, K. (2007) “A Meta- analysis of the Antecedents and Consequences of
Workplace Sexual Harassment” Personel Psychology, (1): 127–162. Wilson, F. (2015) “Romantic Relationships at Work”
International Journal of Management Reviews, 17: 19. Yelvington, K. A. (1996) “Flirting in the Factory” Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 2(2): 313–333.
Zelizer, V. A. (2009) Intimacy in Economic
Organizations İçinde Economic Sociology of Work, 28 (ss. 23–55), (Der.), N. Bandelj, Bingley, Emerald. Zilbersheid, U. (2009a) “The Utopia of Herbert
Marcuse Part 1” Critique, 36(3): 403–419. Zilbersheid, U. (2009b) “The Utopia of Herbert
Marcuse Part 2: Freudianism” Critique, 37(1): 81–98.
Örgütlerde Cinselliğin Düzen Bozucu ve Düzen Kurucu Rolünün Eros ve Oyun Açısından İncelenmesi
Year 2016,
Volume: 16 Issue: 4, 763 - 772, 01.09.2016
Ana akım örgüt yaklaşımları, Logos mantığı kapsamında, cinselliği düzen bozucu bir güç olarak görerek örgütlerden yok etmeye çalışmıştır. Buna karşın, cinsellik örgütlerden tamamen yok edilemez. Her örgütte çeşitli cinsellikler ifade edilmektedir. Cinsellik ve Eros bağı sosyal teoride tartışmalı bir konudur. Eros, cinselliğin nitel ve nicel dönüşümü olarak düzen kurucu olabilmektedir. Bu çalışma örgütlerde Eros, oyun ve cinsellik ilişkilerini “düzen bozucu” ve düzen kurucu” işlevleri çerçevesinde incelemiştir
Misbehaviour. London, Sage. Adkins, L. (1995). Gendered Work: Sexuality, Family and the Labour Market, Buckingham: Open University Press.
Aquino, K., Sheppard, L., Watkins, M. B., O’Reilly, J. ve Smith, A. (2014) “Social Sexual Behavior at Work”
Research in Organizational Behavior, 34: 217-236. Bauman, Z. (2003) Modernlik ve Müphemlik. (Çeviren: İ. Türkmen). İstanbul, Ayrıntı Yayınları.
Beatty, J. E. ve Torbert, W. R. (2003) “The False Duality of Work and Leisure” Journal of Management Inquiry, (3): 239–252.
Bell, E. ve Sinclair, A. (2014) “Reclaiming the Eroticism in the Academy” Organization, 21(2): 268-280.
Boyd, C. (2010) “The Debate over the Prohibition of
Romance in the Workplace” Journal of Business Ethics, (2): 325–338. Bowles, M. L. (1993) “Logos and Eros: the Vital
Syzygy for Understanding Human Relations and Organizational Action” Human Relations, 46(11): –1290.
Brannan, M. J. (2005) “Once more with Feeling:
Ethnographic Reflections on the Mediation of Tension in a Small Team of Call Centre Workers” Gender, Work and Organization, 12(5): 420–439. Brewis, J., Hampton, M. P. ve Linstead, S. (1997)
“Unpacking Priscilla: Subjectivity and Identity in the Organization of Gendered Appearance” Human Relations, 50(10): 1275–1304.
Brewis, J. ve Linstead, S. (2000) Sex, Work and Sex
Gender and Society, 11(6): 796–818. Burrell, G. (1984) “Sex and Organizational Analysis”
Organization Studies, 5(2): 97–118. Burrell, G. (1992) The Organization of Pleasure, Critical
Management Studies (ss.66–89). (Der.) M. Alvesson ve H. Willmott, London, Sage. Brewis, J. ve Linstead, S. (2000) Sex, Work and Sex
Work, London, Routledge. Brewis, J., Hampton, M. P. ve Linstead, S. (1997)
“Unpacking Priscilla: Subjectivity and Identity in the Organization of Gendered Appearance” Human Relations, 50 (10): 1275–1304.
Carr, D. M. (2003) The Erotic World: Sexuality,
Spiritiuality, and the Bible, Oxford, Oxford University Press. Chodorow, N. J. (1985) “Beyond Drive Theory: Object
Relations and the Limits of Radical Individualism” Theory and Society, 14(3): 271–319. Collinson, D. L. (2002) “Managing Humour” Journal of
Management Studies, 39(3): 271–288. Dant, T. (2003) Critical Social Theory: Culture, Society and Critique, London, Sage.
Denissen, A. M. (2010) “Crossing the Line: how Women in the Building Trades Interpret and Respond Conduct at Work” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 39 (3): –327.
Duncan, W. J., Smeltzer, L. R. ve Leap, T. L. (1990)
“Humour and Work: Applications of Joking Behavior to Management” Journal of Management, 16(2): 255– Elsesser, K. ve Peplau, L. A. (2006) “The Glass Partition:
Obstacles to Cross-sex Friendship at Work” Human Relations, 59 (8): 1077–1100.
Ely, R. ve Padavic, I. (2007) “A Feminist Analysis of
Organizational Research on Sex Differences” Academy of Management Review, 32(4): 1121–1143.
Erickson, K. A. (2010) Talk, Touch, and Intolerance:
Sexual Harassment in an Overtly Sexualized Work Culture İçinde Gender and Sexuality in the Workplace: Research in the Sociology of Work, 20 (ss. 179–202), (Der.), C. L. Williams ve K. Dellinger, Bingley, Emerald. Feldman, M. S. ve Pentland, B. T. (2003)
“Reconceptualizing Organizational Routines as a Source of Flexibility and Change” Administrative Science Quarterly, 48(1): 94–118. Fleming, P. (2007) “Sexuality, Power and Resistance in the Workplace” Organization Studies, 28(2): 239–256.
Folgero, I. S. ve Fjeldstad, I. H. (1995) “On Duty – Off
Guard: Cultural Norms and Sexual Harassment in Service Organizations” Organization Studies, 16(2): –313. Freud, S. (2004). Uygarlığın Huzursuzlukları (Çeviren: H. Barışcan), İstanbul, Metis Yayınları.
Fromm, E. (1997) Sevme Sanatı (Çeviren: S. Budak),
Ankara, Öteki Yayınevi. Giddens, A. (2004) Modernliğin Sonuçları (Çeviren: E. Kuşdil), İstanbul, Ayrıntı Yayınları.
Giuffre, P. A. ve Williams, C. L. (1994) “Boundary Lines:
Labeling Sexual Harassment in Restaurants” Gender and Society, 8 (3): 378–401. Gordon, G. (2009) What is Play?: İçinde Search of a Definition. From Children to Red Hatters: Diverse
Images and Issues of Play (ss. 1–13). (Der.) D. Kuschner. Maryland, University Press of America. Gotham, K. F. ve Krier, D. A. (2008) From the Culture
Industry to the Society of the Spectacle: Critical Theory and the Situationist International, İçinde Current Perspectives in Social Theory Vol: 25 (ss. 155– ), (Der.), H. F. Dahms. Bingley, Emerald. Gutek, B. A. (1985) Sex and the Workplace. California, Jossey-Bass.
Hancock, P. ve Tyler, M. (2001) Work, Postmodernism and Organization: A Critical Introduction. London, Sage.
Hearn, J. ve Parkin, W. (1995) Sex at Work. New York, St. Martin’s Press.
Hearn, J. (2011) Sexualities, Work, Organizations, and Managements. İçinde Handbook of Gender, Work and Organization (ss. 299-314) (Der.), E. L. Jeanes, D.
Knights ve P. Y. Martin. Chichester, John Wiley and Sons. Huizinga, J. (2006) Homo Ludens: Oyunun Toplumsal
İşlevi Üzerine bir Deneme (Çeviren: M. A. Kılıçbay), İstanbul, Ayrıntı Yayınları. Ilies, R, Hauserman, N., Schwochau, S. ve Stibal, J. (2003) “Reported Incidence Rates of Work-related
Sexual Harassment in the United States” Personel Psychology, 56: 607–631. Jay, M. (2005) Diyalektik İmgelem: Frankfurt Okulu ve Toplumsal Araştırmalar Enstitüsünün Tarihi. İstanbul, Belge Yayınları.
Kellner, D. (2006). Frankfurt Okulu’nu Yeniden
Değerlendirmek: Martin Jay’in Diyalektik İmgelem’inin Eleştirisi. İçinde Frankfurt Okulu (ss. 134–164) (Der). H. E. Bağce. Ankara, Doğu Batı Yayınları Koçak, O. (2008) Önsöz. (ss. 7–52). Akıl tutulması.,
İstanbul, Metis Yayınları. Lerum, K. (2000) Doing the Dirty Work: Emotion Work,
Professionalism, and Sexuality in a Customer Service Economy, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Sosyoloji Bölümü, University of Washington. Lerum, K. (2004) “Sexuality, Power, and Camaraderie in Service Work” Gender and Society, 18(6): 756–776.
Mainemelis, C. ve Ronson, S. (2006) “Ideas are Born in
Fields of Play: Towards a Theory of Play and Creativity in Organizational Settings” Research in Organizational Behavior, 27: 81–131. Mano, R. ve Gabriel, Y. (2006) “Workplace Romances in
Cold and Hot Organizational Climates: the Experience of Israel and Taiwan” Human Relations, 59(1): 7–35 Marcuse, H. (1997) Tek-Boyutlu İnsan (Çeviren: A. Yardımlı). İstanbul, İdea Yayınevi.
Marcuse, H.(1998) Eros ve Uygarlık: Freud Üzerine
Bir İnceleme (Çeviren: Aziz Yardamlı). İstanbul, İdea Yayınevi. Martin, J. (2000) “Hidden Gendered Assumptions in
Mainstream Organizational Theory and Research” Journal of Management Inquiry, 9(2): 207–216. Martin, P. Y. (2006) “Practising Gender at Work:
Further Thoughts on Reflexivity” Gender, Work and Organization, 13(3): 254–276. Nicolini, D., 2012. Practice Theory, Work, and Organization. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
O’Leary-Kelly, A. M., Bowes-Sperry, L., Bates, C. A. ve Lean E. R. (2009) “Sexual Harassment at Work: A
Decade (Plus) of Progress Journal of Management, (3): 503–536. Quinn, R. E. (1977) “Coping with Cupid: the Formation,
Impact, and Management of Romantic Relationships in Organizations” Administrative Science Quarterly, (1): 30–45. Pierce, C. A. ve Aguinis, H. (2009) “Moving Beyond
Legal-centric Approach to Managing Workplace Romance” Human Resource Management, 48(3): 447– Plumwood, V. (2004) Feminizm ve Doğaya Hükmetmek
(Çeviren: B. Ertür). İstanbul, Metis Yayınları. Powell, G. N. (2001) “Workplace Romances between
Senior-level Executives and Lower-level Employees” Human Relations, 54(11): 1519–1544.
Pringle, R. (2005) Sexuality at Work. İçinde Critical
Management Studies: a Reader (ss. 284–303) (Der.) C. Grey ve H. Willmott. New York, Oxford University Press. Riach, K. ve Wilson, F. (2007) “Don’t Screw the Crew:
Exploring the Rules of Engagement in Organizational Romance” British Journal of Management, 18(1): 79– Riach, K. ve Wilson, F. (2014) “Bodyspace at the pub: sexual orientation and organizational space” Organization, 21(3): 329-345.
Rickert, J. (1986) “The Fromm-Marcuse Debate
Revisited” Theory and Society, 15(3): 351–400. Sandelands, L. (2010) “The Play of Change” Journal of
Organizational Change Management, 23(1): 71–86. Schatzki, T. R. (2005) “The Sites of organizations”
Organization Studies, 26(3), 465-484. Schultz, V. (2003) “The Sanitized Workplace” Yale Law Journal, 112(8): 2061–2193.
Shilling, C. (1997) “Emotions, Embodiment and the Sensation of Society” Sociological Review, 45(2): 195–
Shilling, C. ve Mellor, P. A. (2010) “Sociology and the Problem of Eroticism” Sociology, 44(3): 435–452.
Simmell, G. (2009) Bireysellik ve Kültür (Çeviren: T. Birkan), İstanbul, Metis Yayınları.
Sullivan, K. R. (2014) “With(out) pleasure:
Desexualization, Gender and Sexuality at Work” Organization, 21(3): 346-364. Sutton-Smith, B. (2001) The Ambiguity of Play, USA,
Harvard University Press. Toulmin, S. (2002) Kozmopolis: Modernitenin Gizli
Gündemi (Çeviren: H. Arslan), İstanbul, Paradigma Yayıncılık. Trethewey, A. (1999) “Disciplined Bodies: Women’s
Embodied Identites at Work” Organization Studies, (3): 423–450. Timmerman, G. ve Bajema, C. (2000) “The Impact of Organizational Culture on Perceptions and Experiences of Sexual Harassment” Journal of
Vocational Behavior, 57(2): 188–205. Wagner, P. (1996) Modernliğin Sosyolojisi (Çeviren: M. Küçük). İstanbul, Sarmal Yayınevi.
Walsh, Philip (2008) Herbert Marcuse and Contemporary Social Theory, İçinde Current
Perspectives in Social Theory Vol: 25 (ss. 235–260), (Der.), H. F. Dahms. Bingley, Emerald. Wang, N. (2000) Tourism and Modernity: A Sociological
Analysis, Oxford, Pergamon. Warhurst, C. ve Nickson, D. (2009) “Who’s got the Look? Emotional, Aesthetic and Sexualzed Labour in
İnteractive Services” Gender, Work and Organization, (3): 385–404. Weber, M. (2006) Sosyoloji Yazıları (Çeviren: T. Parla),
İstanbul, İletişim Yayınları. Williams, C. L., Giuffre, P. A. ve Dellinger, K. (1999)
“Sexuality in the Workplace: Organization Control, Sexual Harrassment and the Pursuit of Pleasure” Annual Review of Sociology, 25(1): 73–93. Willness, C. R., Steel, P. ve Lee, K. (2007) “A Meta- analysis of the Antecedents and Consequences of
Workplace Sexual Harassment” Personel Psychology, (1): 127–162. Wilson, F. (2015) “Romantic Relationships at Work”
International Journal of Management Reviews, 17: 19. Yelvington, K. A. (1996) “Flirting in the Factory” Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 2(2): 313–333.
Zelizer, V. A. (2009) Intimacy in Economic
Organizations İçinde Economic Sociology of Work, 28 (ss. 23–55), (Der.), N. Bandelj, Bingley, Emerald. Zilbersheid, U. (2009a) “The Utopia of Herbert
Marcuse Part 1” Critique, 36(3): 403–419. Zilbersheid, U. (2009b) “The Utopia of Herbert
Marcuse Part 2: Freudianism” Critique, 37(1): 81–98.
Aslan, A. (2016). Analysing the Destructive and Constructive Roles of Sexuality in Organizations within Eros and Play. Ege Academic Review, 16(4), 763-772.
Aslan A. Analysing the Destructive and Constructive Roles of Sexuality in Organizations within Eros and Play. ear. September 2016;16(4):763-772.
Aslan, Alper. “Analysing the Destructive and Constructive Roles of Sexuality in Organizations Within Eros and Play”. Ege Academic Review 16, no. 4 (September 2016): 763-72.
Aslan A (September 1, 2016) Analysing the Destructive and Constructive Roles of Sexuality in Organizations within Eros and Play. Ege Academic Review 16 4 763–772.
A. Aslan, “Analysing the Destructive and Constructive Roles of Sexuality in Organizations within Eros and Play”, ear, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 763–772, 2016.
Aslan, Alper. “Analysing the Destructive and Constructive Roles of Sexuality in Organizations Within Eros and Play”. Ege Academic Review 16/4 (September 2016), 763-772.
Aslan A. Analysing the Destructive and Constructive Roles of Sexuality in Organizations within Eros and Play. ear. 2016;16:763–772.
Aslan, Alper. “Analysing the Destructive and Constructive Roles of Sexuality in Organizations Within Eros and Play”. Ege Academic Review, vol. 16, no. 4, 2016, pp. 763-72.
Aslan A. Analysing the Destructive and Constructive Roles of Sexuality in Organizations within Eros and Play. ear. 2016;16(4):763-72.