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Linder Hypothesis: “ An Empirical Analysis on Turkey’s Foreign Trade”

Year 2014, Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 261 - 270, 01.05.2014


The Linder hypothesis implies that international trade occurs between countries that have similar level of per capita income with similar demand structure. Therefore, in empirical studies the absolute value of per capita income differences of the countries is defined as Linder (explanatory) variable. Linder hypothesis is supported if trade intensity increases as per capita income differences of the countries decrease. In this paper, the empirical validity of the Linder hypothesis is tested for Turkey’s bilateral trade with its 30 major trading partners using panel data analysis for the period 1995-2011. Furthermore, this analysis is elaborated by using the gravity type panel data model to test Linder effect on Turkey’s bilateral trade only with countries of the similar income level (based on the classification of the World Bank: Upper middle income- 16 countries) for the same period. The results of both tests show a significant effect of Linder variable on Turkey’s import intensity, but do not support the hypothesis on the export side


  • Atik, H. (2006) “Tercihlerde Benzerlik Teorisi: Tür- kiye ve Bazı Komşu Ülkelerin Dış Ticareti Üzerine Bir Analiz” Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi Der- gisi, 61(2): 34-43
  • Baltagi, B. H. (2005) Econometric Analysis of Panel Data, 3rd Edition, Southern Gate, Chichester John Wi- ley & Sons Ltd.
  • Bernasconi, C. (2009) “New Evidence For The Linder Hypothesis And The Two Extensive Margins of Trade” (Eri- şim Tarihi, 11.06.2013)
  • Choi, C. (2002) “Linder Hypothesis Revisited” App- lied Economics Letters, 9(9):601-605.
  • Chow, P., Kellman, M. ve Shachmurove, Y. (1999) “A Test of the Linder Hypothesis in Pacific NIC Trade 1965- 1990” Applied Economics, 31(2):175-182.
  • Dalgin , M., Trindade, V. ve Mitra, D. (2008) “Ine- quality, Nonhomothetic Preferences, and Trade: A Gra- vity Approach” Southern Economic Journal, Southern Economic Association, 74(3):747-774.
  • Fieler, A. (2007) “Non-Homotheticity and Bilateral Trade: Evidence and a Quantitative Explanation” mimeo NYU.
  • Fillat-Castejon, C. ve Serrano-Sanz, J.M. (2004) “Linder Revisited: Trade and Development in the Spa- nish Economy” International Review of Applied Economics, 18(3):323-348.
  • Francois, J. ve Kaplan, S. (1996) “Aggregate Demand Shifts, Income Distribution, and the Linder Hypothesis” Review of Economics and Statistics, 78(2):244-250.
  • Gujarati , D.N ve Poter, D.C.(2012) Basic Economet- rics, Çev. Şenesen E.,Şenesen G. Literatür Yayınları.
  • Greene, W.H. (2003) Econometric Analysis, 3rd Editi- on, Prentice Hall.
  • Hallak, J.C. (2010) “A Product-Qualıty View of The Linder Hypothesıs” The Review of Economics and Statistics, 92(3): 453-466.
  • Hallak, J.C. (2006) “A Product-Qualıty Vıew of The Lınder Hypothesıs” IPC Working Paper Series, No 24.
  • Hsiao C. (2003) Analysis of Panel Data, 2rd Edition, Cambridge University Press.
  • Hunter, L. (1991) “The Contribution of Non- homothetic Preferences to Trade” Journal of International Economics, 30:345-358
  • Kennedy, T.E. ve McHugh, R. (1980) “An Intertem- poral Test And Rejection Of The Linder Hypothesis” So- uthern Economic Journal, 46(3):898- 903.
  • Linder, S. (1961) “An Essay on Trade and Transfor- mation” Uppsala, Almqvist and Wiksells.
  • McPherson, M.A., Redfearn, M.R. ve Tieslau, M. (2001) “International Trade and Developing Countries: An Empirical Investigation of the Linder Hypothesis” Applied Economics, 33(5):649-57.
  • Thursby, J. ve Thursby, M. (1987) “Bilateral Trade Flows, the Linder Hypothesis, and Exchange Risk” Revi- ew of Economics and Statistics, 69:488-495.
  • Sailors, J.W. Qureshi, U.A. ve Cross, E.M. (1973) “Empirical Verification Of Linder’s Trade Thesis” Sout- hern Economi Journal , 40(2):262-68.
  • Yılmaz, S.E. (2010) Dış Ticaret Kuramlarının Evrimi, Eflatun Yayın Evi.
  • Tinbergen, J.(1962) Shaping the World Economy: Sug- gestions for an International Economic Policy, New York, Twentieth Century Fund
  • Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Ekonomi Bakanlığı, Dış Ti- caret İstatistikleri (2012-2013, Ocak- Nisan Dönemi) D8D3-8566-45208351967592CF (10.11.2013)
  • World Bank (2012) World Development Indicators CD. (10.11.2013) (1i= )  N ∑ ∑Tˆit iˆe 2ˆe t1itit =1itit i1=1  i =1ii     

Linder Hipotezi: “Türkiye’nin Dış Ticareti için Ampirik Bir Analiz”

Year 2014, Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 261 - 270, 01.05.2014


Linder hipotezi, uluslararası ticaretin büyük ölçüde kişi başına gelir düzeyleri yakın, benzer talep yapılarına sahip olan ülkeler arasında gerçekleştiğini ileri sürmektedir. Bu nedenle, bu alanda yapılan ampirik çalışmalarda Linder değişkeni, dış ticaret yapan ülkelerin kişi başına düşen gelirleri arasındaki farkla temsil edilmektedir. Bu gelir farkı azaldıkça ülkelerin ticaret yoğunluğunun artması Linder hipotezini desteklemektedirBu çalışmada, 1995-2012 döneminde Türkiye’nin önemli ticari partneri olan 30 ülkeyle karşılıklı ticaretinde Linder hipotezinin geçerliliği sınanmıştır. Ayrıca, kişi başına gelir düzeylerine göre bu ülkelerin sınıflandırılması, Dünya Bankası’nın sınıflandırması dikkate alınarak yapılmış ve sadece Türkiye’yle aynı gelir grubunda (Üst Orta Gelirli Ülkeler-16 ülke) yer alan ülkelerle dış ticaretinde Linder Hipotezi tekrar test edilmiştir. Türkiye ve dış ticaret ortağı ülkeler arasındaki ticaretinin test edilmesinde “Toplam Linder Talep Etkisini” gösteren çekim modeli (gravity type model) ve panel veri analizi kullanılmıştır. Her iki analizin sonuçları Linder değişkeninin Türkiye’nin ithalat yoğunluğu üzerinde belirgin bir etkisi olduğunu ortaya koyarken, ihracat yönüyle hipotezi desteklememektedir


  • Atik, H. (2006) “Tercihlerde Benzerlik Teorisi: Tür- kiye ve Bazı Komşu Ülkelerin Dış Ticareti Üzerine Bir Analiz” Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi Der- gisi, 61(2): 34-43
  • Baltagi, B. H. (2005) Econometric Analysis of Panel Data, 3rd Edition, Southern Gate, Chichester John Wi- ley & Sons Ltd.
  • Bernasconi, C. (2009) “New Evidence For The Linder Hypothesis And The Two Extensive Margins of Trade” (Eri- şim Tarihi, 11.06.2013)
  • Choi, C. (2002) “Linder Hypothesis Revisited” App- lied Economics Letters, 9(9):601-605.
  • Chow, P., Kellman, M. ve Shachmurove, Y. (1999) “A Test of the Linder Hypothesis in Pacific NIC Trade 1965- 1990” Applied Economics, 31(2):175-182.
  • Dalgin , M., Trindade, V. ve Mitra, D. (2008) “Ine- quality, Nonhomothetic Preferences, and Trade: A Gra- vity Approach” Southern Economic Journal, Southern Economic Association, 74(3):747-774.
  • Fieler, A. (2007) “Non-Homotheticity and Bilateral Trade: Evidence and a Quantitative Explanation” mimeo NYU.
  • Fillat-Castejon, C. ve Serrano-Sanz, J.M. (2004) “Linder Revisited: Trade and Development in the Spa- nish Economy” International Review of Applied Economics, 18(3):323-348.
  • Francois, J. ve Kaplan, S. (1996) “Aggregate Demand Shifts, Income Distribution, and the Linder Hypothesis” Review of Economics and Statistics, 78(2):244-250.
  • Gujarati , D.N ve Poter, D.C.(2012) Basic Economet- rics, Çev. Şenesen E.,Şenesen G. Literatür Yayınları.
  • Greene, W.H. (2003) Econometric Analysis, 3rd Editi- on, Prentice Hall.
  • Hallak, J.C. (2010) “A Product-Qualıty View of The Linder Hypothesıs” The Review of Economics and Statistics, 92(3): 453-466.
  • Hallak, J.C. (2006) “A Product-Qualıty Vıew of The Lınder Hypothesıs” IPC Working Paper Series, No 24.
  • Hsiao C. (2003) Analysis of Panel Data, 2rd Edition, Cambridge University Press.
  • Hunter, L. (1991) “The Contribution of Non- homothetic Preferences to Trade” Journal of International Economics, 30:345-358
  • Kennedy, T.E. ve McHugh, R. (1980) “An Intertem- poral Test And Rejection Of The Linder Hypothesis” So- uthern Economic Journal, 46(3):898- 903.
  • Linder, S. (1961) “An Essay on Trade and Transfor- mation” Uppsala, Almqvist and Wiksells.
  • McPherson, M.A., Redfearn, M.R. ve Tieslau, M. (2001) “International Trade and Developing Countries: An Empirical Investigation of the Linder Hypothesis” Applied Economics, 33(5):649-57.
  • Thursby, J. ve Thursby, M. (1987) “Bilateral Trade Flows, the Linder Hypothesis, and Exchange Risk” Revi- ew of Economics and Statistics, 69:488-495.
  • Sailors, J.W. Qureshi, U.A. ve Cross, E.M. (1973) “Empirical Verification Of Linder’s Trade Thesis” Sout- hern Economi Journal , 40(2):262-68.
  • Yılmaz, S.E. (2010) Dış Ticaret Kuramlarının Evrimi, Eflatun Yayın Evi.
  • Tinbergen, J.(1962) Shaping the World Economy: Sug- gestions for an International Economic Policy, New York, Twentieth Century Fund
  • Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Ekonomi Bakanlığı, Dış Ti- caret İstatistikleri (2012-2013, Ocak- Nisan Dönemi) D8D3-8566-45208351967592CF (10.11.2013)
  • World Bank (2012) World Development Indicators CD. (10.11.2013) (1i= )  N ∑ ∑Tˆit iˆe 2ˆe t1itit =1itit i1=1  i =1ii     
There are 24 citations in total.


Other ID JA58KT74JE
Journal Section Research Article

Fatih Saygılı This is me

Gökçe Manavgat This is me

Publication Date May 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 14 Issue: 2


APA Saygılı, F., & Manavgat, G. (2014). Linder Hypothesis: “ An Empirical Analysis on Turkey’s Foreign Trade”. Ege Academic Review, 14(2), 261-270.
AMA Saygılı F, Manavgat G.Linder Hypothesis: “ An Empirical Analysis on Turkey’s Foreign Trade.” ear. May 2014;14(2):261-270.
Chicago Saygılı, Fatih, and Gökçe Manavgat. “Linder Hypothesis: ‘ An Empirical Analysis on Turkey’s Foreign Trade’”. Ege Academic Review 14, no. 2 (May 2014): 261-70.
EndNote Saygılı F, Manavgat G (May 1, 2014) Linder Hypothesis: “ An Empirical Analysis on Turkey’s Foreign Trade”. Ege Academic Review 14 2 261–270.
IEEE F. Saygılı and G. Manavgat, “Linder Hypothesis: ‘ An Empirical Analysis on Turkey’s Foreign Trade’”, ear, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 261–270, 2014.
ISNAD Saygılı, Fatih - Manavgat, Gökçe. “Linder Hypothesis: ‘ An Empirical Analysis on Turkey’s Foreign Trade’”. Ege Academic Review 14/2 (May 2014), 261-270.
JAMA Saygılı F, Manavgat G. Linder Hypothesis: “ An Empirical Analysis on Turkey’s Foreign Trade”. ear. 2014;14:261–270.
MLA Saygılı, Fatih and Gökçe Manavgat. “Linder Hypothesis: ‘ An Empirical Analysis on Turkey’s Foreign Trade’”. Ege Academic Review, vol. 14, no. 2, 2014, pp. 261-70.
Vancouver Saygılı F, Manavgat G. Linder Hypothesis: “ An Empirical Analysis on Turkey’s Foreign Trade”. ear. 2014;14(2):261-70.