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Geçityaka Köyü (Tunceli) Çevresindeki Elazığ Magmatik Kompleksi’ne Ait Kayaçların Petrografik ve Jeokimyasal Özellikleri

Year 2022, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 680 - 694, 31.05.2022


Bu çalışmada Tunceli ili Geçityaka köyü ve çevresindeki Elazığ Magmatik Kompleksi’ne ait kayaçların petrografik ve jeokimyasal özellikleri incelenmiştir. İnceleme konusunu oluşturan kayaçlar, granit, granodiyorit, kuvars monzonit ve monzodiyoritler ile temsil edilmektedir. Petrografik incelemelere göre kayaçlarda granitik, porfirik, porfirik holokristalen ve poiklitik dokular hâkimdir. Tüm kayaç jeokimyasal verilerine göre, inceleme konusunu oluşturan magmatitler I tipi granit karakterinde ve toleyitikten şoşonitiğe kadar değişen bileşimsel dağılımlar göstermektedir. İlksel mantoya ve kondrite göre normalize edilmiş spider diyagramlarında büyük iyon yarıçaplı elementler ve hafif nadir toprak elementleri, yüksek alan enerjili elementler ve ağır nadir toprak elementlerine oranla daha fazla zenginleşmiştir. İncelenen magmatik kayaçların tektonik ortamı için volkanik yay granitleri/çarpışma sonrası alan önerilmektedir.


Petrografi çalışmaları kapsamında ince kesitlerin hazırlanmasında emeği geçen Fırat Üniversitesi Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü, laboratuvar personeline teşekkür ederiz.


  • [1]. Beyarslan, M., Bingöl, A. F., Zircon U-Pb age and geochemical constraints on the origin and tectonic implications of late Cretaceous intra-oceanic arc magmatics in the Southeast Anatolian Orogenic Belt (SE-Turkey), Journal of African Earth Sciences, 2018, 147, 477-497.
  • [2]. Yılmaz, Y., New evidence and model evolution of the Southeast Anatolian Orogen, Geological Society of America Bulletin, 1993, 105, 251-271.
  • [3]. Yazgan, E., Chessex, R., Geology and tectonic evolution of the Southeastern Taurides in the region of Malatya, TPJD Bulletin, 1991, 3, 11-42.
  • [4]. Ustaömer, P. A., Ustaömer, T., Gerdes, A., Robertson, A. H. F., and Collins, A. S., Evidence of Precambrian sedimentation/magmatism and Cambrian metamorphism in the Bitlis Massif, SE Turkey utilising whole-rock geochemistry and U-Pb LA-ICP-MS zircon dating, Gondwana Research, 2012, 21, 1001-1018.
  • [5]. Beyarslan, M., Bingöl, A. F., Petrology of the Ispendere, kömürhan and guleman ophiolites (southeast Turkey): subduction initiation rule (SIR) ophiolites and arc related magmatics, in Proc. 3rd Annual International Conference on Geological and Earth Sciences (GEOS), 2014, 50–59.
  • [6]. Bingöl, A. F., Beyarslan, M., and Chung, S.-L., The Peri-Arabian ophiolites (Turkey and Syria): Mid-Oceanic Ridge (MOR) and/or Subduction Initiation Rule (SIR) Ophiolites, in Proc. XX Congress of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association, Tirana–Albania, 2014, 1, 4-7.
  • [7]. Beyarslan, M., Lin, Y.-C., Bingöl, A. F., and Chung, S.-L., Zircon U-Pb age and geochemical constraints on the origin and tectonic implication of Cadomian (Ediacaran Early Cambrian) magmatism in SE Turkey, Journal of Asian Earth Science, 2016, 130, 223-238.
  • [8]. Bingöl, A. F., Elazığ-Pertek-Kovancılar arası volkanik kayaçların petrolojisi, Fırat Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Dergisi, 1982, 1, 9-21.
  • [9]. Bingöl, A. F., Elazığ-Petek-Kovancılar (Doğu Toroslar) yöresinin jeolojisi, Toros Jeolojisi Uluslararası Sempozyumu, 26-29 Eylül 1983, Ankara.
  • [10]. Bingöl, A. F., Petrographical and petrological features of intrusive rocks of Yüksekova Complex in the Elazığ Region (Eastern Taurus-Turkey), Journal of Fırat Üniversitesi, 1988, 3 (2), 1-17.
  • [11]. Beyarslan, M., Bingöl, A. F., Petrology of a Supra-Subduction Zone Ophiolite (Elazığ-Turkey), Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2000, 37, 1411-1424.
  • [12]. Kürüm, S., Akgül, B., Öztüfekçi Önal, A., Boztuğ D., Harlavan Y., and Ural M., An example for arc-type granitoids along collision zones: the Pertek granitoid, Taurus orogenic belt, Turkey. Int. J. Geosci., 2011, 2, 214-226.
  • [13]. Bağcı, U., The geochemistry and petrology of the ophiolitic rocks from the Kahramanmaraş region, southern Turkey, Turk. J. Earth Sci., 2013, 22, 1–27.
  • [14]. Chen, C., Su, B.-X., Uysal, I., Avcı, E., Zhang, P.-F., Xiao, Y., and He, Y.-S., Iron isotopic constraints on the origin of peridotite and chromitite in the Kızıldağ ophiolite, southern Turkey, Chem. Geol., 417, 115–124.
  • [15]. Lin, Y.-C., Chung, S.-L., Bingöl, A. F., Beyarslan, M., Lee, H. Y., and Yang, J.-H., Petrogenesis of late Cretaceous Elazig magmatic rocks from SE Turkey: New age and geochemical and Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic constraints, Goldschmidt, 2015, 16–21 August Prag, Abstracts, pp. 1869.
  • [16]. Lin, Y.-C., Chung, S.-L., Bingöl, A. F., Beyarslan, M., Lee, H.-Y., and Yang, J.-H., Shortlived late Cretaceous arc magmatism in SE Turkey: temporal geochemical variations and tectonic implications., in Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts, 2016, pp. 1820 Yokohama, Japan.
  • [17]. Ural, M., Arslan, M., Göncüoğlu, U. K., and Kürüm, S., Late Cretaceous arc and back-arc formation within the southern Neotethys: whole-rock, trace element and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic data from basaltic rocks of the Yüksekova Complex (Malatya- Elazığ, SE Turkey), Ofioliti, 2015, 40 (1), 57–72.
  • [18]. Tekin, U. K., Ural, M., Göncüoğlu, M. C., Arslan, M., and Kürüm, S., Upper Cretaceous Radiolarian ages from an arc-back-arc within the Yüksekova Complex in the southern Neotethys mélange, SE Turkey, Comptes Rendus Pale, 2015, 14, 73–84.
  • [19]. Rizeli, M. E., Beyarslan, M., Wang, K.-L., and Bingöl, A. F., Mineral chemistry and petrology of mantle peridotites from the Guleman ophiolite (SE Anatolia, Turkey): evidence of a forearc setting, J. Afr. Earth Sci., 2016, 123, 392-402.
  • [20]. Bingöl, A. F., Beyarslan, M., Tectonomagmatic Evolution of the Southeast Anatolian Orogenic Belt (Turkey): from Gondwana to Anatolia, in Proc. 16. Puzzling out Gondwana, Bangkok, 2017, pp. 122, Thailand, 7th-21st November.
  • [21]. Sar, A., Ertürk, M. A., and Rizeli, M. E., Genesis of Late Cretaceous intra-oceanic arc intrusions in the Pertek area of Tunceli Province, eastern Turkey, and implications for the geodynamic evolution of the southern Neo-Tethys: Results of zircon U–Pb geochronology and geochemical and Sr–Nd isotopic analyses, Lithos, 2019, 350–351, 105263.
  • [22]. Rizeli, M. E., Sar, A., ve Ertürk, M. A., Keban Magmatik Kayaçları’nın Petrografik ve Jeokimyasal Özellikleri (Keban Elazığ), Müh. Araş .Dergisi, 2021, 3(1), 69-80.
  • [23]. Aktaş, G., Robertson, H. F., The Maden Complex, SE Turkey: evolution of a Neotethyan active margin, J.E. Dixon, A.H.F. Robertson (Eds.), The Geological Evolution of the Eastern Mediterranean, The Geological Society by Blackwell Scientific Publication, Oxford, London, Edinburgh, Boston, Palo Alto, Melbourne, 1984, 375-401.
  • [24]. Yazgan, E., Geodynamic Evolution of the Eastern Taurus Region (Malatya-Elazığ area, Turkey), Tekeli, O., Göncüoğlu, M. C., (Eds.), International Symposium on the Geology of the Taurus Belt, Proceedings, 26–29 September, MTA, Ankara, 1984, 199-208.
  • [25]. Hempton, M., Structure and deformation history of the Bitlis suture near Lake Hazar, SE Turkey, Geological Society of America Bulletin, 1985, 96, 223-243.
  • [26]. Ertürk, M. A., Beyarslan, M., and Sar, A., In the Case of Maden Complex, Geochemical Constraints on the Origin and Tectonic, Journal of Tethys, 2017, 5, 240-263.
  • [27]. Ertürk, M. A., Beyarslan, M., Chung, S.L., and Lin, T.H., Eocene magmatism (maden complex) in the Southeast anatolian orogenic belt: magma genesis and tectonic implications, Geoscience Frontiers, 2018, 9, 1829-1847.
  • [28]. Streckeisen, A. L., Le Maitre, R.W., Chemical approximation to modal QAPF classification of the igneous rocks, Neus Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, 1979, 136, 169-206.
  • [29]. Okay, A. I., Tüysüz, O., Tethyan sutures of northern Turkey, In: Durand, B., Jolivet, L., Horváth, F. and Séranne, M. (Eds.) The Mediterranean Basins: Tertiary extension within the Alpine orogen, Geological Society, London, Special Publication, 1999, 156, 475–515.
  • [30]. MTA, Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü 1/500.000 Ölçekli Türkiye Jeoloji Haritası Erzurum Paftası. Düzenleyen: Tarhan N., Editör: Şenel, M., 2002, Ankara.
  • [31]. Kaya, A., Tectonostratigraphic reconstruction of the Keban metamorphites based on new fossil findings, Eastern Turkey, Journal of African Earth Science, 2016, 124, 245-257.
  • [32]. Perincek, D., The geology of Hazro-Korudağ-Çüngüş-Maden-Ergani-Hazar-Elazığ-Malatya area: Guide book, TJK yayını, 1979a, 33s.
  • [33]. Perincek, D., Palu-Karabegan-Elazığ-Sivrice-Malatya alanının jeolojisi ve petrol imkanları, TPAO Rapor No:1361, 1979b.
  • [34]. Özkul, M., Elazığ batısında Kırkgeçit Formasyonu üzerinde sedimantolojik incelemeler, Doktora Tezi, Fırat Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 187s, 1988.
  • [35]. Naz, H., Elazığ-Palu dolayının jeolojisi, TPAO. Rap. No. 1360, 1979.
  • [36]. Middlemost, E. A. K., Naming materials in the magma igneous rock system, Earth Sci. Rev, 1994, 37, 215-224.
  • [37]. Peccerillo, A., Taylor, S. R., Geochemistry of Eocene calcalkaline volcanic rocks from the Kastasmonu area, north Turkey, Contrib. Miner. Petrol, 1976, 58, 63-81.
  • [38]. Whalen, J. B., Currie, K. I., and Chappel, B. W., A-type granites; geochemical characteristic, discrimination and petrogenesis, Contrib, Mineral. Petrol., 1987, 95, 407-419.
  • [39]. Sun S., McDonough, W. F., Chemical and isotopic systematic of oceanic basalts. Implications for mantle compositional processes, In: Saunders, A.D., Norry, M.J. (Eds.), Magmatism in the Ocean Basins, Special Publication 42. Geological Society of London, 312, 1989.
  • [40]. Pearce, J. A., Harris, N. B., and Tindle, A. G., Trace elements discrimination diagrams for the tectonic interpretation of granitic rocks, J. Petrol, 1984, 25, 956– 983.
  • [41]. Chappell, B. W., White, A. J. R., I- and S-type granites in the Lachlan Fold Belt. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburg, Earth Sciences, 1992, 83, 1-26.
  • [42]. Castro, A., Moreno-Ventas, I., and Dela Rosa, J.D., H-type (hybrid) granitoids: a proposed revision of the granite-type classification and nomenculature, Earth Science Reviews, 1991, 31, 237–253.
  • [43]. Roberts, M. P., Clemens, J. D., Origin of high-potassium, calc-alkaline, I-type granitoids, Geology, 1993, 21, 825-828.
  • [44]. McCulloch, M. T., Gamble, J. A., Geochemical and geodynamical constraints on subduction zone magmatism, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 1991, 102, 358–374.
  • [45]. Borg, L. E., Nyquist, L. E., Wiesmann, H., and Shih, C. Y., Constraints on Martian differenti-ation processes from Rb–Sr and Sm–Nd isotopic analyses of the basaltic shergottite QUE94201, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 1997, 61, 4915–4931.
  • [46]. Shellnutt, J. G., Zhou, M.-F., and Zellmer, G. F., The role ofFe–Ti oxide crystallization in the formation of A-type granitoids with implications for the Daly gap: An example from the Permian Baima igneous complex, SW China, Chemical Geology, 2009, 259, 204–217.
  • [47]. Hofmann, A. W., Mantle geochemistry: the message from oceanic volcanism, Nature, 1997, 385, 219-229.

Petrographic and Geochemical Characteristics of the Rocks Belonging to the Elazig Magmatic Complex in the Geçityaka region (Tunceli)

Year 2022, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 680 - 694, 31.05.2022


In this study, the petrographic and geochemical properties of the rocks belonging to the Geçityaka province (Tunceli) and the surrounding Elazığ Magmatic Complex were investigated. The rocks that are the subject of the study are represented by granite, granodiorite, quartz monzonite and monzodiorite. According to petrographic examinations, granitic, porphyric, porphyric holocrystalline and polyclitic textures are dominant in the rocks. According to the geochemical data of the whole rock, the magmatites that are the subject of the study show I type granite character and compositional distributions ranging from tholeiitic to shoshonitic. In spider diagrams normalized to the primitive mantle and chondrite, large ion lithophile elements and light rare earth elements are more enriched than high field strength elements and heavy rare earth elements. The tectonic environment of the rocks that are the subject of the study fall into the volcanic arc granites/post-collision zone areas.


  • [1]. Beyarslan, M., Bingöl, A. F., Zircon U-Pb age and geochemical constraints on the origin and tectonic implications of late Cretaceous intra-oceanic arc magmatics in the Southeast Anatolian Orogenic Belt (SE-Turkey), Journal of African Earth Sciences, 2018, 147, 477-497.
  • [2]. Yılmaz, Y., New evidence and model evolution of the Southeast Anatolian Orogen, Geological Society of America Bulletin, 1993, 105, 251-271.
  • [3]. Yazgan, E., Chessex, R., Geology and tectonic evolution of the Southeastern Taurides in the region of Malatya, TPJD Bulletin, 1991, 3, 11-42.
  • [4]. Ustaömer, P. A., Ustaömer, T., Gerdes, A., Robertson, A. H. F., and Collins, A. S., Evidence of Precambrian sedimentation/magmatism and Cambrian metamorphism in the Bitlis Massif, SE Turkey utilising whole-rock geochemistry and U-Pb LA-ICP-MS zircon dating, Gondwana Research, 2012, 21, 1001-1018.
  • [5]. Beyarslan, M., Bingöl, A. F., Petrology of the Ispendere, kömürhan and guleman ophiolites (southeast Turkey): subduction initiation rule (SIR) ophiolites and arc related magmatics, in Proc. 3rd Annual International Conference on Geological and Earth Sciences (GEOS), 2014, 50–59.
  • [6]. Bingöl, A. F., Beyarslan, M., and Chung, S.-L., The Peri-Arabian ophiolites (Turkey and Syria): Mid-Oceanic Ridge (MOR) and/or Subduction Initiation Rule (SIR) Ophiolites, in Proc. XX Congress of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association, Tirana–Albania, 2014, 1, 4-7.
  • [7]. Beyarslan, M., Lin, Y.-C., Bingöl, A. F., and Chung, S.-L., Zircon U-Pb age and geochemical constraints on the origin and tectonic implication of Cadomian (Ediacaran Early Cambrian) magmatism in SE Turkey, Journal of Asian Earth Science, 2016, 130, 223-238.
  • [8]. Bingöl, A. F., Elazığ-Pertek-Kovancılar arası volkanik kayaçların petrolojisi, Fırat Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Dergisi, 1982, 1, 9-21.
  • [9]. Bingöl, A. F., Elazığ-Petek-Kovancılar (Doğu Toroslar) yöresinin jeolojisi, Toros Jeolojisi Uluslararası Sempozyumu, 26-29 Eylül 1983, Ankara.
  • [10]. Bingöl, A. F., Petrographical and petrological features of intrusive rocks of Yüksekova Complex in the Elazığ Region (Eastern Taurus-Turkey), Journal of Fırat Üniversitesi, 1988, 3 (2), 1-17.
  • [11]. Beyarslan, M., Bingöl, A. F., Petrology of a Supra-Subduction Zone Ophiolite (Elazığ-Turkey), Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2000, 37, 1411-1424.
  • [12]. Kürüm, S., Akgül, B., Öztüfekçi Önal, A., Boztuğ D., Harlavan Y., and Ural M., An example for arc-type granitoids along collision zones: the Pertek granitoid, Taurus orogenic belt, Turkey. Int. J. Geosci., 2011, 2, 214-226.
  • [13]. Bağcı, U., The geochemistry and petrology of the ophiolitic rocks from the Kahramanmaraş region, southern Turkey, Turk. J. Earth Sci., 2013, 22, 1–27.
  • [14]. Chen, C., Su, B.-X., Uysal, I., Avcı, E., Zhang, P.-F., Xiao, Y., and He, Y.-S., Iron isotopic constraints on the origin of peridotite and chromitite in the Kızıldağ ophiolite, southern Turkey, Chem. Geol., 417, 115–124.
  • [15]. Lin, Y.-C., Chung, S.-L., Bingöl, A. F., Beyarslan, M., Lee, H. Y., and Yang, J.-H., Petrogenesis of late Cretaceous Elazig magmatic rocks from SE Turkey: New age and geochemical and Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic constraints, Goldschmidt, 2015, 16–21 August Prag, Abstracts, pp. 1869.
  • [16]. Lin, Y.-C., Chung, S.-L., Bingöl, A. F., Beyarslan, M., Lee, H.-Y., and Yang, J.-H., Shortlived late Cretaceous arc magmatism in SE Turkey: temporal geochemical variations and tectonic implications., in Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts, 2016, pp. 1820 Yokohama, Japan.
  • [17]. Ural, M., Arslan, M., Göncüoğlu, U. K., and Kürüm, S., Late Cretaceous arc and back-arc formation within the southern Neotethys: whole-rock, trace element and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic data from basaltic rocks of the Yüksekova Complex (Malatya- Elazığ, SE Turkey), Ofioliti, 2015, 40 (1), 57–72.
  • [18]. Tekin, U. K., Ural, M., Göncüoğlu, M. C., Arslan, M., and Kürüm, S., Upper Cretaceous Radiolarian ages from an arc-back-arc within the Yüksekova Complex in the southern Neotethys mélange, SE Turkey, Comptes Rendus Pale, 2015, 14, 73–84.
  • [19]. Rizeli, M. E., Beyarslan, M., Wang, K.-L., and Bingöl, A. F., Mineral chemistry and petrology of mantle peridotites from the Guleman ophiolite (SE Anatolia, Turkey): evidence of a forearc setting, J. Afr. Earth Sci., 2016, 123, 392-402.
  • [20]. Bingöl, A. F., Beyarslan, M., Tectonomagmatic Evolution of the Southeast Anatolian Orogenic Belt (Turkey): from Gondwana to Anatolia, in Proc. 16. Puzzling out Gondwana, Bangkok, 2017, pp. 122, Thailand, 7th-21st November.
  • [21]. Sar, A., Ertürk, M. A., and Rizeli, M. E., Genesis of Late Cretaceous intra-oceanic arc intrusions in the Pertek area of Tunceli Province, eastern Turkey, and implications for the geodynamic evolution of the southern Neo-Tethys: Results of zircon U–Pb geochronology and geochemical and Sr–Nd isotopic analyses, Lithos, 2019, 350–351, 105263.
  • [22]. Rizeli, M. E., Sar, A., ve Ertürk, M. A., Keban Magmatik Kayaçları’nın Petrografik ve Jeokimyasal Özellikleri (Keban Elazığ), Müh. Araş .Dergisi, 2021, 3(1), 69-80.
  • [23]. Aktaş, G., Robertson, H. F., The Maden Complex, SE Turkey: evolution of a Neotethyan active margin, J.E. Dixon, A.H.F. Robertson (Eds.), The Geological Evolution of the Eastern Mediterranean, The Geological Society by Blackwell Scientific Publication, Oxford, London, Edinburgh, Boston, Palo Alto, Melbourne, 1984, 375-401.
  • [24]. Yazgan, E., Geodynamic Evolution of the Eastern Taurus Region (Malatya-Elazığ area, Turkey), Tekeli, O., Göncüoğlu, M. C., (Eds.), International Symposium on the Geology of the Taurus Belt, Proceedings, 26–29 September, MTA, Ankara, 1984, 199-208.
  • [25]. Hempton, M., Structure and deformation history of the Bitlis suture near Lake Hazar, SE Turkey, Geological Society of America Bulletin, 1985, 96, 223-243.
  • [26]. Ertürk, M. A., Beyarslan, M., and Sar, A., In the Case of Maden Complex, Geochemical Constraints on the Origin and Tectonic, Journal of Tethys, 2017, 5, 240-263.
  • [27]. Ertürk, M. A., Beyarslan, M., Chung, S.L., and Lin, T.H., Eocene magmatism (maden complex) in the Southeast anatolian orogenic belt: magma genesis and tectonic implications, Geoscience Frontiers, 2018, 9, 1829-1847.
  • [28]. Streckeisen, A. L., Le Maitre, R.W., Chemical approximation to modal QAPF classification of the igneous rocks, Neus Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, 1979, 136, 169-206.
  • [29]. Okay, A. I., Tüysüz, O., Tethyan sutures of northern Turkey, In: Durand, B., Jolivet, L., Horváth, F. and Séranne, M. (Eds.) The Mediterranean Basins: Tertiary extension within the Alpine orogen, Geological Society, London, Special Publication, 1999, 156, 475–515.
  • [30]. MTA, Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü 1/500.000 Ölçekli Türkiye Jeoloji Haritası Erzurum Paftası. Düzenleyen: Tarhan N., Editör: Şenel, M., 2002, Ankara.
  • [31]. Kaya, A., Tectonostratigraphic reconstruction of the Keban metamorphites based on new fossil findings, Eastern Turkey, Journal of African Earth Science, 2016, 124, 245-257.
  • [32]. Perincek, D., The geology of Hazro-Korudağ-Çüngüş-Maden-Ergani-Hazar-Elazığ-Malatya area: Guide book, TJK yayını, 1979a, 33s.
  • [33]. Perincek, D., Palu-Karabegan-Elazığ-Sivrice-Malatya alanının jeolojisi ve petrol imkanları, TPAO Rapor No:1361, 1979b.
  • [34]. Özkul, M., Elazığ batısında Kırkgeçit Formasyonu üzerinde sedimantolojik incelemeler, Doktora Tezi, Fırat Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 187s, 1988.
  • [35]. Naz, H., Elazığ-Palu dolayının jeolojisi, TPAO. Rap. No. 1360, 1979.
  • [36]. Middlemost, E. A. K., Naming materials in the magma igneous rock system, Earth Sci. Rev, 1994, 37, 215-224.
  • [37]. Peccerillo, A., Taylor, S. R., Geochemistry of Eocene calcalkaline volcanic rocks from the Kastasmonu area, north Turkey, Contrib. Miner. Petrol, 1976, 58, 63-81.
  • [38]. Whalen, J. B., Currie, K. I., and Chappel, B. W., A-type granites; geochemical characteristic, discrimination and petrogenesis, Contrib, Mineral. Petrol., 1987, 95, 407-419.
  • [39]. Sun S., McDonough, W. F., Chemical and isotopic systematic of oceanic basalts. Implications for mantle compositional processes, In: Saunders, A.D., Norry, M.J. (Eds.), Magmatism in the Ocean Basins, Special Publication 42. Geological Society of London, 312, 1989.
  • [40]. Pearce, J. A., Harris, N. B., and Tindle, A. G., Trace elements discrimination diagrams for the tectonic interpretation of granitic rocks, J. Petrol, 1984, 25, 956– 983.
  • [41]. Chappell, B. W., White, A. J. R., I- and S-type granites in the Lachlan Fold Belt. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburg, Earth Sciences, 1992, 83, 1-26.
  • [42]. Castro, A., Moreno-Ventas, I., and Dela Rosa, J.D., H-type (hybrid) granitoids: a proposed revision of the granite-type classification and nomenculature, Earth Science Reviews, 1991, 31, 237–253.
  • [43]. Roberts, M. P., Clemens, J. D., Origin of high-potassium, calc-alkaline, I-type granitoids, Geology, 1993, 21, 825-828.
  • [44]. McCulloch, M. T., Gamble, J. A., Geochemical and geodynamical constraints on subduction zone magmatism, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 1991, 102, 358–374.
  • [45]. Borg, L. E., Nyquist, L. E., Wiesmann, H., and Shih, C. Y., Constraints on Martian differenti-ation processes from Rb–Sr and Sm–Nd isotopic analyses of the basaltic shergottite QUE94201, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 1997, 61, 4915–4931.
  • [46]. Shellnutt, J. G., Zhou, M.-F., and Zellmer, G. F., The role ofFe–Ti oxide crystallization in the formation of A-type granitoids with implications for the Daly gap: An example from the Permian Baima igneous complex, SW China, Chemical Geology, 2009, 259, 204–217.
  • [47]. Hofmann, A. W., Mantle geochemistry: the message from oceanic volcanism, Nature, 1997, 385, 219-229.
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Abdullah Sar 0000-0002-9752-7807

Mustafa Eren Rizeli 0000-0003-3725-3063

Mehmet Ali Ertürk 0000-0003-1197-9202

Publication Date May 31, 2022
Submission Date September 9, 2021
Acceptance Date February 14, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 9 Issue: 2


IEEE A. Sar, M. E. Rizeli, and M. A. Ertürk, “Geçityaka Köyü (Tunceli) Çevresindeki Elazığ Magmatik Kompleksi’ne Ait Kayaçların Petrografik ve Jeokimyasal Özellikleri”, El-Cezeri Journal of Science and Engineering, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 680–694, 2022, doi: 10.31202/ecjse.993333.
Creative Commons License El-Cezeri is licensed to the public under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.