
Ege Journal of Educational Technologies has changed its name as of May 2023 and continues to be published only in English under the name "Journal of AI". Issues of our journal before 2023 can be accessed from the Journal of AI's archive. To access the relevant journal, you can visit https://dergipark.org.tr/jai .

Ege Journal of Educational Technologies is an academic, international and refreed journal that has adopted the principles of open access and free publishing. It has been published continuously since 2017. It is published twice a year between 2017 and 2020, and once a year starting with 2020. The article adopted the double-blind peer-review system in the evaluation process.

Our journal has published at least one issue every year since 2017 and has published its 6th issue as of 2022. It is an international journal with academicians from different countries on its editorial board and scientific committee. It is indexed by various international and national indexes. Submitted articles are reviewed by 2 different scientists who are experts in their fields and have at least a PhD degree. When deemed necessary, more reviewers can take part in the reviewing process.

Ege Journal of Educational Technologies
is indexed and abstracted by
Index Copernicus, Asos Index, WorldCat, OpenAIRE, ROAD, BASE, Google Scholar, Academia.edu, Türk Eğitim İndeksi, IAD, EuroPub, Academindex

Izmir Academy Association