Aim & Scope

The aim of the Ege Journal of Educational Technologies (EETD) is to provide a suitable environment for quality and contribution to the field in the field of educational technologies. Since its first issue, our journal aims to contribute to science and society by publishing quality studies that comply with universal scientific criteria.

Ege Journal of Educational Technologies was published online twice a year, in July and December, between 2017 and 2020. As of 2020, it is published online once a year. EETD is a peer-reviewed, scientific and international journal that publishes original research articles, and essays/reviews. Within the scope of Educational Technologies, all original studies in accordance with scientific ethics and traditions are evaluated for publication. Studies to be sent to EETD can be written in Turkish or English.

Ege Journal of Educational Technologies (EETD) publishes theoretical or applied research in the following fields and their technology-related topics:
• Environmental Education
• Child Development and Education
• Democracy and Human Rights Education
• Values ​​and Love Education
• Religious Education
• Educational Philosophy
• Educational Policies
• Curriculum and Instruction
• Education psychology
• Sociology of Education
• Education History
• Educational Technology
• Education Management
• Measurement and Evaluation in Education
• Guidance and Psychological Counseling in Education
• Science Education
• Fine Arts Education
• Public Education and Lifelong Learning
• Primary and secondary school
• Mathematics Education
• Vocational and Technical Education
• Engineering Education
• Preschool Education
• Teacher Training
• Special education
• Health Education
• Social Sciences Education
• Sports Science Education
• Turkish Education
• Education Programs of Turkish-Speaking Republics
• Foreign Language Education
• High education

Period Months

Ege Journal of Educational Technologies
is indexed and abstracted by
Index Copernicus, Asos Index, WorldCat, OpenAIRE, ROAD, BASE, Google Scholar,, Türk Eğitim İndeksi, IAD, EuroPub, Academindex

Izmir Academy Association