Peer-review Process

All articles submitted to the European Food Science and Engineering journal go through a single-blind peer review process. To ensure an unbiased evaluation process, each article is evaluated by at least two external independent referees who are experts in their fields.
All articles submitted to the journal will be pre-screened by the Editor to determine suitability (regarding technical and general quality assessment).
Articles deemed appropriate will be peer-reviewed by at least two referees who are experts in their field. In case of delay on the part of the spectator, the referee may be replaced by another referee. In case of excessive delay, the article will be reviewed by the members of the Editorial Board.
After the initial evaluation, the Editor has the right to reject articles prepared on a subject outside the journal’s scope, technically incomplete/insufficient articles, articles containing partial and marginally increasing results, or articles not written using fluent and understandable language. If, as a result of the initial evaluation, it is decided that the article is suitable for further evaluation, the article is taken into scientific review in a single-blind review process consisting of at least two independent referees who are experts in the field.
In line with the request of the referees, the authors are notified of the revision of the article, and the version revised by the authors in line with the referees' opinions is re-examined and evaluated after the corrections.
After the evaluation, the Editor makes his final decision on the article. If necessary, the Editor may request additional revisions from the authors to ensure that all the conditions requested by the referees are met.
The final version of accepted articles is sent to the Layout Editor for pre-publication drafting. Authors and proofreaders are asked to review the typeset manuscript for final control before publication.
All articles receive a DOI number in their final form and are published online as PDF files.

Last Update Time: 4/3/24, 4:31:03 PM