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Year 2016, Volume: 32 Issue: 3, 118 - 126, 01.11.2016


Constipation is a disorder of gastrointestinal motility characterized by difficult or decreased bowel movements. It is suggested that generally doing regular exercise, increasing water and fiber comsuming at the first stage of precaution of nonpharmacological in management of constipation. It is used to suppositories, laxatives and enemas at thetreatment of constipation. However long-term usage of some laxatives may cause to increase constipation and also detrimental side effects comprising fecal impakşın. Abdominal massage is a method which can be applied by nurses, aninexpensive, non-invasive, free of harmful side-effects for treating is also performed by patients themselves. Studies have demonstrated that abdominal massage can stimulate peristalsis, decrease colonic transit time, increase the frequencyo f bowel movements in constipated patients, and decrease the feelings o f discomfort and painthataccompany it. Abdominal effleurage, petrissage, kneading, vibration, and tapotement are thought to reduce muscletension, improve local circulation, soo the in digestion, stimulatethesecretion of stomachacid, increase the appetite, stimulate peristalsis, relieve constipation, and lower high blood pressure. In this paper will be explained the use o f abdominal massage in management for a patient with constipation


  • Ayaş S, Leblebici B, Sözay S. ve ark. The Effect of Abdominal Massage on Bowel Function in Patients with Spinal Cord injury. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2006; 85(12): 951-955.
  • Babacan Gümüş A, Şıpkın S. ve Keskin G. Fonkyonel Sağlık Örüntüleri Modeli ile Bir Huzurevinde Yaşayan Yaşlıların Bakım Gereksinimlerinin Belirlenmesi. Psikiyatri Hemşireliği Dergisi 2012; 3(1): 13­ 21.
  • Emly MC. Abdominal Massage for Constipation. In: Halsam J. and Laycock J. (Eds): Therapeutic Management of Intcontinance and Pelvic Pain. 2 nd Edition, London: 2007: 223-225.
  • Emly MC, Coopers S and Vail AA. Colonic Motility in Profoundly Disabled People a Comparison of Massage and Laxative Therapy ın the Management 0f Constipation. Physiotherapy 1998; 84(4):178- 183.
  • Eoff JC , Lembo AJ. Optimal Treatment of Chronic Constipation in Managed Care: Review and Roundtable Discussion. J Manag Care Pharm 2008; 14: 1-15.
  • Ergin K. Yaşlanma ile İlgili Fizyolojik Değişiklikler. Ege Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi 1992; 8(2): 75-82.
  • Harrington KL, Haskvitz EM. Managing a Patient's Constipation with Physical Therapy, Journal of the American Therapy Associatio 2006; 86:1511-1519.
  • Hsieh C. Treatment of Constipation in Older Adults. American Family Physician 2005; 72(11): 2277­ 2284.
  • Lacy BE, Loew B, Crowell MD. Prucalopride for Chronic Constipation. Drugs Today (Barc) 2009; 45: 843-853.
  • Lai TK T, Cheung MC, Lo CK & et al. Effectiveness of Aroma Massage on Advanced Cancer Patients with Constipation: A Pilot Study. Complamentary Therapies in Clinical Practice 2011; 17: 37-43.
  • Lamas K, Lindholm L, Stenlund H & et al. Effects of abdominal massage in management of constipation: A randomized controlled trial, International Journal of Nursing Studies, 2009; 46: 759-767.
  • Lewis SJ, Heaton KW. Stool Form Scale as a Useful Guide to Intestinal Transit Time. Scand J Gastroenterol 1997; 32(9): 920-4.
  • Liu Z, Sakakibara R, Odako T & et al. Mechanism of Abdominal Massage for Difficult Defecation in a Patient with Myelopathy (HAM/TSP). J Neurol 2005; 252: 1280-1282.
  • McClurg D, Hagen S, Hawkins S. Abdominal Massage for the Alleviation of Constipation Symptoms in People with Multiple Sclerosis: A Randomized Controlled Feasibility Study. Multiple Sclerosis Journal 2011; 17(2) 223-233.
  • Olgun S. Huzurevinde Yaşayan Yaşlılarda Abdominal Masajın Kronik Konstipasyona ve Yaşam Kalitesine Etkisi. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi. İzmir: Ege Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2013: 107-108.
  • Preece J. Introducing Abdominal Massage in Palliative Care for The Relief of Constipation. Complementary Therapies in Nursing & Mdwifery 2002; 8: 101-105.
  • Rao SSC. Dyssynergic Defcation & Biofeedback Therapy. Gastroenterol Clin North Am 2008; 37(3): 569­ 586.
  • Rao SSC, Go JT . Update on the Management of Constipationin the Elderly: New Treatment Options. Clinical Interventions in Aging 2010; 5: 163-171.
  • Resende TL, Brocklehurst JC , O ’Neill PA. A Pilot Study on the Effect of Exericise and Abdominal Massage on Bowel Habit in Continuing Care Patients. Clinical Rehabilitation 1993; 7: 204-209.
  • Sinclair M. Revisiting Abdominal Massage. Massage & Bodywork, July/August. 2009; 72-79.
  • Sinclair M. The Use of Abdominal Massage to Treat Cronic Constipation. Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies 2011; 15: 436-445.
  • Sun SX, DiBonaventura M, Purayidathil FW et al. Impact of Chronic Constipation on Health-Related Quality of Life, Work Productivity, and Healthcare Resource Use: An Analysis of the National Health and Wellness. Survey Dig Dis Sc, 2011; 56: 2688-2695.
  • Yurdakul İ. Kronik Konstipasyon. İ.Ü Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi Sürekli Tıp Eğitim Etkinlikleri. Türkiye’de Sık Karşılaşılan Hastalıklara II. Dizisi, Türkiye’de Sık Karşılaşılan Hastalıklar II, Sindirim Sistemi Hastalıkları, Akciğer Kanserine Güncel Yaklaşım Yayın No: 58, 2007: 3-58.


Year 2016, Volume: 32 Issue: 3, 118 - 126, 01.11.2016


Konstipasyon bağırsak hareketlerinde azalma veya defekasyon sürecinde güçlük Ne karakterize nonfarmakolojik önlemlerin ilk basamağında genellikle düzenli fiziksel aktivite, sıvı ve lif tüketiminin arttırılması önerilmektedir. Kronik kostipasyonun medikal tedavisinde ise; supozituvarlar, laksatifler ve lavmanlar kullanılmaktadır. Fakat bazı laksatiflerin uzun süreli kullanımı, konstipasyonun artmasına ve fekal impakşını da kapsayan zararlı yan etkilere neden olabilir. Abdominal masaj, konstipasyonun tedavisi için hemşireler tarafından uygulanabilecek, ucuz, zararlı etkisi olmayan, non-invaziv bir yöntemdir. Aynı zaman da hastanın kendisi tarafından yapılabilir. Araştırmalar abdominal masajın konstipe hastalarda peristaltizmi uyardığı, kolon geçiş süresini kısalttığı, bağırsak hareketlerinin sıklığını arttırdığını ve eşlik eden ağrı ve rahatsızlık duygularını azalttığını göstermiştir. Abdominal masaj kullanımının defekasyon görülme sıklığını azalttığı bildirilmiştir. Abdominal efloraj, perisaj, yoğurma, vibrasyon ve tapotmanın kas gerginliğini azalttığı, yerel dolaşımı arttırdığı, hazımsızlığı azalttığı, midenin asit sekresyonunu uyardığı, iştahı arttırdığı, peristaltizmi uyardığı, konstipasyonu hafiflettiği ve yüksek kan basıncını düşürdüğü düşünülmektedir. Bu makalede konstipasyon yönetiminde abdominal masajın kullanımı açıklanacaktır


  • Ayaş S, Leblebici B, Sözay S. ve ark. The Effect of Abdominal Massage on Bowel Function in Patients with Spinal Cord injury. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2006; 85(12): 951-955.
  • Babacan Gümüş A, Şıpkın S. ve Keskin G. Fonkyonel Sağlık Örüntüleri Modeli ile Bir Huzurevinde Yaşayan Yaşlıların Bakım Gereksinimlerinin Belirlenmesi. Psikiyatri Hemşireliği Dergisi 2012; 3(1): 13­ 21.
  • Emly MC. Abdominal Massage for Constipation. In: Halsam J. and Laycock J. (Eds): Therapeutic Management of Intcontinance and Pelvic Pain. 2 nd Edition, London: 2007: 223-225.
  • Emly MC, Coopers S and Vail AA. Colonic Motility in Profoundly Disabled People a Comparison of Massage and Laxative Therapy ın the Management 0f Constipation. Physiotherapy 1998; 84(4):178- 183.
  • Eoff JC , Lembo AJ. Optimal Treatment of Chronic Constipation in Managed Care: Review and Roundtable Discussion. J Manag Care Pharm 2008; 14: 1-15.
  • Ergin K. Yaşlanma ile İlgili Fizyolojik Değişiklikler. Ege Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Dergisi 1992; 8(2): 75-82.
  • Harrington KL, Haskvitz EM. Managing a Patient's Constipation with Physical Therapy, Journal of the American Therapy Associatio 2006; 86:1511-1519.
  • Hsieh C. Treatment of Constipation in Older Adults. American Family Physician 2005; 72(11): 2277­ 2284.
  • Lacy BE, Loew B, Crowell MD. Prucalopride for Chronic Constipation. Drugs Today (Barc) 2009; 45: 843-853.
  • Lai TK T, Cheung MC, Lo CK & et al. Effectiveness of Aroma Massage on Advanced Cancer Patients with Constipation: A Pilot Study. Complamentary Therapies in Clinical Practice 2011; 17: 37-43.
  • Lamas K, Lindholm L, Stenlund H & et al. Effects of abdominal massage in management of constipation: A randomized controlled trial, International Journal of Nursing Studies, 2009; 46: 759-767.
  • Lewis SJ, Heaton KW. Stool Form Scale as a Useful Guide to Intestinal Transit Time. Scand J Gastroenterol 1997; 32(9): 920-4.
  • Liu Z, Sakakibara R, Odako T & et al. Mechanism of Abdominal Massage for Difficult Defecation in a Patient with Myelopathy (HAM/TSP). J Neurol 2005; 252: 1280-1282.
  • McClurg D, Hagen S, Hawkins S. Abdominal Massage for the Alleviation of Constipation Symptoms in People with Multiple Sclerosis: A Randomized Controlled Feasibility Study. Multiple Sclerosis Journal 2011; 17(2) 223-233.
  • Olgun S. Huzurevinde Yaşayan Yaşlılarda Abdominal Masajın Kronik Konstipasyona ve Yaşam Kalitesine Etkisi. Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi. İzmir: Ege Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2013: 107-108.
  • Preece J. Introducing Abdominal Massage in Palliative Care for The Relief of Constipation. Complementary Therapies in Nursing & Mdwifery 2002; 8: 101-105.
  • Rao SSC. Dyssynergic Defcation & Biofeedback Therapy. Gastroenterol Clin North Am 2008; 37(3): 569­ 586.
  • Rao SSC, Go JT . Update on the Management of Constipationin the Elderly: New Treatment Options. Clinical Interventions in Aging 2010; 5: 163-171.
  • Resende TL, Brocklehurst JC , O ’Neill PA. A Pilot Study on the Effect of Exericise and Abdominal Massage on Bowel Habit in Continuing Care Patients. Clinical Rehabilitation 1993; 7: 204-209.
  • Sinclair M. Revisiting Abdominal Massage. Massage & Bodywork, July/August. 2009; 72-79.
  • Sinclair M. The Use of Abdominal Massage to Treat Cronic Constipation. Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies 2011; 15: 436-445.
  • Sun SX, DiBonaventura M, Purayidathil FW et al. Impact of Chronic Constipation on Health-Related Quality of Life, Work Productivity, and Healthcare Resource Use: An Analysis of the National Health and Wellness. Survey Dig Dis Sc, 2011; 56: 2688-2695.
  • Yurdakul İ. Kronik Konstipasyon. İ.Ü Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi Sürekli Tıp Eğitim Etkinlikleri. Türkiye’de Sık Karşılaşılan Hastalıklara II. Dizisi, Türkiye’de Sık Karşılaşılan Hastalıklar II, Sindirim Sistemi Hastalıkları, Akciğer Kanserine Güncel Yaklaşım Yayın No: 58, 2007: 3-58.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Sevil Olgun This is me

Publication Date November 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 32 Issue: 3


APA Olgun, S. (2016). KONSTİPASYON YÖNETİMİNDE ABDOMİNAL MASAJ UYGULAMASI. Ege Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Dergisi, 32(3), 118-126.