Writing Rules


    Acceptance and Evaluation of Manuscripts

    Manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Turkish World Studies should not have been published in any previous publications or submitted to another publication simultaneously. Papers presented at a scientific meeting may be accepted in the case that they are separately stated and have not been published before.

    Manuscripts should be submitted in accordance with the following criteria. Minor corrections that are not essential at the publication stage can be made by the Editorial Department. These corrections are based on the Turkish Language Association spelling guide and dictionaries.

    Ethical Principles, Publication Policy and Ethics Committee Permission (Approval) Document

    The author(s) are responsible for complying with the criteria for Actions Contrary to Scientific Research and Publication Ethics in the second part of the Interuniversity Council Directive on Scientific Research and Publication Ethics.

    It is important that all authors pay attention to the following points within the scope of the rules regarding Ethical Principles announced by TR Index in 2020:

    Researches that require Ethics Committee approval are as follows:

    -All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using survey, interview, focus group, observation, experiment, interview techniques,
    - Use of humans and animals (including materials/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
    - Clinical trials in humans and animals,
    - Retrospective studies in accordance with the law on the protection of personal data

    In addition, if the work is a case presentation, then it should be stated that the “informed consent form” has been obtained; permission should be obtained from the owners for the use of scales, questionnaires, photographs belonging to others and this should be stated; it should be stated that copyright regulations are complied with for the intellectual and artistic works used.

    If the manuscripts that meet the above mentioned conditions and require Ethics Committee permission are submitted to the Journal of Turkish World Studies, the official Ethics Committee permission documents must be sent to the journal as an additional file during submission.

    For translated articles, the article must have a certain number of citations (at least 5) in the original language in order to be considered.

    The translated manuscript can be published provided that permission is obtained from the author and the place of publication (book, journal, etc.). In order to publish the translation of the work in the Journal of Turkish World Studies, a signed permission letter must be obtained and this document must be uploaded to the files section as “.pdf” extension (This should be stated in the first footnote). All copyright costs of translated articles belong to the translator. In addition, the “.pdf” formats of the original texts of the translated articles should be shared with the editor of the Journal of Turkish World Studies. If 70 years have passed after the death of the author, this permission is not required.

    Example: [This work has been translated with the permission of the author and publisher (xxx Publishing House) of the article titled “xxx xxx xxx” (Journal name volume/number (year), page range) written by xxx xxx].

    The citation system used in the original text, in-text notes and bibliography should be reorganized according to APA 7 citation system.

    In addition, an asterisk (*) should be added at the end of the name of the author of the translated article and the title, institution/university, city, country, department/division, if any. This and similar information about the translator should also be given by adding (**).

    The editorial board of the journal has deemed it appropriate to include a maximum of two translations in one issue. Accordingly, translations more than the specified number are reserved for the next issue.

    In book review articles, original information about the publication in question should be presented in detail. The publication taken as the basis for the review must have been published within two years from the date of preparation if it is published in Turkish in Turkey, and within three years if it is published in a different language abroad. The text of the book review should not exceed 2500 words. Manuscripts that resemble an advertisement or a short summary of the publications, do not express the noteworthy aspects or shortcomings of the publication, and do not make objective evaluations about the publication in accordance with academic criteria are not included in the journal agenda.

    TDİD conducts manuscript acceptance and evaluation processes through DergiPark (http://dergipark.gov.tr/egetdid). Manuscripts submitted to the journal for publication are examined by the editor/editors and/or the Editorial Board in terms of publication principles and spelling rules, ethical control in the iThenticate system and scientific evaluation in general terms. If no problems are detected in these processes, the manuscript is sent to two referees who are experts in the field, taking into account the recommendations of the Editorial Board, to be evaluated by the editor/editors without the information of the author(s) in the manuscript (also applies to the processes related to the Editorial Board). The name of the author is not shared with the referees and the name of the referee is not shared with the authors. If one of the referee reports is positive and the other is negative, the manuscript may be sent to a third referee, or the editors and/or the Editorial Board may review the referee reports and make a final decision. Authors are expected to take into account the criticisms and suggestions of the referees and the editor/editors and the Editorial Board. If the authors disagree with these criticisms and suggestions, they should send their objections with their justifications and/or their revised manuscripts in line with the referee reports, editor(s) and Editorial Board opinions to the journal via http://dergipark.gov.tr/egetdid. The revised manuscript will be resubmitted for peer review upon the request of the referees and the opinion of any of the editors and the Editorial Board. Manuscripts that pass the evaluation process carried out by the editors, Editorial Board and referees with approval are placed in the publication queue. Manuscripts that are not approved in these processes are not published. The copyright of the articles accepted for publication in the Journal of Turkish World Studies is deemed to be transferred to this journal. All legal responsibility of the published articles belongs to the authors/translators. In articles with two or more authors, the copyright responsibility of the article belongs to the first author. Articles and photographs published in the journal can be cited with reference.

    Spelling Rules

    Manuscripts should be submitted by logging in at http://dergipark.gov.tr/egetdid. The type of work should be selected as a research article, case report, publication derived from a thesis, review or other. For translations and transpositions, a copy of the original text from which the translation or transposition was made should also be submitted.

    “Transfer of Copyright” and “Declaration of Responsible Author Regarding the Article” from the Forms and Documents (https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/egetdid/page/16361) section on TDİD’s DergiPark page during submission. All of the forms must be completed and signed in. All correspondence and processes related to articles are realized through DergiPark and archived in DergiPark. The following principles regarding the layout of the manuscript should be followed in manuscript submission.

    Page Layout and Article Text

    In Microsoft Office Word versions, it should be prepared vertically in A4 (29.7x21 cm.) size, with 2.5 cm margins on all four sides (right, left, top, bottom), and should be written in Times New Roman font, 11 point font size (footnotes in 9 point font size), single line and 2 pt. paragraph spacing.


    The main text of the article should not exceed 8000 words including tables, appendices and footnotes. Article titles, abstracts, keywords and bibliography are excluded from this limit. Articles exceeding 8500 words will be returned without any editorial decision. (For articles written in foreign languages, this limit may be increased by 20% due to the structure of the relevant languages).

    There are limitations related to the author. For the authors who are evaluated in the studies sent to the Journal of Turkish World Studies and who are evaluated positively or negatively; it is required one year; for the author whose article is published, four issues must pass after the previous one to upload another article to the journal system. These limitations also apply to manuscripts with more than one author. Studies rejected after the evaluation process will not be included in the process again and will not be published.


    Each article should have a title in Turkish and English that is compatible with the content. The title should not exceed 12 words, only the first letters should be capitalized and bolded, in Times New Roman font and 11-point font size. The English title should be italicized and written in 11-point font size and should be placed immediately below the Turkish title. All headings except introduction, conclusion, appendices and bibliography should be numbered. Main headings should continue as “1, 2, 3” and letters such as A, a, i, b and Roman numerals should not be used in numbering.

    Publication Derived from Another Scientific Work

    Studies produced from any work (project, thesis, book) should be indicated in the footnote (*) based on the article title. Example:

    *This article is derived from his doctoral dissertation titled “...” prepared at Ege University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Turkish History.

    Name-Surname and Title of Author(s)

    Under the title, right justified, 11-point font size, the first letter of the first name should be capitalized and the surname should be written in all capital letters. The institution, title, contact information and ORCID information of the author(s), if any, should be indicated in the footnote with a (*) sign in 9-point font size.

    Abstract / Abstract

    At the beginning of the manuscript, one line space should be left after the author information, followed by the Turkish abstract and English abstract sections. The abstract and abstract, which should be no less than 150 words and no more than 200 words, should not contain quotations, references, figures, charts, etc. The abstract and abstract should be identical in terms of content and should be written in 9-point Times New Roman font, indented 1 cm from left and right.

    Turkish articles should include an English translation of the abstract; articles written in Turkish dialects other than Turkish, English and Russian should include an abstract and abstract prepared in Turkish, English and the third language.

    Keywords / Key Words

    In the languages and dialects required by the rules defined in the abstract, keywords consisting of at least five and at most eight words should be given under the abstract and abstract, taking into account the terminology of the relevant field of science.

    Extended Summary / Extended Summary

    The Journal of Turkish World Studies will also include extended summaries in English of articles written in Turkish, Turkish dialects other than Turkish and Russian. Extended abstracts are not required for articles written in English.

    The extended abstract will not be requested from the authors during the initial submission of the manuscript to the Journal, but after the acceptance decision if the manuscript is accepted for publication.

    However, authors may add the extended abstract in English at the end of the article during submission.

    The extended abstract should preferably be 600-800 words in length. In the extended abstract, the purpose, problem, method, findings and results of the research should be clearly written under relevant headings. The subheadings in the extended abstract may vary according to the type of study. Any findings or results that are not included in the research text should not be included in the extended abstract.

    Conflict of Interest, Acknowledgment, Contribution

    At the end of the text, if any, the “Responsible Author Declaration Regarding the Article” uploaded to the system during the submission of the study. The “Conflict of Interest”, “Support and Acknowledgment” information specified by the responsible author’s statement in the form should be added. In studies with multiple authors, the “Contribution Share” ratio should be indicated by the authors. “Ethics Committee Decision”, if any, should be given together with the institution, date and protocol number.


    Pictures, photographs, maps, figures and tables in the article should be given in 8-point font size, centered under Picture 1., Map 2., Figure 1. etc. with a descriptive expression, and the source description from which the information is taken should be written in parentheses. Tables, graphics and illustrations should not exceed 8 pages. Pictures and photographs should be included in the article in high resolution.

    Quotations and References

    Direct quotations in the article should be in quotation marks. Quotations of less than 4 lines should be given between the lines; quotations extending to the 4th line and longer should be given 1 cm from the right and left of the line, in block form and single-spaced, 11-point font.


    Explanations other than referencing and indirectly related to the main subject of the article can be made by using footnotes starting from one. Footnotes should be written in 9-point font at the bottom of the page where they are given.


    The works in the bibliography must be written in Latin alphabet. Cyrillic, Arabic, Indian, etc. Latin-letter forms of sources written in other alphabets should be given with Turkish transliteration.


    Additional tables, figures, graphs and pictures should be given on a new page after the bibliography. Each appendix should be categorized as Appendix 1, Appendix 2 and titled separately. Appendices should be single-spaced, 9-point font.

    Source Citation

    Submitted manuscripts should be prepared in the American Psychological Association 7 (APA 7) style in terms of reference system, citation format and bibliography, and references should be prepared as internal notes instead of footnote system. In the references given in the text, the surname of the author, year of publication and page number will be given as follows.

    In-text Citation

    In direct quotations, if the quotation is less than 40 words, enclose it in double quotation marks:

    “Dönüşüm kavramı zihindeki bir bilginin çeşitli işlemlerden geçilerek sunulmasını içerir” (Kerimoğlu, 2016, s. 77).

    For direct quotations of 40 or more words, indent 0.5 inches from the left in blocks without quotation marks:

    Birinci ve ikinci tarzdaki bildirme ifadelerinde fiil kullanılmadığı için bunların birleşik fiil ile karışmasından bahsedilemez. Bildirmenin üçüncü şekli olarak verdiğimiz örneklerde er-, tur-, bol- fiilleri cümle ile ilgili bir iş görmüşler; cümlenin kuruluşunda vazife almışlardır. O halde bu kullanılışları, birleşik fiil içinde mütalaa etmemek lazımdır (Ercilasun, 2014, s. 75).

    If the Author’s Name is in the Text

    If the author’s name is mentioned in the text, the date is given in parentheses after the author’s name. The page number is written after the quoted sentence:

    Ahmet B. Ercilasun (2010), “Eski Oğuz Türkçesinin en önemli ses özelliği, küçük ünlü uyumunun mevcut olmayışıdır” (s. 459).

    If the Author Name is not mentioned in the text

    (Yazar soyadı, yıl, s.)

    “Eski Oğuz Türkçesinin en önemli ses özelliği, küçük ünlü uyumunun mevcut olmayışıdır” (Ercilasun, 2010, s. 459).

    Anonymous Study

    If the author of the cited study is not known, the name of the study is written. If the name of the study is given in the text, it should be italicized. If the name of the study is long, it is abbreviated in the in-text citation.

    Diğer bir kaynakta (Dünyada Memurlar ve Sendika, 1996, s. 55) da belirtildiği gibi…

    The author’s name can also be accepted as “Anonymous” in works with unknown authors. In this case, “Anonymous” can be also used in the bibliography.

    Diğer bir kaynakta (Anonim, 1996, s. 55)’da belirtildiği gibi…   

    If a general reference is made in the text

    (Yazar soyadı, yıl)

    Gramerleşme, gramatikal yapıların süreç içerisinde nasıl ortaya çıktıklarını göstermektedir (Gökçe, 2013).

    Multiple Studies by the Same Author

    Ahmet B. Ercilasun, Bengü taşların, Köktürklerin ikinci döneminden kalmış olan yazılı anıtlar olduğunu (2016, s. 339), bu yazıtlardan da Çoyr yazıtının tarihi bilinen en eski Türk yazıtı olduğunu belirtmektedir (2010, s. 128).

    Different Works by the Author in the Same Year

    When referring to more than one work of the author published in the same year, phrases such as “a, b, c” should be placed after the publication date.

    Oğuz boylarının her birinin özgün ağız özelliklerini belirleyebilmenin bugün çok daha zordur (Gülsevin, 2010a, s. 1077).        

    Study with Two Authors

    If the author’s name is mentioned in the text:

    Doğan ve Koç, Kazak Türkçesinde 9 adet ünlü bulunduğunu belirtir (2013, s. 18).

    If the author’s name is not mentioned in the text:

    “Kazak Türkçesinde 9 adet ünlü bulunmaktadır” (Doğan ve Koç, 2013, s. 18).

    Study with Multiple Authors

    In studies with two authors, the surname of both authors is given:

    (Doğan ve Koç, 2013, s. 44).

    In studies with three or more authors, it should be indicated as “surname of the first author and et al.”:

    (Ali ve ark., 2017, s. 65).

    Indirect/Secondary Quotations

    If an indirect citation is to be made, the original source person is written in the text; the secondary source person is indicated in parentheses.

    Salsalname’yi Gülşehrî’den önce de birisinin yazmış olduğu düşünülmektedir (Köprülü, 1991’den aktaran Ercilasun, 2010, s. 439).

    Multiple Studies

    If more than one study is cited: They are given in alphabetical order of the surnames of the authors, separated by a dotted vigula:

    (Dilaçar, 2016, s. 30; Güner, 2021, s. 45; Kerimoğlu, 2015, s. 90).

    Corporate Author

    The institution conducting the study is indicated: (Türk Dil Kurumu, 2011, s. 65). If the name of the institution is to be abbreviated, it should also be abbreviated in the text:

    (TDK, 2011, p. 65).

    Authors with the Same Surname

    (First letter of the author’s name. Surname, year, p.).

    Türk destanlarında aile algısında ad verme ve ad biliminde ad verme…

    (H. İ. Şahin, 2012, s. 118; İ. Şahin, 2015, s. 45).

    Hardcover Study

    Page number and date are indicated. Only the cited volume is written:

    Hümâ was also the epitome of beauty (Ögel, 2014, s. 123).

    In multi-volume works:

    (Pflanze, 1963-1990).

    Reprint/Publication of a Previous Edition

    For reprinted and republished works, both dates should be given in the in-text citation. It should be ordered as year of first publication / year of republication: (Ercilasun, 1984/2014, s. 35).

    Anthology Work

    The work is mentioned directly, not the anthology or the editor:    

    “Antolojinin adı” (yıl).

    Güneydeki yoksulluk Hurston’un otobiyografisi olan “Karayolundaki Toz İzleri” (1982)’nde ele alınmaktadır.


    (Balkans: History, 1987).


    (Develioğlu, 2013, s. 45).

    Electronic Texts

    Video or Movie

    (Name of the movie, year) (Deli ve Dahi, 2019).

    When referring to any hour, minute or second of a video or movie, it is given as: (00:02:15-00:02:35)

    Podcast/ YouTube

    If there is video/podcast author name, title, recording date, it should be indicated. When it is desired to be referenced in hours, minutes, seconds, it should be given as follows: (00:02:15 00:02:35).

    Orçun Madran “BBY 262 Web tasarımı dersi uygulaması” (2015)’nda web sayfası tasarımının nasıl olacağı ile ilgili bilgi vermektedir.

    (Tunç, 2020).


    Teplin ve ark. tarafından Psikoloji-Hukuk, Toplum Toplantısı (2005)’nda gençlerde karşılaşılan şiddet eğilimi ve intihar oranları ele alınmaktadır

    Other Sources


    Ali Yüksel çocuk gelinlerin sayısındaki artışın çok yüksek oranlara ulaştığını dile getiriyor (Cumhuriyet, 2014).

    For detailed information on in-text citations:


    Preparation of Bibliography
    The bibliography should start on a new page and should be organized in alphabetical order according to the surnames of the authors or the titles of the sources whose authors are unknown.

    When indicating the publishing houses that published the works in the bibliography, words such as publishing house and publishing should not be used. Imge, not Imge Publishing House.

    If more than one publishing house is indicated, all should be indicated by placing a semicolon between them.

    Page numbers should be fully indicated in the articles.

    Basic format: Author’s Surname, Initial (Date of Publication). Title of the Book. Publisher/Publishing House.

    Ögel, B. (2001). Dünden bugüne Türk kültürünün gelişme çağları. Türk Dünyası Araştırmaları Vakfı.

    Single Author Book

    Togan, Z. V. (1981). Umumi Türk tarihine giriş. Enderun.

    Multi-author Book

    Yakıcı, A., Yücel, M., Doğan, M. ve Yelok, V. S. (2017). Üniversiteler için Türkçe- 1 yazılı anlatım. Yargı.

    Two or More Works by the Same Author:   

    Sorted by year.

    İnan, A. (1954). Tarihte ve bugün şamanizm materyaller ve araştırmalar. TTK.

    İnan, A. (1976). Eski Türk dini tarihi. Kültür Bakanlığı.

    Two Works by the Same Author Published in the Same Year

    İnan, A. (1976a). Eski Türk dini tarihi. Kültür Bakanlığı.

    İnan, A. (1976b). Tarihte ve bugün şamanizm materyaller ve araştırmalar. TTK.

    Book with DOI number

    Çakıcı, A. (2020). DEHB ve alternatif tedavi türleri. Pegem Akademi. https://doi.org/10.14527/9786257228138

    Anonymous Book

    If the author is unknown, the title of the work is given. Manas (1995). TIKA.

    Translation Book

    Ligeti, L. (1986). Bilinmeyen iç Asya. (Sadrettin Karatay, Çev.). TDK.

    Translation Article

    Erdurucan, S. M. (2020). Tarihin suret-i tedrisi (S. N. Erdurucan, Çev.). Türk Tarih Eğitimi Dergisi, 9(2), 647-664). https://doi.org/10.17497/tuhed.785963 (Çalışmanın ilk yayımı 1910’da yapılmıştır)

    Edited Book

    Ekşi, H. ve Yüksel, M. (Ed.). (2018). Rehberlik ve psikolojik danışma. Nobel.

    Chapter in an Edited Book

    Maden, A. (2021). Yazma eğitiminde bellek ve özellikleri. M. N. Kardaş (Ed.), Yazma eğitimi içinde (2. bs., s. 83-100). Pegem Akademi. https://doi.org/10.14527/9786257676335

    Book with Multiple Editions

    Kafesoğlu, İ. (2016). Türk Millî Kültürü (40. bs.). Ötüken.

    Electronic Printed Book Only

    O’Keefe, E. (t.y.). Egoism & the cnsts in Western values. http://www.onlineoriginals.com/showitem.asp litem I 135

    Electronic Version of the Book

    Moran, B. (2015). Türk romanına eleştirel bir bakış 3. https://books.google.com.tr/books?id=p38wDwAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&dq=bilge+karasu&hl=tr&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi8qZLz9KThAhWl0KYKHZ2FBI0Q6AEILjAB#v=onepage&q=bilge%20karasu&f=false

    Web page on a website with an access date

    Türk Psikologlar Derneği. (t.y.). Klinik Psikoloji Diploma Tescili Süreç Takibi. 17 Şubat 2020’de https://www.psikolog.org.tr/tr/haberler/www/klinik-psikoloji-diploma-tescili-surec-takibi-x176/ adresinden edinilmiştir.

    Electronic Articles

    Karadağ, E. (2020). Kalitenin standardını belirlemek: Türk üniversite sıralama sistemlerinin Berlin prensiplerine göre incelenmesi. Yükseköğretim Dergisi, 10(3). 260-268. doi:10.2399/yod.19.020000

    Electronic News Articles

    Arat, Ş. (2013, 13 Mart). En iyi 120 liseliye üniversite hayatları boyunca yarım burs. Hürriyet. https://www.hurriyet.com.tr/egitim/en-iyi-120-liseliye-universite-hayatlari-boyunca-yarim-burs-22852138

    Multi-Volume Studies

    Pflanze, O. (1963-1990). Bismarc and the development of Germany (Cilt 1-3). Princeton University Press.

    Chapter in a Volume of a Multi-Volume Work

    Bozanoğlu, S. (2014). Akademik güdülenme destek programı. S. Erkan ve A. Kaya (Ed.), Deneysel olarak sınanmış grupla psikolojik danışma ve rehberlik programlar: C. 3. (5. Bs., s. 1-58). Nobel.

    New Edition of a Previous Edition

    Frazer, James G. (2004). Altın dal dinin ve folklorun kökleri 1. Payel. (Orijinal çalışma 1991 yılında yayımlanmıştır)

    Single Authored Article in a Scientific Journal

    İnan, A. (1959). Manas destanı üzerine notlar. Belleten, 8(7), 125-159.

    Multi-authored Article in a Scientific Journal

    Malatyalı, M. K. Ve Sunal, A. B. (2020). Evli çiftlerde bağlanma boyutları ile evlilik doyumu arasındaki ilişkide evlilik gücünün aracı rolü. Türk Psikoloji Dergisi, 35(85), 65-78. https://doi.org/10.31828/tpd1300443320181219m000016

    Electronic Journal Article

    Arslan, A. (2014). Atatürk Döneminde Romanya’dan Türk Göçleri ve Göçmenlerin Türkiye’de İskanları. Turkish Studies, 9 (4). http://dx.doi.org/10.7827/TurkishStudies.6813

    Newspaper and Magazine Articles with Identified Authors

    Özbaşaran, N. (2008, 4 Kasım). Küresel iklim savaşçıları: Solucanlar. Bilim ve Teknik.

    Unpublished Theses, Posters, Proceedings

    Boyalı, C. (2020). Öz-kontrol ile akademik erteleme arasındaki ilişkide akıllı telefon bağımlılığının aracı rolünün incelenmesi [Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi]. Marmara Üniversitesi.

    If master’s and doctoral theses are included in a database;

    Karadağ, E. (2009). Türkiye’de eğitim bilimleri alanında yapılmış doktora tezlerinin tematik ve metodolojik açıdan incelenmesi: Bir durum çalışması (Tez No. 250896) [Doktora tezi, Marmara Üniversitesi]. Yükseköğretim Kurulu Ulusal Tez Merkezi.

    Atılgan, B., Tuncel, B. ve Turan, S. (2020, 12-14 Ekim). “Hekimliği öğreniyorum” programının tıp fakültesi öğrencilerinin üniversite yaşamı uyumuna etkisi [Poster sunumu]. Ulusal Tıp Eğitimi Kongresi, İstanbul, Türkiye. https://cutt.ly/ek2mNZg

    Alpaydın, Y. (2019, 10-12 Ekim). Yükseköğretim mezunlarının istihdam edilebilirliğini artırmada kullanılacak politika araçları için gerekli olan veri ihtiyacının değerlendirilmesi [Bildiri sunumu]. 4. Uluslararası Yükseköğretim Çalışmaları Konferansı, Çanakkale, Türkiye.


    Zalta, E. N. (Ed.). (2019). The Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy (Summer 2019 ed.). Stanford University. https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/sum2019/


    Türk Dil Kurumu. (t.y.). Güncel Türkçe sözlük. 15 Şubat, 2021 tarihinde https://sozluk.gov.tr/ adresinden edinilmiştir.

    Report of a Government Agency or Other Organization

    Strateji Geliştirme Başkanlığı. (2009). Kamuda verimli aydınlatmaya geçiş raporu (Yayım No. 2009-19). T.C. Enerji ve Tabii Kaynaklar Bakanlığı. http://www.enerji.gov.tr/yayinlar_raporşar/KVAG_Raporu.pdf

    News Article

    Güçlü, A. (2013, 2 Şubat). Matematik ve fen eğitiminin analizi yapıldı. Milliyet, s. 17.


    Ceylan, N. B. (Yönetmen). (2018). Ahlat ağacı [Film]. Zeynofilm; Memento Films Production.

    Güven, B. (Yapımcı). (2007-2011). Arka sıradakiler [Televizyon dizisi]. MinT Prodüksiyon; Best Prodüksiyon.

    For detailed information on citations in the bibliography:


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