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Küreselleşme Kavramının Siyasi Tarih Yazımına Etkileri

Yıl 2018, , 117 - 148, 12.07.2018


kavramının 1990’lı yıllardan itibaren akademik yazımda yoğun olarak
kullanıldığı ve söz konusu kavramın siyasi tarih yazımı üzerindeki etkisinin
belirginleştiği görülmektedir. Bu çalışmada; bireylerin, ürünlerin, hizmetlerin
ve bilginin ülkelerarası dolaşımının serbestleştiği bir süreç olarak
kavramsallaştırılan küreselleşmenin siyasi tarih yazımı üzerindeki etkileri ele
alınmaktadır. Toplumlar arası etkileşimin dramatik bir biçimde artması,
yaşanılan ortak gezegenin tarihinin yazılması ihtiyacını beraberinde
getirmiştir. Bu ihtiyaca yanıt vermesi beklenen yaklaşım olarak küresel tarih
yazımı öne çıkmaktadır. Çalışmada küresel tarihin selefi olarak konumlandırılan
dünya tarihi yazımının temel özellikleri incelenmiştir; Bunlar Batı merkezli
yaklaşım, ulus devlet temelli yaklaşım, modernleşme teorisi eksenli
yaklaşımlardır. Makalenin ana sorusu, küreselleşmenin etkisindeki tarih
yazımında bu özelliklerde bir dönüşümün yaşanıp yaşanmayacağıdır. Çalışmada dünya
tarihi yazımının özelliklerinin bir biçimde dönüşüm geçirecekleri savunulmakta
ve söz konusu dönüşümün niteliği üzerinden tartışmalar yürütülmektedir. Bununla
beraber küresel tarih perspektifiyle gerçekleştirilmiş çalışmalardan örnekler
verilmiş, söz konusu çalışmaların geleneksel dünya tarihi anlayışından farklı
olan yönleri ortaya konulmuştur.


  • Alexander 2007 Jeffrey C. Alexander, “Globalization as Collective Representation: The New Dream of a Cosmopolitan Civil Sphere”, Frontiers of Globalization Research: Theoretical and Methodological Approaches, (Ed.) Ina Rossi, Springer, New York, s. 371-382. Assmann 2002 Jan Assmann, The Mind of Egypt: History and Meaning in the Time of the Pharaohs, Metropolitan Books, New York. Bayly 2004 Christopher Alan Bayly, The Birth of the Modern World, 1780-1914, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford. Berg 2013 Maxine Berg, “Global History: Approaches and New Directions”, Writing the History of the Global: Challenges for the 21st Century, (Ed.) Maxine Berg. Oxford University Press, Oxford, s. 1-18. Burke 1991 Peter Burke, New Perspectives on Historical Writing, Cambridge Univeristy Press, Cambridge. Chakrabarty 2000a Dipesh Chakrabarty, Provincializing Europe, Princeton University Press, Princeton. Chakrabarty 2000b Dipesh Chakrabarty, Rethinking Working-Class History: Bengal, 1890 to 1940, Princeton University Press, Princeton. Conrad 2016 Sebastian Conrad, What is Global History?, Princeton University Press, Princeton. Cutter et alii 2000 Bowman Cutter, Spero Joan and D'Andrea Tyson Laura, “New World, New Deal: A Democratic Approach to Globalization”, Foreign Affairs, Vol:79, No:2, s. 80-98. De Vries 2013 Jan de Vries, “Reflections on Doing Global History”, Writing the History of the Global: Challenges for the 21st Century, (Ed.) Maxine Berg, Oxford University Press, Oxford, s. 32-46. Frank 1970 Andre Gunder Frank, Latin America: Underdevelopment or Revolution; Essays on the Development of Underdevelopment and the Immediate Enemy, Monthly Review Press, New York 1970. Friedman 2000 Thomas Friedman, The Lexus and the Olive Tree: Understanding Globalization, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York. Fukuyama 2006 Francis Fukuyama, The End of History and the Last Man, Free Press, New York. Gelvin 2017 James L. Gelvin, “The Global History of the Balfour Declaration: Declared Nation by Maryanne A. Rhett, Routledge, Abingdon 2016”, Journal of Global History, Vol:12, No:3, 2017, s. 436–438. Geyer and Bright 1995 Michael Geyer and Charles Bright, “World History in a Global Age”, American Historical Review, Vol:100, No:4, s. 1034-1060. Gills and Thompson 2006 Barry K. Gills and William R. Thompson, “Globalizations, Global Histories, and Historical Globalizations”, Globalization and Global History, (Ed.) Barry K. Gills, William R. Thompson, Routledge, London, s. 1-15. Glancy 2014 Josh Glancy, "Yes, History's Death Was Exaggerated”, The Times, Ekim 28 2014, (Çevrimiçi),, 7 Ocak 2018. Held 1999 David Held, Global Transformations: Politics, Economics and Culture, Stanford University Press, Stanford. Held and McGrew 2008 David Held and Anthony G. McGrew, Küresel Dönüşümler: Büyük Küreselleşme Tartışması, Phoenix Yayınevi, Ankara. Hopkins 2002 Anthony G. Hopkins, Globalization in World History, W. W. Norton, New York. Huntington 1997 Samuel P. Huntington, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order, Penguin Books, India. Iggers et alii 2013 Georg G. Iggers, Q Edward Wang, and Supriya Mukherjee, A Global History of Modern Historiography, Routledge, New York. Inglehart and Welzel 2005 Ronald Inglehart and Christian Welzel, Modernization, Cultural Change, and Democracy: The Human Development Sequence, Cambridge University Press, New York. Istanbul Sehir University History Department, Global History Student Conference Istanbul 2018, Ocak 31 2018, (Çevrimiçi), 5 Ocak 2018, 2005. James and Steger 2014 Paul James and Manfred B. Steger, A Genealogy of ‘Globalization’: The Career of a Concept, Taylor & Francis, London. Jared 2008 Diamond Jared, Tüfek, Mikrop ve Çelik, Çev. Ülke İnce, TÜBİTAK Popüler Bilim Kitapları, Ankara. Jenkins 1997 Keith Jenkins, Tarihi Yeniden Düşünmek, Dost Kitabevi Yayınları, Ankara. Levitt 1983 Theodore Levitt, "The Globalization of Markets", Harvard Business Review, Vol:61, No:3, pp. 92-102. Lovett 1983 A. W. Lovett, "Braudel: Total History for Beginners", The Historical Journal, Vol:26, No:3, s. 747-753. Lyotard 1984 Jean François Lyotard, The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge, University of Minnesota Press, Minnesota. MacGillivray 2006 Alex MacGillivray, A Brief History of Globalization: The Untold Story of Our Incredible Shrinking Planet, Robinson, London. Mazlish 1998 Bruce Mazlish, “Comparing Global History to World History”, The Journal of Interdisciplinary History, Vol:28, No:3, s. 385-395. Mennell 1990 Stephen Mennell, "The Globalization of Human Society as a Very Long-Term Social Process: Elias's Theory", Theory, Culture & Society, Vol:7, No:2, s. 359-371. Mill 1966 John Stuart Mill, On Liberty, London, Springer. Northrup 2005 David Northrup, "Globalization and the Great Convergence: Rethinking World History in the Long Term", Journal of World History Vol:16, No:3, s. 249-267. Robertson 1992 Roland Robertson, Globalization: Social Theory and Global Culture, Sage, London. Robertson 1995 Roland Robertson, “Glocalization: Time–Space and Homogeneity–Heterogeneity”, Global Modernities, (Ed.) S. Lash M. Featherstone, R. Robertson, Sage, London, s. 25-54. Roudometof 2015 Victor Roudometof, "The Glocal and Global Studies." Globalizations, Vol:12, No:5, s. 774-787. Sachsenmaier 2009 Dominic Sachsenmaier, "Global History, Pluralism, and the Question of Traditions.", New Global Studies, Vol:3, No:3, s. 1-9. Said 1978 Edward Said, Orientalism, Penguin, London. Scholte 2000 Jan Aart Scholte, Globalization: A Critical Introduction, Palgrave Macmillan, London. Symonds 2018 Craig L. Symonds, World War II at Sea: A Global History, Oxford University Press, Oxford. New York Times, 11.07.2006. Wallerstein 2004 Immanuel Maurice Wallerstein, World-Systems Analysis: An Introduction, Duke University Press, Durham. Washbrook 1997 David Washbrook, "From Comparative Sociology to Global History: Britain and India in the Pre-History of Modernity", Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, Vol:40, No:4, s. 410-443. Washbrook 2013 David Washbrook, "Problems in Global History." Writing the History of the Global: Challenges for the 21st Century, (Ed.) Maxine Berg, Oxford University Press, Oxford, s. 21-31. Woolf 2012 Daniel Woolf, Tarihin Küresel Tarihi, Çev. Mehmet Moralı, Alfa, İstanbul. Yun Casalilla 2007 Bartolome Yun Casalilla, "Localism, Global History and Transnational History: A Reflection from the Historian of Early Modern Europe", Historisk Tidskrift, Vol:127, No:4, s. 659-678.

The Impact of Globalization Concept on Political History Writing

Yıl 2018, , 117 - 148, 12.07.2018


Starting from the 1990s, there has been a growing
interest on globalization concept in scholarly works. While the concept refers
to arising interchange of people, products, services and information among
countries, this article tackles with its affects on political history writing.
Rising interactions among societies bring the need for the writing history of
the common planet. Global history writing comes to the fore to respond such
need. In this article characteristics of the world history perspective which is
regarded as predecessor of global history are analyzed. These are Eurocentric,
nation state based and modernization theory based approaches. The main question
is whether mentioned characteristics would transform or perpetuate. It is
argued that when it comes to global history writing; these characteristics
would transform as discussed further in the manuscript. Besides that,
outstanding works conducted from a global history perspective are given to
stress its difference from world history perspective.


  • Alexander 2007 Jeffrey C. Alexander, “Globalization as Collective Representation: The New Dream of a Cosmopolitan Civil Sphere”, Frontiers of Globalization Research: Theoretical and Methodological Approaches, (Ed.) Ina Rossi, Springer, New York, s. 371-382. Assmann 2002 Jan Assmann, The Mind of Egypt: History and Meaning in the Time of the Pharaohs, Metropolitan Books, New York. Bayly 2004 Christopher Alan Bayly, The Birth of the Modern World, 1780-1914, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford. Berg 2013 Maxine Berg, “Global History: Approaches and New Directions”, Writing the History of the Global: Challenges for the 21st Century, (Ed.) Maxine Berg. Oxford University Press, Oxford, s. 1-18. Burke 1991 Peter Burke, New Perspectives on Historical Writing, Cambridge Univeristy Press, Cambridge. Chakrabarty 2000a Dipesh Chakrabarty, Provincializing Europe, Princeton University Press, Princeton. Chakrabarty 2000b Dipesh Chakrabarty, Rethinking Working-Class History: Bengal, 1890 to 1940, Princeton University Press, Princeton. Conrad 2016 Sebastian Conrad, What is Global History?, Princeton University Press, Princeton. Cutter et alii 2000 Bowman Cutter, Spero Joan and D'Andrea Tyson Laura, “New World, New Deal: A Democratic Approach to Globalization”, Foreign Affairs, Vol:79, No:2, s. 80-98. De Vries 2013 Jan de Vries, “Reflections on Doing Global History”, Writing the History of the Global: Challenges for the 21st Century, (Ed.) Maxine Berg, Oxford University Press, Oxford, s. 32-46. Frank 1970 Andre Gunder Frank, Latin America: Underdevelopment or Revolution; Essays on the Development of Underdevelopment and the Immediate Enemy, Monthly Review Press, New York 1970. Friedman 2000 Thomas Friedman, The Lexus and the Olive Tree: Understanding Globalization, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York. Fukuyama 2006 Francis Fukuyama, The End of History and the Last Man, Free Press, New York. Gelvin 2017 James L. Gelvin, “The Global History of the Balfour Declaration: Declared Nation by Maryanne A. Rhett, Routledge, Abingdon 2016”, Journal of Global History, Vol:12, No:3, 2017, s. 436–438. Geyer and Bright 1995 Michael Geyer and Charles Bright, “World History in a Global Age”, American Historical Review, Vol:100, No:4, s. 1034-1060. Gills and Thompson 2006 Barry K. Gills and William R. Thompson, “Globalizations, Global Histories, and Historical Globalizations”, Globalization and Global History, (Ed.) Barry K. Gills, William R. Thompson, Routledge, London, s. 1-15. Glancy 2014 Josh Glancy, "Yes, History's Death Was Exaggerated”, The Times, Ekim 28 2014, (Çevrimiçi),, 7 Ocak 2018. Held 1999 David Held, Global Transformations: Politics, Economics and Culture, Stanford University Press, Stanford. Held and McGrew 2008 David Held and Anthony G. McGrew, Küresel Dönüşümler: Büyük Küreselleşme Tartışması, Phoenix Yayınevi, Ankara. Hopkins 2002 Anthony G. Hopkins, Globalization in World History, W. W. Norton, New York. Huntington 1997 Samuel P. Huntington, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order, Penguin Books, India. Iggers et alii 2013 Georg G. Iggers, Q Edward Wang, and Supriya Mukherjee, A Global History of Modern Historiography, Routledge, New York. Inglehart and Welzel 2005 Ronald Inglehart and Christian Welzel, Modernization, Cultural Change, and Democracy: The Human Development Sequence, Cambridge University Press, New York. Istanbul Sehir University History Department, Global History Student Conference Istanbul 2018, Ocak 31 2018, (Çevrimiçi), 5 Ocak 2018, 2005. James and Steger 2014 Paul James and Manfred B. Steger, A Genealogy of ‘Globalization’: The Career of a Concept, Taylor & Francis, London. Jared 2008 Diamond Jared, Tüfek, Mikrop ve Çelik, Çev. Ülke İnce, TÜBİTAK Popüler Bilim Kitapları, Ankara. Jenkins 1997 Keith Jenkins, Tarihi Yeniden Düşünmek, Dost Kitabevi Yayınları, Ankara. Levitt 1983 Theodore Levitt, "The Globalization of Markets", Harvard Business Review, Vol:61, No:3, pp. 92-102. Lovett 1983 A. W. Lovett, "Braudel: Total History for Beginners", The Historical Journal, Vol:26, No:3, s. 747-753. Lyotard 1984 Jean François Lyotard, The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge, University of Minnesota Press, Minnesota. MacGillivray 2006 Alex MacGillivray, A Brief History of Globalization: The Untold Story of Our Incredible Shrinking Planet, Robinson, London. Mazlish 1998 Bruce Mazlish, “Comparing Global History to World History”, The Journal of Interdisciplinary History, Vol:28, No:3, s. 385-395. Mennell 1990 Stephen Mennell, "The Globalization of Human Society as a Very Long-Term Social Process: Elias's Theory", Theory, Culture & Society, Vol:7, No:2, s. 359-371. Mill 1966 John Stuart Mill, On Liberty, London, Springer. Northrup 2005 David Northrup, "Globalization and the Great Convergence: Rethinking World History in the Long Term", Journal of World History Vol:16, No:3, s. 249-267. Robertson 1992 Roland Robertson, Globalization: Social Theory and Global Culture, Sage, London. Robertson 1995 Roland Robertson, “Glocalization: Time–Space and Homogeneity–Heterogeneity”, Global Modernities, (Ed.) S. Lash M. Featherstone, R. Robertson, Sage, London, s. 25-54. Roudometof 2015 Victor Roudometof, "The Glocal and Global Studies." Globalizations, Vol:12, No:5, s. 774-787. Sachsenmaier 2009 Dominic Sachsenmaier, "Global History, Pluralism, and the Question of Traditions.", New Global Studies, Vol:3, No:3, s. 1-9. Said 1978 Edward Said, Orientalism, Penguin, London. Scholte 2000 Jan Aart Scholte, Globalization: A Critical Introduction, Palgrave Macmillan, London. Symonds 2018 Craig L. Symonds, World War II at Sea: A Global History, Oxford University Press, Oxford. New York Times, 11.07.2006. Wallerstein 2004 Immanuel Maurice Wallerstein, World-Systems Analysis: An Introduction, Duke University Press, Durham. Washbrook 1997 David Washbrook, "From Comparative Sociology to Global History: Britain and India in the Pre-History of Modernity", Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, Vol:40, No:4, s. 410-443. Washbrook 2013 David Washbrook, "Problems in Global History." Writing the History of the Global: Challenges for the 21st Century, (Ed.) Maxine Berg, Oxford University Press, Oxford, s. 21-31. Woolf 2012 Daniel Woolf, Tarihin Küresel Tarihi, Çev. Mehmet Moralı, Alfa, İstanbul. Yun Casalilla 2007 Bartolome Yun Casalilla, "Localism, Global History and Transnational History: A Reflection from the Historian of Early Modern Europe", Historisk Tidskrift, Vol:127, No:4, s. 659-678.
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe

Efe Sıvış Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 12 Temmuz 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

Kaynak Göster

APA Sıvış, E. (2018). Küreselleşme Kavramının Siyasi Tarih Yazımına Etkileri. Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi, 33(1), 117-148.
AMA Sıvış E. Küreselleşme Kavramının Siyasi Tarih Yazımına Etkileri. TID. Temmuz 2018;33(1):117-148. doi:10.18513/egetid.443314
Chicago Sıvış, Efe. “Küreselleşme Kavramının Siyasi Tarih Yazımına Etkileri”. Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi 33, sy. 1 (Temmuz 2018): 117-48.
EndNote Sıvış E (01 Temmuz 2018) Küreselleşme Kavramının Siyasi Tarih Yazımına Etkileri. Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi 33 1 117–148.
IEEE E. Sıvış, “Küreselleşme Kavramının Siyasi Tarih Yazımına Etkileri”, TID, c. 33, sy. 1, ss. 117–148, 2018, doi: 10.18513/egetid.443314.
ISNAD Sıvış, Efe. “Küreselleşme Kavramının Siyasi Tarih Yazımına Etkileri”. Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi 33/1 (Temmuz 2018), 117-148.
JAMA Sıvış E. Küreselleşme Kavramının Siyasi Tarih Yazımına Etkileri. TID. 2018;33:117–148.
MLA Sıvış, Efe. “Küreselleşme Kavramının Siyasi Tarih Yazımına Etkileri”. Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi, c. 33, sy. 1, 2018, ss. 117-48, doi:10.18513/egetid.443314.
Vancouver Sıvış E. Küreselleşme Kavramının Siyasi Tarih Yazımına Etkileri. TID. 2018;33(1):117-48.