Research Article
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Year 2024, Volume: 39 Issue: 1, 1 - 17, 26.07.2024


Orta Fırat bölgesinde yer alan Aštata, Eski Yakındoğu kaynaklarından bilinen bir yer adıdır. Hem şehir hem de ülke belirteci ile görülen Aštata’nın yeri konusunda bazı tartışmalar bulunmaktadır. Hitit- Mitanni Devletleri arasında yapılan Šattivaza antlaşmasında, iki ülke arasında sınırlar belirlenirken Mitanni’nin komşusu olan Aštata’nın da hudutlarından bahsedilmiştir. Ancak, antlaşmada Aštata’nın coğrafi durumu, Mitanni kontrolünden sonra Hitit egemenliğinden hemen öncesini göstermektedir. Çivi yazılı belgeler ve arkeojik verilerden Hitit egemenliğine geçtikten sonra, Aštata’nın sınırlarının değiştiği anlaşılmaktadır.


  • Adamthwaite 2001 M.R. Adamthwaite, Late Hittite Emar: The Chronology, Synchronisms and Socio-Political Aspect of a Late Bronze Age Fortress Town, Leuvain: Peeters Press.
  • Archi 1980 A. Archi, “Materiale Epigrafica Ittita da Tell Fray”, Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici 22, s. 31-32.
  • Archi 2014 A. Archi, “Aštata: A Case of Hittite Imperial Religious Policy”, Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions 14, s. 141- 163.
  • Arıkan 2017 Y. Arıkan, “Hitit Dininin Tarihi Gelişimi ve Hitit Panteonu”, Yaşar Coşkun’a Saygı Yazıları, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Yayınları, Kafkasya & Orta Asya Arkeoloji Araştırmaları Merkezi, s.41-72.
  • Beckman 1999 G. M. Beckman, Hittite Diplomatic Texts; 2nd Edition (SBL Writings from the Ancient World 7), Atlanta- Georgia, Scholars Press.
  • Beckman vd. 2011 G. Beckman, T. Bryce ve E. Cline, The Ahhiyawa Texts, Society of Biblical Literature, Atlanta.
  • Cohen 2005 Y. Cohen, “A Family Plot: Zu-Bala Family of Diviners and Hittite Administration in the Land of Aštata”, Act of the Vth International Congresks of Hititology Çorum, September 02-08,2002, Aygül Süel (Yayına Hazırlayan), s.213-224.
  • Cohen 2012 Y. Cohen, “Aḫī-Malik: The Last “overseer of the Land” in the City of Emar”, K. Abraham ve J. Fleishman (Ed.), Looking at the Ancient Near East and the Bible Through the Same Eyes, CDL Pres, Bethesda- Maryland.
  • Cohen 2013 Y. Cohen, “Problems in the History and Chronogy of Emar”, Kaskal 10, s. 281- 294.
  • Cohen 2017 Y. Cohen, “The Historical Geography of Hittite Syrian: Philology”, M. Weeden ve L. Z. Ullmann (Ed.), Hittite Landscape and Geography, Handbook of Oriental Studies, s. 295- 310.
  • Cohen 2019 Y. Cohen, “Forging an Empire: The Land of Aštata According to the Šattivaza Treaty (CTH 51) and Additional Sources”, De l’Argile au Numérique, Mélanges Assyriologiques en l’Honneur de D. Charpin, Peeters: Leuven- Paris- Bristol, CT, s. 279-298.
  • Cohen ve d’Alfonso 2008 Y. Cohen ve L. d’Alfonso, “The Duration of the Emar Archives and the Relative and Absolute Chronology of the City”, L. d’Alfonso, Y. Cohen ve D. Sürenhagen (Ed.), The City of Emar among the Late Bronze Age Empire. History, Landschape and Society, Proceedings of the Konstanz Emar Conference 25-26.04.2006: s. 3-25 AOAT 349, Münster: Ugarit- Verlag.
  • Fleming 1992 D. Fleming, “A Limited Kingship: Late Bronze Emar in Ancient Syria”, Ugarit Forschungen 24, s. 59- 71.
  • Goetze 1953 A. Goetze, “An Old Babylonian Itinerary”, JCS 7/2, s.51-82.
  • Hagenbuchner 1989 A. Hagenbuchner, Die Korrespondenz der Hethiter, Teil 2, Heidelberg: Carl Winter- Universtäts Verlag.
  • Hoffmann 1984 I. Hoffmann, Der Erlaß Telepinus, THeth 11, Heidelberg: Carl Winter- Universtäts Verlag.
  • Hoffner 2009 H.A.Hoffner, Letters from the Hittite Kingdom (SBL Writings from the Ancient World 15), Atlanta, Society of Biblical Literature.
  • Klengel 1970 H. Klengel, Geschichte Syriens im 2. Jahrtausend V.U.Z. Teil 3: Historische Geographie und Allgemeine Darstellung, Institut für Orientforschung, Veröffentlichung 40, Berlin.
  • Margueron ve Boutte 1995, J.C. Margueron ve V. Boutte, “Emar, Capital of Aštata in the Fourteenth Century BCE”, The Biblical Archaeologist 58/3, s.126-138.
  • Miller 2007 J. Miller, “Joins and Dublicates among the Bogazköy Tablets (11-20)”, Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie 97, s. 125-132.
  • Murat 2009 L. Murat, “Goddess Išhara”, Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi 28/ 45, s. 159-190.
  • Rouault 2009 O. Rouault, “Assyrians, Aramaeans and Babylonians: The Syrian Lower Middle Euphrates Valley at the End of the Bronze Age”, Syria 86, s. 133-139.
  • Salvini ve Trémouille 2003 M. Salvini ve M. C. Trémouille, “Les Textes Hittites de Meskéne/ Emar”, Studi Micenei ed Egeo Anatolici 45/2, s. 225-271.
  • Singer 2002 I. Singer, Hittite Prayer, Writing from the Ancient World Society of Biblical Literature, Brill, Leiden- Boston- Köln.
  • Skaist 1998 A. Skaist, “The Chronology of the Legal Texts from Emar”, Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie 88, s.45-71.
  • Taş 2008 İ. Taş, Hitit Kralı IV. Tuthaliya, Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Weidner 1923 E. Weidner, Politische Dokumente aus Kleinasien. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs Verlag.
  • Van Exel 2010 V. J. van Exel, “Social Change at Emar: The Influence of the Hittite Occupation on Local Traditions”, Revue d’Assyriologie et d’Archéologie Orientale 104/1, s.65-86.
  • Yamada 1994 M. Yamada, “Northern Border of the Land of Aštata”, Acta Sumerologica 16, s.261-268.
  • Yamada 1998 M. Yamada, “The Family of Zū-Ba’la the Diviner and the Hittites”, Israel Oriental Studies XVIII, s.323-334.
  • Yamada 2011 M. Yamada, “The Second Military Conflict Between ‘Assyria’ and ‘Hatti’ in the Reign of Tukulti-Ninurta I”, Revue d’Assyriologie et d’Archéologie Orientale 105, s.199-220.
  • Yamada 2015 M. Yamada, “The Land of Aštata in the 14th Century B.C. Before the Hittite Conqest”, Orientalia 84/ 3, s.276-291.
Year 2024, Volume: 39 Issue: 1, 1 - 17, 26.07.2024



  • Adamthwaite 2001 M.R. Adamthwaite, Late Hittite Emar: The Chronology, Synchronisms and Socio-Political Aspect of a Late Bronze Age Fortress Town, Leuvain: Peeters Press.
  • Archi 1980 A. Archi, “Materiale Epigrafica Ittita da Tell Fray”, Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici 22, s. 31-32.
  • Archi 2014 A. Archi, “Aštata: A Case of Hittite Imperial Religious Policy”, Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions 14, s. 141- 163.
  • Arıkan 2017 Y. Arıkan, “Hitit Dininin Tarihi Gelişimi ve Hitit Panteonu”, Yaşar Coşkun’a Saygı Yazıları, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Yayınları, Kafkasya & Orta Asya Arkeoloji Araştırmaları Merkezi, s.41-72.
  • Beckman 1999 G. M. Beckman, Hittite Diplomatic Texts; 2nd Edition (SBL Writings from the Ancient World 7), Atlanta- Georgia, Scholars Press.
  • Beckman vd. 2011 G. Beckman, T. Bryce ve E. Cline, The Ahhiyawa Texts, Society of Biblical Literature, Atlanta.
  • Cohen 2005 Y. Cohen, “A Family Plot: Zu-Bala Family of Diviners and Hittite Administration in the Land of Aštata”, Act of the Vth International Congresks of Hititology Çorum, September 02-08,2002, Aygül Süel (Yayına Hazırlayan), s.213-224.
  • Cohen 2012 Y. Cohen, “Aḫī-Malik: The Last “overseer of the Land” in the City of Emar”, K. Abraham ve J. Fleishman (Ed.), Looking at the Ancient Near East and the Bible Through the Same Eyes, CDL Pres, Bethesda- Maryland.
  • Cohen 2013 Y. Cohen, “Problems in the History and Chronogy of Emar”, Kaskal 10, s. 281- 294.
  • Cohen 2017 Y. Cohen, “The Historical Geography of Hittite Syrian: Philology”, M. Weeden ve L. Z. Ullmann (Ed.), Hittite Landscape and Geography, Handbook of Oriental Studies, s. 295- 310.
  • Cohen 2019 Y. Cohen, “Forging an Empire: The Land of Aštata According to the Šattivaza Treaty (CTH 51) and Additional Sources”, De l’Argile au Numérique, Mélanges Assyriologiques en l’Honneur de D. Charpin, Peeters: Leuven- Paris- Bristol, CT, s. 279-298.
  • Cohen ve d’Alfonso 2008 Y. Cohen ve L. d’Alfonso, “The Duration of the Emar Archives and the Relative and Absolute Chronology of the City”, L. d’Alfonso, Y. Cohen ve D. Sürenhagen (Ed.), The City of Emar among the Late Bronze Age Empire. History, Landschape and Society, Proceedings of the Konstanz Emar Conference 25-26.04.2006: s. 3-25 AOAT 349, Münster: Ugarit- Verlag.
  • Fleming 1992 D. Fleming, “A Limited Kingship: Late Bronze Emar in Ancient Syria”, Ugarit Forschungen 24, s. 59- 71.
  • Goetze 1953 A. Goetze, “An Old Babylonian Itinerary”, JCS 7/2, s.51-82.
  • Hagenbuchner 1989 A. Hagenbuchner, Die Korrespondenz der Hethiter, Teil 2, Heidelberg: Carl Winter- Universtäts Verlag.
  • Hoffmann 1984 I. Hoffmann, Der Erlaß Telepinus, THeth 11, Heidelberg: Carl Winter- Universtäts Verlag.
  • Hoffner 2009 H.A.Hoffner, Letters from the Hittite Kingdom (SBL Writings from the Ancient World 15), Atlanta, Society of Biblical Literature.
  • Klengel 1970 H. Klengel, Geschichte Syriens im 2. Jahrtausend V.U.Z. Teil 3: Historische Geographie und Allgemeine Darstellung, Institut für Orientforschung, Veröffentlichung 40, Berlin.
  • Margueron ve Boutte 1995, J.C. Margueron ve V. Boutte, “Emar, Capital of Aštata in the Fourteenth Century BCE”, The Biblical Archaeologist 58/3, s.126-138.
  • Miller 2007 J. Miller, “Joins and Dublicates among the Bogazköy Tablets (11-20)”, Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie 97, s. 125-132.
  • Murat 2009 L. Murat, “Goddess Išhara”, Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi 28/ 45, s. 159-190.
  • Rouault 2009 O. Rouault, “Assyrians, Aramaeans and Babylonians: The Syrian Lower Middle Euphrates Valley at the End of the Bronze Age”, Syria 86, s. 133-139.
  • Salvini ve Trémouille 2003 M. Salvini ve M. C. Trémouille, “Les Textes Hittites de Meskéne/ Emar”, Studi Micenei ed Egeo Anatolici 45/2, s. 225-271.
  • Singer 2002 I. Singer, Hittite Prayer, Writing from the Ancient World Society of Biblical Literature, Brill, Leiden- Boston- Köln.
  • Skaist 1998 A. Skaist, “The Chronology of the Legal Texts from Emar”, Zeitschrift für Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archäologie 88, s.45-71.
  • Taş 2008 İ. Taş, Hitit Kralı IV. Tuthaliya, Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Weidner 1923 E. Weidner, Politische Dokumente aus Kleinasien. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs Verlag.
  • Van Exel 2010 V. J. van Exel, “Social Change at Emar: The Influence of the Hittite Occupation on Local Traditions”, Revue d’Assyriologie et d’Archéologie Orientale 104/1, s.65-86.
  • Yamada 1994 M. Yamada, “Northern Border of the Land of Aštata”, Acta Sumerologica 16, s.261-268.
  • Yamada 1998 M. Yamada, “The Family of Zū-Ba’la the Diviner and the Hittites”, Israel Oriental Studies XVIII, s.323-334.
  • Yamada 2011 M. Yamada, “The Second Military Conflict Between ‘Assyria’ and ‘Hatti’ in the Reign of Tukulti-Ninurta I”, Revue d’Assyriologie et d’Archéologie Orientale 105, s.199-220.
  • Yamada 2015 M. Yamada, “The Land of Aštata in the 14th Century B.C. Before the Hittite Conqest”, Orientalia 84/ 3, s.276-291.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Military Geography, Political History (Other)
Journal Section ARTICLES

Cansu Altun 0000-0003-1662-2843

Publication Date July 26, 2024
Submission Date February 11, 2024
Acceptance Date May 2, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 39 Issue: 1


APA Altun, C. (2024). HİTİT KAYNAKLARINDA AŠTATA VE DEĞİŞEN COĞRAFİ SINIRLARI. Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi, 39(1), 1-17.
AMA Altun C. HİTİT KAYNAKLARINDA AŠTATA VE DEĞİŞEN COĞRAFİ SINIRLARI. TID. July 2024;39(1):1-17. doi:10.18513/egetid.1435080
Chicago Altun, Cansu. “HİTİT KAYNAKLARINDA AŠTATA VE DEĞİŞEN COĞRAFİ SINIRLARI”. Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi 39, no. 1 (July 2024): 1-17.
EndNote Altun C (July 1, 2024) HİTİT KAYNAKLARINDA AŠTATA VE DEĞİŞEN COĞRAFİ SINIRLARI. Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi 39 1 1–17.
IEEE C. Altun, “HİTİT KAYNAKLARINDA AŠTATA VE DEĞİŞEN COĞRAFİ SINIRLARI”, TID, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 1–17, 2024, doi: 10.18513/egetid.1435080.
ISNAD Altun, Cansu. “HİTİT KAYNAKLARINDA AŠTATA VE DEĞİŞEN COĞRAFİ SINIRLARI”. Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi 39/1 (July 2024), 1-17.
MLA Altun, Cansu. “HİTİT KAYNAKLARINDA AŠTATA VE DEĞİŞEN COĞRAFİ SINIRLARI”. Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi, vol. 39, no. 1, 2024, pp. 1-17, doi:10.18513/egetid.1435080.