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Gençlik Çalışmalarında Yapı ve Failliği Yeniden Düşünmek

Year 2021, Volume: 10 Issue: 28, 85 - 99, 23.04.2021


Gençlik modern toplumların başlangıcından itibaren yoğun anlam yüklü bir kategori olarak, toplumların norm ve taleplerine uygun olarak dönüştürülmesi, yeniden üretim işlevini yerine getirmesi gereken bir toplumsal grup olarak görülmüştür. Bu süreçte, akademik literatür, politik alan ve medya ile birlikte gençlik üzerine dönemden döneme değişen değer ve anlam katmanları oluşturarak, bir söylem alanı geliştirmiştir. Gençliğin nasıl tanımlandığı, gençlikle ilgili hangi unsurların ön plana çıkarıldığı,
toplumsal alanın hangi unsurlarıyla ilişki içerisinde tanımlandığı önemli sosyal göstergeler haline gelmiştir. Sosyoloji disiplini içerisinde ise gençlik çalışmalarında iki yaklaşımın ağırlıkta olduğu görülmektedir. İlki gençlikten yetişkinliğe geçişi sosyo-ekonomik göstergeler üzerinden anlamaya çalışan yapısalcılık olarak genellenebilecek yaklaşım, ikincisi gençliği sosyo- kültürel alanın göstergelerine göre inceleyen, bireylerin öznelliğini ön plana çıkaran kültürel çalışmalardır. Bu iki perspektif 1980’lerden beri gençlik çalışmalarında oldukça önemli bir yere sahip olmuş ancak yakın zamana kadar aralarında süregiden ayrım aşılamamıştır.
Bu çalışma iki perspektifi odağına alarak, gençlik çalışmalarının ontolojik temellerini irdelemeyi, gençliğin sosyal değişimini yapılan araştırmalar üzerinden değerlendirmeyi ve bu iki yaklaşımı birlikte düşünmenin olanaklarını incelemeye çalışmaktadır. Teorik olarak farklı geleneklere dayanan bu iki yaklaşımın, ekonomik dönüşümler, sosyal belirsizlik ve hızlı teknolojik gelişim ile birlikte aralarındaki ayrımların silikleşmekte olduğu ve gençliğin bugünkü durumunu anlamada birlikte düşünülmelerinin gerekliliği öne sürülmektedir.


  • ARNETT, Jeffrey Jensen, (2000), “Emerging Adulthood: A Theory of Development From The Late Teens Through The Twenties”. American Psychologist, LV,5: 469–480.
  • BAUMAN, Zygmunt, (2005), Bireyselleşmiş Toplum, (Çeviren:Y. Alogan) İstanbul:Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • BATCHELOR, Susan, FRASER, Alistair, WHİTTAKER Lisa. ve LI, Leona, (2020), Precarious Leisure: (Re)İmagining Youth, Transitions and Temporality. Journal of Youth Studies, XXIII,1: 93-108.
  • BENDIT, Rene. ve HAHN BLEIBTREU, Marina, (2008), Youth Transitions: Processes of Social Inclusion and Patterns of Vulnerability in a Globalised World, Opladen Farmington Hills: Barbara Budrich Publishers.
  • BENNIT, Andy. ve ROBARDS, Brady, (2014), Mediated Youth Cultures: The Internet, Belonging and New Cultural Configurations, Palgrave Mcmillan.
  • BLACKMAN, Shane, (2005), Youth Subcultural Theory: A Critical Engagement with The Concept, Its Origins and Politics, From The Chicago School to Postmodernism. Journal of Youth Studies, VIII,1: 1-/20.
  • BURRELL, Gibson. ve Morgan, Gareth, (1979), Sociological Paradigms and Organisational Analysis : Elements of the Sociology of Corporate Life,London: Heinemann Educational Books.
  • COFFEY, Julia. ve FARRUGİA, David. (2014), Unpacking The Black Box: The Problem of Agency In The Sociology of Youth, Journal Of Youth Studies. XVII,4: 461-474.
  • COTE, James, (2000), Arrested Adulthood: The Changing Nature of Maturity and Identity, Newyork: NYU Press.
  • COTE, James, (2014), Youth studies: Fundamental Issues and Debates. Hampshire: Palgrave Mcmillan
  • DAVIS, John, (1990), Youth and The Condition of Britain. London: Athlone.
  • EVANS, K. (2007), Concepts of Bounded Agency In Education, Work, and The Personal Lives of Young Adults, International Journal Of Psychology, XLII, 2: 85–93.
  • France, Alan, (2007), Understanding Youth In Late Modernity, Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill Education.
  • France, Alan. ve Treadgold, Steven, (2016), Youth and Political Economy: Towards A Bourdieusian Approach. Journal of Youth Studies, XIX,5: 612–628.
  • FURLONG, Andy, CARTMEL, Fred, BIGGART, Andy, SWEETING, Helen. ve WEST, Patrick, (2003), Youth Transitions: Patterns of Vulnerability and Processes of Social Inclusion, 25.09.2020 tarihinde sayfasından erişilmiştir. Furlong, Andy, Woodman, Dan. ve Wyn, Johanna, (2011), Changing Times, Changing Perspectives: Reconciling ‘Transition’ and ‘Cultural’ Perspectives on Youth and Young Adulthood. Journal of Sociology, XLVII,4: 355–370.
  • GRIFFIN, Cristine, (1993), Representations of Youth: The Study of Youth and Adolescence in Britain and America. Cambridge:Polity Press.
  • HOLDSWORT, Clare. ve MORGAN, David, (2005), Transitions In Context: Leaving Home, Independence And Adulthood, Berkshire:Open University Press.
  • JOHANSSON, Thomas, (2016), Youth Studies In Transition: Theoretical Explorations, International Review of Sociology, XXVII,4: 510-524
  • KELLY, Mark. G. E, (2013), Foucault, Subjectivity, and Technologies of The Self, 25.09.2020 tarihinde Subjectivity_and_Technologies_of_the_Self sayfasından erişilmiştir.
  • KUGELBERG, Clarissa, (2000), Young Adult Life with and without Limits.Different Discourses Around Becoming Adult Among Swedish Young People, Young, XIII, 1: 36-53. LEHMANN, Wolfgang, (2004),`For Some Reason, I Get A Little Scared’: Structure, Agency, and Risk In School Work Transitions, Journal of Youth Studies, VII,4: 379- 396.
  • MEAD, Margaret, (2001), Coming of Age In Samoa: A Psychological Study of Primitive Youth for Western Civilisation, Newyork:Harper Perennial.
  • MIZEN, Phil, (2004), The Changing State of Youth. New York: Palgrave
  • NISBET, Robert, (2017), The Sociological Tradition, London:Routledge.
  • PAIS, Machado, J, (2002), Transitions and Youth Cultures: Forms and Performances, International Social Science Journal, LII,164: 219-232.
  • PEVORİK, Bojana, (2016), Defining youth in contemporary national legal and policy frameworks across Europe. 15.08.2020 tarihinde, adresinden erişildi. REAY, Diane, (2001), Finding or Losing Yourself? Working-Class Relationships to Education, Journal of Education Policy, XVI,4: 333-346.
  • ROBERTS, Ken, CLARK, Stan, C. ve WALLACE, Claire. D, (1994), Flexibility and Individualisation: A Comparison of Transitions into Employment in England and Germany, Sociology, XXVIII,1: 31-54.
  • SHİLDRİCK, Tracy. ve MACDONALD, Robert, (2007), Biographies of Exclusion: Poor Work and Poor Transitions. International Journal of Lifelong Education, XXVI, 5: 589-604.
  • THOMSON, Rachel, HOLLAND, Janet, MCGRELLIS, BELL, Robert, HENDERSON, Sheena. ve SHARPE, Sue, (2004), Inventing Adulthoods: A Biographical Approach to Understanding Youth Citizenship, The Sociological Review, LII, 2: 218-239
  • WESTBERG, Annika, (2004), Forever Young? Young People’s Conception of Adulthood: The Swedish Case, Journal of Youth Studies, XII, 1: 5-53.
Year 2021, Volume: 10 Issue: 28, 85 - 99, 23.04.2021



  • ARNETT, Jeffrey Jensen, (2000), “Emerging Adulthood: A Theory of Development From The Late Teens Through The Twenties”. American Psychologist, LV,5: 469–480.
  • BAUMAN, Zygmunt, (2005), Bireyselleşmiş Toplum, (Çeviren:Y. Alogan) İstanbul:Ayrıntı Yayınları.
  • BATCHELOR, Susan, FRASER, Alistair, WHİTTAKER Lisa. ve LI, Leona, (2020), Precarious Leisure: (Re)İmagining Youth, Transitions and Temporality. Journal of Youth Studies, XXIII,1: 93-108.
  • BENDIT, Rene. ve HAHN BLEIBTREU, Marina, (2008), Youth Transitions: Processes of Social Inclusion and Patterns of Vulnerability in a Globalised World, Opladen Farmington Hills: Barbara Budrich Publishers.
  • BENNIT, Andy. ve ROBARDS, Brady, (2014), Mediated Youth Cultures: The Internet, Belonging and New Cultural Configurations, Palgrave Mcmillan.
  • BLACKMAN, Shane, (2005), Youth Subcultural Theory: A Critical Engagement with The Concept, Its Origins and Politics, From The Chicago School to Postmodernism. Journal of Youth Studies, VIII,1: 1-/20.
  • BURRELL, Gibson. ve Morgan, Gareth, (1979), Sociological Paradigms and Organisational Analysis : Elements of the Sociology of Corporate Life,London: Heinemann Educational Books.
  • COFFEY, Julia. ve FARRUGİA, David. (2014), Unpacking The Black Box: The Problem of Agency In The Sociology of Youth, Journal Of Youth Studies. XVII,4: 461-474.
  • COTE, James, (2000), Arrested Adulthood: The Changing Nature of Maturity and Identity, Newyork: NYU Press.
  • COTE, James, (2014), Youth studies: Fundamental Issues and Debates. Hampshire: Palgrave Mcmillan
  • DAVIS, John, (1990), Youth and The Condition of Britain. London: Athlone.
  • EVANS, K. (2007), Concepts of Bounded Agency In Education, Work, and The Personal Lives of Young Adults, International Journal Of Psychology, XLII, 2: 85–93.
  • France, Alan, (2007), Understanding Youth In Late Modernity, Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill Education.
  • France, Alan. ve Treadgold, Steven, (2016), Youth and Political Economy: Towards A Bourdieusian Approach. Journal of Youth Studies, XIX,5: 612–628.
  • FURLONG, Andy, CARTMEL, Fred, BIGGART, Andy, SWEETING, Helen. ve WEST, Patrick, (2003), Youth Transitions: Patterns of Vulnerability and Processes of Social Inclusion, 25.09.2020 tarihinde sayfasından erişilmiştir. Furlong, Andy, Woodman, Dan. ve Wyn, Johanna, (2011), Changing Times, Changing Perspectives: Reconciling ‘Transition’ and ‘Cultural’ Perspectives on Youth and Young Adulthood. Journal of Sociology, XLVII,4: 355–370.
  • GRIFFIN, Cristine, (1993), Representations of Youth: The Study of Youth and Adolescence in Britain and America. Cambridge:Polity Press.
  • HOLDSWORT, Clare. ve MORGAN, David, (2005), Transitions In Context: Leaving Home, Independence And Adulthood, Berkshire:Open University Press.
  • JOHANSSON, Thomas, (2016), Youth Studies In Transition: Theoretical Explorations, International Review of Sociology, XXVII,4: 510-524
  • KELLY, Mark. G. E, (2013), Foucault, Subjectivity, and Technologies of The Self, 25.09.2020 tarihinde Subjectivity_and_Technologies_of_the_Self sayfasından erişilmiştir.
  • KUGELBERG, Clarissa, (2000), Young Adult Life with and without Limits.Different Discourses Around Becoming Adult Among Swedish Young People, Young, XIII, 1: 36-53. LEHMANN, Wolfgang, (2004),`For Some Reason, I Get A Little Scared’: Structure, Agency, and Risk In School Work Transitions, Journal of Youth Studies, VII,4: 379- 396.
  • MEAD, Margaret, (2001), Coming of Age In Samoa: A Psychological Study of Primitive Youth for Western Civilisation, Newyork:Harper Perennial.
  • MIZEN, Phil, (2004), The Changing State of Youth. New York: Palgrave
  • NISBET, Robert, (2017), The Sociological Tradition, London:Routledge.
  • PAIS, Machado, J, (2002), Transitions and Youth Cultures: Forms and Performances, International Social Science Journal, LII,164: 219-232.
  • PEVORİK, Bojana, (2016), Defining youth in contemporary national legal and policy frameworks across Europe. 15.08.2020 tarihinde, adresinden erişildi. REAY, Diane, (2001), Finding or Losing Yourself? Working-Class Relationships to Education, Journal of Education Policy, XVI,4: 333-346.
  • ROBERTS, Ken, CLARK, Stan, C. ve WALLACE, Claire. D, (1994), Flexibility and Individualisation: A Comparison of Transitions into Employment in England and Germany, Sociology, XXVIII,1: 31-54.
  • SHİLDRİCK, Tracy. ve MACDONALD, Robert, (2007), Biographies of Exclusion: Poor Work and Poor Transitions. International Journal of Lifelong Education, XXVI, 5: 589-604.
  • THOMSON, Rachel, HOLLAND, Janet, MCGRELLIS, BELL, Robert, HENDERSON, Sheena. ve SHARPE, Sue, (2004), Inventing Adulthoods: A Biographical Approach to Understanding Youth Citizenship, The Sociological Review, LII, 2: 218-239
  • WESTBERG, Annika, (2004), Forever Young? Young People’s Conception of Adulthood: The Swedish Case, Journal of Youth Studies, XII, 1: 5-53.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Other Fields of Education
Journal Section Eğitim ve Toplum Sayı 28 [tr]

Merve Yalçınkaya This is me 0000-0002-0284-6929

Publication Date April 23, 2021
Submission Date January 4, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 10 Issue: 28


APA Yalçınkaya, M. (2021). Gençlik Çalışmalarında Yapı ve Failliği Yeniden Düşünmek. 21. Yüzyılda Eğitim Ve Toplum, 10(28), 85-99.

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