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Avrupa Bı̇rlı̇ğı̇ Ülkelerı̇nde Meslekı̇ Yönlendı̇rmelerı̇n İncelenmesi

Year 2014, Issue: 9, 93 - 129, 23.07.2016


Bu araştırmada Avrupa Birliği üye ülkelerinin mesleki eğitim açısından eğitim sistemleri incelenmekte ve bu ülkelerde mesleki yönlendirmeye ilişkin karşılaştırmalı analizler yapılmaktadır. Araştırmada Avrupa Birliği’ne üye ülkelerin eğitim sistemlerinin zorunlu eğitim kapsamında mesleki yönlendirme ve geçişlerin nasıl yapıldığının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Arastırma tarama niteliğinde bir çalısma olup, EURYDICE (2012) OECD (2011), OECD (2010)’den erişilebilen bilgiler ve mesleki yönlendirme ile ilgili literatür taraması yoluyla edinilen bilgilerden yararlanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda Avrupa Birliği ülkelerinde mesleki rehberlikten, sadece merkezi hükümetin değil aynı zamanda yerel otoriteler, kurum, kuruluşlar ve okul yönetimlerinin de sorumlu olduğu görülmektedir. Avrupa birliği ülkelerinin eğitim sistemleri incelendiğinde mesleki yönlendirmelerin genellikle lise düzeyinde yapıldığı görülmektedir


  • Adam, S.(2004). Using learning outcomes: a consideration of the nature, role, application and implications for European education of employing ‘learning outcomes’ at the local, national and international levels. United Kingdom Bologna Seminar, Heriot-Watt University (Edinburgh Conference Centre)Edinburgh, Scotland.
  • Bol T.,Van de Werfhorst H. (2013). The Measurement of Tracking, Vocational Orientation, and Standardization of Educational Systems: a Comparative Approach. AIAS, GINI Discussion Paper 81.
  • Bozgeyikli, H. (2008). Mesleki grup rehberliğinin ilköğretim 8. sınıf öğrencilerinin meslek kararı verme yetkinlik düzeylerine etkisi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Kazım Karabekir Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi 18, 36-58.
  • CEDEFOP (2008). Hayat Boyu Rehberlik İçin Ulusal Politika Kurulması ve Geliştirilmesi. Politika Yapıcılar ve Paydaşlar için Bir Kılavuz. Cedefop, Avrupa Topluluklarının Resmi Yayınlar Bürosu.
  • Coetzee, M., Bergh, Z., & Schreuder, D. (2010). The influence of career orientations on subjective work experiences. SA Journal of Human Resource Management/SA Tydskrif vir Menslikehulpbronbestuur 8, 1.
  • Conkel, Z (2010) PromotingViable Career Choice Goalsthrough Career DecisionMaking Self-Efficacy and CareerMaturity in Inner-City High School Students: A Test of Social Cognitive Career Theory. Pro Quest LLC”. Doktora tezi, University of Minnesota.
  • Coetzee, M., Bergh, Z., & Schreuder, D. (2010). The influence of career orientations on subjective work experiences. SA Journal of Human Resource Management/SA Tydskrif vir Menslikehulpbronbestuur, 8(1).
  • Dabula, P. ve Makura, A.H. (2013). High School Students’ Perceptions of Career Guidance and Development Programmes for University Access. Int J Edu Sci 5(2), 89-97.
  • Deci, E.L., Ryan, R.M., (2002). The paradox of achievement: the harder you push, the worse it gets. In: J. Aronson, ed. Improving academic achievement: Contributions of social psychology. New York: Academic Press, 59-85.
  • Duman, H., Özpeynirci, R. Ve Bezirci, M. (2005). Bilgi çağının değiştirdiği 21. yüzyılın rekabet anlayışına bağlı olarak geleneksel muhasebeden stratejik muhasebeye. Selçuk Üniversitesi Karaman İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi 2(5).
  • European Commission (2012). Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council,the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. Rethinking Education: Investing in skills for better socio-economic outcomes. < com669_en.pdf>. [10 Ocak 2014].
  • EACEA/Eurydice (2010). New skills for new jobs: policy ınitiatives in the field of education. Brussels: Eurydice.
  • EACEA/Eurydice, (2012). Key Data on Education in Europe 2012. Brussels: Eurydice. Eurydice (2011). Description of education systems in Europe. (Country Reports). <http:// [30.12.2013].
  • Eurydice (2012). Developing Key Competences at School in Europe: Challenges and Opportunities for Policy < documents/thematic_reports/145EN.pdf>. [30.12.2013].
  • Eurostat (2011). Education Statistics. [Online] < statistics_explained/index.php/Education_statistics>.[10 Ocak 2014].
  • Eurostat (2012). Statistics: Education and Training. < portal/page/portal/education/data/database>.[10 Ocak 2014].
  • Furlong, A.,ve Biggart, A. (1999). Framing ‘Choices’: a longitudinal study of occupational aspirations among 13- to 16-year-olds. Journal of Education and Work 12(1), 21-35.EURYDICE /CEDEFOP (2013). Labour market outcomes of vocational educatiobn in Europe. evidence from the European Union labour force survey. <>. [02.01.2014].
  • Euroguidance (2012). 2012 yılı mesleki rehberlik ve danışmanlık hizmetleri çalıştay raporu. Euroguidance, Ankara.Gibbs, R., Poskitt, J. (2010). Student Engagement in the Middle Years of Schooling (Years 7-10): A Literature Review. Report to the Ministry of Education. Ministry of Education, New Zealand.<http://www.> [11 Ocak 2014].
  • Heslin, P.A. (2005). Conceptualizing and evaluating career success. Journal of Organizational Behavior 26, 113–136
  • Joseph Ojo, B. ve Eunice Olufunmilayo, O. (2013). Effects of group guidance and counselling technİques on students’ vocational maturity in Ekiti State secondary schools, Ekiti State, Nigeria. European Scientific Journal October 9(29), 1857 – 7881.Lavonen, J. vd.(2008). Students’ motivational orientations and career choice in science and technology: a comparative investigation in Finland and Latvia. Journal of Baltic Science Education 7(2), 86-102.
  • Lazarus, K.U. ve Ihuoma, C. (2013). The Role of Guidance Counsellors in the Career Development of Adolescents and Young Adults with Special Needs. British Journal of Arts and Social Sciences 16(1), ISSN: 2046-9578.
  • Manitoba (2004). Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth and Manitoba Advanced Education and Training Cataloguing in Publication Data. The Role of Guidance in Post Secondary Planning: Findings for Manitoba. Ministers of Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth and Manitoba Advanced Education and Training.
  • MEB (2012). Türkiye’de Hayat Boyu Öğrenmenin Geliştirilmesi Projesi. TİSK - HBÖ Çalışma Grubu
  • MEB (2013). Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı Meslekî Ve Teknik Eğitim Strateji Belgesi Ve Eylem Planı 2013-2017. < Belgesi_ve_Eylem_Plani_TASLAK_10.05.2013.pdf> [2 Ocak 2014].
  • Mosberger, B. vd. (2012). Grup Ortamında Uluslararası Mesleki Yönlendirmede Yöntemler El Kitabı. NAVIGUIDE Grup Ortamında Mesleki Yönlendirmede Uluslar arası Yöntem Veri Seti. Lifelong Learning Programme. Abif – Analysis Consulting and Interdisciplinary Research Einwanggasse, Vienna.
  • Nuyen,J. (2011) Impact of Group Intervention on Problem-Solving and Self-Efficacy in Career Decision-Making. ProQuest LLC, Ph.D. Dissertation, DrexelUniversity.
  • OECD (2003). Education Policy Analysis. Career Guidance: New Ways Forward. (Chapter 2). OECD Publishing. Doi: 10.1787/epa-2003-en
  • OECD (2004). Career guidance and public policy bridging the gap. OECD publishing. ISBN-92-64-10564-6, Paris, France.
  • OECD (2011). Review on Evaluation and Assessment Frameworks for Improving School Outcomes Country Reviews and Country Background Reports. <http://>. [2 Ocak 2014].OECD (2010), Career guidance, in Learning for Jobs, OECD Publishing.
  • OECD (2012), Education at a Glance 2012: OECD Indicators, OECD Publishing. Ültanır, E. (2012). The factors affecting career guidance and current status of career guidance services in Turkey. Problems of Education In The 21. Century 48, 135-147.
  • Yeşilyaprak, B. (2012). The paradigm shift of vocational guidance and career counseling and its implications for Turkey: an evaluation from past to future. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice 12(1),111-118.
  • Watts, A.G. (2013). Career Guidance and Orientation. Revisiting global trends in TVET Reflections on theory and practice (Chapter 7). UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre. International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training. ISBN 978-92-95071-57-5.

Investigating Vocational Guidance in European Countries

Year 2014, Issue: 9, 93 - 129, 23.07.2016


The purpose of this study is to analyze vocational educatıon and traınıng systems of EU countrıes in a comparative perspectıve. This study also explores how vocational guidance and transitions are provided through compulsory education in European countries. The survey method was used ın order to contain data from EURYDICE (2012) OECD (2011), OECD (2010) and literature review on vocational guidance. The study shows that not only central government but also institutions, local authorities, organizations and school administrations are responsible for vocational guidance in European countries. When educational systems in European countries are analyzed, it is observed that vocational guidance is basically required provided in secondary schools


  • Adam, S.(2004). Using learning outcomes: a consideration of the nature, role, application and implications for European education of employing ‘learning outcomes’ at the local, national and international levels. United Kingdom Bologna Seminar, Heriot-Watt University (Edinburgh Conference Centre)Edinburgh, Scotland.
  • Bol T.,Van de Werfhorst H. (2013). The Measurement of Tracking, Vocational Orientation, and Standardization of Educational Systems: a Comparative Approach. AIAS, GINI Discussion Paper 81.
  • Bozgeyikli, H. (2008). Mesleki grup rehberliğinin ilköğretim 8. sınıf öğrencilerinin meslek kararı verme yetkinlik düzeylerine etkisi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Kazım Karabekir Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi 18, 36-58.
  • CEDEFOP (2008). Hayat Boyu Rehberlik İçin Ulusal Politika Kurulması ve Geliştirilmesi. Politika Yapıcılar ve Paydaşlar için Bir Kılavuz. Cedefop, Avrupa Topluluklarının Resmi Yayınlar Bürosu.
  • Coetzee, M., Bergh, Z., & Schreuder, D. (2010). The influence of career orientations on subjective work experiences. SA Journal of Human Resource Management/SA Tydskrif vir Menslikehulpbronbestuur 8, 1.
  • Conkel, Z (2010) PromotingViable Career Choice Goalsthrough Career DecisionMaking Self-Efficacy and CareerMaturity in Inner-City High School Students: A Test of Social Cognitive Career Theory. Pro Quest LLC”. Doktora tezi, University of Minnesota.
  • Coetzee, M., Bergh, Z., & Schreuder, D. (2010). The influence of career orientations on subjective work experiences. SA Journal of Human Resource Management/SA Tydskrif vir Menslikehulpbronbestuur, 8(1).
  • Dabula, P. ve Makura, A.H. (2013). High School Students’ Perceptions of Career Guidance and Development Programmes for University Access. Int J Edu Sci 5(2), 89-97.
  • Deci, E.L., Ryan, R.M., (2002). The paradox of achievement: the harder you push, the worse it gets. In: J. Aronson, ed. Improving academic achievement: Contributions of social psychology. New York: Academic Press, 59-85.
  • Duman, H., Özpeynirci, R. Ve Bezirci, M. (2005). Bilgi çağının değiştirdiği 21. yüzyılın rekabet anlayışına bağlı olarak geleneksel muhasebeden stratejik muhasebeye. Selçuk Üniversitesi Karaman İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi 2(5).
  • European Commission (2012). Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council,the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. Rethinking Education: Investing in skills for better socio-economic outcomes. < com669_en.pdf>. [10 Ocak 2014].
  • EACEA/Eurydice (2010). New skills for new jobs: policy ınitiatives in the field of education. Brussels: Eurydice.
  • EACEA/Eurydice, (2012). Key Data on Education in Europe 2012. Brussels: Eurydice. Eurydice (2011). Description of education systems in Europe. (Country Reports). <http:// [30.12.2013].
  • Eurydice (2012). Developing Key Competences at School in Europe: Challenges and Opportunities for Policy < documents/thematic_reports/145EN.pdf>. [30.12.2013].
  • Eurostat (2011). Education Statistics. [Online] < statistics_explained/index.php/Education_statistics>.[10 Ocak 2014].
  • Eurostat (2012). Statistics: Education and Training. < portal/page/portal/education/data/database>.[10 Ocak 2014].
  • Furlong, A.,ve Biggart, A. (1999). Framing ‘Choices’: a longitudinal study of occupational aspirations among 13- to 16-year-olds. Journal of Education and Work 12(1), 21-35.EURYDICE /CEDEFOP (2013). Labour market outcomes of vocational educatiobn in Europe. evidence from the European Union labour force survey. <>. [02.01.2014].
  • Euroguidance (2012). 2012 yılı mesleki rehberlik ve danışmanlık hizmetleri çalıştay raporu. Euroguidance, Ankara.Gibbs, R., Poskitt, J. (2010). Student Engagement in the Middle Years of Schooling (Years 7-10): A Literature Review. Report to the Ministry of Education. Ministry of Education, New Zealand.<http://www.> [11 Ocak 2014].
  • Heslin, P.A. (2005). Conceptualizing and evaluating career success. Journal of Organizational Behavior 26, 113–136
  • Joseph Ojo, B. ve Eunice Olufunmilayo, O. (2013). Effects of group guidance and counselling technİques on students’ vocational maturity in Ekiti State secondary schools, Ekiti State, Nigeria. European Scientific Journal October 9(29), 1857 – 7881.Lavonen, J. vd.(2008). Students’ motivational orientations and career choice in science and technology: a comparative investigation in Finland and Latvia. Journal of Baltic Science Education 7(2), 86-102.
  • Lazarus, K.U. ve Ihuoma, C. (2013). The Role of Guidance Counsellors in the Career Development of Adolescents and Young Adults with Special Needs. British Journal of Arts and Social Sciences 16(1), ISSN: 2046-9578.
  • Manitoba (2004). Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth and Manitoba Advanced Education and Training Cataloguing in Publication Data. The Role of Guidance in Post Secondary Planning: Findings for Manitoba. Ministers of Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth and Manitoba Advanced Education and Training.
  • MEB (2012). Türkiye’de Hayat Boyu Öğrenmenin Geliştirilmesi Projesi. TİSK - HBÖ Çalışma Grubu
  • MEB (2013). Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı Meslekî Ve Teknik Eğitim Strateji Belgesi Ve Eylem Planı 2013-2017. < Belgesi_ve_Eylem_Plani_TASLAK_10.05.2013.pdf> [2 Ocak 2014].
  • Mosberger, B. vd. (2012). Grup Ortamında Uluslararası Mesleki Yönlendirmede Yöntemler El Kitabı. NAVIGUIDE Grup Ortamında Mesleki Yönlendirmede Uluslar arası Yöntem Veri Seti. Lifelong Learning Programme. Abif – Analysis Consulting and Interdisciplinary Research Einwanggasse, Vienna.
  • Nuyen,J. (2011) Impact of Group Intervention on Problem-Solving and Self-Efficacy in Career Decision-Making. ProQuest LLC, Ph.D. Dissertation, DrexelUniversity.
  • OECD (2003). Education Policy Analysis. Career Guidance: New Ways Forward. (Chapter 2). OECD Publishing. Doi: 10.1787/epa-2003-en
  • OECD (2004). Career guidance and public policy bridging the gap. OECD publishing. ISBN-92-64-10564-6, Paris, France.
  • OECD (2011). Review on Evaluation and Assessment Frameworks for Improving School Outcomes Country Reviews and Country Background Reports. <http://>. [2 Ocak 2014].OECD (2010), Career guidance, in Learning for Jobs, OECD Publishing.
  • OECD (2012), Education at a Glance 2012: OECD Indicators, OECD Publishing. Ültanır, E. (2012). The factors affecting career guidance and current status of career guidance services in Turkey. Problems of Education In The 21. Century 48, 135-147.
  • Yeşilyaprak, B. (2012). The paradigm shift of vocational guidance and career counseling and its implications for Turkey: an evaluation from past to future. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice 12(1),111-118.
  • Watts, A.G. (2013). Career Guidance and Orientation. Revisiting global trends in TVET Reflections on theory and practice (Chapter 7). UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre. International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training. ISBN 978-92-95071-57-5.
There are 32 citations in total.


Other ID JA57AH29MU
Journal Section Articles

İşil Gülmez This is me

Publication Date July 23, 2016
Submission Date July 23, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2014 Issue: 9


APA Gülmez, İ. (2016). Avrupa Bı̇rlı̇ğı̇ Ülkelerı̇nde Meslekı̇ Yönlendı̇rmelerı̇n İncelenmesi. Eğitim Ve İnsani Bilimler Dergisi: Teori Ve Uygulama(9), 93-129.