Research Article
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Composition and Sensory Properties of Wheat, Plantain and Cocoyam Flour Doughnuts

Year 2021, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 169 - 183, 22.12.2021


This study was carried out to investigate proximate composition, functional properties and sensory evaluation of wheat, plantain and cocoyam flour blended doughnuts at different levels of plantain and cocoyam flour substitution for consumption. A whole wheat doughnuts and composite doughnuts were prepared in duplicates at 0, 12, 15, 30, 35% and 0, 8, 25, 25 and 50% levels of plantain and cocoyam flours substitution respectively and evaluated for proximate composition using AOAC Methods. The results reveal that moisture, ash, crude fiber and carbohydrate contents of the composite doughnuts increased significantly (p<0.05) while the protein and fat contents decreased significantly with progressive increase in the cocoyam and plantain flour substitution. The proximate composition of the various doughnut samples ranged from moisture, 16.29-20.15, ash, 1.49-2.6, protein, 4.54-9.36, fat, 38.35-46.35, fibre, 0.34-3.12 and carbohydrate, 42.20-49.18 g/100g. Results obtained from the functional properties of the composite flour revealed significant increase (p < 0.05) in water absorption capacity (118.78-135.61) and bulk density (0.58-0.70) as the levels of the plantain and cocoyam flours increased while the oil absorption capacity (68.21-96.44), emulsion ability (48.16-64.16) and foaming capacity (6.23-13.05) of the whole wheat flour increased. The sensory scores for the entire doughnut samples were above average, implying that the doughnut samples were highly acceptable based on the parameters assessed. The study concludes that Cocoyam and plantain flours could be blended with wheat flour up to 8% and 12% in doughnuts and other pastries preparation with no apparent difference in taste, aroma, or acceptability.

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  • Abbey B.W. & Ibeh G.O. 1988. Functional properties of raw and heat processed cowpea (Vigna unguiculata, Walp) flour. J. Food Sci. 53: 1775-1777
  • Acuna S. P. C., Gonzalez J. H. G. & Torres I. D. A. 2012. Physicochemical character-istics and functional properties of vitabosa (Mucuna deeringiana)andsoybean(Glycinemax). Ciencia E Tecnologia de Alimentos, 32,98–105. doi:10.1590/S0101-20612012005000007
  • Adeniyi T.A., Sanni L.O., Barimalaa L.S. & Hart A.D. 2006. Determination of micronutrients and color variability among new plantain and banana hybrid flour. World J. Chem. 1(1):23-27
  • Adeleke R. O. & Odedeji J. O. 2010. Functional properties of wheat and sweet potato flourblends. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 9(6), 535–538. doi:10.3923/pjn.2010.535.538
  • Adeyeye S. A. & Akingbal J.O. 2015. Quality characteristics and acceptability of cookies from sweet potato–maize flour blends.Nutrition & Food Science, 45(5), 703–715. doi:10.1108/NFS-03-2015-0020
  • Adeniji T.A., Sanni L.O., Barimalaa I.S. & Hart A.D. 2007. Nutritional composition of five new Nigerian musa hybrid cultivars. Implications for adoption in human nutrition. Fruits, 62, 135 – 142
  • Ahmad M., Shabbir G., Minhas N.M. & Shah M.K. 2013. Identification of drought tolerant wheat genotypes based on seedling traits, Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, 29 pp.21-27
  • Akubor P.I . & Ishiwu B. 2013. Chemical composition, physical and sensory properties of cakes supplemented with plantain peel flour. International Journal of Agriculture Policy and Research, 1(4), 087 – 092
  • Akubor P.I., Isolokwu P.C., Ugbane O. & Onimawo IA. 2000. Proximate composition and functional properties of African breadfruit kernel and wheat flour blends. Food Res. Int. 33:707-712
  • Akubor P.I. 1998. Functional properties of cowpea-plantain flour blends. Proceedings: 22nd Ann NIFST Conference, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria.
  • Akobundu E.N.T., Ubbaonu C.N. & Ndupuh C.E. 1998. Studies on the baking potential of non-composite flours. J. Food Sci. Technol. 25: 211-214
  • AOAC 1995. Official Methods of Analysis,”Association of Official Analytical Chemists methods, AOAC 16th Edition. Washington DC.
  • Aremu M.O., Olaofe O. & Akintayo E.T. 2007. Functional properties of some Nigerian varieties of legume seed flours and flour concentration effect on foaming and gelation properties. Journal of Food Technology, 5, 109-115.
  • Asiedu J.J. 1987. Some physio-chemical changes during ripening and storage of plantain. Trop. Sci. 27(4):249-260.
  • Asif-Ul-Alam SM., Islam MZ., Hoque MM. & Monalisa K. 2014. Effect of drying on the physico-chemical and functional properties of green banana (Musasapientum) flour and development of baked product. Amer. J. Food Sci. Technol. 2(4):128-133.
  • Ayodele O.H. & Erema V.G. 2011. Glycemic index of processed unripe plantain meals. Afr. J. Food Sci. 4:514-521
  • Bamidele E.A., Cardoso A.O. & Olaofe O. 1990. Rheology and baking potential of wheat/plantain composite flour. J. Sci. Food. Agric. 51(3):421-424.
  • Boakye A. A., Guðjónsdóttir M., Skytte J. L., Chronakis I., Wireko-Manu F. D. & Oduro I. 2017. Characteristics of Xanthosoma sagittifolium roots during cooking, using physicochemical analysis, uniaxial compression, multispectral imaging and low field NMR spectroscopy. Journal of Food Science and Technology,
  • Chandra S., Singh S. & Kumari D. 2015. Evaluation of functional properties of composite flours and sensorial attributes of composite flour biscuits. Journal of Food Science and Technology,52, 3681-3688.
  • Chinma C.E., Ingbian E.K. & Akpapunam M. 2007. Processing and acceptability of fried cassava balls (Akara-akpu) supplemented with melon and soybean flours. J. Food Proc. Preserv. 31(2): 143-156.
  • Echendu C.A., Onimawo I.A. & Adieze S. 2004. Production and evaluation of dough and biscuits from maize-pigeon pea flour blends. Nigerian Food Journal 22:147-153.
  • Eke J., Achinewhu S.C. & Sanni L. 2008. Nutritional and sensory qualities of some Nigerian cakes. Nigerian Food Journal, 26(2), 12 – 13
  • Enwere N.J. 1998. Foods of Plant Origin. Snapp Press, Nigeria Ltd., Enugu. pp 24-102.
  • FAO 2005. Production Yearbook for 2005. FAOSTAT Data. Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, Rome.
  • Faturoti B., Madukwe M., Tenkouano A. & Agwu A. 2007. A review of policy acts and initiatives in plantain and banana innovation system in Nigeria. Afr. J. Biotechnol. 6(20):2297-2302
  • Graham D.E. & Philips M.C. 1976. The conformation of proteins at the air-water interface and their role in stabilizing foam. In: Akers RJ (Ed.) New York: Academic Press. Foams, pp. 237-255.
  • Hatae K., Miyamoto T., Shimada Y., Munekata Y., Sawa K., Hasegawa K. & Kasai M. 2003. Effect of the type of frying oil on the consumer preference for doughnut. Journal of Food Science, 68: 1038-1042
  • Ibebuchi C.E. & Uzoegbu J.O. 2002. Potential of wheat-cocoyam flour blends in biscuit making. Proc. 26th Annual NIFST conf., Nov. 4 – 8, Owerri, pp 37 – 38.
  • Idoko J.O. & Nwajiaku I. 2013. Performance of ripped and unripe plantain-wheat flour blend in biscuit production. Int. J. Biol. Food Vet. Agric. Eng. 7(12):848-851
  • IOM (Institute of Medicine) 2005. Dietary reference intake for energy, carbohydrate, fiber, fat fatty acids, cholesterol, protein and amino acids (macronutrients)
  • Kayode O. Esuoso F. & Bamiro O. 1995. International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition
  • Kaushal P., Kumar V. & Sharma H.K. 2012. Comparative study of physicochemical, functional, anti-nutritional and pasting properties of taro (Colocasia esculenta), rice (Oryza sativa), pegion pea (Cajanus cajan) flour and their blends. LebensmittelWissenschaft + Technologie, 48(1), 59-68.
  • Ketiku A.O. 1973. Chemical composition of unripe (green) and ripe plantain (Musa parasidica). J. Sci. Food. Agric. 24:703-709.
  • Kiin-Kabari D.B., Eke-Ejoifor J. & Giami S.Y. 2015. Functional and paroting properties of wheat flour/plantain flours enriched with Bambara groundnut protein concentrate. International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition Engineering, 5(2) 75 – 81
  • Koehler P. & Wieser H. 2013. Handbook on sourdough biotechnology, 3rd Ed by Gobbetti, M and Ganzle, M. Springer, US. pp. 11-45.
  • Kumar P., Yadava R.K., Gollen B., Kumar S., Verma R.K. & Yadav S. 2011. Nutritional contents and medicinal properties of wheat: a review. Life Science and Medical Research, 22, 1-10
  • Lawal O.S. & Adebowale K.O. 2004. Effect of acetylation and succinylation on solubility protein, water absorption capacity, oil absorption capacity and emulsifying properties of muncuna bean (Mucuna pruiens) protein concentrate. Nahrung/Food 48(2):129-136.
  • Lazos E.S. 1986. Nutritional, fatty acid and oil characteristics of pumpkin and melon seeds. J. Food Sci.51, 1382–1383.
  • Matthews P.J. 2002. Potential of root crops for food and industrial resources,” pp. 484–497, Proceedings of the 12th Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC), Tsukuba, Japan.
  • Mepba H.D., Eboh L. & Nwaojigwa S.U. 2007. Chemical composition, functional and baking properties of wheat-plantain composite flours. African Journal of Food Agriculture, Nutrition and Development. 7(1): 1-22.
  • Narayana K. & Narasinga R.M.S. 1982. Functional properties of raw and heat processed winged bean flour. J. Food Sci. Technol. 42:1534-1538.
  • Nnam N.M. 2002. Evaluation of complementary foods based on maize, groundnut, pawpaw and mango flour blends. Nig. J. Nutr. Sci. 23:1-4
  • Ocloo F. C. K., Bansa D., Boatin R., Adom T. & Agbemavor W. S. 2010. Physico-chemical, functional and pasting characteristics of flour produced from jackfruits (Artocarpus heterophyllus) seeds. Agriculture and Biology Journal of North America, 1,903–908. doi:10.5251/abjna.2010.1.5.903.908
  • Odenigbo M.A. 2012. Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of People with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in a Tertiary Health Care Centre, Umuahia, Nig. J. Diabetes Metab. 3:187-191
  • Ogechi U.P., Akhakhia O.I. & Ugwunna U.A. 2007. Nutritional status and energy intake of adolescents in Umuahia urban, Nigeria. Pak. J. Nutr. 6(6):641-646
  • Oke M.O. & Bolarinwa I.F. 2011. Effect of fermentation on physicochemical properties and oxalate content of cocoyam (Colocasia esculenta) flour. Isrn Agronomy, 2012.
  • Okeke E,, Ene-obong H,, Uzuegbunam A,, Ozioko A. & Kuhnlein H. 2008. Igbo traditional food system: Documentation, uses and research needs. Pak. J. Nutr. 7(2):365-376
  • Okezie B.O. & Bello A.B. 1988. Physicochemical and functional properties of winged bean flour and isolate compared with soy isolate. J. Food Sci. 53:450-454Onwuka GI. 2005. Food Analysis and Instrumentation: Theory and Practice. Naphthali Prints, Lagos, Nigeria. pp. 133-137
  • Okpala L.C. & Okoli E.C. 2011. Nutritional evaluation of cookies produced from pigeon pea, cocoyam and sorghum flour composites. African Journal of Biotechnology, 10, 433-438
  • Osundahunsi O.F., Fagbemi T.N., Kesselman E. & Shimoni E. 2003. Comparison of the physicochemical properties and pasting characteristics of flour and starch from red and white sweet potato cultivars. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 51, 2232-2236.
  • Paraggon Book Service, 2013. Love Doughnuts. Bath, UK: Love Food Editors, Paraggon Book Service
  • Rehinan Z., Rashid M. & Shah W.H. 2004. Insoluble dietary fibre components of legumes as affected by soaking and cooking processes. Food Chem. 85:245-249.
  • Rodrick D. 2008. Rising food prices: Causes and consequences. OECD Publishing. Retrievedfrom
  • Sanful R.E. & Darko S. 2010. Production of cocoyam, cassava and wheat flour composite rock cake. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 9, 810-814.
  • Shrestha R. & Srivastava S. 2017. Functional properties of finger millet and banyard millet flours and flour blends. International Journal of Scientific Research (Ahmedabad, India), 6(6), 775-780.
  • Shewry P.R. & Halford N.G. 2002. Cereal seed storage proteins: structures, properties and role in grain utilization. Journal of Experimental Botany.53, 947 958.
  • Šramková Z., Gregová E. & Šturdík E. 2009. Chemical composition and nutritional quality of wheat grain. Acta Chimica Slovaca, 2(1), 115-138.
  • SRID 2015. Statistical, research and information directorate. Accra, Ghana: Ministry of Food and Agriculture
  • Van Ittersum M.K., Van Bussel L.G., Wolf J., Grassini P., Van Wart J., Guilpart N., Claessens, L., de Groot H., Wiebe K., Mason-D’Croz D. & Yang H. 2016. Can sub-Saharan Africa feed itself? Proceedings of National Academy of Science, 113, 1496414969.
Year 2021, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 169 - 183, 22.12.2021



  • Abbey B.W. & Ibeh G.O. 1988. Functional properties of raw and heat processed cowpea (Vigna unguiculata, Walp) flour. J. Food Sci. 53: 1775-1777
  • Acuna S. P. C., Gonzalez J. H. G. & Torres I. D. A. 2012. Physicochemical character-istics and functional properties of vitabosa (Mucuna deeringiana)andsoybean(Glycinemax). Ciencia E Tecnologia de Alimentos, 32,98–105. doi:10.1590/S0101-20612012005000007
  • Adeniyi T.A., Sanni L.O., Barimalaa L.S. & Hart A.D. 2006. Determination of micronutrients and color variability among new plantain and banana hybrid flour. World J. Chem. 1(1):23-27
  • Adeleke R. O. & Odedeji J. O. 2010. Functional properties of wheat and sweet potato flourblends. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 9(6), 535–538. doi:10.3923/pjn.2010.535.538
  • Adeyeye S. A. & Akingbal J.O. 2015. Quality characteristics and acceptability of cookies from sweet potato–maize flour blends.Nutrition & Food Science, 45(5), 703–715. doi:10.1108/NFS-03-2015-0020
  • Adeniji T.A., Sanni L.O., Barimalaa I.S. & Hart A.D. 2007. Nutritional composition of five new Nigerian musa hybrid cultivars. Implications for adoption in human nutrition. Fruits, 62, 135 – 142
  • Ahmad M., Shabbir G., Minhas N.M. & Shah M.K. 2013. Identification of drought tolerant wheat genotypes based on seedling traits, Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, 29 pp.21-27
  • Akubor P.I . & Ishiwu B. 2013. Chemical composition, physical and sensory properties of cakes supplemented with plantain peel flour. International Journal of Agriculture Policy and Research, 1(4), 087 – 092
  • Akubor P.I., Isolokwu P.C., Ugbane O. & Onimawo IA. 2000. Proximate composition and functional properties of African breadfruit kernel and wheat flour blends. Food Res. Int. 33:707-712
  • Akubor P.I. 1998. Functional properties of cowpea-plantain flour blends. Proceedings: 22nd Ann NIFST Conference, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria.
  • Akobundu E.N.T., Ubbaonu C.N. & Ndupuh C.E. 1998. Studies on the baking potential of non-composite flours. J. Food Sci. Technol. 25: 211-214
  • AOAC 1995. Official Methods of Analysis,”Association of Official Analytical Chemists methods, AOAC 16th Edition. Washington DC.
  • Aremu M.O., Olaofe O. & Akintayo E.T. 2007. Functional properties of some Nigerian varieties of legume seed flours and flour concentration effect on foaming and gelation properties. Journal of Food Technology, 5, 109-115.
  • Asiedu J.J. 1987. Some physio-chemical changes during ripening and storage of plantain. Trop. Sci. 27(4):249-260.
  • Asif-Ul-Alam SM., Islam MZ., Hoque MM. & Monalisa K. 2014. Effect of drying on the physico-chemical and functional properties of green banana (Musasapientum) flour and development of baked product. Amer. J. Food Sci. Technol. 2(4):128-133.
  • Ayodele O.H. & Erema V.G. 2011. Glycemic index of processed unripe plantain meals. Afr. J. Food Sci. 4:514-521
  • Bamidele E.A., Cardoso A.O. & Olaofe O. 1990. Rheology and baking potential of wheat/plantain composite flour. J. Sci. Food. Agric. 51(3):421-424.
  • Boakye A. A., Guðjónsdóttir M., Skytte J. L., Chronakis I., Wireko-Manu F. D. & Oduro I. 2017. Characteristics of Xanthosoma sagittifolium roots during cooking, using physicochemical analysis, uniaxial compression, multispectral imaging and low field NMR spectroscopy. Journal of Food Science and Technology,
  • Chandra S., Singh S. & Kumari D. 2015. Evaluation of functional properties of composite flours and sensorial attributes of composite flour biscuits. Journal of Food Science and Technology,52, 3681-3688.
  • Chinma C.E., Ingbian E.K. & Akpapunam M. 2007. Processing and acceptability of fried cassava balls (Akara-akpu) supplemented with melon and soybean flours. J. Food Proc. Preserv. 31(2): 143-156.
  • Echendu C.A., Onimawo I.A. & Adieze S. 2004. Production and evaluation of dough and biscuits from maize-pigeon pea flour blends. Nigerian Food Journal 22:147-153.
  • Eke J., Achinewhu S.C. & Sanni L. 2008. Nutritional and sensory qualities of some Nigerian cakes. Nigerian Food Journal, 26(2), 12 – 13
  • Enwere N.J. 1998. Foods of Plant Origin. Snapp Press, Nigeria Ltd., Enugu. pp 24-102.
  • FAO 2005. Production Yearbook for 2005. FAOSTAT Data. Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, Rome.
  • Faturoti B., Madukwe M., Tenkouano A. & Agwu A. 2007. A review of policy acts and initiatives in plantain and banana innovation system in Nigeria. Afr. J. Biotechnol. 6(20):2297-2302
  • Graham D.E. & Philips M.C. 1976. The conformation of proteins at the air-water interface and their role in stabilizing foam. In: Akers RJ (Ed.) New York: Academic Press. Foams, pp. 237-255.
  • Hatae K., Miyamoto T., Shimada Y., Munekata Y., Sawa K., Hasegawa K. & Kasai M. 2003. Effect of the type of frying oil on the consumer preference for doughnut. Journal of Food Science, 68: 1038-1042
  • Ibebuchi C.E. & Uzoegbu J.O. 2002. Potential of wheat-cocoyam flour blends in biscuit making. Proc. 26th Annual NIFST conf., Nov. 4 – 8, Owerri, pp 37 – 38.
  • Idoko J.O. & Nwajiaku I. 2013. Performance of ripped and unripe plantain-wheat flour blend in biscuit production. Int. J. Biol. Food Vet. Agric. Eng. 7(12):848-851
  • IOM (Institute of Medicine) 2005. Dietary reference intake for energy, carbohydrate, fiber, fat fatty acids, cholesterol, protein and amino acids (macronutrients)
  • Kayode O. Esuoso F. & Bamiro O. 1995. International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition
  • Kaushal P., Kumar V. & Sharma H.K. 2012. Comparative study of physicochemical, functional, anti-nutritional and pasting properties of taro (Colocasia esculenta), rice (Oryza sativa), pegion pea (Cajanus cajan) flour and their blends. LebensmittelWissenschaft + Technologie, 48(1), 59-68.
  • Ketiku A.O. 1973. Chemical composition of unripe (green) and ripe plantain (Musa parasidica). J. Sci. Food. Agric. 24:703-709.
  • Kiin-Kabari D.B., Eke-Ejoifor J. & Giami S.Y. 2015. Functional and paroting properties of wheat flour/plantain flours enriched with Bambara groundnut protein concentrate. International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition Engineering, 5(2) 75 – 81
  • Koehler P. & Wieser H. 2013. Handbook on sourdough biotechnology, 3rd Ed by Gobbetti, M and Ganzle, M. Springer, US. pp. 11-45.
  • Kumar P., Yadava R.K., Gollen B., Kumar S., Verma R.K. & Yadav S. 2011. Nutritional contents and medicinal properties of wheat: a review. Life Science and Medical Research, 22, 1-10
  • Lawal O.S. & Adebowale K.O. 2004. Effect of acetylation and succinylation on solubility protein, water absorption capacity, oil absorption capacity and emulsifying properties of muncuna bean (Mucuna pruiens) protein concentrate. Nahrung/Food 48(2):129-136.
  • Lazos E.S. 1986. Nutritional, fatty acid and oil characteristics of pumpkin and melon seeds. J. Food Sci.51, 1382–1383.
  • Matthews P.J. 2002. Potential of root crops for food and industrial resources,” pp. 484–497, Proceedings of the 12th Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC), Tsukuba, Japan.
  • Mepba H.D., Eboh L. & Nwaojigwa S.U. 2007. Chemical composition, functional and baking properties of wheat-plantain composite flours. African Journal of Food Agriculture, Nutrition and Development. 7(1): 1-22.
  • Narayana K. & Narasinga R.M.S. 1982. Functional properties of raw and heat processed winged bean flour. J. Food Sci. Technol. 42:1534-1538.
  • Nnam N.M. 2002. Evaluation of complementary foods based on maize, groundnut, pawpaw and mango flour blends. Nig. J. Nutr. Sci. 23:1-4
  • Ocloo F. C. K., Bansa D., Boatin R., Adom T. & Agbemavor W. S. 2010. Physico-chemical, functional and pasting characteristics of flour produced from jackfruits (Artocarpus heterophyllus) seeds. Agriculture and Biology Journal of North America, 1,903–908. doi:10.5251/abjna.2010.1.5.903.908
  • Odenigbo M.A. 2012. Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of People with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in a Tertiary Health Care Centre, Umuahia, Nig. J. Diabetes Metab. 3:187-191
  • Ogechi U.P., Akhakhia O.I. & Ugwunna U.A. 2007. Nutritional status and energy intake of adolescents in Umuahia urban, Nigeria. Pak. J. Nutr. 6(6):641-646
  • Oke M.O. & Bolarinwa I.F. 2011. Effect of fermentation on physicochemical properties and oxalate content of cocoyam (Colocasia esculenta) flour. Isrn Agronomy, 2012.
  • Okeke E,, Ene-obong H,, Uzuegbunam A,, Ozioko A. & Kuhnlein H. 2008. Igbo traditional food system: Documentation, uses and research needs. Pak. J. Nutr. 7(2):365-376
  • Okezie B.O. & Bello A.B. 1988. Physicochemical and functional properties of winged bean flour and isolate compared with soy isolate. J. Food Sci. 53:450-454Onwuka GI. 2005. Food Analysis and Instrumentation: Theory and Practice. Naphthali Prints, Lagos, Nigeria. pp. 133-137
  • Okpala L.C. & Okoli E.C. 2011. Nutritional evaluation of cookies produced from pigeon pea, cocoyam and sorghum flour composites. African Journal of Biotechnology, 10, 433-438
  • Osundahunsi O.F., Fagbemi T.N., Kesselman E. & Shimoni E. 2003. Comparison of the physicochemical properties and pasting characteristics of flour and starch from red and white sweet potato cultivars. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 51, 2232-2236.
  • Paraggon Book Service, 2013. Love Doughnuts. Bath, UK: Love Food Editors, Paraggon Book Service
  • Rehinan Z., Rashid M. & Shah W.H. 2004. Insoluble dietary fibre components of legumes as affected by soaking and cooking processes. Food Chem. 85:245-249.
  • Rodrick D. 2008. Rising food prices: Causes and consequences. OECD Publishing. Retrievedfrom
  • Sanful R.E. & Darko S. 2010. Production of cocoyam, cassava and wheat flour composite rock cake. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 9, 810-814.
  • Shrestha R. & Srivastava S. 2017. Functional properties of finger millet and banyard millet flours and flour blends. International Journal of Scientific Research (Ahmedabad, India), 6(6), 775-780.
  • Shewry P.R. & Halford N.G. 2002. Cereal seed storage proteins: structures, properties and role in grain utilization. Journal of Experimental Botany.53, 947 958.
  • Šramková Z., Gregová E. & Šturdík E. 2009. Chemical composition and nutritional quality of wheat grain. Acta Chimica Slovaca, 2(1), 115-138.
  • SRID 2015. Statistical, research and information directorate. Accra, Ghana: Ministry of Food and Agriculture
  • Van Ittersum M.K., Van Bussel L.G., Wolf J., Grassini P., Van Wart J., Guilpart N., Claessens, L., de Groot H., Wiebe K., Mason-D’Croz D. & Yang H. 2016. Can sub-Saharan Africa feed itself? Proceedings of National Academy of Science, 113, 1496414969.
There are 59 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Articles

John Adanse

Antwi-boasiako Sussana This is me

Kate Bıgson This is me

Kwakudua Ruth Sıtsofe This is me

Publication Date December 22, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 5 Issue: 2


APA Adanse, J., Sussana, A.-b., Bıgson, K., Sıtsofe, K. R. (2021). Composition and Sensory Properties of Wheat, Plantain and Cocoyam Flour Doughnuts. Eurasian Journal of Agricultural Research, 5(2), 169-183.
AMA Adanse J, Sussana Ab, Bıgson K, Sıtsofe KR. Composition and Sensory Properties of Wheat, Plantain and Cocoyam Flour Doughnuts. EJAR. December 2021;5(2):169-183.
Chicago Adanse, John, Antwi-boasiako Sussana, Kate Bıgson, and Kwakudua Ruth Sıtsofe. “Composition and Sensory Properties of Wheat, Plantain and Cocoyam Flour Doughnuts”. Eurasian Journal of Agricultural Research 5, no. 2 (December 2021): 169-83.
EndNote Adanse J, Sussana A-b, Bıgson K, Sıtsofe KR (December 1, 2021) Composition and Sensory Properties of Wheat, Plantain and Cocoyam Flour Doughnuts. Eurasian Journal of Agricultural Research 5 2 169–183.
IEEE J. Adanse, A.-b. Sussana, K. Bıgson, and K. R. Sıtsofe, “Composition and Sensory Properties of Wheat, Plantain and Cocoyam Flour Doughnuts”, EJAR, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 169–183, 2021.
ISNAD Adanse, John et al. “Composition and Sensory Properties of Wheat, Plantain and Cocoyam Flour Doughnuts”. Eurasian Journal of Agricultural Research 5/2 (December 2021), 169-183.
JAMA Adanse J, Sussana A-b, Bıgson K, Sıtsofe KR. Composition and Sensory Properties of Wheat, Plantain and Cocoyam Flour Doughnuts. EJAR. 2021;5:169–183.
MLA Adanse, John et al. “Composition and Sensory Properties of Wheat, Plantain and Cocoyam Flour Doughnuts”. Eurasian Journal of Agricultural Research, vol. 5, no. 2, 2021, pp. 169-83.
Vancouver Adanse J, Sussana A-b, Bıgson K, Sıtsofe KR. Composition and Sensory Properties of Wheat, Plantain and Cocoyam Flour Doughnuts. EJAR. 2021;5(2):169-83.
Eurasian Journal of Agricultural Research (EJAR)   ISSN: 2636-8226   Web:   e-mail: