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What Do Science Teacher Candidates Know About Measuring Instruments and Units?

Year 2016, Volume: 16 Issue: 64, 0 - 0, 15.07.2016


Problem Statement: It is unknown how Science Teacher Candidates (STCs) recognize measuring instruments and indicate units that STCs will teach to their students, which they will constantly come across when they become teachers. Determining this case is important because it is believed that the results of this study will support the implementations that provide them with the ability to improve their measuring skills during their undergraduate programs. Purpose of the Study: The aim of this study is to determine how knowledge of STCs, in regard to measuring instruments and the units of qualities measured by these instruments, change according to their grades. Method: The sample of this study, which was carried out according to cross-sectional research methodology, was comprised of 259 STCs (freshmen [N = 58], sophomores [N = 68], juniors [N = 67], and seniors [N = 66]) at the department of elementary science teacher education in the faculty of education of a state university. The Measuring Instruments and Units Questionnaire (MIUQ), which is comprised of 17 measuring instruments that take place in science education programs and textbooksfor primary schools and their units, was used as a data collection tool in the study. The data gathered from the study was analyzed through content analysis. Findings: Ninety-five percent of senior STCs answered correctly Celsius ( oC) and Kelvin as units of temperature. Sixty-one percent of sophomore STCs answered heat as the quality measured by the calorimeter. Eightyfour percent of junior STCs did not provide an answer for the unit of heat. However, 64% of freshmen STCs stated weight as the quality measured by the bascule; 60% of them stated kg as the unit of weight. Ninety-one percent of junior, 82% of senior, 69% of freshmen, and 60% of sophomore STCs did not answer the quality measured by the manometer. Seventynine percent of freshmen and 72% of junior STCs did not answer the unit of quality measured by the graduated cylinder. Five percent of senior and 3% of sophomore STCs stated that the “V” symbol is the unit of speed. Conclusions and Recommendations: In the study, it was determined that STCs are misinformed about the qualities measured by measuring instruments, and they lack knowledge regarding the units of measured qualities. It is concluded that their knowledge of measuring instruments and units does not increase parallel to their grades. Key words: Science education, measuring instrument, measuring quality, unit, science teacher candidate, cross-sectional research.


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  • ilgili bilgi duzeyleri ve dusunceleri [High school students' knowledge levels
  • and thoughts about unit of measure used in science]. In I. Sahin, A. Kiray & S.
  • Alan (Ed.), International Conference on Education in Mathematics, Science and
  • Technology (ICEMST 2014) Proceeding Book. Necmettin Erbakan University,
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  • Arthur, C. (1993). Teaching science through discovery. Toronto: Macmillan Publishing
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  • Aydogan, S., Gunes, B., & Gulcicek, Ç. (2003). Isi ve sicaklik konusunda kavram
  • yanilgilari [Misconceptions about heat and temperature]. Gazi University
  • Journal of Gazi Educational Faculty, 23 (2), 111-124.
  • Baser, M. (2006). Fostering conceptual change by cognitive conflict based instruction
  • on students’ understanding of heat and temperature concepts. Eurasia Journal
  • of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 2(2), 96-114.
  • Beichner, R., & Serway, R. (2000). Fen ve mühendislik için fizik [Physic for science and
  • engineering]. (5. Edition). K. Çolakoğlu (Trans.). Ankara: Palme Publication.
  • Buxton, C.A., & Provenzo, E.F. (2007). Constructivism science in elementary and middle
  • school: A cognitive and cultural approach. Thousand Oaks: SAGE.
  • Carin, A. A., & Bass, J. E. (2001). Teaching science as inquiry. Upper Saddle River, NJ.
  • Merrill/Prentice-Hall.
  • Cildir, S. (2012). Fizik ögretmen adaylarinin laboratuvar arac-gereclerini kullanim
  • yeterlilikleri hakkindaki gorusleri ve kuramsal deney tasarlama
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  • Emrahoglu, N., & Ozturk, A. (2009). Fen bilgisi ögretmen adaylarinin astronomi
  • kavramlarini anlama seviyelerinin ve kavram yanilgilarinin incelenmesi
  • uzerine boylamsal bir arastırma [A longitudinal research on the analysis of
  • the prospective science teachers’ level of understanding the astronomical
  • concepts and their misconceptions]. Journal of Cukurova University Institute of
  • Social Sciences, 18(1), 165-180.
  • Germann, P. J., Aram, R., & Burke, G. (1996). Identifying patterns and relationships
  • among the responses of seventh-grade students to the science process skill of
  • designing experiments. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 33(1), 79-99.
  • Ipek-Akbulut, H., Sahin, C., & Cepni, S. (2013). Examining conceptual change in
  • work and energy topic: Dual situated learning model sample. Journal of
  • Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Education Faculty, 13(25), 241-268.
  • Klahr, D. (2000). Exploring science: The cognition and development of discovery
  • processes. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Koray, O., & Tatar, N. (2003). Ilkogretim ogrencilerinin kutle ve agirlik ile ilgili
  • kavram yanilgilari ve bu yanilgilarin 6., 7. ve 8. sınıf duzeylerine gore
  • dagilimi [Designating of the elementary school students’ misconceptions
  • about the mass and weight and their distribution according to 6.,7. and 8.
  • grades]. Pamukkale University Journal of Education, 13, 187-198.
  • Koray, O., Ozdemir, M., & Tatar, N. (2005). Primary school student's misconceptions
  • about "Units": Example of mass and weight. Elementary Education Online, 4(2),
  • -31.
  • Lancour, K. L. (2008). Science process skills. Retrieved August 5, 2014 from
  • Maral, S., Oguz-Unver, A., & Yurumezoglu, K. (2012). An activity-based study on
  • providing basic knowledge and skills of measurement in teaching. Educational
  • Sciences: Theory and Practice, 12(1), 558-563.
  • MNE Comission [MEB Komisyon], (2012). Ilkogretim 6. sinif fen ve teknoloji ders kitabi
  • [Elementary education 6th grade science and technology course book]. (2. Edition).
  • Ankara. : National Ministry of Education Books.
  • MNE Comission [MEB Komisyon], (2013a). Ortaokul 5.sinif fen bilimleri ders kitabi
  • [Elementary education 5th grade science and technology course book]. (1st Edition).
  • Ankara: National Ministry of Education Books. (in Turkish)
  • MNE Comission [MEB Komisyon], (2013b). Ilkogretim 7. sinif fen ve teknoloji ders kitabi
  • [Elementary education 7th grade science and technology course book]. (2st Edition).
  • Ankara: National Ministry of Education Books. (in Turkish)
  • Padilla, M. (1990). The science process skills. National association for research in science
  • teaching. Retrieved September 15, 2014 from
  • Sahin, C. (2014). Gelisimsel arastirma [Developmental research]. In M. Metin (Ed.),
  • Kuramdan uygulamaya egitimde bilimsel arastirma yontemleri (pp. 313-336, ISBN:
  • -605-364-687-7,) Ankara: Pegem Akademi Publication. (in Turkish)
  • Secken N., Yucel, S., & Morgil F.I. (2002). Yuksekogretimde bazi kimya bilgilerinin
  • sinif duzeyi ve cinsiyete gore dagilimi [Distribution of some chemical
  • knowledge in higher education according to gender and grade level]. Bogazici
  • University Journal of Education, 19(2), 1-14.
  • Tunc, T., Bakar, E., Basdag, G., Ipek, I., Bagcı, N., Gursoy Koroglu, N., Yoruk, N., &
  • Keles, O. (2012). Ilkogretim 8. sinif fen ve teknoloji ders kitabi [Elementary
  • education 8th grade science and technology course book]. (5st Edition). Ankara:
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  • teacher departments]. Retrieved 2016, April 18 from
  • d-bfca-7aee80c75c22 .
  • Yildirim, A., & Ilhan, N. (2007). High school students' opinions and experiences
  • about units teaching in chemistry course [Lise ogrencilerinin kimya dersinde
  • ogretilen birimler hakkındaki gorusleri ve deneyimleri]. Gazi University
  • Journal of Gazi Educational Faculty (GUJGEF), 27(3), 211-219.
  • Yildiz, A., Buyukkasap, E., Erkol, M., & Dikel, S. (2007). Fen bilgisi ogrencilerinin hiz,
  • surat ve yer degistirme kavramlarini anlama duzeyleri [Science students’
  • understanding levels of velocity, stable velocity, speed and displacement
  • concepts]. Erzincan Journal of Educational Faculty, 9(2), 1-12.
  • Yucel S., Secken N., & Morgil F.I. (2001). Investigation of students’ learning degrees
  • on symbols, constants and units which are taught in high school chemistry
  • courses. Journal of Gazi University Gazi Education Faculty, 21 (2), 113-123.
Year 2016, Volume: 16 Issue: 64, 0 - 0, 15.07.2016



  • Anilan, B. (2014). Lise ogrencilerinin fen bilimlerinde kullanılan olcu birimleriyle
  • ilgili bilgi duzeyleri ve dusunceleri [High school students' knowledge levels
  • and thoughts about unit of measure used in science]. In I. Sahin, A. Kiray & S.
  • Alan (Ed.), International Conference on Education in Mathematics, Science and
  • Technology (ICEMST 2014) Proceeding Book. Necmettin Erbakan University,
  • Konya
  • Arthur, C. (1993). Teaching science through discovery. Toronto: Macmillan Publishing
  • Company.
  • Aydogan, S., Gunes, B., & Gulcicek, Ç. (2003). Isi ve sicaklik konusunda kavram
  • yanilgilari [Misconceptions about heat and temperature]. Gazi University
  • Journal of Gazi Educational Faculty, 23 (2), 111-124.
  • Baser, M. (2006). Fostering conceptual change by cognitive conflict based instruction
  • on students’ understanding of heat and temperature concepts. Eurasia Journal
  • of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 2(2), 96-114.
  • Beichner, R., & Serway, R. (2000). Fen ve mühendislik için fizik [Physic for science and
  • engineering]. (5. Edition). K. Çolakoğlu (Trans.). Ankara: Palme Publication.
  • Buxton, C.A., & Provenzo, E.F. (2007). Constructivism science in elementary and middle
  • school: A cognitive and cultural approach. Thousand Oaks: SAGE.
  • Carin, A. A., & Bass, J. E. (2001). Teaching science as inquiry. Upper Saddle River, NJ.
  • Merrill/Prentice-Hall.
  • Cildir, S. (2012). Fizik ögretmen adaylarinin laboratuvar arac-gereclerini kullanim
  • yeterlilikleri hakkindaki gorusleri ve kuramsal deney tasarlama
  • yeterliliklerinin belirlenmesi [The preservice physics teachers 'opinions about
  • the using of laboratory equipment and the determination of their abilities to
  • design experiments]. Electronic Journal of Social Sciences, 11(42), 93-102.
  • Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2007). Research methods in education. (6.
  • Edition). London- Newyork: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. Retrieved
  • May 1, 2013 from Taylor & Francis e-Library,
  • Emrahoglu, N., & Ozturk, A. (2009). Fen bilgisi ögretmen adaylarinin astronomi
  • kavramlarini anlama seviyelerinin ve kavram yanilgilarinin incelenmesi
  • uzerine boylamsal bir arastırma [A longitudinal research on the analysis of
  • the prospective science teachers’ level of understanding the astronomical
  • concepts and their misconceptions]. Journal of Cukurova University Institute of
  • Social Sciences, 18(1), 165-180.
  • Germann, P. J., Aram, R., & Burke, G. (1996). Identifying patterns and relationships
  • among the responses of seventh-grade students to the science process skill of
  • designing experiments. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 33(1), 79-99.
  • Ipek-Akbulut, H., Sahin, C., & Cepni, S. (2013). Examining conceptual change in
  • work and energy topic: Dual situated learning model sample. Journal of
  • Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Education Faculty, 13(25), 241-268.
  • Klahr, D. (2000). Exploring science: The cognition and development of discovery
  • processes. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Koray, O., & Tatar, N. (2003). Ilkogretim ogrencilerinin kutle ve agirlik ile ilgili
  • kavram yanilgilari ve bu yanilgilarin 6., 7. ve 8. sınıf duzeylerine gore
  • dagilimi [Designating of the elementary school students’ misconceptions
  • about the mass and weight and their distribution according to 6.,7. and 8.
  • grades]. Pamukkale University Journal of Education, 13, 187-198.
  • Koray, O., Ozdemir, M., & Tatar, N. (2005). Primary school student's misconceptions
  • about "Units": Example of mass and weight. Elementary Education Online, 4(2),
  • -31.
  • Lancour, K. L. (2008). Science process skills. Retrieved August 5, 2014 from
  • Maral, S., Oguz-Unver, A., & Yurumezoglu, K. (2012). An activity-based study on
  • providing basic knowledge and skills of measurement in teaching. Educational
  • Sciences: Theory and Practice, 12(1), 558-563.
  • MNE Comission [MEB Komisyon], (2012). Ilkogretim 6. sinif fen ve teknoloji ders kitabi
  • [Elementary education 6th grade science and technology course book]. (2. Edition).
  • Ankara. : National Ministry of Education Books.
  • MNE Comission [MEB Komisyon], (2013a). Ortaokul 5.sinif fen bilimleri ders kitabi
  • [Elementary education 5th grade science and technology course book]. (1st Edition).
  • Ankara: National Ministry of Education Books. (in Turkish)
  • MNE Comission [MEB Komisyon], (2013b). Ilkogretim 7. sinif fen ve teknoloji ders kitabi
  • [Elementary education 7th grade science and technology course book]. (2st Edition).
  • Ankara: National Ministry of Education Books. (in Turkish)
  • Padilla, M. (1990). The science process skills. National association for research in science
  • teaching. Retrieved September 15, 2014 from
  • Sahin, C. (2014). Gelisimsel arastirma [Developmental research]. In M. Metin (Ed.),
  • Kuramdan uygulamaya egitimde bilimsel arastirma yontemleri (pp. 313-336, ISBN:
  • -605-364-687-7,) Ankara: Pegem Akademi Publication. (in Turkish)
  • Secken N., Yucel, S., & Morgil F.I. (2002). Yuksekogretimde bazi kimya bilgilerinin
  • sinif duzeyi ve cinsiyete gore dagilimi [Distribution of some chemical
  • knowledge in higher education according to gender and grade level]. Bogazici
  • University Journal of Education, 19(2), 1-14.
  • Tunc, T., Bakar, E., Basdag, G., Ipek, I., Bagcı, N., Gursoy Koroglu, N., Yoruk, N., &
  • Keles, O. (2012). Ilkogretim 8. sinif fen ve teknoloji ders kitabi [Elementary
  • education 8th grade science and technology course book]. (5st Edition). Ankara:
  • National Ministry of Education Books. (in Turkish).
  • URL-2016. Fen bilgisi ogretmenliği lisans programi [Program of undergraduate science
  • teacher departments]. Retrieved 2016, April 18 from
  • d-bfca-7aee80c75c22 .
  • Yildirim, A., & Ilhan, N. (2007). High school students' opinions and experiences
  • about units teaching in chemistry course [Lise ogrencilerinin kimya dersinde
  • ogretilen birimler hakkındaki gorusleri ve deneyimleri]. Gazi University
  • Journal of Gazi Educational Faculty (GUJGEF), 27(3), 211-219.
  • Yildiz, A., Buyukkasap, E., Erkol, M., & Dikel, S. (2007). Fen bilgisi ogrencilerinin hiz,
  • surat ve yer degistirme kavramlarini anlama duzeyleri [Science students’
  • understanding levels of velocity, stable velocity, speed and displacement
  • concepts]. Erzincan Journal of Educational Faculty, 9(2), 1-12.
  • Yucel S., Secken N., & Morgil F.I. (2001). Investigation of students’ learning degrees
  • on symbols, constants and units which are taught in high school chemistry
  • courses. Journal of Gazi University Gazi Education Faculty, 21 (2), 113-123.
There are 93 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Yasemin Hacıoglu

Ummu Gulsum Durukan

Cigdem Sahı

Publication Date July 15, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 16 Issue: 64


APA Hacıoglu, Y., Durukan, U. G., & Sahı, C. (2016). What Do Science Teacher Candidates Know About Measuring Instruments and Units?. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 16(64).
AMA Hacıoglu Y, Durukan UG, Sahı C. What Do Science Teacher Candidates Know About Measuring Instruments and Units?. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research. October 2016;16(64).
Chicago Hacıoglu, Yasemin, Ummu Gulsum Durukan, and Cigdem Sahı. “What Do Science Teacher Candidates Know About Measuring Instruments and Units?”. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 16, no. 64 (October 2016).
EndNote Hacıoglu Y, Durukan UG, Sahı C (October 1, 2016) What Do Science Teacher Candidates Know About Measuring Instruments and Units?. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 16 64
IEEE Y. Hacıoglu, U. G. Durukan, and C. Sahı, “What Do Science Teacher Candidates Know About Measuring Instruments and Units?”, Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, vol. 16, no. 64, 2016.
ISNAD Hacıoglu, Yasemin et al. “What Do Science Teacher Candidates Know About Measuring Instruments and Units?”. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 16/64 (October 2016).
JAMA Hacıoglu Y, Durukan UG, Sahı C. What Do Science Teacher Candidates Know About Measuring Instruments and Units?. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research. 2016;16.
MLA Hacıoglu, Yasemin et al. “What Do Science Teacher Candidates Know About Measuring Instruments and Units?”. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, vol. 16, no. 64, 2016.
Vancouver Hacıoglu Y, Durukan UG, Sahı C. What Do Science Teacher Candidates Know About Measuring Instruments and Units?. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research. 2016;16(64).