Research Article
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ST-PRA+FMEA Hybrid Risk Analysis Application for Catastrophic Events at Hospitals

Year 2022, , 221 - 228, 30.11.2022


Healthcare; albeit with low frequency, is an industry more prone to critical errors, than other industries due to its matrix structure and the numerous factors involved such as patients, professionals, and other external factors. Since multiple factors also mean multiple error sources, methods such as system analysis, process evaluation and error-and near-error notifications are implemented to pinpoint factors that could cause daily errors, and more specifically, to prevent any harmful end use effects to patients. Though unusual, catastrophic external factors (Earthquakes, fires, floods and civic occurrences) have the potential to cause difficulties in hospital due processes as well as shortages, thus requiring measures other than the usual practices.
The purpose of this study is discovering the best way out of a cathastrophic event using analytic tools to decide on an intervention by removing the greatest risk by a single and powerful shot. In this study, the management and maintenance of patient security was carried out via quantitative analysis; the ST-PRA method was used, along with the FMEA scale developed by our hospital to determine risks and intervention priorities/actions generated by the ST-PRA(Sociotechnical-Probabilistic Risk assessment) method for a hospital with 780 beds the operation of which was impacted by demolition and construction hazards in 2015. Through a hybrid ST-PRA + FMEA method, the “zero error – zero collateral effect” goal was attained.


Mesuda KABADAYI ve Sibel TAY katkıları ve verdikleri destek için teşekkür ederiz.


  • Burke CS, Stagl KC, Salas E, Pierce L, Kendall JJoAP. Understanding team adaptation: A conceptual analysis and model. 2006;91(6):1189.
  • Catchpole KR, Giddings AE, Wilkinson M, Hirst G, Dale T, de Leval MRJS. Improving patient safety by identifying latent failures in successful operations. 2007;142(1):102-10.
  • DeRosier J, Stalhandske E, Bagian JP, Nudell TJTJCjoqi. Using health care failure mode and effect analysis™: the VA National Center for Patient Safety’s prospective risk analysis system. 2002;28(5):248-67.
  • Franklin BD, Shebl NA, Barber NJBQS. Failure mode and effects analysis: too little for too much? 2012;21(7):607-11.
  • Marx D, Slonim A, Safety. Assessing patient safety risk before the injury occurs: an introduction to sociotechnical probabilistic risk modelling in health care. J BMJ Quality. 2003;12 (suppl2):ii33-ii8.
  • Modarres M. Risk analysis in engineering: techniques, tools, and trends: CRC press; 2016.
  • QI Essentials Toolkit. Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Institute for Healthcare Improvement 2017. Available from:
  • Slonim AD, Bish E, Steighner LJAitP, HAIs Co. Using Socio-Technical Probabilistic Risk Assessment (ST-PRA) to Assess Risk and Improve Patient Safety and Reliability in Health Care Systems. 2014:241.
  • Slonim AD, Bish EK, Xie RSJAoOR. Red blood cell transfusion safety: probabilistic risk assessment and cost/benefits of risk reduction strategies. 2014;221(1):377-406.
  • Van Tilburg C, Leistikow I, Rademaker C, Bierings M, Van Dijk AJBQ, Safety. Health care failure mode and effect analysis: a useful proactive risk analysis in a pediatric oncology ward. 2006;15(1):58-63.
  • WHO World alliance for patient safety : WHO draft guidelines for adverse event reporting and learning systems : from information to action 2005. Available from:

Hastanelerde Dış etkenlerle Ortaya Çıkan Yıkıcı Olaylarda ST-PRA+FMEA Hibrit Risk Analizi Uygulaması

Year 2022, , 221 - 228, 30.11.2022


Sağlık hizmetleri, frekansı düşük olmakla birlikte etkileri yönünden en ağır hataların görülebildiği endüstrilerden biri kabul edilmektedir. Diğerlerinden farklı olarak karmaşık matris bir yapıdadır ve işleyişine hem profesyoneller hem hastalar hem de dışsal pek çok etki bir arada hükmeder. Çoklu etki çoklu hata kaynağı anlamına da geldiği için günlük düzende hataya neden olabilecek etkenlerin ayrıştırılması ve özellikle kişilere ulaşan etki görülmeden engellenmesi amacı ile sistem analizleri, süreç değerlendirmeleri, hata veya neredeyse olay bildirimleri gibi yöntemlerden yararlanılmaktadır. Ancak nadiren görülse de katastrofik dış etkiler (deprem, yangın, sel, toplumsal olaylar vb) hastane işleyiş sisteminde beklenmedik zorlanmaların ve kesintilerin ortaya çıkabilmesine neden olma potansiyeli taşırlar. Boyle anlarda standartları ve işleyişi korumak için her zaman ki yöntemlerden farklı çalışmalara ihtiyaç duyulabilir.
Bu çalışmamızda da 2015 yılında çevresel bir yıkım ve inşaat çalışması nedeni ile 780 yataklı bir eğitim araştırma hastanesinin öngörülmemiş şekilde karşı karşıya kaldığı beklenmedik hasta güvenliği tehditlerine karşı durumu kontrol altına almak için risklerin kantitatif olarak ortaya konmasını sağlamak amacı ile ST-PRA yöntemi, bu yöntemin belirlediği risklerin müdahale önceliklerinin ve müdahale şeklinin kararlaştırılmasında ise hastanemiz tarafından geliştirilen FMEA ölçeği kullanıldı. Uygulanan Hibrit ST-PRA +FMEA yöntemi ile hedef olan “sıfır hata-sıfır yan etki” sonucuna ulaşılmasını sağlandı.


  • Burke CS, Stagl KC, Salas E, Pierce L, Kendall JJoAP. Understanding team adaptation: A conceptual analysis and model. 2006;91(6):1189.
  • Catchpole KR, Giddings AE, Wilkinson M, Hirst G, Dale T, de Leval MRJS. Improving patient safety by identifying latent failures in successful operations. 2007;142(1):102-10.
  • DeRosier J, Stalhandske E, Bagian JP, Nudell TJTJCjoqi. Using health care failure mode and effect analysis™: the VA National Center for Patient Safety’s prospective risk analysis system. 2002;28(5):248-67.
  • Franklin BD, Shebl NA, Barber NJBQS. Failure mode and effects analysis: too little for too much? 2012;21(7):607-11.
  • Marx D, Slonim A, Safety. Assessing patient safety risk before the injury occurs: an introduction to sociotechnical probabilistic risk modelling in health care. J BMJ Quality. 2003;12 (suppl2):ii33-ii8.
  • Modarres M. Risk analysis in engineering: techniques, tools, and trends: CRC press; 2016.
  • QI Essentials Toolkit. Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Institute for Healthcare Improvement 2017. Available from:
  • Slonim AD, Bish E, Steighner LJAitP, HAIs Co. Using Socio-Technical Probabilistic Risk Assessment (ST-PRA) to Assess Risk and Improve Patient Safety and Reliability in Health Care Systems. 2014:241.
  • Slonim AD, Bish EK, Xie RSJAoOR. Red blood cell transfusion safety: probabilistic risk assessment and cost/benefits of risk reduction strategies. 2014;221(1):377-406.
  • Van Tilburg C, Leistikow I, Rademaker C, Bierings M, Van Dijk AJBQ, Safety. Health care failure mode and effect analysis: a useful proactive risk analysis in a pediatric oncology ward. 2006;15(1):58-63.
  • WHO World alliance for patient safety : WHO draft guidelines for adverse event reporting and learning systems : from information to action 2005. Available from:
There are 11 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Hatice Semrin Timlioğlu İper

Mucize Sarıhan 0000-0001-8013-7370

Efe Serkan Boz 0000-0002-7980-1032

Onur Yarar 0000-0001-9543-6891

Halil Soyal 0000-0002-3252-5923

Publication Date November 30, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Timlioğlu İper, H. S., Sarıhan, M., Boz, E. S., Yarar, O., et al. (2022). ST-PRA+FMEA Hybrid Risk Analysis Application for Catastrophic Events at Hospitals. Avrupa Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi(41), 221-228.