Issue: 41, 11/30/22

Year: 2022


The aim of the European Journal of Science and Technology is to provide a recognized platform for students, researchers, writers, and other professionals in the fields of engineering and science research to publish original and current research work to a wide international audience. In this context;

• To show new trends and options for the use of Information and Communication Technologies;

• Linking or integrating different technology areas in the broad field of computer applications;

• It is aimed to include interdisciplinary studies in different fields of architecture, agriculture, basic sciences, and social sciences, especially engineering.

EJOSAT is an open-access journal that publishes pure and applied researches in the field of engineering and technology. The journal promotes the latest scientific findings, empirical and theoretical researches in the following areas. The manuscripts can be original research studies or reviews of a sufficient number of references. The publication language of the journal is English and Turkish.

Author Guidelines

Within the scope of the journal, original research articles and reviews in Turkish and English are published in all branches of Science and Engineering. The articles are sent to the editor online and are processed begin. The authors are fully responsible for the scope and content of the articles. The submitted article should not be published elsewhere or be in the publishing stage. By sending the article to the journal, the responsible author is deemed to have accepted that his article has not been published elsewhere before. The articles are published in English or Turkish. However, the article must include a Turkish or English abstract. Briefly, it should include the introduction, material and method, results, and discussion topics. In the writing of the articles sent to the journal for consideration, attention should be paid to research and publication ethics by complying with the National Ethics and International Ethical RulesCopyrights of the articles accepted to be published in our journal are deemed to be transferred to the journal.

In order to start the evaluation process of the articles sent to the journal, a participation fee will be requested as a contribution to the digital printing, typesetting processes, journal staff fee, and the purchase of the DOI number. This fee will be requested regardless of the acceptance/rejection condition of the article.

1. Title Page

1.1 Title

The title should be written using bold type and Times New Roman font size 12 with the first capital letters of words and center-aligned. The title should be concise and informative, yet the number of words in the title should be limited to those words that highlight the significant content of the article.

1.2 Author Information

Leaving one line after title, name(s) of author(s) should be written using bold type Times New Roman font size 11 with capital letters for the first letters of the words with center-aligned, adding superscript numbers (i.e. 1, 2, 3) at the end of the last name of each author. The corresponding author should be indicated with an asterisk.

1.3 Special Note

Additional information about the article (conference information, derivation from the thesis, etc.) is expected to be stated here.

1.4 Supporting Institution, Project No, and Acknowledgment

Acknowledgments of people, grants, funds, etc. thanks should be included. The names of the funding organizations and granting organizations should be written in full.

2. Main Text

The main body of the text should comprise “Introduction”, “Materials and Methods”, “Results and Discussion” and “Conclusion” sections and should be prepared in single-spaced throughout the article using Times New Roman font size 10 and justified. One line after each section should be left and text should be started leaving one line after section headings.

Introduction: It should contain the problem being researched, give an overview of earlier studies on the subject, and define the state of current studies. Please also state briefly and clearly the purpose of writing the article.

Materials and Methods: This section should present materials used in the study and the research procedure in detail.

Results and Discussion: The results of the study and the discussion should be grouped together, although sometimes, these sections are to be separate chapters. Results and Discussion should contain synthesis and discussion concerning previous studies on the subject. The corresponding tables and pictures should be provided in this section. However, the same data must not be displayed in two ways, e.g. graphically and in a table.

Conclusion: This section should summarize the main findings and also link to the recommendations.

Main section headings and subheadings should be written using bold type Times New Roman size 11 with capital letters for the first letter of each word in headings. The headings should be numbered consecutively (i.e. 1. Introduction, 2. Materials and Methods, 2.1 Study Area …). The sub-headings should be limited to three levels.

Scientific names in the article (such as plant and animal names) should be in italics. Internationally accepted signs and symbols should be used for units (SI units). Abbreviations should be defined at first mention and used consistently thereafter. Footnotes can be used to give additional information, which may include the citation of a reference included in the reference list.

Acknowledgments: Acknowledgments of people, grants, funds, etc. should be placed in a separate section at the end of the main text before the reference list. The names of funding organizations and grant-awarding bodies should be written in full.

3. Tables and Figures

All tables and figures are to be numbered using Arabic numerals and always be cited in the text in consecutive numerical order (i.e. Figure 1, Table 1 …). Tables and figures should be embedded in proper places in the text. The table and figure captions are to be written in Times New Roman font size 10. Any previously published material should be identified by giving the original source in the form of a reference at the end of the captions.

The content of the tables and figures should be in a Times New Roman font size 10. Figure parts are to be denoted by lowercase letters (a, b, c …).

By 2022, the names of tables and figures must be presented in both Turkish and English in all articles.

4. References

The references should only include works that are cited in the article and that are published or accepted for publication. Unpublished results and information obtained through articles and personal communications are not recommended for use as reference. The printed stage in the resources, if any, should be given a DOI number.  References should be cited in the text by name and year in parentheses. 

Reference entries should be listed in alphabetical order by the last names of the first author of each work. All references cited and reference’s name of the author, journal name/book title, section title/article title, year of publication, volume number/book chapters, and paging should be available. Abbreviated journal names and book titles can be used in references. URLs for the references should be provided if they are available.

It is recommended to use the APA format for reference notation. For more information, you can visit the relevant page (

5. Article Submission Process

The studies that are compulsory to be submitted in accordance with the templates of our journal and which are not found suitable in the preliminary examination will be rejected. The spelling rules and requirements are included in the content of the templates and APA style should be used in the bibliography. 

Since our journal follows the blind referee evaluation processes, from the article template; author name-surname, institution and address information, arrival and acceptance dates, DOI, and citation sections should be deleted. Then the content of the text in the template, tables, and figures, etc. It is very important and mandatory to load it without spoiling.

During the upload of your publications, the output of the iThenticate: Plagiarism Detection Software program (plagiarism reports) is examined and publications above 20% are rejected. It is very important for authors to cite close or related articles among the publications of our journal in their articles. The article evaluation process of the journal is between 2 and 5 months for each article, depending on the referee evaluations due to the intensity experienced. It is very important that our authors prepare the following files and name them according to the directive:

After preparing the full text of the article over the template, in the form of fulltext_blind (author information removed),
In the fulltext_similarity form of the iThenticate report for the article,
By signing the copyright form by all the authors and filling in the necessary contact parts, as copyright_right_form,
If the article requires ethics committee approval (see the relevant page), this document is in the form of ethics_committee_report and
In the Title Page section, information such as the names of the authors should be included and it should be named as title_page and loaded.

Articles should not exceed 20 pages in total. It is recommended that the authors watch Dergipark Help Videos when they have trouble uploading their works to the system.

6. Article Templates

Click here for Title Page.

Click for the research paper template

Click for the review article template - As of 2022, the review article will not be accepted as it will be done by the invitation method.

Click here for the copyright form.

Publication Ethics

The European Journal of Science and Technology is based on the principle of producing, developing, evaluating, and sharing the processes of interdisciplinary studies, especially in the field of engineering and basic sciences, in an impartial way with the scientific method.
It is aimed that all stakeholders, namely authors, editors, referees, publishers, and readers, who produce a scientific study, contribute to the progress of science by following a correct process. Within the scope of this goal, it is very important that the studies comply with scientific ethical principles.
In this context, the publication ethics and open access policy of the European Journal of Science and Technology were arranged in line with the guidelines and policies published in the open-access COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics).
Within the scope of the feedback given by the editor and/or the referees regarding the data used in the articles, it has the right to request the output files of the analysis results from the authors when deemed necessary. The use of data that does not comply with ethical rules is the responsibility of the authors, and the deficiencies detected will be reported to the author's institution and the article will be rejected.

Ethical Responsibilities of Authors
To ensure the accuracy of the data related to the study, to keep the records of the research in order, and to be able to access this data upon a possible request.
Making sure that the article he submits is not published or accepted elsewhere.
If the content it offers matches the published or submitted content, accept this conflict and cite, if necessary, provide the editor with a copy of any work that may have similar content related to his work, obtain permission to reproduce or use any content from other sources, show attribution.
To ensure compliance with national and international laws and guidelines for all studies involving human or animal subjects (for example, WMA Declaration of Helsinki, NIH Policy on the Use of Laboratory Animals, EU Directive on the Use of Animals), confirm that necessary approvals have been obtained, and respect subject privacy. To indicate the relevant ethics committee approvals and research details of the study in the "Materials and Methods" section of the study
In case of any conflict of interest, when he/she detects an ethical violation regarding his/her article, to share it with the editor and publisher, to publish an error statement, addendum, compensation notice or to withdraw the work when deemed necessary.
The names of people who do not contribute to the article should not be written as authors, and it should not be suggested to change the author order, remove an author, or add an author of an article that has been applied for publication.
In case the articles are accepted, to accept the responsibility of notifying the deficiencies related to the article to the journal secretariat within 5 days at the latest, and to inform the journal secretariat so that the corrections after this process are included in the "Corrections Regarding Previous Issues" page on the journal page.
To examine the "Ethics Committee Permission" page for information regarding the ethics committee and to fulfill the requirements.

Ethical Duties and Responsibilities of Editors
To act in a balanced, objective, and fair manner in the performance of their duties without discrimination on the basis of gender, religious or political beliefs, ethnic or geographical origin of the authors.
Evaluating the works submitted to the journal according to their content, not giving any privilege to any author.
To take the necessary measures to prevent possible conflicts of interest and to evaluate existing statements, if any.
Treating sponsored works or studies on special subjects in the same way as other studies,
In case of an ethical violation complaint, to follow the necessary procedures by adhering to the journal's policies and procedures. To give the authors an opportunity to respond to the complaint, not to avoid the necessary sanctions, regardless of who the work belongs to.
Editors send the articles by taking into consideration the field of expertise of the editors and the referees and support the impartial and independent evaluations.
Editors take into account whether there is a conflict of interest between the editors, the referees, and the author(s) for the unbiased evaluation of the article.
Editors are in search of a wide range of reviewers and their constant updating.
Editors block academic etiquette and unscientific reviews.

Ethical Responsibilities of Referees
To review the article in a timely manner objectively and to agree to consider only studies related to the area of ​​expertise, in order to contribute to the editor's decision-making process.
To make the evaluation objectively only in relation to the content of the study. To evaluate the work without considering religious, political, and economic interests.
To provide directions that will help improve the quality of the article to be published and to examine the study meticulously. To convey his comments to the author in constructive and kind language.
To protect the confidentiality of the information provided by the editor and the author, to destroy the study after the evaluation process in accordance with the confidentiality principle, to notify the editor if there is a situation contrary to blind refereeing and not to evaluate the study.
Be aware of potential conflicts of interest (financial, institutional, collaborative, or other relationships between author and author) and alert the editor to withdraw their assistance for this article if necessary.
The referees should evaluate the article for which they accepted the evaluation within the time limit.

Plagiarism Policy
Plagiarism, whether intentional or not, is a violation of ethics. The similarity of studies with other sources without reference and publishing them in this form is not only unethical but also a crime and unacceptable.
The Journal Management can act in accordance with the COPE rules in the face of allegations and suspicions of plagiarism, citation manipulation, and data fraud regarding the studies submitted to the journal.

Notifying the Editor of the Situation Not Complying with the Ethical Principles
In case of an unethical situation regarding an article in the evaluation process, early view or published in the European Journal of Science and Technology, which does not comply with the ethical principles regarding the editors, referees, authors, or an unethical situation is encountered, it should be reported to

Resources used in the preparation and adoption of policies:
COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics)
ANKEM Journal Editorial Policies
Journal of Ankara University Faculty of Educational Sciences Ethical Principles and Publication Policy
Council of Higher Education Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive

In order to start the evaluation process of the articles sent to the journal, a participation fee will be requested as a contribution to the digital printing, typesetting processes, journal staff fee, and the purchase of the DOI number. This fee will be requested regardless of the acceptance/rejection condition of the article.