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Enzime Dirençli Nişasta Kullanarak Fonksiyonel Galeta Geliştirilmesi

Year 2019, , 375 - 380, 31.03.2019


Bu çalışmada ülkemizde diyabet, kilo kontrolü gibi durumlarda sık tüketilen bir atıştırmalık olan galetanın işlevsel özellik kazandırılması amacıyla enzime dirençli nişasta (EDN) ilave edilerek yeni bir ürün geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Kimyasal olarak laboratuvar ortamında buğday nişastasından elde edilen enzime dirençli nişasta, galeta yapımında toplam un içeriğinin % 10 - 15 - 20 - 30 ve 40 olacak şekilde ilave edilmiştir. Bu karışım ile pişirilen galetaların glisemik indeks değerleri invitro olarak nişasta sindirimini baz alınarak ölçülmüş ve standart galeta ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Son ürünlerin makrobesin ögeleri, lif miktarı, enerji değeri ve glisemik indeks değeri ölçülmüştür. Galetaların enerji değeri sade galetada 422,3±0,5 kkal/100 g ölçülmüş, DN ilavelisi ile sırayla 413,1±0,5 kkal/100 g, 411,14±0,5 kkal/100 g, 409,1±0,5 kkal/100 g, 406,06±0,5 kkal/100 g ve 398,66±0,5 kkal/100 g olarak düşmüştür. Diyet lifi miktarı ise sade galetada 4,7±0,5 g iken, DN oranı arttıkça17,27±0,5 g’a yükselmiştir. İn vitro glisemik indeks değeri sade galetada 85±1’den sırasıyla 60±1 - 56±0,5 - 54±0,5 - 52±0.05 - 51±0,5’e düşmüştür. 


  • Alfa, M.J., Strang, D., Tappia, P.S., Olson, N., DeGagne, P., Bray, D., Murlay, B., Hiebert, B. (2018). Randomized Placebo Controlled Clinical Trial to Determine the Impact of Digestion Resistant Starch MSPrebiotic on Glucose, Insulin, and Insulin Resistance in Elderly and Mid- Age Adults. Front Med. 22;4:260.
  • AOAC International (2010) Official Methods of Analysis, Total Solids (total) and Moisture in Flour Air Oven Method, 925.10 / Behr Distillation Unit-S5, Almanya
  • Balsano, C., Alisi, A. (2009). Antioxidant effects of natural bioactive compounds. Current pharmaceutical design, 15(26), 3063-3073.
  • Bindels, L. B., Walter, J., and Ramer-Tait, A. E. (2015). Resistant starches for the management of metabolic diseases. Current opinion in clinical nutrition and metabolic care, 18(6), 559.
  • Bronkowska, M., Orzel, D., Lozna, K., Styczynska, M., Biernat, J., Gryszkin, A., Kapelko, M. (2013). Effect of resistant starch RS4 added to the high-fat diets on selected biochemical parameters in Wistar rats. Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny, 64 (1).
  • Buyken, A.E., Mela, D. J., Dussort, P., Johnson, I. T., MacDonald, I. A., Stowell, J. D., and Brouns, F. J. P.H. (2018). Dietary carbohydrates: A review of international recommendations and the methods used to derive them. Eur J Clin Nutr. Dec;72(12):1625-1643. doi: 10.1038/s41430-017-0035-4.
  • Büyüktuncel, E. (2012). Gelişmiş ekstraksiyon teknikleri I. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eczacılık Fakültesi Dergisi, 32(2), 209-242.
  • Campbell, G. M. (2008). A history of aerated foods Bubbles in Food 2 (pp. 1-21): Elsevier.
  • Chen, J.P., Chen, G.C., Wang, X.P., Qin, L., and Bai, Y. (2017). Dietary fiber and metabolic syndrome: A meta-analysis and review of related mechanisms. Nutrients, 10 (1), 24.
  • EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA). (2011). Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of health claims related to resistant starch and reduction of postprandial glycaemic responses (ID 681),“digestive health benefits”(ID 682) and “favours a normal colon metabolism”(ID 783) pursuant to Article 13 (1) of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006. EFSA Journal, 9(4), 2024.
  • Schmier J.K., Miller P.E., Levine J.A., Perez Vi Maki K.C., Rains T.M., Devareddy L., Sanders L.M. and Alexander D.D. Cost savings of reduced constipation rates attributed to increased dietary fiber intakes: a decision-analytic model. BMC Public Health2014,14:374
  • Elgün, A., Türker, S., and Bilgiçli, N. (2001). Tahıl ve ürünlerinde analitik kalite kontrolü. Selçuk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Gıda Mühendisliği Bölümü Ders Notları. Konya Ticaret Borsası Yayın (2).
  • Fujii, H., Iwase, M., Ohkuma, T., Ogata-Kaizu, S.,Ide, H., Kikuchi, Y., Uchida, K. (2013). Impact of dietary fiber intake on glycemic control, cardiovascular risk factors and chronic kidney disease in Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: the Fukuoka Diabetes Registry. Nutrition journal, 12 (1), 159.
  • Goñi, I., García-Alonso, A., and Saura-Calixto, F. (1997). A starch hydrolysis procedure to estimate glycemic index. Nutrition Research, 17(3), 427-437.
  • Guiné, R. P., Ferreira, M., Correia, P., Duarte, J., Leal, M., Rumbak, I., Sarić, M. M. (2016). Knowledge about dietary fibre: a fibre study framework. International journal of food sciences and nutrition, 67 (6), 707- 714.
  • Gul, K., Singh, A., and Jabeen, R. (2016). Nutraceuticals and functional foods: The foods for the future world. Critical reviews in food science and nutrition, 56(16), 2617-2627.
  • Hacıoğlu, G., Kurt, G., 2012. Business and Economics Research Journal Volume 3, Number 1 pp. 161-171 ISSN: 1309-2448. S:161-170.
  • Hasler, C.M., Bloch, A.S., Thomson, C.A., Enrione, E., Manning, C. (2004). Position of the American Dietetic Association: Functional foods. J Am Diet Assoc. 104 (5):814-26.
  • High Speed Analysis of Amino Acids by Pre- Column Derivatization (1999). Shimadzu Corporation, Instructions, Phenylisothiocyanate (PITC), 26922, Pierce Chemical Company, 6/1999, U.S.A.
  • Kranz, S., Brauchla, M., Slavin, J. L., and Miller, K.B. (2012). What do we know about dietary fiber intake in children and health? The effects of fiber intake on constipation, obesity, and diabetes in children. Advances in Nutrition, 3(1), 47-53.
  • Miller, J. B., Pang, E., & Broomhead, L. (1995). The glycaemic index of foods containing sugars: comparison of foods with naturally- occurring v. added sugars. British Journal of Nutrition, 73(4), 613-623.
  • Miller, J. B., Pang, E., & Broomhead, L. (1995). The glycaemic index of foods containing sugars: comparison of foods with naturally- occurring v. added sugars. British Journal of Nutrition, 73(4), 613-623.
  • Park, O.J, Kang, N.E., Chang, M.J., Kim, W.K. (2004). Resistant starch supplementation influences blood lipid concentrations and glucose control in overweight subjects. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo);Apr;50(2):93-9.
  • Robertson, M. D. (2012). Dietary-resistant starch and glucose metabolism. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition & Metabolic Care, 15(4), 362-367.
  • Schmier, J. K., Miller, P. E., Levine, J. A., Perez, V., Maki, K. C., Rains, T. M., and Alexander, D. D. (2014). Cost savings of reduced constipation rates attributed to increased dietary fiber intakes: a decision-analytic model. BMC Public Health, 14 (1), 374.
  • Sağlık bakanlığı Mezuatı, Türkiye Obezite (Şişmanlık) İle Mücadele Ve Kontrol Programı (2010-2014).s:15-16.
  • Shang W., Si, X., Zhou, Z., Li, Y., Stappappe, P., and Blanchard, C. (2017). Characterization of fecal fat composition and gut derived fecal microbiota in high-fat diet fed rats following intervention with chito-oligosaccharide and resistant starch complexes. Food & function 8(12), 4374-4383.
  • Stewart, M. L., Zimmer, J. P. (2018). Postprandial glucose and insulin response to a high-fiber muffin top containing resistant starch type 4 in healthy adults: a double-blind, randomized, controlled trial. Nutrition, 53, 59-63.
  • TC Aile, Çalışma ve Sosyal Hizmetler Bakanlığı, Sağlıklı Yaşam Rehberi, 23.pdf Erişim tarihi: 11.12.2018
  • Türkiye’ye Özgü Beslenme Rehberi (2015); s:26-28 p.pdf Erişim tarihi: 11.12.2018)
  • Türk Gıda Kodeksi, Etiketleme Yönetmeliği, Ek 10, 2017.
  • Upadhyaya, B., McCormack, L., Fardin-Kia, A.R., Junemann, R., Juenemann, R., Nichenametla, S., Clapper, J. and Dey, M. (2016). Impact of dietary resistant starch type 4 on human gut microbiota and immunometabolic functions. Scientific reports, 6, 26797.
  • Veronasa, N., Solmi, M., Caruso, M.G., Giannelli, G., Osella, A. R., Evangelou, E., ... & Tzoulaki, I. (2018). Dietary fiber and health outcomes: an umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 107 (3), 436-444.
  • Zhang, L., Lı, H.T., Li, S.H.E.N., Fang, Q.C., Qian, L.L. and Jia, W.P. (2015). Effect of dietary resistant starch on prevention and treatment of obesity-related diseases and its possible mechanisms. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences, 28 (4), 291-297.

Development of Functional Grissini Using Enzyme Resistant Starch

Year 2019, , 375 - 380, 31.03.2019


In this study, it is aimed to develop a new product by adding enzyme resistant starch (RS) in order to provide a functional property to grissini, which is a frequently consumed snack in cases such as diabetes and weight control in our country. Enzyme-resistant starch obtained from wheat starch in the laboratory environment was added to the grissini as the amount of 10-15-20-30 and 40% of the total flour content in the grissini. The glycemic index values of the grissini containing the RS were measured as in vitro method based on starch digestion and the values were compared with the standard one. Macronutrients, fiber content, energy value and the glycemic index value of end products were measured. The energy value of the grissini was measured as 422,3 ± 0,5 kcal / 100 g on a without RS and 413,1 ± 0,5 kcal / 100 g, 411,14 ± 0,5 kcal / 100 g, 409,1 ± 0.5 kcal / 100 g, 406,06 ± 0,5 kcal / 100 g and 398,66 ± 0,5 kcal / 100 g respectively, by the addition of RS. The amount of dietary fiber was 4.7 ± 0.5 g on the pure grissini, while the RS ratio increased, the dietary fiber amount increased to 17.27± 0.5 g. In vitro glycemic index value decreased from 85 ± 1 to 60 ± 1 - 56 ± 0,5 - 54 ± 0,5 - 52 ± 0.05 - 51 ± 0,5, respectively.


  • Alfa, M.J., Strang, D., Tappia, P.S., Olson, N., DeGagne, P., Bray, D., Murlay, B., Hiebert, B. (2018). Randomized Placebo Controlled Clinical Trial to Determine the Impact of Digestion Resistant Starch MSPrebiotic on Glucose, Insulin, and Insulin Resistance in Elderly and Mid- Age Adults. Front Med. 22;4:260.
  • AOAC International (2010) Official Methods of Analysis, Total Solids (total) and Moisture in Flour Air Oven Method, 925.10 / Behr Distillation Unit-S5, Almanya
  • Balsano, C., Alisi, A. (2009). Antioxidant effects of natural bioactive compounds. Current pharmaceutical design, 15(26), 3063-3073.
  • Bindels, L. B., Walter, J., and Ramer-Tait, A. E. (2015). Resistant starches for the management of metabolic diseases. Current opinion in clinical nutrition and metabolic care, 18(6), 559.
  • Bronkowska, M., Orzel, D., Lozna, K., Styczynska, M., Biernat, J., Gryszkin, A., Kapelko, M. (2013). Effect of resistant starch RS4 added to the high-fat diets on selected biochemical parameters in Wistar rats. Roczniki Państwowego Zakładu Higieny, 64 (1).
  • Buyken, A.E., Mela, D. J., Dussort, P., Johnson, I. T., MacDonald, I. A., Stowell, J. D., and Brouns, F. J. P.H. (2018). Dietary carbohydrates: A review of international recommendations and the methods used to derive them. Eur J Clin Nutr. Dec;72(12):1625-1643. doi: 10.1038/s41430-017-0035-4.
  • Büyüktuncel, E. (2012). Gelişmiş ekstraksiyon teknikleri I. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eczacılık Fakültesi Dergisi, 32(2), 209-242.
  • Campbell, G. M. (2008). A history of aerated foods Bubbles in Food 2 (pp. 1-21): Elsevier.
  • Chen, J.P., Chen, G.C., Wang, X.P., Qin, L., and Bai, Y. (2017). Dietary fiber and metabolic syndrome: A meta-analysis and review of related mechanisms. Nutrients, 10 (1), 24.
  • EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA). (2011). Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of health claims related to resistant starch and reduction of postprandial glycaemic responses (ID 681),“digestive health benefits”(ID 682) and “favours a normal colon metabolism”(ID 783) pursuant to Article 13 (1) of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006. EFSA Journal, 9(4), 2024.
  • Schmier J.K., Miller P.E., Levine J.A., Perez Vi Maki K.C., Rains T.M., Devareddy L., Sanders L.M. and Alexander D.D. Cost savings of reduced constipation rates attributed to increased dietary fiber intakes: a decision-analytic model. BMC Public Health2014,14:374
  • Elgün, A., Türker, S., and Bilgiçli, N. (2001). Tahıl ve ürünlerinde analitik kalite kontrolü. Selçuk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Gıda Mühendisliği Bölümü Ders Notları. Konya Ticaret Borsası Yayın (2).
  • Fujii, H., Iwase, M., Ohkuma, T., Ogata-Kaizu, S.,Ide, H., Kikuchi, Y., Uchida, K. (2013). Impact of dietary fiber intake on glycemic control, cardiovascular risk factors and chronic kidney disease in Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: the Fukuoka Diabetes Registry. Nutrition journal, 12 (1), 159.
  • Goñi, I., García-Alonso, A., and Saura-Calixto, F. (1997). A starch hydrolysis procedure to estimate glycemic index. Nutrition Research, 17(3), 427-437.
  • Guiné, R. P., Ferreira, M., Correia, P., Duarte, J., Leal, M., Rumbak, I., Sarić, M. M. (2016). Knowledge about dietary fibre: a fibre study framework. International journal of food sciences and nutrition, 67 (6), 707- 714.
  • Gul, K., Singh, A., and Jabeen, R. (2016). Nutraceuticals and functional foods: The foods for the future world. Critical reviews in food science and nutrition, 56(16), 2617-2627.
  • Hacıoğlu, G., Kurt, G., 2012. Business and Economics Research Journal Volume 3, Number 1 pp. 161-171 ISSN: 1309-2448. S:161-170.
  • Hasler, C.M., Bloch, A.S., Thomson, C.A., Enrione, E., Manning, C. (2004). Position of the American Dietetic Association: Functional foods. J Am Diet Assoc. 104 (5):814-26.
  • High Speed Analysis of Amino Acids by Pre- Column Derivatization (1999). Shimadzu Corporation, Instructions, Phenylisothiocyanate (PITC), 26922, Pierce Chemical Company, 6/1999, U.S.A.
  • Kranz, S., Brauchla, M., Slavin, J. L., and Miller, K.B. (2012). What do we know about dietary fiber intake in children and health? The effects of fiber intake on constipation, obesity, and diabetes in children. Advances in Nutrition, 3(1), 47-53.
  • Miller, J. B., Pang, E., & Broomhead, L. (1995). The glycaemic index of foods containing sugars: comparison of foods with naturally- occurring v. added sugars. British Journal of Nutrition, 73(4), 613-623.
  • Miller, J. B., Pang, E., & Broomhead, L. (1995). The glycaemic index of foods containing sugars: comparison of foods with naturally- occurring v. added sugars. British Journal of Nutrition, 73(4), 613-623.
  • Park, O.J, Kang, N.E., Chang, M.J., Kim, W.K. (2004). Resistant starch supplementation influences blood lipid concentrations and glucose control in overweight subjects. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo);Apr;50(2):93-9.
  • Robertson, M. D. (2012). Dietary-resistant starch and glucose metabolism. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition & Metabolic Care, 15(4), 362-367.
  • Schmier, J. K., Miller, P. E., Levine, J. A., Perez, V., Maki, K. C., Rains, T. M., and Alexander, D. D. (2014). Cost savings of reduced constipation rates attributed to increased dietary fiber intakes: a decision-analytic model. BMC Public Health, 14 (1), 374.
  • Sağlık bakanlığı Mezuatı, Türkiye Obezite (Şişmanlık) İle Mücadele Ve Kontrol Programı (2010-2014).s:15-16.
  • Shang W., Si, X., Zhou, Z., Li, Y., Stappappe, P., and Blanchard, C. (2017). Characterization of fecal fat composition and gut derived fecal microbiota in high-fat diet fed rats following intervention with chito-oligosaccharide and resistant starch complexes. Food & function 8(12), 4374-4383.
  • Stewart, M. L., Zimmer, J. P. (2018). Postprandial glucose and insulin response to a high-fiber muffin top containing resistant starch type 4 in healthy adults: a double-blind, randomized, controlled trial. Nutrition, 53, 59-63.
  • TC Aile, Çalışma ve Sosyal Hizmetler Bakanlığı, Sağlıklı Yaşam Rehberi, 23.pdf Erişim tarihi: 11.12.2018
  • Türkiye’ye Özgü Beslenme Rehberi (2015); s:26-28 p.pdf Erişim tarihi: 11.12.2018)
  • Türk Gıda Kodeksi, Etiketleme Yönetmeliği, Ek 10, 2017.
  • Upadhyaya, B., McCormack, L., Fardin-Kia, A.R., Junemann, R., Juenemann, R., Nichenametla, S., Clapper, J. and Dey, M. (2016). Impact of dietary resistant starch type 4 on human gut microbiota and immunometabolic functions. Scientific reports, 6, 26797.
  • Veronasa, N., Solmi, M., Caruso, M.G., Giannelli, G., Osella, A. R., Evangelou, E., ... & Tzoulaki, I. (2018). Dietary fiber and health outcomes: an umbrella review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 107 (3), 436-444.
  • Zhang, L., Lı, H.T., Li, S.H.E.N., Fang, Q.C., Qian, L.L. and Jia, W.P. (2015). Effect of dietary resistant starch on prevention and treatment of obesity-related diseases and its possible mechanisms. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences, 28 (4), 291-297.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Gökçen Garipoğlu 0000-0001-7430-5163

Publication Date March 31, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Garipoğlu, G. (2019). Enzime Dirençli Nişasta Kullanarak Fonksiyonel Galeta Geliştirilmesi. Avrupa Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi(15), 375-380.