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Effect of Bean Protein Isolate on Quality Characteristics of Various Food Products

Year 2020, , 152 - 161, 31.12.2020


The aim of this study was to invesitgate the effect of Akkus sugar bean protein (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) isolate on quality characteristics of cake and plant-based meatballs. Bean protein isolate was produced from local beans using alkali extraction/isoelectric precipitation method and was added to plant-based cake and meatball formulations at 1, 3 and 5 g/100 g levels. Bean protein isolate was used as a replacer for egg and milk in cake formulation. On the other hand, development of a plant-based formulation was aimed in meatball application. Nutritional composition, physical properties, color and textural properties were investigated in cake and meatball samples. Specific gravity of the dough was significantly higher than that of contol in cake samples with isolate. An increase in isolate amount resulted in a significant increase in cake height, whereas it decreased cooking loss compared to control. Colour difference and browing index increased as the isolate amount increased. Hardness, cohesiveness and chewiness of cake samples with isolate were found to be lower compared to control. Sensory properties of cake samples with isolate were found to be different than the control sample. Plant-based meatballs with 5 g/100 g isolate was found to be the closest to control in terms of cooking properties. Use of bean protein isolate in meatballs resulted in a colour difference (ΔE* > 3) which increased as the amount of isolate increased. Hardness and cohesiveness of meatballs with isolate were found to be lower than that of control. On the other hand, elasticity and chewiness of meatballs with 3 g/100 g and 5 g/100 g isolate were found to be higher compared to control. Finally, sensory properties of meatballs with 3 g/100 g and 5 g/100 g isolate were found to be similar to control. Our findings indicate that Akkus sugar bean can be utilized as a plant protein source in various food products with some modifications in formulation. 


  • Alves, J.S., Rodrigues, A.S., Moro, K.I.B., Boeira, C.P., Londero, P.M.G., & Rosa, C.S. (2019). Chemical characterization, bioactive compounds, and functional technological properties of flour from two cultivars of landrace common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). International Food Research Journal, 26, 565–572.
  • AOAC. (1990). Official Methods of Analysis, Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Arlington, VA., USA.
  • Asgar, M., Fazilah, A., Huda, N., Bhat, R., & Karim, A. (2010). Nonmeat protein alternatives as meat extenders and meat analogs. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 9, 513–529.
  • Aydoğan, M., Demiryürek, K., & İlkay, A.N. (2015). Türkiye’de kuru fasulye üretiminin mevcut durumu ve gelecek dönemler üretiminin tahmin edilmesi. Türk Tarım-Gıda Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 3, 962–968.
  • Azarpazhooh, E., & Boye, J.I. (2013). Composition of Processed Dry Beans and Pulses. In M. Siddiq, M.A. Uebersax (Eds.), Dry Beans and Pulses Production, Processing and Nutrition. John Wiley & Sons, 103–1224.
  • Baixauli, R., Salvador, A., & Fiszman, S. (2008). Textural and colour changes during stroage and sensory shelf life of muffins containing resistant starch. European Food Research and Technology, 226, 523–530.
  • Boye, J., Zare, F., & Pletch, A. (2010). Pulse proteins: Processing, characterization, functional properties and applications in food and feed. Food Research International, 43, 414–431.
  • Çulal Kılıç, H., Kök, H., & Yardımcı, N. (2020). Bean Common Mosaic Virus (BCMV) and Bean Common Necrosis Mosaic Virus (BCMNV) infections in common bean fields in the Lakes Region, Turkey. Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 19, 386–392.
  • Dizlek, H., & Altan, Ali. (2013). Pişirme öncesinde hamurun kısa süre bekletilmesinin pandispanya nitelikleri üzerine etkisi. Gıda Dergisi, 38, 31–38.
  • Ferreira, C.D., Ziegler, V., Lindemann, I.D., Hoffmann, J.F., Vanier, N.L., & Oliveira, M.D. (2018). Quality of black beans as a function of long-term storage and moldy development: Chemical and functional properties of flour and isolated protein. Food Chemistry, 246, 473–480.
  • Guadarrama-Lezama, A., Carrillo-Navas, H., Pérez-Alonso, C., Vernon-Carter, E., & Alvarez-Ramirez, J. (2016). Thermal and rheological properties of sponge cake batters and texture and microstructural characteristics of sponge cake made with native corn starch in partial or total replacement of wheat flour. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 70, 46–54.
  • Gularte, M.A., Gómez, M., & Rosell, C.M. (2011). Impact of legume flours on quality and in vitro digestibility of starch and protein from gluten-free cakes. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 5, 3142–3150.
  • He, Q., Sun, X., He, S., Wang, T., Zhao, J., Yang, L., Wu, Z., & Sun, H. (2018). PEGylation of black kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) protein isolate with potential functironal properties. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 164, 89–97.
  • Hera, E.D., Ruiz-París, E., Oliete, B., & Gómez, M. (2012). Studies of the quality of cakes made with wheat-lentil composite flours. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 49, 48–54.
  • Jarpa-Parra, M., Wong, L., Wismer, W., Temelli, F., Han, J., Huang, W., Eckhart, E., Tian, Z., Shi, K., Sun, T., & Chen, L. (2017). Quality characteristics of angel food cake and muffin using lentil protein as egg/milk replacer. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 52, 1604–1613.
  • Kumar, M., & Sharma, B.D. (2004). The storage stability and textural, physico-chemical and sensory quality of low-fat ground pork patties with Carrageenan as fat replacer. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 39, 31–42.
  • Lafarga, T., Álvarez, C., Bobo, G., & Aguiló-Aguayo, I. (2018). Characterization of functional properties of proteins from Ganxet beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L. var. Ganxet) isolated using an ultrasound-assisted methodology. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 98, 106–112.
  • Lin, M., Tay, S.H., Yang, H., Yang, B., & Li, H. (2017). Replacement of eggs with soybean protein isolates and polysaccharides to prepare yellow cakes suitable for vegetarians. Food Chemistry, 229, 663–673.
  • Majzoobi, M., Ghiasi, F., Habibi, M., Hedayati, S., & Farahnaky, A. (2013). Influence of soy protein ısolate on the quality of batter and sponge cake. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 38, 1164–1170.
  • Meilgaard, M., Civille, G.V., & Carr, B.T. (2007). Sensory Evaluation Techniques, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, 92–100.
  • Moore, M.M., Schober, T.J., Dockery, P., & Arendt, E.K. (2004). Textural comparisons of gluten-free and wheat-based doughs, batters, and breads. Cereal Chemistry, 81, 567–575.
  • Paraskevopoulou, A., Donsouzi, S., Nikiforidis, C., & Kiosseoglou, V. (2015). Quality characteristics of egg-reduced pound cakes following WPI and emulsifier incorporation. Food Research International, 69, 72–79.
  • Rui, X., Boye, J.I., Ribereau, S., Simpson, B.K., & Prasher, S.O. (2011). Comparative study of the composition and thermal properties of protein isolates prepared from nine Phaseolus vulgaris legume varieties. Food Research International, 44, 2497–2504.
  • Sánchez-Arteaga, H., Urías-Silvas, J., Espinosa-Andrews, H., & García-Márquez, E. (2014). Effect of chemical composition and thermal properties on the cooking quality of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris). CyTA - Journal of Food, 13, 385–391.
  • Sathe, S.K. (2002). Dry bean protein functionality. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, 22, 175–223.
  • Serdaroğlu, M., Yıldız-Turp, G., & Abrodímov, K. (2005). Quality of low-fat meatballs containing legume flours as extenders. Meat Science, 70, 99–105.
  • Shaabani, S., Yarmand, M.S., Kiani, H., & Emam-Djomeh, Z. (2018). The effect of chickpea protein isolate in combination with transglutaminase and xanthan on the physical and rheological characteristics of gluten free muffins and batter based on millet flour. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 90, 362–372.
  • Shevkani, K., & Singh, N. (2014). Influence of kidney bean, field pea and amaranth protein isolates on the characteristics of starch-based gluten-free muffins. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 49, 2237–2244.
  • Turp, G.Y. (2016). Effects of four different cooking methods on some quality characteristics of low fat Inegol meatball enriched with flaxseed flour. Meat Science, 121, 40–46.
  • Wani, I.A., Sogi, D.S., Shivhare, U.S., & Gill, B.S. (2015). Physico-chemical and functional properties of native and hydrolyzed kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) protein isolates. Food Research International, 76, 11–18.
  • Wilderjans, E., Pareyt, B., Goesaert, H., Brijs, K., & Delcour, J.A. (2008). The role of gluten in a pound cake system: A model approach based on gluten–starch blends. Food Chemistry, 110, 909–915.
  • Yeken, M.Z., Kantar, F., Çancı, H., Özer, G., & Çiftçi, V. (2018). Breeding of dry bean cultivars using Phaseolus vulgaris landraces in Turkey. Uluslararası Tarım ve Yaban Hayatı Bilimleri Dergisi, 4, 45–54.
  • Yolci, M.S. (2020). Erciş (Van) ekolojik koşullarinda bazi fasulye (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) çeşitlerinin verim ve verim unsurlarının belirlenmesi. Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 18, 562–567.

Fasulye Proteini İzolatının Çeşitli Gıda Ürünlerinin Kalite Özelliklerine Etkisi

Year 2020, , 152 - 161, 31.12.2020


Bu çalışmada, fasulye proteini izolatı kullanımının fırıncılık ve et ürünlerinin kalite özelliklerine etkilerinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yerel üreticiden temin edilen kuru fasulyeden alkali ekstraksiyon – izoelektrik çöktürme yöntemi ile elde edilen protein izolatı %1, 3 ve 5 oranlarında tamamen bitkisel bazlı bileşenlerin kullanıldığı kek ve köfte formülasyonlarına ilave edilmiştir. Fasulye proteini izolatı içeren kek numunelerinde hamur özgül ağırlığının kontrol numunesine göre yüksek olduğu görüşmüştür. İzolat oranı arttıkça kek yüksekliği ve kek verimi artmış, pişme kaybı ise azalmıştır. Hem kek kabuğu hem de içi için renk farkı ve esmerleşme indeksi artan izolat oranı ile artmıştır. Fasulye proteini izolatı içeren kek numunelerinin sertlik değeri, kohezyon kapasitesi ve çiğnenebilirlik gibi özelliklerinin kontrol numunesine göre düşük olduğu görülmüştür. İzolat içeren kek numunelerinin duyusal özelliklerinin kontrol numunesinden farklı olduğu saptanmıştır. Bitkisel bazlı köfte numunelerinin pişme özellikleri incelendiğinde, kontrole en yakın olan numunenin %5 izolat içeren köfte numunesi olduğu görülmüştür. İzolat kullanımı, köftede kontrole göre gözle ayırt edilebilir düzeyde bir renk farkına neden olmuş ve izolat oranı arttıkça hem ürün kabuğu hem de içi için bu renk farkı artmıştır. İzolat içeren ürünlerin sertlik ve kohezyon kapasitesi değerleri kontrole göre düşük bulunurken; %3 ve %5 oranında izolat içeren ürünlerin esneklik ve çiğnenebilirlik değerleri kontrolden yüksek bulunmuştur. Son olarak, kontrole göre farklılık testine göre, %3 ve %5 oranında fasulye proteini izolatı içeren köfte numunelerinin duyusal özelliklerinin kontrol numunesine benzer olduğu saptanmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular, ülkemize özgü baklagillerin çeşitli ürün formülasyonlarında iyileştirme yapılarak bitkisel protein kaynağı olarak değerlendirilebileceğini göstermiştir.


  • Alves, J.S., Rodrigues, A.S., Moro, K.I.B., Boeira, C.P., Londero, P.M.G., & Rosa, C.S. (2019). Chemical characterization, bioactive compounds, and functional technological properties of flour from two cultivars of landrace common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). International Food Research Journal, 26, 565–572.
  • AOAC. (1990). Official Methods of Analysis, Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Arlington, VA., USA.
  • Asgar, M., Fazilah, A., Huda, N., Bhat, R., & Karim, A. (2010). Nonmeat protein alternatives as meat extenders and meat analogs. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 9, 513–529.
  • Aydoğan, M., Demiryürek, K., & İlkay, A.N. (2015). Türkiye’de kuru fasulye üretiminin mevcut durumu ve gelecek dönemler üretiminin tahmin edilmesi. Türk Tarım-Gıda Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 3, 962–968.
  • Azarpazhooh, E., & Boye, J.I. (2013). Composition of Processed Dry Beans and Pulses. In M. Siddiq, M.A. Uebersax (Eds.), Dry Beans and Pulses Production, Processing and Nutrition. John Wiley & Sons, 103–1224.
  • Baixauli, R., Salvador, A., & Fiszman, S. (2008). Textural and colour changes during stroage and sensory shelf life of muffins containing resistant starch. European Food Research and Technology, 226, 523–530.
  • Boye, J., Zare, F., & Pletch, A. (2010). Pulse proteins: Processing, characterization, functional properties and applications in food and feed. Food Research International, 43, 414–431.
  • Çulal Kılıç, H., Kök, H., & Yardımcı, N. (2020). Bean Common Mosaic Virus (BCMV) and Bean Common Necrosis Mosaic Virus (BCMNV) infections in common bean fields in the Lakes Region, Turkey. Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 19, 386–392.
  • Dizlek, H., & Altan, Ali. (2013). Pişirme öncesinde hamurun kısa süre bekletilmesinin pandispanya nitelikleri üzerine etkisi. Gıda Dergisi, 38, 31–38.
  • Ferreira, C.D., Ziegler, V., Lindemann, I.D., Hoffmann, J.F., Vanier, N.L., & Oliveira, M.D. (2018). Quality of black beans as a function of long-term storage and moldy development: Chemical and functional properties of flour and isolated protein. Food Chemistry, 246, 473–480.
  • Guadarrama-Lezama, A., Carrillo-Navas, H., Pérez-Alonso, C., Vernon-Carter, E., & Alvarez-Ramirez, J. (2016). Thermal and rheological properties of sponge cake batters and texture and microstructural characteristics of sponge cake made with native corn starch in partial or total replacement of wheat flour. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 70, 46–54.
  • Gularte, M.A., Gómez, M., & Rosell, C.M. (2011). Impact of legume flours on quality and in vitro digestibility of starch and protein from gluten-free cakes. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 5, 3142–3150.
  • He, Q., Sun, X., He, S., Wang, T., Zhao, J., Yang, L., Wu, Z., & Sun, H. (2018). PEGylation of black kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) protein isolate with potential functironal properties. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 164, 89–97.
  • Hera, E.D., Ruiz-París, E., Oliete, B., & Gómez, M. (2012). Studies of the quality of cakes made with wheat-lentil composite flours. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 49, 48–54.
  • Jarpa-Parra, M., Wong, L., Wismer, W., Temelli, F., Han, J., Huang, W., Eckhart, E., Tian, Z., Shi, K., Sun, T., & Chen, L. (2017). Quality characteristics of angel food cake and muffin using lentil protein as egg/milk replacer. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 52, 1604–1613.
  • Kumar, M., & Sharma, B.D. (2004). The storage stability and textural, physico-chemical and sensory quality of low-fat ground pork patties with Carrageenan as fat replacer. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 39, 31–42.
  • Lafarga, T., Álvarez, C., Bobo, G., & Aguiló-Aguayo, I. (2018). Characterization of functional properties of proteins from Ganxet beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L. var. Ganxet) isolated using an ultrasound-assisted methodology. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 98, 106–112.
  • Lin, M., Tay, S.H., Yang, H., Yang, B., & Li, H. (2017). Replacement of eggs with soybean protein isolates and polysaccharides to prepare yellow cakes suitable for vegetarians. Food Chemistry, 229, 663–673.
  • Majzoobi, M., Ghiasi, F., Habibi, M., Hedayati, S., & Farahnaky, A. (2013). Influence of soy protein ısolate on the quality of batter and sponge cake. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 38, 1164–1170.
  • Meilgaard, M., Civille, G.V., & Carr, B.T. (2007). Sensory Evaluation Techniques, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, 92–100.
  • Moore, M.M., Schober, T.J., Dockery, P., & Arendt, E.K. (2004). Textural comparisons of gluten-free and wheat-based doughs, batters, and breads. Cereal Chemistry, 81, 567–575.
  • Paraskevopoulou, A., Donsouzi, S., Nikiforidis, C., & Kiosseoglou, V. (2015). Quality characteristics of egg-reduced pound cakes following WPI and emulsifier incorporation. Food Research International, 69, 72–79.
  • Rui, X., Boye, J.I., Ribereau, S., Simpson, B.K., & Prasher, S.O. (2011). Comparative study of the composition and thermal properties of protein isolates prepared from nine Phaseolus vulgaris legume varieties. Food Research International, 44, 2497–2504.
  • Sánchez-Arteaga, H., Urías-Silvas, J., Espinosa-Andrews, H., & García-Márquez, E. (2014). Effect of chemical composition and thermal properties on the cooking quality of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris). CyTA - Journal of Food, 13, 385–391.
  • Sathe, S.K. (2002). Dry bean protein functionality. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, 22, 175–223.
  • Serdaroğlu, M., Yıldız-Turp, G., & Abrodímov, K. (2005). Quality of low-fat meatballs containing legume flours as extenders. Meat Science, 70, 99–105.
  • Shaabani, S., Yarmand, M.S., Kiani, H., & Emam-Djomeh, Z. (2018). The effect of chickpea protein isolate in combination with transglutaminase and xanthan on the physical and rheological characteristics of gluten free muffins and batter based on millet flour. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 90, 362–372.
  • Shevkani, K., & Singh, N. (2014). Influence of kidney bean, field pea and amaranth protein isolates on the characteristics of starch-based gluten-free muffins. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 49, 2237–2244.
  • Turp, G.Y. (2016). Effects of four different cooking methods on some quality characteristics of low fat Inegol meatball enriched with flaxseed flour. Meat Science, 121, 40–46.
  • Wani, I.A., Sogi, D.S., Shivhare, U.S., & Gill, B.S. (2015). Physico-chemical and functional properties of native and hydrolyzed kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) protein isolates. Food Research International, 76, 11–18.
  • Wilderjans, E., Pareyt, B., Goesaert, H., Brijs, K., & Delcour, J.A. (2008). The role of gluten in a pound cake system: A model approach based on gluten–starch blends. Food Chemistry, 110, 909–915.
  • Yeken, M.Z., Kantar, F., Çancı, H., Özer, G., & Çiftçi, V. (2018). Breeding of dry bean cultivars using Phaseolus vulgaris landraces in Turkey. Uluslararası Tarım ve Yaban Hayatı Bilimleri Dergisi, 4, 45–54.
  • Yolci, M.S. (2020). Erciş (Van) ekolojik koşullarinda bazi fasulye (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) çeşitlerinin verim ve verim unsurlarının belirlenmesi. Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 18, 562–567.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Elif Terzi This is me 0000-0001-7324-029X

Merve Bilgintürk This is me 0000-0001-8187-9691

Rukiye Gündoğan This is me 0000-0001-7509-0467

Aslı Can Karaça 0000-0002-4137-0644

Publication Date December 31, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Terzi, E., Bilgintürk, M., Gündoğan, R., Can Karaça, A. (2020). Fasulye Proteini İzolatının Çeşitli Gıda Ürünlerinin Kalite Özelliklerine Etkisi. Avrupa Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi(20), 152-161.