Year 2011,
Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 207 - 229, 14.01.2013
Şule Korkmaz
Aysun Yavuz
Bu çalışma Türkiye'de Uludağ Üniversitesi'nde İngiliz Dili Eğitimi Anabilim Dalı'nda öğrenim gören 4. sınıf öğretmen adaylarının bakış açılarından etkili bir İngilizce öğretmeni olmak için hangi yeterliliklerin gerekli olduğunu keşfetmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu çalışma hem katılımcıların öğretmen yeterlilikleriyle ilgili önceliklerinin hem de bu yeterliliklere ulaşmak için kişisel gelişimlerini sağlamada izledikleri yolları belirlemektedir. Yeterliliklerle ilgili olarak, verilerin istatistiksel analizleri sonucunda önem sırasına göre şu 50 nokta ortaya çıkmıştır: Öğrenmenin ve Gelişmenin İzlenmesi ve Değerlendirilmesi; Öğrenciyi Tanıma; Müfredat ve İçerik Bilgisi; Öğrenme ve Öğretme Süreci; Kişisel ve Mesleki Değerler- Mesleki Gelişim; Okul- Aile ve Toplum ilişkileri. Sonuçlar çalışmanın sonunda tartışılmıştır.
Anahtar Sözcükler: Öğretmen Yeterlilikleri, öğretmen adayları, öğretmen eğitimi
- Amobi, F. A. (2006). Beyond the call: Preserving reflection in the preparation of ‗Highly Qualified‘ Teachers. Teacher Education Quarterly, 33(2): 23
- Andrews, S. & Mcneil, A. (2005). Knowledge about language and the ‗good language teacher‘. In By. Nat Bartels (Ed). Applied Linguistics and Language Teacher Education, Springer.
- Arıkan, A. (2010). Effective English language teacher from the perspectives of prospective and in-service teachers in Turkey, Electronic Journal of
- Social Sciences, Winter, 9(31), 209-223. Arıkan, A., Taşer, D. & Saraç-Süzer, H. S. (2008). The effective English language teacher from the perspectives of Turkish preparatory school students, Education and Science, 33 (150), 42-51.
- Avalos, B. (2011). Teacher professional development in teaching and teacher education over ten years, Teaching and Teacher Education, 27: 10-20.
- Baartmant, L. K. J. , Bastiaens, T. J. , Kirschner, P. A., & Van der Vleuten, C. P. M. (2007). Teachers‘ opinions on quality criteria for competency assessment programs, Teaching and Teacher Education, 23: 857–867.
- Ben-Peretz, M. (2011). Teacher knowledge: What is it? How do we uncover it? What are its implications for schooling? Teaching and Teacher Education, 27: 3-9.
- Blömeke, S. & Paine, L. (2008). Getting the fish out of the water: considering benefits and problems of doing research on teacher education at an international level, Teaching and Teacher Education, 24: 2027– 2037.
- Clark, J. C., & Walsh, J. (2002). Elements of a model of effective teachers.
- AARE 2002 Conference Papers. [Online]: Retrieved on April 4, 2007 from
- Cumming, J. & Storer, G. (1993). Language training in development: New strategies and roles, System, 20(4): 507-516.
- Çetin, Ş. (2001). İdeal öğretmen üzerine bir araştırma, Milli Eğitim Dergisi, (18), 4-6.
- Day, C. & Leitch, R. (2001). Teachers' and teacher educators' lives: The role of emotion, Teaching and Teacher Education, 17: 403-415.
- Demirel, Ö. (1990). Yabancı Dil Öğretmenlerinin Yeterlikleri, Hacettepe
- Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 5, 133-165. Demirpolat, A. O. (2006). Education faculty students‘ tendencies and beliefs about the teacher‘s role in education: A case study in a Turkish university, Teaching and Teacher Education, 22: 1068- 1083.
- Egorov, V. V. , Jantassova, D. D. & Churchill, N. (2007). Developing pre- service English teachers‘ competencies for integration of technology in language classrooms in Kazakhstan, Educational Media International, (3) 255–265.
- Elizabeth, C. L. , May, C.M. & Chee, P. K. (2008). Building a model to define the concept of teacher success in Hong Kong, Teaching and Teacher Education, 24: 623–634.
- Faltis, C. , Arias, M. B. & Ramirez-Marin, F. (2010). Identifying relevant competencies for secondary teachers of English learners, Bilingual Research Journal, 33: 307–328.
- Flores, M. A. & Day, C. (2006). Contexts which shape and reshape new teaches‘ identities: A multi-perspective study, Teaching and Teacher Education, 22: 219–232.
- Fradd, S. H. & Lee, O. (1997). Teachers‘ voices in program evaluation and improvement: A case study of a TESOL program, Teaching and Teacher Education, 13 (6): 563-577.
- Gorski, P.C. (2009). What we‘re teaching teachers: An analysis of multicultural teacher education coursework syllabi, Teaching and Teacher Education, 25: 309–318.
- Göbel, K. & Helmke, A. (2010). Intercultural learning in English as foreign language instruction: The importance of teachers‘ intercultural experience and the usefulness of precise instructional directives,
- Teaching and Teacher Education, 26: 1571-1582.
- Harding, T. (2010). Fostering creativity for leadership and leading change,
- Arts Education Policy Review, 111: 51–53. Copyright C _ Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Harper, C. A. & Jong, E. J. (2009). English language teacher expertise: The elephant in the room, Language and Education, 23(2):137–151.
- Hussu, j. & Tirri, K. (2007). Developing whole school pedagogical values—A case of going through the ethos of ‗‗good schooling‘‘, Teaching and Teacher Education, 23: 390–401.
- International Mevlana Foundation. (n.d.). Retrieved April 24, 2011, from
- Karacaoğlu, Ö. C. (2008). Determining the Teacher Competencies Required in
- Turkey in the European Union Harmonization Process, World Applied Sciences Journal, 4: 86-94, ISSN 1818-4952, IDOSI Publications.
- Katzenmeyer, M. & Moller, A. (2009). Awakening the sleeping giant: Helping teachers develop as leaders, Sage Ltd.
- Kömür, Ş. (2010). Teaching knowledge and teacher competencies: a case study of Turkish preservice English teachers, Teaching Education. 21 (3): 279-296.
- Kutnick, P (1997). Perceptions of preparation for teaching competence by
- PGCE students: a comparison of cohorts over time and changes due to legislated demands on a school-based primary course, Journal of Further and Higher Education, 21(2). Martin J. K. (2010). Student attitudes and the teaching and learning of race, culture and politics, Teaching and Teacher Education, 26: 530–539.
- MEB (2008). İngilizce öğretmeni özel alan yeterlilikleri, Öğretmen
- Yeterlilikleri El Kitabı, 59-73. Menne, S. (1993). Why train? The Teacher Trainer, 7 (2):28-30.
- Oberski I & McNally, J. (2007). Holism in teacher development: A Goethean perspective, Teaching and Teacher Education, 23: 935–943.
- O‘Connor, K. E. (2008). ―You choose to care‘‘: Teachers, emotions and professional identity, Teaching and Teacher Education, 24:117–126
- Pollard, A. & Triggs, P. (1997). Reflective teaching in secondary education,
- London: Cassell Education. Pring, R. (2000). Philosophy of Educational Research. Continuum
- Reis-Jorge, J. (2007). Teachers‘ conceptions of teacher- research and self- perceptions as enquiring practitioners—A longitudinal case study,
- Teaching and Teacher Education, 23: 402–417. Rotgans, J. I. & Schmidt, H. G. (2011). The role of teachers in facilitating situational interest in an active-learning classroom, Teaching and Teacher Education, 27: 37-42.
- Schmid, E. C. (2010). Developing competencies for using the interactive whiteboard to implement communicative language teaching in the English as a Foreign Language classroom, Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 19(2): 159–172.
- Turkish Republic Ministry Of National Education General Directorate of Teacher Training (2006). Support to Basic Education Project (SBEP).
- ―Teacher Training Component‖. Generic Teacher Competencies, Ankara: Milli Eğitim Bası Tamblyn, P. (2000). Qualities of success: Lessons from a teacher career.
- Education Canada, 40 (1): 16–19. Taşkafa, G. (1989). As teachers we are evaluating our students constantly: have you ever thought how our students evaluate us? Çağdaş Eğitim, 14, 30.
- Telli, S., den Brok, P. & Çakıroğlu, J. (2008). Teachers' and students' perceptions of the ideal teacher, Eğitim ve Bilim, 33(149), 118-129.
- Turhan, I. E. & Arıkan, A. (2009). English language teacher development with and without a teacher trainer: ELT instructors‘ perceptions, e-Journal of
- New World Sciences Academy, 4(2), Article Number: 1C0031.
- Ur, P. (1996). A course in language teaching: Practice and theory, CUP.
- White, R. (1998). What is quality in English language teacher education? ELT Journal, 52(2), 1333-139. OUP.
- Wingate, J. (1993). Teaching is teacher training, The Teacher Trainer, 7(2) :26-28.
- Yavuz, A. (2007). Understanding student teachers‘ effectiveness through journals at an English language teaching department: A Turkish university case, Mediterranean Journals of Educational Studies, 12 (2), 17.
- YÖK/Dünya Bankası (1998). Cooperation of faculty and school. [In Turkish] Ankara: YÖK. APPENDIX 1
Year 2011,
Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 207 - 229, 14.01.2013
Şule Korkmaz
Aysun Yavuz
- Amobi, F. A. (2006). Beyond the call: Preserving reflection in the preparation of ‗Highly Qualified‘ Teachers. Teacher Education Quarterly, 33(2): 23
- Andrews, S. & Mcneil, A. (2005). Knowledge about language and the ‗good language teacher‘. In By. Nat Bartels (Ed). Applied Linguistics and Language Teacher Education, Springer.
- Arıkan, A. (2010). Effective English language teacher from the perspectives of prospective and in-service teachers in Turkey, Electronic Journal of
- Social Sciences, Winter, 9(31), 209-223. Arıkan, A., Taşer, D. & Saraç-Süzer, H. S. (2008). The effective English language teacher from the perspectives of Turkish preparatory school students, Education and Science, 33 (150), 42-51.
- Avalos, B. (2011). Teacher professional development in teaching and teacher education over ten years, Teaching and Teacher Education, 27: 10-20.
- Baartmant, L. K. J. , Bastiaens, T. J. , Kirschner, P. A., & Van der Vleuten, C. P. M. (2007). Teachers‘ opinions on quality criteria for competency assessment programs, Teaching and Teacher Education, 23: 857–867.
- Ben-Peretz, M. (2011). Teacher knowledge: What is it? How do we uncover it? What are its implications for schooling? Teaching and Teacher Education, 27: 3-9.
- Blömeke, S. & Paine, L. (2008). Getting the fish out of the water: considering benefits and problems of doing research on teacher education at an international level, Teaching and Teacher Education, 24: 2027– 2037.
- Clark, J. C., & Walsh, J. (2002). Elements of a model of effective teachers.
- AARE 2002 Conference Papers. [Online]: Retrieved on April 4, 2007 from
- Cumming, J. & Storer, G. (1993). Language training in development: New strategies and roles, System, 20(4): 507-516.
- Çetin, Ş. (2001). İdeal öğretmen üzerine bir araştırma, Milli Eğitim Dergisi, (18), 4-6.
- Day, C. & Leitch, R. (2001). Teachers' and teacher educators' lives: The role of emotion, Teaching and Teacher Education, 17: 403-415.
- Demirel, Ö. (1990). Yabancı Dil Öğretmenlerinin Yeterlikleri, Hacettepe
- Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 5, 133-165. Demirpolat, A. O. (2006). Education faculty students‘ tendencies and beliefs about the teacher‘s role in education: A case study in a Turkish university, Teaching and Teacher Education, 22: 1068- 1083.
- Egorov, V. V. , Jantassova, D. D. & Churchill, N. (2007). Developing pre- service English teachers‘ competencies for integration of technology in language classrooms in Kazakhstan, Educational Media International, (3) 255–265.
- Elizabeth, C. L. , May, C.M. & Chee, P. K. (2008). Building a model to define the concept of teacher success in Hong Kong, Teaching and Teacher Education, 24: 623–634.
- Faltis, C. , Arias, M. B. & Ramirez-Marin, F. (2010). Identifying relevant competencies for secondary teachers of English learners, Bilingual Research Journal, 33: 307–328.
- Flores, M. A. & Day, C. (2006). Contexts which shape and reshape new teaches‘ identities: A multi-perspective study, Teaching and Teacher Education, 22: 219–232.
- Fradd, S. H. & Lee, O. (1997). Teachers‘ voices in program evaluation and improvement: A case study of a TESOL program, Teaching and Teacher Education, 13 (6): 563-577.
- Gorski, P.C. (2009). What we‘re teaching teachers: An analysis of multicultural teacher education coursework syllabi, Teaching and Teacher Education, 25: 309–318.
- Göbel, K. & Helmke, A. (2010). Intercultural learning in English as foreign language instruction: The importance of teachers‘ intercultural experience and the usefulness of precise instructional directives,
- Teaching and Teacher Education, 26: 1571-1582.
- Harding, T. (2010). Fostering creativity for leadership and leading change,
- Arts Education Policy Review, 111: 51–53. Copyright C _ Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Harper, C. A. & Jong, E. J. (2009). English language teacher expertise: The elephant in the room, Language and Education, 23(2):137–151.
- Hussu, j. & Tirri, K. (2007). Developing whole school pedagogical values—A case of going through the ethos of ‗‗good schooling‘‘, Teaching and Teacher Education, 23: 390–401.
- International Mevlana Foundation. (n.d.). Retrieved April 24, 2011, from
- Karacaoğlu, Ö. C. (2008). Determining the Teacher Competencies Required in
- Turkey in the European Union Harmonization Process, World Applied Sciences Journal, 4: 86-94, ISSN 1818-4952, IDOSI Publications.
- Katzenmeyer, M. & Moller, A. (2009). Awakening the sleeping giant: Helping teachers develop as leaders, Sage Ltd.
- Kömür, Ş. (2010). Teaching knowledge and teacher competencies: a case study of Turkish preservice English teachers, Teaching Education. 21 (3): 279-296.
- Kutnick, P (1997). Perceptions of preparation for teaching competence by
- PGCE students: a comparison of cohorts over time and changes due to legislated demands on a school-based primary course, Journal of Further and Higher Education, 21(2). Martin J. K. (2010). Student attitudes and the teaching and learning of race, culture and politics, Teaching and Teacher Education, 26: 530–539.
- MEB (2008). İngilizce öğretmeni özel alan yeterlilikleri, Öğretmen
- Yeterlilikleri El Kitabı, 59-73. Menne, S. (1993). Why train? The Teacher Trainer, 7 (2):28-30.
- Oberski I & McNally, J. (2007). Holism in teacher development: A Goethean perspective, Teaching and Teacher Education, 23: 935–943.
- O‘Connor, K. E. (2008). ―You choose to care‘‘: Teachers, emotions and professional identity, Teaching and Teacher Education, 24:117–126
- Pollard, A. & Triggs, P. (1997). Reflective teaching in secondary education,
- London: Cassell Education. Pring, R. (2000). Philosophy of Educational Research. Continuum
- Reis-Jorge, J. (2007). Teachers‘ conceptions of teacher- research and self- perceptions as enquiring practitioners—A longitudinal case study,
- Teaching and Teacher Education, 23: 402–417. Rotgans, J. I. & Schmidt, H. G. (2011). The role of teachers in facilitating situational interest in an active-learning classroom, Teaching and Teacher Education, 27: 37-42.
- Schmid, E. C. (2010). Developing competencies for using the interactive whiteboard to implement communicative language teaching in the English as a Foreign Language classroom, Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 19(2): 159–172.
- Turkish Republic Ministry Of National Education General Directorate of Teacher Training (2006). Support to Basic Education Project (SBEP).
- ―Teacher Training Component‖. Generic Teacher Competencies, Ankara: Milli Eğitim Bası Tamblyn, P. (2000). Qualities of success: Lessons from a teacher career.
- Education Canada, 40 (1): 16–19. Taşkafa, G. (1989). As teachers we are evaluating our students constantly: have you ever thought how our students evaluate us? Çağdaş Eğitim, 14, 30.
- Telli, S., den Brok, P. & Çakıroğlu, J. (2008). Teachers' and students' perceptions of the ideal teacher, Eğitim ve Bilim, 33(149), 118-129.
- Turhan, I. E. & Arıkan, A. (2009). English language teacher development with and without a teacher trainer: ELT instructors‘ perceptions, e-Journal of
- New World Sciences Academy, 4(2), Article Number: 1C0031.
- Ur, P. (1996). A course in language teaching: Practice and theory, CUP.
- White, R. (1998). What is quality in English language teacher education? ELT Journal, 52(2), 1333-139. OUP.
- Wingate, J. (1993). Teaching is teacher training, The Teacher Trainer, 7(2) :26-28.
- Yavuz, A. (2007). Understanding student teachers‘ effectiveness through journals at an English language teaching department: A Turkish university case, Mediterranean Journals of Educational Studies, 12 (2), 17.
- YÖK/Dünya Bankası (1998). Cooperation of faculty and school. [In Turkish] Ankara: YÖK. APPENDIX 1