Research Article
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Analysis of the Effect of Mind Mapping Activities on the Acquisition of Values of 60-72-Month-Old Children

Year 2021, Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 392 - 405, 31.12.2021


The aim of this research is to analyse the effect of mind mapping activities on the acquisition of respect, responsibility, honesty, collaboration, sharing, friendship and courage values of 60-72-month-old children. The research was conducted with 30 children who received education in two separate classes of a preschool in İstanbul, Turkey. A 16-week teaching programme was carried out with the experimental and control groups using the what, where, why, when, who, how method in Turkish, drama, arts, preparation for reading and writing, music and plays and movement as integrated activities based on the teaching of values. In addition to the activities, mind mapping was carried out with the experimental group as part of the teaching of values. According to the results of the analysis, the post-test scores of the experimental group were significantly higher than those of the control group. In addition, a significant increase in the values acquired for both the experimental and control groups were determined.


  • Acat, M.B., & Aslan M. (2011). Okulların karakter eğitimi yetkinliği ölçeği. Değerler Eğitimi Dergisi, 9(21), 7-27.
  • Aral, N., & Kadan, G. (2018). 2013 Okul Öncesi Eğitim Programının değerler eğitimi bağlamında incelenmesi [Investigation of 2013 pre-school education program in the context of values in education]. Erken Çocukluk Çalışmaları Dergisi, 2(1), 113-131.
  • Berkowitz, M.W. (2011). What works in value education. International Journal of Educational Research, 50(3), 153-158
  • Berkowitz, M.W., & Bier, M.C. (2005).Character education: parents as partners. Educational Leadership, 63(1), 64-69.
  • Bilasa, P. (2015).Instructional use of mind map in kindergarten. Journal of Research in Education and Society, 2(4), 49-67.
  • Buzan, T. (1989).Use Both Sides of Your Brain (3rd ed.). New York: Plenum.
  • Buzan, T., & Buzan, B. (1996). The Mind Map Book: How to Use Radiant Thinking to Maximize Your Brain's Untapped Potential. New York: Plume.
  • Crowther, E. (1995). An independent school library-classroom-parent pertnership program to encourage respect, responsibility, courtesy, and caring for prekindergarten through eighth grade. ERIC Document Reproduction Service No: ED388964. 220-229C.
  • Daghistan, B.I.A.M. (2016).Mind maps to modify lack of attention among Saudi kindergarten children. International Education Studies, 9(4), 245-526.
  • Gökçek, B.S. (2007). 5–6 Yaş Çocukları için Hazırlanan Karakter Eğitimi Programının Etkisinin İncelenmesi [Investigation of the Effect of the Character Education Program Prepared for 5-6 Years Old Children]. PhD diss., Marmara University.
  • Grieshaber, S., & McArdle, F. (2014). Ethical dimensions and perspectives on play. In L. Brooker, M. Balise, & S. Edwards (Eds.), Sage handbook of play and learning in early childhood (pp. 103-114). London: Sage Publications.
  • Gündüz, M., & Aktepe, V. (2017). Sınıf öğretmenlerinin değer öğretimine yönelik zihin haritaları [Intelligence Map of Class Teachers for Value Teaching]. Bartın Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 6(2), 427-446.
  • Halat, A. (2017). 5-6 Yaş Grubu Çocuklara Paylaşma, İş Birliği ve Sorumluluk Değerlerinin Kazandırılmasında Etkileşimli Kitap Okuma Tekniğinin Etkililiğinin İncelenmesi [Investigation of the Effectiveness of Interactive Book Reading Technique in Acquiring Sharing, Cooperation and Responsibility Values for 5-6 Age Group Children]. MSc diss., Gazi University.
  • Halstead, J.M., & Taylor, M.J.(2000). Learning and teaching about values: A review of recent research. Cambridge Journal of Education, 30(2), 169–202.
  • Hardy, I., & Stadelhofer, B. (2006). Concept maps wirkungsvoll als strukturierungshilfen einsetzen: Welche rolle spielt die selbstkonstruktion? [Using concept maps effectively as structural support: The role of selfconstruction]. Zeitschrift Für Pädagogische Psychologie, 20, 175–187.
  • Hujala, E. (2001). The curriculum for early learning in the context of the society. In H. Kukemelk, K. Karlep, E. Krull, J. Mikk, E. Pilli, & K. Transberg (Eds.), Kasvatus ja aated. (pp. 241-248).Tartu: Tartu Ulikooli Kirjastus.
  • Husu, J., & Tirri, K. (2007). Developing whole school pedagogical values –a case of going through the ethos of good schooling. Teaching and Teacher Education, 23(4), 390-401.
  • Imam, M. (2020). Need of value-based education in the 21st century. An Online Interdisciplinary, Multidisciplinary & Multi-cultural Journal, 9(1), 6-16.
  • Kirschenbaum, H. (1995). 100 Ways to Enhance Values and Morality in Schools and Youth Setting. Massachusetts: Allyn & Bacon Company.
  • Koster, M.P., van der Wilt, F.M., van Kruistum, C.J., & van der Veen, C.(2017). The Effect of Mind Mapping on Listening Comprehension and Vocabulary in Early Childhood Education. Paper presented at European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Tampere, Finland.
  • Lickona,T., Schaps, E., & Lewis, C. (2007). Eleven Principles of Effective Character Education. Character Education Partnership. Character Education Partnership [In Estonian, Tulemusliku iseloomukasvatuse¸ ksteist printsiipi. Translated Laura Lilles].
  • McNeill, P. (2004). Teaching and Learning Problem Solving. London: Learning and Skills Development Agency.
  • Mei-Ju, C., Chen-Hsin, Y., & Pin-Chen, H. (2014). The beauty of character education on preschool children’s parent-child relationship. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 143, 527-533. Mind Maps (n.d.). In family events themed mind map. Retrieved from
  • Ministry of National Education (2013). Okul Öncesi Eğitim Programı [Preschool Education Program]. Ankara.
  • Neslitürk, S., & Çeliköz, N.(2015). Okul öncesi değerler ölçeği aile ve öğretmen formunun geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması [The validity and reliability study of the preschool values scale family and teacher form]. Dicle Üniversitesi Ziya Gökalp Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 24, 19-42.
  • Nugin, K. (2013). Keskkonna loomine (Creating an environment).In K.Nugin (Ed.),‹ldıpetuse rakendamine lasteaias (Implementation of General Education in Kindergarten), (pp. 84-96). Tartu: Atlex.
  • Oktay, A. (1990). Türkiye’de okul öncesi eğitim [Preschool education in Turkey]. Marmara Üniversitesi Atatürk Eğitim Fakültesi Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi. 2(2), 151-160.
  • Polat, Ö., Aksin, E., & Ozkrabacak, A.B. (2013). 48-60 aylik çocuklarin okula ilişkin algilarinin zihin haritası kullanılarak incelenmesi. 5. International Congress of Educational Research, 6-9 June 2013. Congress Proceedings (Ful text) (p. 1329-1339). ISBN – 978-605-60682-6-3.
  • Polat, Ö., Aksin Yavuz, E., & Ozkarabak Tunc, A. B. (2017). The effect of using mind maps on the development of maths and science skills. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 12(1), 32-45.
  • Polat, Ö., & Aydın, E. (2020). The effect of mind mapping on young children’s critical thinking skills. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 38, 1-14.
  • Richardson, R.C., Tolson, H., Huang, T.Y., & Lee Y.H. (2009). Character education: lessons for teaching social and emotional competence. Children & Schools, 31(2), 71-78.
  • Shapiro, S.S., & Wilk, M.B. (1965). An analysis of variance test for normality. Biometrika, 52(3-4), 591-611.
  • Sırrı, V.(2015). Karakter eğitimi: Dün, bugün ve yarın [Character education: Yesterday, today and tomorrow]. Tarih Kültür ve Sanat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 4(1), 121-144.
  • Sigurdardottir, I., & Einarsdottir, J. (2016). An Action Research Study in an Icelandic Preschool: Developing Consensus About Values and Values Education. International Journal of Early Childhood, 48, 161–177.
  • Skaggs, G., & Bodenhorn, N. (2006).Relationships between implementing cracter education, student behavior and student achievement. Journal of Advanced Academics, 18(1), 82-114.
  • Smith, P.K., Cowie, H., & Blades, M. (2001).Understanding Children’s Development (3rd ed.). Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Sridhar, Y.N.(2001). Value development. National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE), New Delhi Two Four-day Residential courses in Value Orientation in Teacher Education, 18-21 and 26-29 December 2001.
  • Turkish Statistical Institute (2020). Net schooling ratio, number of schools, students, teachers and classrooms in pre-primary education by types of educational year, 2009-2019. Retrieved from
  • Ulavere, P., & Tammik, A. (2017). Value education in Estonian preschool child care institutions. Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability, 19(1), 129-146.
  • Ulusoy, K. & Arslan, A. (2016). Değerli bir kavram olarak “değer ve değerler eğitimi” ["Value and values education" as a valuable concept]. In R.Turan & K.Ulusoy (Ed.). Farklı yönleriyle değerler eğitimi [Values education in different aspects] (pp.2-17). Ankara: Pegem.
  • Uzun, M., & Kose, A. (2017). Okul öncesi eğitimde değerler eğitiminin uygulanmasına yönelik öğretmen görüşleri [Teachers’ opinions about the application of values education during preschool education]. Bayburt Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 12(23), 305-338.
  • Webber, L.A. (2017). Women, higher education and family capital: ‘I could not have done it without my family!’. Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 22(3), 409-428.
  • Wen-Cheng, W., Chung-Chieh, L., & Ying-Chien, C. (2010). A brief review on developing creative thinking in young children by mind mapping. International Business Research, 3(3), 233-238.
  • van der Veen, C., van der Wilt, F.M., & Boerma, I.E. (2018). Mind mapping during interactive book reading: Does it contribute to children's language abilities?Poster session presented at EECERA 2018, Budapest, Hungary.
  • Veugelers, W., & Vedder, P. (2003). Values in teaching. Teachers and Teaching:Theory and Practice, 9(4), 89–101.
  • Yıldırım, A. (2018). 6 Yaş Okul Öncesi Çocuklarına Yönelik Cesaret Temelli Değerler Eğitimi Uygulamalarının Etkililiği [The Effectiveness of Courage Based Values Education Practices for 6 Years Old Preschool Children]. MSc diss., İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim University.

Analysis of the Effect of Mind Mapping Activities on the Acquisition of Values of 60-72-Month-Old Children

Year 2021, Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 392 - 405, 31.12.2021


The aim of this research is to analyse the effect of mind mapping activities on the acquisition of respect, responsibility, honesty, collaboration, sharing, friendship and courage values of 60-72-month-old children. The research was conducted with 30 children who received education in two separate classes of a preschool in İstanbul, Turkey. A 16-week teaching programme was carried out with the experimental and control groups using the what, where, why, when, who, how method in Turkish, drama, arts, preparation for reading and writing, music and plays and movement as integrated activities based on the teaching of values. In addition to the activities, mind mapping was carried out with the experimental group as part of the teaching of values. According to the results of the analysis, the post-test scores of the experimental group were significantly higher than those of the control group. In addition, a significant increase in the values acquired for both the experimental and control groups were determined.


  • Acat, M.B., & Aslan M. (2011). Okulların karakter eğitimi yetkinliği ölçeği. Değerler Eğitimi Dergisi, 9(21), 7-27.
  • Aral, N., & Kadan, G. (2018). 2013 Okul Öncesi Eğitim Programının değerler eğitimi bağlamında incelenmesi [Investigation of 2013 pre-school education program in the context of values in education]. Erken Çocukluk Çalışmaları Dergisi, 2(1), 113-131.
  • Berkowitz, M.W. (2011). What works in value education. International Journal of Educational Research, 50(3), 153-158
  • Berkowitz, M.W., & Bier, M.C. (2005).Character education: parents as partners. Educational Leadership, 63(1), 64-69.
  • Bilasa, P. (2015).Instructional use of mind map in kindergarten. Journal of Research in Education and Society, 2(4), 49-67.
  • Buzan, T. (1989).Use Both Sides of Your Brain (3rd ed.). New York: Plenum.
  • Buzan, T., & Buzan, B. (1996). The Mind Map Book: How to Use Radiant Thinking to Maximize Your Brain's Untapped Potential. New York: Plume.
  • Crowther, E. (1995). An independent school library-classroom-parent pertnership program to encourage respect, responsibility, courtesy, and caring for prekindergarten through eighth grade. ERIC Document Reproduction Service No: ED388964. 220-229C.
  • Daghistan, B.I.A.M. (2016).Mind maps to modify lack of attention among Saudi kindergarten children. International Education Studies, 9(4), 245-526.
  • Gökçek, B.S. (2007). 5–6 Yaş Çocukları için Hazırlanan Karakter Eğitimi Programının Etkisinin İncelenmesi [Investigation of the Effect of the Character Education Program Prepared for 5-6 Years Old Children]. PhD diss., Marmara University.
  • Grieshaber, S., & McArdle, F. (2014). Ethical dimensions and perspectives on play. In L. Brooker, M. Balise, & S. Edwards (Eds.), Sage handbook of play and learning in early childhood (pp. 103-114). London: Sage Publications.
  • Gündüz, M., & Aktepe, V. (2017). Sınıf öğretmenlerinin değer öğretimine yönelik zihin haritaları [Intelligence Map of Class Teachers for Value Teaching]. Bartın Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 6(2), 427-446.
  • Halat, A. (2017). 5-6 Yaş Grubu Çocuklara Paylaşma, İş Birliği ve Sorumluluk Değerlerinin Kazandırılmasında Etkileşimli Kitap Okuma Tekniğinin Etkililiğinin İncelenmesi [Investigation of the Effectiveness of Interactive Book Reading Technique in Acquiring Sharing, Cooperation and Responsibility Values for 5-6 Age Group Children]. MSc diss., Gazi University.
  • Halstead, J.M., & Taylor, M.J.(2000). Learning and teaching about values: A review of recent research. Cambridge Journal of Education, 30(2), 169–202.
  • Hardy, I., & Stadelhofer, B. (2006). Concept maps wirkungsvoll als strukturierungshilfen einsetzen: Welche rolle spielt die selbstkonstruktion? [Using concept maps effectively as structural support: The role of selfconstruction]. Zeitschrift Für Pädagogische Psychologie, 20, 175–187.
  • Hujala, E. (2001). The curriculum for early learning in the context of the society. In H. Kukemelk, K. Karlep, E. Krull, J. Mikk, E. Pilli, & K. Transberg (Eds.), Kasvatus ja aated. (pp. 241-248).Tartu: Tartu Ulikooli Kirjastus.
  • Husu, J., & Tirri, K. (2007). Developing whole school pedagogical values –a case of going through the ethos of good schooling. Teaching and Teacher Education, 23(4), 390-401.
  • Imam, M. (2020). Need of value-based education in the 21st century. An Online Interdisciplinary, Multidisciplinary & Multi-cultural Journal, 9(1), 6-16.
  • Kirschenbaum, H. (1995). 100 Ways to Enhance Values and Morality in Schools and Youth Setting. Massachusetts: Allyn & Bacon Company.
  • Koster, M.P., van der Wilt, F.M., van Kruistum, C.J., & van der Veen, C.(2017). The Effect of Mind Mapping on Listening Comprehension and Vocabulary in Early Childhood Education. Paper presented at European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Tampere, Finland.
  • Lickona,T., Schaps, E., & Lewis, C. (2007). Eleven Principles of Effective Character Education. Character Education Partnership. Character Education Partnership [In Estonian, Tulemusliku iseloomukasvatuse¸ ksteist printsiipi. Translated Laura Lilles].
  • McNeill, P. (2004). Teaching and Learning Problem Solving. London: Learning and Skills Development Agency.
  • Mei-Ju, C., Chen-Hsin, Y., & Pin-Chen, H. (2014). The beauty of character education on preschool children’s parent-child relationship. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 143, 527-533. Mind Maps (n.d.). In family events themed mind map. Retrieved from
  • Ministry of National Education (2013). Okul Öncesi Eğitim Programı [Preschool Education Program]. Ankara.
  • Neslitürk, S., & Çeliköz, N.(2015). Okul öncesi değerler ölçeği aile ve öğretmen formunun geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması [The validity and reliability study of the preschool values scale family and teacher form]. Dicle Üniversitesi Ziya Gökalp Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 24, 19-42.
  • Nugin, K. (2013). Keskkonna loomine (Creating an environment).In K.Nugin (Ed.),‹ldıpetuse rakendamine lasteaias (Implementation of General Education in Kindergarten), (pp. 84-96). Tartu: Atlex.
  • Oktay, A. (1990). Türkiye’de okul öncesi eğitim [Preschool education in Turkey]. Marmara Üniversitesi Atatürk Eğitim Fakültesi Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi. 2(2), 151-160.
  • Polat, Ö., Aksin, E., & Ozkrabacak, A.B. (2013). 48-60 aylik çocuklarin okula ilişkin algilarinin zihin haritası kullanılarak incelenmesi. 5. International Congress of Educational Research, 6-9 June 2013. Congress Proceedings (Ful text) (p. 1329-1339). ISBN – 978-605-60682-6-3.
  • Polat, Ö., Aksin Yavuz, E., & Ozkarabak Tunc, A. B. (2017). The effect of using mind maps on the development of maths and science skills. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 12(1), 32-45.
  • Polat, Ö., & Aydın, E. (2020). The effect of mind mapping on young children’s critical thinking skills. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 38, 1-14.
  • Richardson, R.C., Tolson, H., Huang, T.Y., & Lee Y.H. (2009). Character education: lessons for teaching social and emotional competence. Children & Schools, 31(2), 71-78.
  • Shapiro, S.S., & Wilk, M.B. (1965). An analysis of variance test for normality. Biometrika, 52(3-4), 591-611.
  • Sırrı, V.(2015). Karakter eğitimi: Dün, bugün ve yarın [Character education: Yesterday, today and tomorrow]. Tarih Kültür ve Sanat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 4(1), 121-144.
  • Sigurdardottir, I., & Einarsdottir, J. (2016). An Action Research Study in an Icelandic Preschool: Developing Consensus About Values and Values Education. International Journal of Early Childhood, 48, 161–177.
  • Skaggs, G., & Bodenhorn, N. (2006).Relationships between implementing cracter education, student behavior and student achievement. Journal of Advanced Academics, 18(1), 82-114.
  • Smith, P.K., Cowie, H., & Blades, M. (2001).Understanding Children’s Development (3rd ed.). Oxford: Blackwell.
  • Sridhar, Y.N.(2001). Value development. National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE), New Delhi Two Four-day Residential courses in Value Orientation in Teacher Education, 18-21 and 26-29 December 2001.
  • Turkish Statistical Institute (2020). Net schooling ratio, number of schools, students, teachers and classrooms in pre-primary education by types of educational year, 2009-2019. Retrieved from
  • Ulavere, P., & Tammik, A. (2017). Value education in Estonian preschool child care institutions. Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability, 19(1), 129-146.
  • Ulusoy, K. & Arslan, A. (2016). Değerli bir kavram olarak “değer ve değerler eğitimi” ["Value and values education" as a valuable concept]. In R.Turan & K.Ulusoy (Ed.). Farklı yönleriyle değerler eğitimi [Values education in different aspects] (pp.2-17). Ankara: Pegem.
  • Uzun, M., & Kose, A. (2017). Okul öncesi eğitimde değerler eğitiminin uygulanmasına yönelik öğretmen görüşleri [Teachers’ opinions about the application of values education during preschool education]. Bayburt Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 12(23), 305-338.
  • Webber, L.A. (2017). Women, higher education and family capital: ‘I could not have done it without my family!’. Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 22(3), 409-428.
  • Wen-Cheng, W., Chung-Chieh, L., & Ying-Chien, C. (2010). A brief review on developing creative thinking in young children by mind mapping. International Business Research, 3(3), 233-238.
  • van der Veen, C., van der Wilt, F.M., & Boerma, I.E. (2018). Mind mapping during interactive book reading: Does it contribute to children's language abilities?Poster session presented at EECERA 2018, Budapest, Hungary.
  • Veugelers, W., & Vedder, P. (2003). Values in teaching. Teachers and Teaching:Theory and Practice, 9(4), 89–101.
  • Yıldırım, A. (2018). 6 Yaş Okul Öncesi Çocuklarına Yönelik Cesaret Temelli Değerler Eğitimi Uygulamalarının Etkililiği [The Effectiveness of Courage Based Values Education Practices for 6 Years Old Preschool Children]. MSc diss., İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim University.
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Studies on Education
Journal Section Article

Özgül Polat This is me 0000-0001-7426-5771

Ebru Aydın 0000-0001-6982-5957

Publication Date December 31, 2021
Submission Date July 4, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 7 Issue: 3


APA Polat, Ö., & Aydın, E. (2021). Analysis of the Effect of Mind Mapping Activities on the Acquisition of Values of 60-72-Month-Old Children. Journal of Education, Theory and Practical Research, 7(3), 392-405.