ISSN: 2149-7702
e-ISSN: 2587-0718
Founded: 2015
Publisher: Sabri SİDEKLİ
Cover Image

The Journal of Education, Theory and Practical Research (JETPR) is an international peer-reviewed, international print and online publication tool that includes non-profit and academic studies, which was published in 2015. JETPR (EKUAD) is published three times a year, every four months. Since the April 2020 issue (6/1), the DOI number has been issued. It has been published simultaneously in Turkish and English since August 2020 (6/2).


The Journal of Education, Theory and Practical Research (JETPR) has been accepted to be indexed in EBSCO Host Education Indexes (H.W. Wilson index at al) as 01.01.2023. 

2024 - Volume: 10 Issue: 3