All manuscripts must be in English. Pages should be numbered sequentially. The manuscript should be composed in accordance with the Article Template ( ) given above. The maximum length of contributions is 20 pages.
All manuscripts must be submitted electronically via the Internet through the online system for EMS journals at After selecting the journal, you will be guided stepwise through the creation and uploading of the various files. Papers are accepted for evaluation on the understanding that:
• they have not been published,
• they are not being considered for publication simultaneously elsewhere,
• they are not going to be submitted for publication elsewhere.
During the submission process, authors should check that their submissions comply with all the items in the list below, applications that do not comply with this guideline will be sent back to the authors.
1. The submitted manuscript has not been previously published or submitted to any journal for consideration.
2. The manuscript file is in the format of Microsoft Word document.
3. URLs of references are provided where available.
4. The text is double-spaced, written in 12-point, italicized instead of underlined (except URL addresses), and all figures, pictures, and tables are placed in appropriate parts of the text instead of at the end of the page. Please send quality copies of the pictures as an attachment for printing. If the sent file size is too large, the system may not receive it. In such cases, you can divide the article and send the other parts one by one as additional files.
5. The text has been prepared in accordance with the formal and bibliographical requirements specified in the Author's Guide.
6. The similarity rate of the manuscript is ≤ 20%.
1. TEXT: It should be written in Times New Roman font and in 12 pt. It should not exceed 20 pages, excluding references and figures and scanning texts. Authors should specify what type of article their article is (Research Paper or Review Paper).
2. TITLE: TheTITLE: The title of the manuscript should follow sentence case, with only the first letter of the first word capitalized. In first- and second-degree headings within the text, the first letter of each word should be capitalized. In third-degree headings, only the first letter of the heading should be capitalized. No expressions in parentheses () should be used in the titles.
3. ABSTRACT: It should be not exceeding 250 words.
4. KEYWORDS: 4-6 significant keywords should follow the abstract to aid indexing.
5. MANUSCRIPT STRUCTURE: In general, the manuscript should cover the introduction, methods, results and discussion, and conclusions sections.
The introduction should provide a review of relevant literature and sufficient background information to allow the results of the article to be understood and evaluated.
The methods section should provide detailed descriptions of the materials and methods used.
The results section should clearly and concisely present the data, using figures and tables.
The discussion section should describe the relationships and generalizations shown by the results, discuss the significance of the findings, and compare them with previously published work. The results and discussion sections may be combined in certain cases to ensure a more fluid presentation, such as when direct discussion of the results is necessary.
The conclusions section should highlight the main findings and provide recommendations for future research, avoiding duplication of the abstract.
Acknowledgment of collaboration or assistance (optional) may be included. However, it is mandatory to acknowledge the sources of funding for the research.
6. REFERENCES: must be cited consecutively in the text using square brackets [1] and collected together in a reference list at the end of the manuscript. (In references to be added at the end of sentences, a period sign should be placed after the reference given in square brackets.)
A reference list must be included using the following information as a guide. Only cited text references are to be included. Each reference is to be referred to in the text by a number enclosed in a square bracket (i.e. [3] or [2] to [4] for more references; do not combine more than 3 references, explain each).
References must be numbered and ordered according to where they are first mentioned in the paper, not alphabetically. All references must be complete and accurate. Please add the DOI code if available.
Journal Papers:
Surname 1, Initials, Surname 2, Initials (year). Title. Journal, volume, issue, pages, DOI code.
[1] Calikoz, R., Ozcanli, B., & Serin, F. (2017). Simulating materials under vertical forces by using intelligent. European Mechanical Science, 57(7): 531-538.
Journal titles should not be abbreviated. Note that the journal title is set in italics.
Books:Surname 1, Initials, Surname 2, Initials (year). Title. Publisher, place of publication.
[2] Ozgur, M. P. (2012).
Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering. Gunlubey, Ankara.
Chapters in Books:Surname 1, Initials, Surname 2, Initials (year). Chapter title. Editor(s) of book, book title. Publisher, place of publication, pages.
[3] Akarca, G. & Gelidor, M. (2016). Mechanical robotic systems. Calikca, V., Kurbetoglu, A. & Merdan, M. (Eds.),
Cutting Edge Robotics. Literatur Bergli, Mammendorf, 553-576.
Proceedings Papers:Surname 1, Initials, Surname 2, Initials (year). Paper title. Proceedings title, pages.
[4] Seferci, N., Malikoglu, S., Tosun, N. (2009). Applied mechanic in process industry. IMSEC 2016 Conference Proceedings, 422-427.
Published Thesis:Surname, Initials (year). Title of the thesis, thesis type (Msc, PhD), university or institute where it was presented, country.
[5] Karacor, B. (2020). The usage of natural fiber reinforced hybrid composite materials as an alternative to automobile interior plastics, Msc, Çukurova University, Turkey.
Web Page:As a minimum, the full URL should be given and the date when the reference was last accessed. Any further information should also be given if known (DOI, author names, dates, reference to a source publication, etc.).
[6] Kompozitshop, (accessed date: 13 June 2021).
Standard Method:The number of the standard, (year). The name of the standard, publisher.
[7] ASTM D3039, (2000). Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Polymer Matrix Composite Material, ASTM International.
FIGURESFigures (figures, graphs, illustrations, digital images, photographs) must be cited in consecutive numerical order in the text and referred to in both the text and captions as Figure 1, Figure 2, etc. Figures should be prepared without borders and on a white background. If a figure consists of several parts, each part should be labeled as a), b), c), etc., and an explanation for each part should be provided in the figure caption. Letters and numbers in the figures must be readable. Captions should be self-explanatory and placed below the figures.
Example:Figure 1. The caption should be self-explanatory.
Graphics should be prepared with sufficient resolution for printing (min. 300 dpi) and submitted in common formats, such as TIFF, BMP, GIF, JPG, PDF. Graphs and line drawings should be prepared as vector images, such as CDR, AI.
Multi-curve graphs should have individual curves marked with symbols or should otherwise be distinguishable by using different line thicknesses or dashing.
TABLESTables should carry separate titles and must be numbered in consecutive numerical order in the text and referred to in both the text and the captions as Table 1, Table 2, etc. In addition to the physical quantities, such as t (in italics), the units (normal text) should be added in square brackets. Tables should not duplicate data found elsewhere in the manuscript. Tables should be prepared using a table editor. Letters and numbers in the tables should be readable. The captions should be placed above the tables.
Example:Table 1. The caption should be self-explanatory.
FORMULAS AND UNITSAll formulas in the text should be written in equation format. Formulas should be given sequence numbers as (1), and (2). All units must be in the SI unit system.
Example:F=ma (1)
NOMENCLATURE (optional)It can be given before the references at the end of the text.
The following sections must be included in your manuscript proposal, adjusted according to the specifics of your study.
Acknowledgments If not applicable, this section should be removed from the manuscript.
Research ethics
Provide appropriate information about research ethics.
If the study received ethical approval, include the following statement:
- "The local Institutional Review Board deemed the study exempt from review."
If ethical approval was not required, use the following statement:
- "Not applicable."
Ensure that the information about research ethics is consistent with the content of the manuscript.
Author contributions
Include the mandatory default statement and, if applicable, provide more detailed information about each author's specific contributions.
Use the following structure to specify each author’s role:
- Conceptualization: [Author names]
- Methodology: [Author names]
- Formal Analysis: [Author names]
- Investigation: [Author names]
- Resources: [Author names]
- Data Curation: [Author names]
- Writing - Original Draft Preparation: [Author names]
- Writing - Review & Editing: [Author names]
- Visualization: [Author names]
- Supervision: [Author names]
- Project Administration: [Author names]
- Funding Acquisition: [Author names]
Mandatory default statement:
- "The author(s) have accepted responsibility for the entire content of this manuscript and approved its submission."
Competing interests
State if any author(s) have a conflict of interest, including the name of the author(s) and the reason. Use the following structure:
- "[Author name] has reported a conflict of interest: [reason]."
For other authors with no conflicts, add:
- "All other authors have no conflicts of interest to declare."
If none of the authors have a conflict of interest, please include:
- "The author(s) declare(s) no conflict of interest."
Research funding
State if your study was financially supported
- (add funding agency and grant number).
If not required, please insert
Data availability
If applicable, please insert
- - “The raw data can be obtained on request from the corresponding author.”
If the type of study does not include raw data, please insert
Externally peer-reviewed.