Research Article
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Khapra beetle (Trogoderma granarium Everts, 1898) in durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf): Impacts on some seed characteristics and marketing price

Year 2017, , 207 - 218, 28.06.2017


This study investigated the influence of khapra
beetle (Trogoderma granarium Everts, 1898, Coleoptera: Dermestidae) on
weight, grain quality and marketing price losses in various durum wheat
cultivars stored in controlled conditions in laboratory of Faculty of
Agriculture at Harran University. Experiment was conducted from 13 January to 4
September 2015. Durum wheat cultivars, Şahinbey, Diyarbakır-81, Zühre, Artuklu,
Güney Yıldızı, Fırat-93, Aydın-93, Sarıçanak-98, Eyyübi and Altıntoprak-98,
were infested by three different young larval stages. Three samples (80 g) of
grain from each cultivar were put into 250-mL glass jars covered with the
muslin cloth with the rubber bands and 5, 10 or 15 neonates khapra beetle
larvae added. A randomized complete block design with 3 replicates was employed
for grain weight losses and a split plot design with 4 replicates (purchasers)
was employed for marketing price losses. Grain weight, marketing price and
grain quality losses were recorded. The result revealed that geometric mean of
weight loss was 4.075% in about 8 months. There were response differences
between wheat cultivars against khapra beetle infestation. Except for Zeleny
sedimentation, some of quality characteristics such as 1000 kernel weight (g),
gluten (%) and gluten index (%) were affected negatively depending on
increasing ratio of insect infestations. Geometric means of marketing prices
reduced from 418 to 315 USD t-1 in 8 months. Marketing price loss
was 103 USD t-1. It was concluded that Fırat-93, Zühre and
Altıntoprak-98 were the cultivars least affected by khapra beetle with less
weight and marketing price losses.


  • AACC Approved Methods, 2000. Approved methods of the American Association of Cereal Chemists. Method 56-60 (Sedimentation), tenth edition, The AACC, St. Paul, MN.USA
  • AACC Approved Methods, 2000a. Wet gluten, dry gluten, water-binding capacity and gluten index method 38-12 A, tenth edition AACC, St. Paul, MN,USA
  • Ahmad, H., 1984. Storage of wheat in Pakistan .Progr. Farm. (4): 36-40.
  • Ahmad, M., M. R. Khan, A. Iqbal & M. Hassan, 1986. Farm level storage loss of wheat by insect pests in Samundri Tehsil. Pakistan Entomology 8: 41-44.
  • Ahmedani, M. S., M. I. Haque, S. N. Afzal, M. Naeem, T. Hussain & S. Naz, 2011. Quantitative losses and physical damage caused to wheat kernel (Triticum aestivum L.) by khapra beetle infestation. Pakistan Journal of Botany 43(1): 659-668.
  • Ahmedani, M. S., M. I. Haque, S. N. Afzal, M. Aslam & S Naz, 2009. Varietal changes in nutritional composition of wheat kernel (Triticum aestivum L.) caused by Khapra beetle infestation. Pakistan Journal of Botany 41(3):1511-1519.
  • Anonymous, 2005. Industry biosecurity plan for the grains industry. Threat- specific contingency plan 2005. Dept. of Agriculture, Bently Delivery Centre, WA,6983 Australia.
  • Beal, R. S., 1982. A new stored product species of Trogoderma from Bolivia. Coleopterist’s Bulletin 36 211-215.
  • Chaudhry, M. A., 1980. Aggregate Post-harvest Food Grain Losses in Pakistan, Vol. VI. Dept. Agric. Marketing, UAF. 66pp.
  • Cockerel, Y., B. Frances & D. Halliday 1971. “Changes in nutritive value of concentrate feeding stuffs during storage,181-192”. Proceedings of the conference on the development of feed resources and improvement of animal feeding methods in the CENTO region countries, London, Tropical products institute.
  • Dobie, P., 1991. “Host-Plant Resistance to Insects in Stored Cereals and Legumes, 373-383”.In: Ecology and Management of Food-Industry Pests. (Eds.): J. R. Gorham & V. A. Arlington). AOAC.
  • Ekmekçi, M. & A. G. Ferizli, 2000. Current status of stored products protection in Turkey. Integrated Protection of Stored Products. IOBC Bulletin, 23: 39-46.
  • Esin, T., 1971. Hububat ve Bakliyat Ambar Zararlıları MücadeleTalimatı. Ayyıldız Matbaası, Ankara, 145s.
  • FAO Stat, 2009. (accessed 08.10.2014).
  • Greenway, W. T., M. N. Neustadt & .I Zeleny, 1965. Communication to editor; a test for stinkbug damage in wheat. Cereal Chemistry 42(6):577-579.
  • Hadaway, A. B., 1956. The biology of the Dermesti Q beetles, Trogoderma granarium (Everts) and I. versicolor (Creutz). Bull. Entomology Research 40:781-796.
  • Huehn, M., 1990. “Non-parametric estimation and testing of g x e interactions by rank, 69-94”. In: Genotype and environment interactions and plant breeding. (eds. S. K. Manjit ) Dept. of Agriculture, Lousiana State Univ., USA.
  • Huque, H., M. S. Anwar & B. Anisa, 1969. Control of khapra beetle in larval stage by the use of Malathion. Agriculture Pakistan 20: 279-286.
  • Irshad, M. & U.K. Baloch, 1985. Losses in wheat during storage and their prevention. Progr Farm 5(2): 17-79.
  • Isıkber, A. A., H. Ü. Özdamar & A. Karci, 2004. Determination of insect species and their infestation rates on stored wheat in Kahramanmaraş and Adıyaman provinces. KSU Journal of Science and Engineering 8: 107-113.
  • Işıkber, A. A., M. K. Er, H .Tunaz , H. Bozkurt, Z. Aydın & S. Eroğlu, 2014. “The occurrence and abundance of insect pests infesting stored wheat grains in different climatic zones of Turkey ???”. (eds: F. H. Arthur , R. Kengkanpanich, W. Chayaprasert, & D. Suthisut ). Proceedings of the 11th International Working Conference on Stored Product Protection, 24-28 November 2014. Chiang Mai, Thailand.
  • Jha, A. N., 2003. Feeding propensity of Ephestiacautella and Trogoderma granarium (Evert) to eighteen cultivars of wheat. Indian Journal of Entomology 65:228-232.
  • Jood, S. & A. C. Kapoor, 1993. Protein and uric acid contents of cereal grains as affected by insect infestation. Food Chemistry 46:143-146.
  • Jood, S., A. C. Kapoor & R. Singh, 1993. Available carbonhydrates of cereal grains as affected by storage and insect infestation. Plant Foods and Human Nutrition 43:45-54.
  • Kalkan, M.,1963. Türkiye’de Trogederma Türleri, Trogoderma granarium (Everst)’ in Laboratuvarda Kısa Biyolojisi ve Mücadelesi Üzerine İncelemeler. Tarım Bakanlığı Zirai Mücadele Enstitüsü, Ankara, 54s.
  • Khattak, S. U., S. Kamal, K. Ullah, S. Ahmad, A.U. Khan & A. Jabbar, 2000. Appraisal of rainfed wheat lines against Khapra beetle (Trogoderma granarium Everts). Pakistan Journal of Zoology 32: 131-134.
  • Lowe, S., M. Browne, S. Boudjelas & M. DePoorter, 2000. 100 of the world’s worst invasive alien species: a selection from the global invasive species database. Invasive Species Specialist Group, World Conservation Union (IUCN). Date accessed: 27 September 2005.
  • Morison, G. D., 1925. The khapra beetle (Trogoderma granarium Everts). Pro.Royal Physical Society Edinburgh, 21: 10-13
  • Munro, J. W., 1935. Communications, the khapra beetle. Journal of the Institute of Brewing 41, Issue 5, version of record online 9 APR 2013.
  • Navarro, S., Y. Kashanchi, M. Green & H. Frandji, 1978. Causes of Loss in stored grain in Israel. Sp. Pub. Minis.Agric. Israel No. 105 XI. 11: 95-112 (Review Applied Entomology (A) 67: 1979).
  • OEPP/EPPO, 1981. Data sheets on quarantine organisms, Trogoderma granarium. Bulletin 121(11):1
  • Özberk, İ., A. Atlı, F. Özberk & H. J. Braun, 2006 .The effect of some grading factors on marketing prices in durum wheat. Pakistan Journal of Biological Science 9(6): 1132-1138.
  • Özberk, İ., A. Atlı, W. Pfeiffer, F. Özberk & Y. Coşkun, 2005. The effect of sunn pest (Eurigaster integriceps) damage on durum wheat: Impact in the market place. Crop Protection 24( 3): 267-274.
  • Özberk, İ., H. Kılıç, F. Özberk, A. Atlı, B. Karli & Y. Coskun, 2011. Variety selection based on net return per hectare in durum wheat (T. durum L.).African Journal of Agricultural Research 6(4): 1016-1024.
  • Özberk, İ., F. Özberk & H. J. Braun, 2005a. AMMI stability of some of internationally derived durum wheat varieties in the South-east of Anatolia. Pakistan Journal of Biological Science , 8(1): 118-122.
  • Prevett, P. E., 1975. Stored product pests causing losses of stored food. FAO Plant Protection Bulletin 23: 115-117.
  • Pruthi, H. S. & M. Sing, 1950. Pest of Stored Grain and Their Control. Indian Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol 18 No. part:4 Special number ( third revised edition) 88p.
  • Rahman, K. A., G. S. Sohi & A. N. Sapra ,1945. Studies on stored grain pests in the Punjab VI. Biology of Trogoderma granarium Everts. Indian Journal of Agricultural Science 15 (II):85-92
  • Syed, T. S., F.Y. Hirad & G. H. Abro, 2006. Resistance of different wheat varieties to Khapra beetle, Trogoderma granarium Everts and lesser grain borer, Rhizopertha dominica (Fabricius). Pakistan Journal of Biological Science 9: 1567-1571.
  • TMO, 2016. Makarnalık buğday stokları. makarnawebstock.pdf
  • Uluöz, M., 1965. Wheat Flour and Bread Analysis. EUZF Pub. No:57, Izmir, Turkey
  • Yücel, A 1988. Investigation on determining flour beetles and their damages in meal factories and mills in Southeastern Anatolia. Plant Protection Bulletin 28 51-77.

Makarnalık buğdayda (Triticum durum Desf) kapra böceği (Trogoderma granarium Everts, 1898): Bazı tane özellikleri ve pazarlama fiyatlarına etkileri

Year 2017, , 207 - 218, 28.06.2017


Bu çalışmada laboratuvar
koşullarında depolanmış bazı makarnalık buğday çeşitlerinde khapra böceği
Everts, 1898, Coleoptera: Dermestidae)’nin
ağırlık, kalite ve pazarlama fiyatları kayıpları incelenmiştir. Çalışma Harran
Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Tarla Bölümü Laboratuvarı’nda 13 Ocak- 4 Eylül
2015 tarihleri arasında yürütülmüştür. Şahinbey, Diyarbakır-81, Zühre, Artuklu,
Güney Yıldızı, Fırat-93, Aydın-93, Sarıçanak-98, Eyyübi ve Altıntoprak-98 makarnalık
buğday çeşitlerine genç larvalar üç farklı sayıda bulaştırılmıştır. Her bir
çeşide ait 3 adet (80 gr) örnek içlerine 5,10 ve 15 adet genç khapra böceği
larvası yerleştirilerek 250-mL’lik cam kavanozlara konulmuş ve ağzı lastik
bantlı tülbent bezi ile örtülmüştür. Deneme ağırlık ve kalite kayıpları için
tesadüf blokları deneme desenine göre üç tekerrürlü (larva seviyeleri) olarak
yürütülmüştür. Pazarlama fiyatları için ise bölünmüş parseller (çeşitler ana
parsel, larva bulaşma oranları alt parsel) deneme desenine göre 4 tekerrürlü
(borsadaki alıcılar) olarak yürütülmüştür. Dane ağırlığı, pazarlama fiyatı ve
dane kalite kayıpları kaydedilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre 8 ayda tane
ağırlık kayıplarının geometrik ortalaması %4.075 olmuştur. Çeşitler arasında khapra
zararına karşı farklı tepki olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Zeleny sedimentasyon değeri
dışında, 1000 dane ağırlığı (g), gluten (%) ve gluten indeks (%) değerleri
larva bulaşma oranı arttıkça olumsuz yönde etkilenmiştir. 8 ayda khapra’ya
bağlı pazarlama fiyatları 418 USD t-1’dan 315 USD t-1’a
düşmüştür. Pazarlama fiyatı kaybı 103 USD t-1 olmuştur. Fırat-93, Zühre
ve Altıntoprak-98 çeşitleri pazarlama fiyatı azalışı ve ağırlık kaybı yönünden
khapra zararından en az etkilenen çeşitler olmuşlardır.


  • AACC Approved Methods, 2000. Approved methods of the American Association of Cereal Chemists. Method 56-60 (Sedimentation), tenth edition, The AACC, St. Paul, MN.USA
  • AACC Approved Methods, 2000a. Wet gluten, dry gluten, water-binding capacity and gluten index method 38-12 A, tenth edition AACC, St. Paul, MN,USA
  • Ahmad, H., 1984. Storage of wheat in Pakistan .Progr. Farm. (4): 36-40.
  • Ahmad, M., M. R. Khan, A. Iqbal & M. Hassan, 1986. Farm level storage loss of wheat by insect pests in Samundri Tehsil. Pakistan Entomology 8: 41-44.
  • Ahmedani, M. S., M. I. Haque, S. N. Afzal, M. Naeem, T. Hussain & S. Naz, 2011. Quantitative losses and physical damage caused to wheat kernel (Triticum aestivum L.) by khapra beetle infestation. Pakistan Journal of Botany 43(1): 659-668.
  • Ahmedani, M. S., M. I. Haque, S. N. Afzal, M. Aslam & S Naz, 2009. Varietal changes in nutritional composition of wheat kernel (Triticum aestivum L.) caused by Khapra beetle infestation. Pakistan Journal of Botany 41(3):1511-1519.
  • Anonymous, 2005. Industry biosecurity plan for the grains industry. Threat- specific contingency plan 2005. Dept. of Agriculture, Bently Delivery Centre, WA,6983 Australia.
  • Beal, R. S., 1982. A new stored product species of Trogoderma from Bolivia. Coleopterist’s Bulletin 36 211-215.
  • Chaudhry, M. A., 1980. Aggregate Post-harvest Food Grain Losses in Pakistan, Vol. VI. Dept. Agric. Marketing, UAF. 66pp.
  • Cockerel, Y., B. Frances & D. Halliday 1971. “Changes in nutritive value of concentrate feeding stuffs during storage,181-192”. Proceedings of the conference on the development of feed resources and improvement of animal feeding methods in the CENTO region countries, London, Tropical products institute.
  • Dobie, P., 1991. “Host-Plant Resistance to Insects in Stored Cereals and Legumes, 373-383”.In: Ecology and Management of Food-Industry Pests. (Eds.): J. R. Gorham & V. A. Arlington). AOAC.
  • Ekmekçi, M. & A. G. Ferizli, 2000. Current status of stored products protection in Turkey. Integrated Protection of Stored Products. IOBC Bulletin, 23: 39-46.
  • Esin, T., 1971. Hububat ve Bakliyat Ambar Zararlıları MücadeleTalimatı. Ayyıldız Matbaası, Ankara, 145s.
  • FAO Stat, 2009. (accessed 08.10.2014).
  • Greenway, W. T., M. N. Neustadt & .I Zeleny, 1965. Communication to editor; a test for stinkbug damage in wheat. Cereal Chemistry 42(6):577-579.
  • Hadaway, A. B., 1956. The biology of the Dermesti Q beetles, Trogoderma granarium (Everts) and I. versicolor (Creutz). Bull. Entomology Research 40:781-796.
  • Huehn, M., 1990. “Non-parametric estimation and testing of g x e interactions by rank, 69-94”. In: Genotype and environment interactions and plant breeding. (eds. S. K. Manjit ) Dept. of Agriculture, Lousiana State Univ., USA.
  • Huque, H., M. S. Anwar & B. Anisa, 1969. Control of khapra beetle in larval stage by the use of Malathion. Agriculture Pakistan 20: 279-286.
  • Irshad, M. & U.K. Baloch, 1985. Losses in wheat during storage and their prevention. Progr Farm 5(2): 17-79.
  • Isıkber, A. A., H. Ü. Özdamar & A. Karci, 2004. Determination of insect species and their infestation rates on stored wheat in Kahramanmaraş and Adıyaman provinces. KSU Journal of Science and Engineering 8: 107-113.
  • Işıkber, A. A., M. K. Er, H .Tunaz , H. Bozkurt, Z. Aydın & S. Eroğlu, 2014. “The occurrence and abundance of insect pests infesting stored wheat grains in different climatic zones of Turkey ???”. (eds: F. H. Arthur , R. Kengkanpanich, W. Chayaprasert, & D. Suthisut ). Proceedings of the 11th International Working Conference on Stored Product Protection, 24-28 November 2014. Chiang Mai, Thailand.
  • Jha, A. N., 2003. Feeding propensity of Ephestiacautella and Trogoderma granarium (Evert) to eighteen cultivars of wheat. Indian Journal of Entomology 65:228-232.
  • Jood, S. & A. C. Kapoor, 1993. Protein and uric acid contents of cereal grains as affected by insect infestation. Food Chemistry 46:143-146.
  • Jood, S., A. C. Kapoor & R. Singh, 1993. Available carbonhydrates of cereal grains as affected by storage and insect infestation. Plant Foods and Human Nutrition 43:45-54.
  • Kalkan, M.,1963. Türkiye’de Trogederma Türleri, Trogoderma granarium (Everst)’ in Laboratuvarda Kısa Biyolojisi ve Mücadelesi Üzerine İncelemeler. Tarım Bakanlığı Zirai Mücadele Enstitüsü, Ankara, 54s.
  • Khattak, S. U., S. Kamal, K. Ullah, S. Ahmad, A.U. Khan & A. Jabbar, 2000. Appraisal of rainfed wheat lines against Khapra beetle (Trogoderma granarium Everts). Pakistan Journal of Zoology 32: 131-134.
  • Lowe, S., M. Browne, S. Boudjelas & M. DePoorter, 2000. 100 of the world’s worst invasive alien species: a selection from the global invasive species database. Invasive Species Specialist Group, World Conservation Union (IUCN). Date accessed: 27 September 2005.
  • Morison, G. D., 1925. The khapra beetle (Trogoderma granarium Everts). Pro.Royal Physical Society Edinburgh, 21: 10-13
  • Munro, J. W., 1935. Communications, the khapra beetle. Journal of the Institute of Brewing 41, Issue 5, version of record online 9 APR 2013.
  • Navarro, S., Y. Kashanchi, M. Green & H. Frandji, 1978. Causes of Loss in stored grain in Israel. Sp. Pub. Minis.Agric. Israel No. 105 XI. 11: 95-112 (Review Applied Entomology (A) 67: 1979).
  • OEPP/EPPO, 1981. Data sheets on quarantine organisms, Trogoderma granarium. Bulletin 121(11):1
  • Özberk, İ., A. Atlı, F. Özberk & H. J. Braun, 2006 .The effect of some grading factors on marketing prices in durum wheat. Pakistan Journal of Biological Science 9(6): 1132-1138.
  • Özberk, İ., A. Atlı, W. Pfeiffer, F. Özberk & Y. Coşkun, 2005. The effect of sunn pest (Eurigaster integriceps) damage on durum wheat: Impact in the market place. Crop Protection 24( 3): 267-274.
  • Özberk, İ., H. Kılıç, F. Özberk, A. Atlı, B. Karli & Y. Coskun, 2011. Variety selection based on net return per hectare in durum wheat (T. durum L.).African Journal of Agricultural Research 6(4): 1016-1024.
  • Özberk, İ., F. Özberk & H. J. Braun, 2005a. AMMI stability of some of internationally derived durum wheat varieties in the South-east of Anatolia. Pakistan Journal of Biological Science , 8(1): 118-122.
  • Prevett, P. E., 1975. Stored product pests causing losses of stored food. FAO Plant Protection Bulletin 23: 115-117.
  • Pruthi, H. S. & M. Sing, 1950. Pest of Stored Grain and Their Control. Indian Journal of Agricultural Science, Vol 18 No. part:4 Special number ( third revised edition) 88p.
  • Rahman, K. A., G. S. Sohi & A. N. Sapra ,1945. Studies on stored grain pests in the Punjab VI. Biology of Trogoderma granarium Everts. Indian Journal of Agricultural Science 15 (II):85-92
  • Syed, T. S., F.Y. Hirad & G. H. Abro, 2006. Resistance of different wheat varieties to Khapra beetle, Trogoderma granarium Everts and lesser grain borer, Rhizopertha dominica (Fabricius). Pakistan Journal of Biological Science 9: 1567-1571.
  • TMO, 2016. Makarnalık buğday stokları. makarnawebstock.pdf
  • Uluöz, M., 1965. Wheat Flour and Bread Analysis. EUZF Pub. No:57, Izmir, Turkey
  • Yücel, A 1988. Investigation on determining flour beetles and their damages in meal factories and mills in Southeastern Anatolia. Plant Protection Bulletin 28 51-77.
There are 42 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Fethiye Özberk

İrfan Özberk

Abuzer Yücel

Ayhan Atlı

Duygu İzol This is me

Publication Date June 28, 2017
Submission Date February 4, 2017
Acceptance Date May 24, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Özberk, F., Özberk, İ., Yücel, A., Atlı, A., et al. (2017). Khapra beetle (Trogoderma granarium Everts, 1898) in durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf): Impacts on some seed characteristics and marketing price. Turkish Journal of Entomology, 41(2), 207-218.
AMA Özberk F, Özberk İ, Yücel A, Atlı A, İzol D. Khapra beetle (Trogoderma granarium Everts, 1898) in durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf): Impacts on some seed characteristics and marketing price. TED. June 2017;41(2):207-218. doi:10.16970/entoted.289663
Chicago Özberk, Fethiye, İrfan Özberk, Abuzer Yücel, Ayhan Atlı, and Duygu İzol. “Khapra Beetle (Trogoderma Granarium Everts, 1898) in Durum Wheat (Triticum Durum Desf): Impacts on Some Seed Characteristics and Marketing Price”. Turkish Journal of Entomology 41, no. 2 (June 2017): 207-18.
EndNote Özberk F, Özberk İ, Yücel A, Atlı A, İzol D (June 1, 2017) Khapra beetle (Trogoderma granarium Everts, 1898) in durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf): Impacts on some seed characteristics and marketing price. Turkish Journal of Entomology 41 2 207–218.
IEEE F. Özberk, İ. Özberk, A. Yücel, A. Atlı, and D. İzol, “Khapra beetle (Trogoderma granarium Everts, 1898) in durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf): Impacts on some seed characteristics and marketing price”, TED, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 207–218, 2017, doi: 10.16970/entoted.289663.
ISNAD Özberk, Fethiye et al. “Khapra Beetle (Trogoderma Granarium Everts, 1898) in Durum Wheat (Triticum Durum Desf): Impacts on Some Seed Characteristics and Marketing Price”. Turkish Journal of Entomology 41/2 (June 2017), 207-218.
JAMA Özberk F, Özberk İ, Yücel A, Atlı A, İzol D. Khapra beetle (Trogoderma granarium Everts, 1898) in durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf): Impacts on some seed characteristics and marketing price. TED. 2017;41:207–218.
MLA Özberk, Fethiye et al. “Khapra Beetle (Trogoderma Granarium Everts, 1898) in Durum Wheat (Triticum Durum Desf): Impacts on Some Seed Characteristics and Marketing Price”. Turkish Journal of Entomology, vol. 41, no. 2, 2017, pp. 207-18, doi:10.16970/entoted.289663.
Vancouver Özberk F, Özberk İ, Yücel A, Atlı A, İzol D. Khapra beetle (Trogoderma granarium Everts, 1898) in durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf): Impacts on some seed characteristics and marketing price. TED. 2017;41(2):207-18.