Year 2015,
Volume: 2 , 238 - 241, 01.09.2015
Karim Hajhashemı
Neil Anderson
Cliff Jackson
Nerina Caltabıano
education lecturers integrate different media into their courses. Internet-based
educational video clips have gained prominence, as this media is perceived to
promote deeper thought processes, communication and interaction among users,
and make
classroom content more diverse.
This paper provides a literature overview of the increasing importance of
online videos across all modes of instruction. It discusses a quantitative and
qualitative research design that was used to assess on-line video pedagogy and
perceptions of lecturers and students of video use.
- Angiello, R. (2010). Study looks at online learning vs. traditional instruction. The Education Digest, 76(2), 56-59.
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. (2010). Next generation learning: The intelligent use of technology to develop innovative learning models and personalized educational pathways.
Carini, R. M., Hayek, J. C., Kuh, G. D., Kennedy, J. M., & Ouimet, J. A. (2003). College student responses to web and paper surveys: Does mode matter? Research in Higher Education, 44(1), 1-19.
Delaney, J., Johnson, A., Johnson, T., & Treslan, D. (2010). Students' perceptions of effective teaching in higher education. St. John's, NL: Distance Education and Learning Technologies.
Evans, C. (2008). The effectiveness of m-learning in the form of podcast revision lectures in higher education. Computers & Education, 50(2), 491-498. doi:
Henry, L. A., Coiro, J., & Castek, J. (2005). The flickering mind: The false promise of technology in the classroom and how learning can be saved. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 48(5), 442-445.
JCU Blended Learning Policy. (2014). Blended learning at JCU; A guide for staff. James Cook University, Australia.
Karal, H., Çebi, A., & Turgut, Y. E. (2011). Perceptions of students who take synchronous courses through video conferencing about distance education. TOJET: The Turkish online Journal of Educational Technology, 10(4), 276-293.
Lance, J., & Kitchin, P. (2007). Promoting the individual learning styles of masters students studying marketing-related modules through the use of Youtube video-clips. Investigations in university teaching and learning, 4(2), 111-125.
McCoog, I. J. (2007). Integrated instruction: Multiple intelligences and technology. The Clearing House, 81(1), 25-28.
Means, B., Toyama, Y., Murphy, R., Bakia, M., & Jones, K. (2009). Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning: A Meta-Analysis and Review of Online Learning Studies.
Pallant, J. (2011). SPSS survival mannual: a step by step guide to data analysis using SPSS (4th ed.). NSW, Australia: Allen & Unwin.
Rose, K. K. (2009). Student perceptions of the use of instructor-made videos in online and face-to-face classes. MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 5(3), 487-495.
Sherer, P., & Shea, T. (2011). Using online video to support student learning and engagement. College Teaching, 59(2), 56-59.
Willingham, P. (2010). Improving classroom learning. eduviews: A K-12 Leadership Series.
Year 2015,
Volume: 2 , 238 - 241, 01.09.2015
Karim Hajhashemı
Neil Anderson
Cliff Jackson
Nerina Caltabıano
- Angiello, R. (2010). Study looks at online learning vs. traditional instruction. The Education Digest, 76(2), 56-59.
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. (2010). Next generation learning: The intelligent use of technology to develop innovative learning models and personalized educational pathways.
Carini, R. M., Hayek, J. C., Kuh, G. D., Kennedy, J. M., & Ouimet, J. A. (2003). College student responses to web and paper surveys: Does mode matter? Research in Higher Education, 44(1), 1-19.
Delaney, J., Johnson, A., Johnson, T., & Treslan, D. (2010). Students' perceptions of effective teaching in higher education. St. John's, NL: Distance Education and Learning Technologies.
Evans, C. (2008). The effectiveness of m-learning in the form of podcast revision lectures in higher education. Computers & Education, 50(2), 491-498. doi:
Henry, L. A., Coiro, J., & Castek, J. (2005). The flickering mind: The false promise of technology in the classroom and how learning can be saved. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 48(5), 442-445.
JCU Blended Learning Policy. (2014). Blended learning at JCU; A guide for staff. James Cook University, Australia.
Karal, H., Çebi, A., & Turgut, Y. E. (2011). Perceptions of students who take synchronous courses through video conferencing about distance education. TOJET: The Turkish online Journal of Educational Technology, 10(4), 276-293.
Lance, J., & Kitchin, P. (2007). Promoting the individual learning styles of masters students studying marketing-related modules through the use of Youtube video-clips. Investigations in university teaching and learning, 4(2), 111-125.
McCoog, I. J. (2007). Integrated instruction: Multiple intelligences and technology. The Clearing House, 81(1), 25-28.
Means, B., Toyama, Y., Murphy, R., Bakia, M., & Jones, K. (2009). Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning: A Meta-Analysis and Review of Online Learning Studies.
Pallant, J. (2011). SPSS survival mannual: a step by step guide to data analysis using SPSS (4th ed.). NSW, Australia: Allen & Unwin.
Rose, K. K. (2009). Student perceptions of the use of instructor-made videos in online and face-to-face classes. MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 5(3), 487-495.
Sherer, P., & Shea, T. (2011). Using online video to support student learning and engagement. College Teaching, 59(2), 56-59.
Willingham, P. (2010). Improving classroom learning. eduviews: A K-12 Leadership Series.